~ Ron Paul. var sc_project = 4384403; I am grateful to God for you. Thank You, Lord, for the chance to serve You and . We all need to put our money and time to where our mouth is! His is on His Throne laughing at all who oppose him! Thank you, Senator Paul, for your courageous heart and bold expression against the tyrannical mandates and fear tactics of the left. The love of God is in all that believe, Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Please continue to use him as a strong proponent for not giving in to the ungodly agenda of the radical socialistic leaders of our day. Because our forefathers knew if they did not sacrifice what they had in their time, many generations to follow would be the ones to suffer. I pray for our leaders to enact laws for our protection. Are we asking God show me where you are leading me and saying yes Lord, here I am. He sponsored more than 600 legislative bills. If we bow to these crooks, who will liberate us? Dr. Paul combines solid character and backbone with seasoned wisdom and experience. Lord Jesus, please, put a hedge of protection around Rand and his family. Bring truth and justice, God! Protect us as we stand for those that arent strong enough to stand alone. So may we as the church act on this wonderful word! After so many years in Washington, I thought I was immune to being shocked by what our government does, Dr. Paul says. Exclusive: Dr. Ron Paul issues alarming presentation on how U.S. Dollar will crashand how to protect yourself. And even if they do double down, we were called for such a time as this!! Copyright 2023. Ive practiced medicine for 33 years, I have been telling everyone for a year now that Dr. Anthony Fauci and other public health officials were NOT following science, I think the tide has turned, and more and more people are willing to stand up. That one passage has been used against people by big government fans and it needs to be seen in context. !WE PRAY!!!!! Probably as much as past Republican presidents. Thank you IFA. This speech is a must-read piece by anyone who seeks to understand the real reasons why America remains in a downward spiral of social and economic failure under the endless growth of Big Government and runaway debt. FATHER GOD help us stand for the liberty given to us by YOU! The U.S. Constitution is considered such a well thought-through document as it was drafted in a time of peace rather than as a reaction to a panic. The democrats kicked God off their platform . Consider our dear brethren in countries of great persecution. America 2020: The Survival Blueprint Free copy. Choose who you will stand for: God or the devil. So my question is WHY THIS PUSH TO VACCINATE THE ENTIRE COUNTRY WHEN THE VACCINES DONT ALWAYS PROTECT YOU? Send your Warring Angels & your Heavenly Hosts to intervene & protect this mans job..destroy every plot, plan & ploy of the enemy!!!!! I refuse to go to my church when the pastor goes along with the mask mandate and have told him so. Ron Paul is a United States congressman, author, presidential candidate, and physician. Right now colleges are mandating vaccines to return to school for students, I feel its time to take this to a higher level in the court system, enough is enough. As a matter of fact, He gave them all up to come save us. Question: How do I obey this command from Jesus found in Mark 12:17 And Jesus answered and said to them, [f]Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are Gods. And they marveled at Him. The whole Covid fiasco has ALL to do with political control, and nothing to do with health. These documents were originally leaked by a member of our military, and they were spread in part by Russias supporters within our ranks. AMEN!! He served on the House Banking Committee and the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Prayer and declaration, reformation and change in the Church must come. Dr. Ron Paul's Urgent Message for Every American 05-20-2020 https://investingoutlook.co, By Adam Wiederman He's stepping forward with a new message every American - especially those who are retired or nearing retirement - needs to see. Amen, agreeing with you in prayer and standing firm with him. He served on the House Banking Committee and the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Bank bailout a cover-up for a far worse plot? Let freedom ring! He is mocked . Let the liberty bell ring with true freedom once again. Judgement begins with the household of God. Satan is acutely coming for the children, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, that is why we are having so much attack in our school houses, I cant even imagine how evil the curriculum has gotten. God does not bless any mess. You are our only hope ! Praying for you Mr. Paul; that The Lord will continue protecting you and your family, so you can fulfill your God-given destiny and purpose..You have been placed at this position to bring Justice and Truth to your