If you love the Calathea White Fusion, then you may also love to have the following varieties in your home: Calathea musaica. The leaves are soft to the touch and give off a unique velvet-like texture that adds a special flair to any indoor garden. Zebra Plant (Calathea zebrina) Zebra plant, a.k.a. With its rare presence, Calathea Ornata Pinstripe is a rare Calathea type that can brighten up any indoor garden. 11 Flowers That Look Like Tulips: Unique Blooms To Love, 8 Shasta Daisy Companion Plants: A Comprehensive Guide, Do Tomato Plants Like Coffee Grounds? Join our dynamic garden community. It is also called the zebra plant because of its deep green leaf color variegated with lighter green stripes making it best for decoration. . This Calathea plant is susceptible to cold and drafty conditions. Maintaining humidity levels is also essential so be sure to mist your plant regularly or place it on a pebble tray. Its boldly striped and vibrant colored leaves will add drama and eye-catching appeal to your space. Large, oval leaves feature an incredible pattern of deep purple and pink stripes, creating an almost neon look that adds drama and color to any indoor garden. The leaves have a distinct lighter green banding that comes in a fishtail pattern and the leaf undersides have an intense purple color. As with most of the varieties, its underside is purple. The Calathea sp. Warm indoor temperatures are most recommended. To keep this site running, we are compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Calathea Warscewiczii is a beautiful addition to any home or office. With just a bit of extra care, this beautiful plant will surely reward you with its captivating beauty and air-purifying properties. Those who take good care of this rare beauty will be rewarded with eye-catching foliage all year round! Some Calathea plants are rare because they have exotic patterns, vibrant colors, and unique shapes that attract ornamental plant lovers. Calathea ornata: This species is referred to as the pinstripe plant due to its deep green leaves with pink stripes. The leaves are dark green with light green patterns and can grow up to 12 inches long and 6 inches wide. Calathea White Star. To keep the plant healthy, it should be placed in bright, indirect lighting, watered regularly and the humidity levels kept high. Number 9: The White Fusion Calathea. The leaves also have dark or rich purple undersides. 15 Gorgeous Calathea Varieties You Love To Own Calathea orbifolia. To keep the humidity levels high, misting is recommended or placing your plant on a pebble tray will do the trick! Not only do its short stems create an aesthetically pleasing statement, but the plant also purifies the air. It is sensitive to over-fertilizing which leads to foliage burns as well as plant death. This Calathea variety is taller than several Calatheas and when mature, it reaches an average of 18 inches in height. If you notice any brown, dead, or pest-infected leaves do not hesitate to cut them off using sterilized equipment. It is an evergreen perennial that grows to about 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide. With proper care, Calathea insignis can make a beautiful addition to any home. and when mature, it reaches an average of 18 inches in height. Other gardeners are often the best sources for information on where to find rare plants. Its deep green leaves feature unique pinkish-red stripes that add a special touch and help to create extra color and texture in the space. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is a popular variety, with its dark green top side and a blend of gray and green on the underside with a tinge of purplish margins. The undersides of the leaves are a rich purple tint, and its leaf veins give it a mysterious and beautiful appearance. Calathea crocata The flowers are white with purple spots and appear in clusters. While there are many different varieties of Calathea, some are rarer than others and highly sought-after by collectors. Also known as the red star Calathea, this plant has splotches, square-like shapes, or diamonds rather than stripes. It can be purchased from most garden centers or online retailers. These. Also. which adds to the beauty of this plant. They are a lustrous green color with yellow stripes running down the center. The green foliages are round and leathery with streaks of silver patterns. With this guide, we hope you have found the perfect variety of Calathea for your home, good luck and enjoy the adventure! This Rare Calathea type is sure to add a touch of beauty and elegance to any space. The plant has rare blooms when grown indoors but during spring, yellow flowers will bloom on four-inch spikes which adds to the beauty of this plant. The white fusion Calathea cultivar also termed the Calathea lietzei, has green leaves and high contrast white marks with magenta hues on the undersides of the leaf that extends to the stems. If adding Calathea to your plant collection is on your bucket list, continue reading to know its best varieties. It is a beautiful herbaceous perennial tropical plant that derives its name from the beautiful foliage. The Calathea White Star prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil thats kept moist but never waterlogged. This plant is a cultivar of Calathea ornata which is known for its striped leaves. For you to be able to maintain this varietys beauty, regularly flush the soil to get rid of excess salts that may adversely affect the beauty of your plant. It is characterized by its striking dark green leaves, which are adorned with white pinstripes. If the Calathea Silvia is kept in too shady of an environment, its leaves will begin to lose their silver stripe. Heres a list of the most rare Calathea: The Calathea Warscewiczii is a rare and exotic type of Calathea native to Peru. It is also known as the Veitchs Calathea because of its beautiful, veined leaves. With just a bit of care, this rare beauty will be a stunning addition to your indoor garden! These pretty designs are best for bringing beauty to your indoors. The Calathea Maui Queen, also known as Calathea Louisae, is an Amazon native tropical plant with stunning beauty. Local plant nurseries, fellow gardening enthusiasts, and online forums are all good sources to look for the rare Calathea. The flowers are small, white, and borne in inflorescences. Its important to keep the humidity high around this particular type of Calathea, which can be done regularly through misting or placing it on a pebble tray. While all Calathea types have similar care requirements, it is important to maintain the correct humidity and temperature levels and fertilize them with a water-soluble houseplant blend once a month in the growing season. Calathea Warscewiczii, or the "Velvet Calathea" or "Velvet Jungle Plant". After graduating from university with a degree from Cornell University and working at a nursery, she gained detailed knowledge about various kinds of plants and how to properly care for them. Theres no mission impossible, as far as gardening is concerned. 6. Calathea Warscewiczii is a beautiful, Rare Calathea that is native to Peru. Causes Solutions, Philodendron Burle Marx Care And Grow: The Ultimate Guide, When To Repot Calathea To Keep Your Plant Happy, A lovely plant with pinkish-white stripes and deep green foliage, Rare plant with velvety green leaves and purple undersides, A plant with striking pink stripes on deep green foliage, A little plant with pink, white, and cream stripes on its leaves, A plant with broad, pink, cream, and green variegated leaves. In this article, you will learn about some of the most popular and stunning types of calatheas. . Its large, round leaves feature striking dark green and light green stripes, giving it an almost tropical vibe. The following table summarizes the ideal requirements for the Calathea White Jade: The rarest Calathea variety is White Fusion, an exotic plant with bright green foliage and unpredictable white splashes. The Calathea Orbifolia is the largest variety of Calathea, with enormous and round leaves boasting even stripes radiating from the rib. A plant with bright pink stripes on deep green leaves, and the undersides of the leaves are a rich purple color. Its vibrant leaves make it an excellent addition to any indoor space, and its rarity makes it a valuable collectors item. The rare striping pattern adds a painterly texture to this plant, making it stand out in any indoor garden. The leaves are dark green with light green stripes and are 6-8 inches long. Humidity levels should be monitored through misting or a pebble tray with water to keep the soil moist and prevent dryness. See the most popular types of Calatheas plants including different varieties, care tips, how fast they