people, stay strong and firmed! Such a powerful Word! We are blessed with a group of knowledgeable Americans making comments here. God comes first in everything. Both want you in bondage to them and their friends. This is a wonderful and powerful prophetic declaration!! When good people do nothing evil takes over. The U.S. Constitution was created to unite the states in our country in certain crucial areas, like national defense, while allowing states their autonomy and uniqueness. Please continue to stand for the personal freedoms that have been a part of this nation since our founding. Dawn Beth! Documents and policies that are reviewed and seen in the light of day by calm, rational people tend to be better for the long-term wellness of the people than policies passed quickly in an emotional, reactive and hurried manner. 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Thank God for godly men such as Rand Paul. He can turn the hearts of men. However, what Was neat about this Word that gave me back some feeling of significance to my (dull, boring, quiet, etc. Thank you for being courageous and standing up to evil. Ron Paul Hospitalized After Medical Episode on Livestream Mr. Paul, 85, a former congressman and presidential candidate and the father of Senator Rand Paul, slurred his words while speaking on his . They should not be slipping through our doors so easily, using our immigration laws against us, and that is why I proposed the Terror Immigration Elimination Act (HR 3217) to toughen standards for VISAS from countries on the State Department's list of terrorist sponsoring countries in addition to Saudi Arabia . From The Wall Street Journal. He is a constant in a changing world, an emissary from an older America. Next they will want to know what you do at home to control that! How much did we vote to increase the debt ceiling? It is very difficult,. Terror is a tactic. Ron Paul: Why The Young Flock To An Old Idealist The 75-year-old Texas congressman is a lonely voice in Congress: He rails against government spending, argues against wars and calls for the . I believe we have been lied to from the beginning. May The Lord place a thorny hedge of protection around you and to those that are fighting with you for Truth! President Biden we will not accept your agencies mandates or your reported moves toward a lockdown. Thank you, Senator Paul, for being a lone voice of truth. America's debt did not come out of nowhere. And why? Dr. Ron Paul, the former U.S. Presidential candidate and 22-year Congressional veteran, is back in the spotlight. Suit up church! He will not control us and we will see Your kingdom operate right here on earth, just as it operates in heaven. Thats why Dr. Paul recently helped put together a short video presentation that explains the #1 first step every American should take to prepare for whats coming next. Im not saying not to take the vaccine, what I am saying is it is not your jobs or the governments business what you do! Thank you Senator for submitting to the Constitution! God Bless You, Rand Paul. Hallelujah! Amen! Go to his website today to learn how to watch his full interview and receive his recommended book, and find out what you need to know about retirement. Real-Time Video Ad Creative Assessment Ron Paul has an urgent message for people concerned about retirement. Wow this is it in a nutshell. It is easy to shoot someone's ideas down. Click below to log in. Which is why it's alarming he believes something troubling is lurking right around the corner. However these rights are not something that we grab and are promised by God. Come on now. Amen! Father we decree that this country belongs to You, and You set all authority under the feet of Your Son King Jesus!! Of course, not all students from terror sponsoring countries are terrorists, but I place a higher premium on the security of the American people than the convenience of citizens of hostile countries. I am praying for America and our leaders. We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Published July 01, 2015 Advertiser Stansberry & Associates Investment Research It might take a little personal effort. It is an outrage and it will result in our borders being more vulnerable to illegal entry, including by terrorists. Paul's sky-is-falling message goes against everything a successful American politician is supposed to do. Amen! We need to stand with those who place themselves on the line. 7. I know the only hope for a better future is in Jesus, and pray for revival for our country every day. , Father God I thank You for Karens daughter, and her ability to trust Your divine voice in her spirit. StarCap Inc | 2885 Sanford Ave SW #39543 | Grandville | MI | 49418 | United States of America. Amen and Amen , I absolutely agree. We have enjoyed these because of His blessing because we were God-fearing and God worshipping people. The President has to do the leading in a case like that. Lord, We trust you and ask for your help for us to love, through the power of your Holy Spirit, we draw on the fruit of your Spirit of Love in every situation; bring us together in unity as your people to love and to be on the Offensive to stand on your Name and Word to be all you have created us to be to bring Glory to your Name, here in our nation of the United States of America; so that our Nation can be the light and hope for other nations that with you, God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)! Share this page with your friends Ancient people in how to win battles and wars instruct us in how to overcome this plaque and all its variants and to find the thief and require 7x restoration from him for our health, our economy, our government, our freedoms, thank you in Jesus name, we receive it. Wall Street Watchdogs - By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another). We are called to be the light, and although we all need to be better evangelists, we need to be united as one now and serve Jesus first and foremost. PROVOCATIVE MESSAGE FROM SEN. RAND PAUL: RESIST; CHOOSE FREEDOM. We must always be on our knees before our God. Have Americans read Dr. Ron Paul's written plan for the country? May God have all the glory. How did the Nazis operate? ~ Ron Paul. We decree that this nation, this government belongs to You and we REFUSE to bow the knee to Satans agenda!! Jesus you are sitting at the right hand of The Father ever INTERCEDING on our behalf! Even now we speak of rights instead of humbling ourselves in confession asking for forgiveness and mercy and acknowledging Your greatness ! So we have repented and we now take back what the enemy has stolen. Im praying that satans CRT and WOKE agendas that have slithered into our churches and schools will be bound and our children and grand-children will be protected from the horrific plans they have to destroy what remains of our families. Follow the hippocratic oath and make a Good Samaritan trip to the Lone Star State or watch from the cheap seats. I appreciate you and what you are doing for the American people. He's stepping forward with a new message every American especially those who are retired or nearing retirement needs to see. I agree, just like mandatory vaccines for college kids, its time to say lord Im willing show me where I am to go. And if you're not careful, YOU could pay the price. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. This is The Updated Edition Foreword by Dr. Ron Paul that Features 238 Pages. It would be a breath of fresh air to have the Fed audited and wasteful government spending eliminated, and to actually be able to keep more of the money we make. Great word Dr. Paul. Help IFA provide prayer resources to more intercessors. There are more of us than them. I pray that hes right about more people willing to stand up! Future Fuel will unleash $11 trillion wave of wealth, Porter Stansberry: If The Public Knew This, We Would Have A Revolution Tomorrow, if youre not careful, YOU could pay the price, something troubling is lurking right around the corner, take a look at this fascinating piece Dr. Paul has prepared, This peeing car is at the center of an $11.7 trillion energy revolution, Get Your Money Out of U.S. Banks Immediatley, Wall Street Watchdogs Editorial Integrity. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. In Jesus Mighty name we pray, Amen! I said Lord even now you want me to be joyful? 10. Lets do this people lets do it together Amen. Power still corrupts and absolute power still corrupts absolutely. Thank you Lord for Senator Rand Paul and others in seats of leadership who stand for truth and will not back down and are continually on the offensive side of every battle moving forward; give them strength and help, uphold them with your righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10); You O God are a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Our God that is who you are and we Thank you and give you Praise! Amen! He set us free!!! You have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a SOUND MIND. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Father I pray for the spirit of your servant David to rise within Your church today and run toward our Goliath and demand who is this uncircumcised Philistine who dares to defy the army of the LIVING GOD?. Then the Lord reminded me I can pray, I can GO for as I scrub I lift up the people in Israel, Sudan, Bangladesh and others ad the Lord leads. 10. (John 13:34-35 A New command I give you: Love one another. I sense an anointing on Rands Op-Ed. "Hi, Ron Paul here," the former GOP congressman and two-time Republican presidential candidate says in the radio ad published by BuzzFeed. Because we are such self made geniusesNO. (Excerpted from Citizen Free Press. We are living in bizarro world because doctrines of demons are ruling in the minds of the lost. 9. 3. Prayers for strength and protection. A self-styled constitutional purist, he has for forty years been a voice in the wilderness . God bless and protect Senator Rand Paul!! And spent many hours in top secret, closed-door meetings. Satan finds the Word of God so offensive he Yes, judgement comes to the house, the house repents and STANDS. Scripturally, I do not see Jesus telling us fight for rights. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Would he truly respect the states' rights on this, considering his strong personal stand? Thank you for his speaking out and his encouragement to us all. Create an IFA account or login to comment, pray and interact with our community. Yes, we as believers must pray to Almighty God for relief from this Pandemic and to all the bad laws being introduced such as CRT, Gender Ideology, the American Medical Association plan not to indicate the sex of babies on birth certificates whether male or female. Your email address will not be published. We raised the $14.3-trillion debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion, to $16.7 trillion on Aug. 2, 2011. Don't Report On Pentagon's Secret Leak! There is a video clip making the rounds showing President Biden speaking at a recent NATO summit about the seven billion dollars the US government had - at that time - provided to Ukraine. Of course not! Best Ron Paul Quotes Let the revolution begin. Ron Paul: 'Ukraine is not our business' Channel 4 News 48K views 8 years ago Rep. Paul on the Cause of Price Inflation GOPFinancialServices 706 views 12 years ago 'You Need to Do the. They share Jesus Christ with the possibility of death and torture. They are fighting Almighty God who loves them and gave his Son for them (John 3:16) they think they are winning but they have already lost for God who loves them will not allow them to continue to sin, every Father who loves his child disciplines their child in love. Philippians 1:27-28, stand firm in the one spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. Lets pass it to our family and friends that will agree with Senator Rand Paul! The Word says: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Great article! Heavenly Father show us and use us for your Glory! I PRAY WE ALL STAND IN AGREEMENT NOW!!!!! Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. It is time to stand up & say no to these dictators or we will lose all of our freedoms.. I lean toward a flat tax. Father, in the name of Jesus , strengthen us , Your people to stand up against the oppressive government in our nation . It would also be . GOD IS WITH US! I am a part of GODS Army THAT WILL MOT GIVE IN TO THE ENEMY! The last time the U.S. formally declared war was World War II in 1941. var sc_invisible = 0; It isnt enough to just say no. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!! And if youre not careful, YOU could pay the price., Few people in America today have Dr. Pauls knowledge of the inner workings of the government. Lois, I have to disagree with you, respectfully. Wall Street Watchdogs - Also, we need to take serious steps to prevent terrorists from gaining easy access to targets on our soil. Dr. Paul said he would get the troops home as soon as the ships would get here. Let us put this into practice 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.. May God continue to protect you and bless you, Dr. Paul. Weekly Radar: Our Top Picks for The Coming Week, Three Promising Biotech Stocks to Watch for High-Growth in 2023. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. And spent many hours in top secret, closed-door meetings. Sadly people lime McConnell are in bed with Pelosi. He is certainly a bastion of our freedoms, a voice calling out in the wilderness. Weekly Radar: Our Top Picks for The Coming Week, Three Promising Biotech Stocks to Watch for High-Growth in 2023. Give us strength to stand when our rights are challenged. We must not be complacent. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Please take three minutes to watch this amazing video of Bernie Sanders asking Ben Bernanke, where $2.2 trillion of taxpayer money is. One day we will know for sure but right now I agree with the Senator. Yes!!!! We are no longer a Christian nation. O United States, how far has our pride gone? I pray the Lord will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. We have become their pawns in their open display of a power grab the likes of which I have not seen in my lifetime. In 2006 my older brother took his own life, our family was heart broken and the next morning in my kitchen I asked the Lord may I come home now Ive had enough and the Lord spoke to my heart there is work to be done and I said yes Lord, if he had known your love for him he would not of done what he did, OK Lord Im in; the Lord then wrote 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 on my heart Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus. 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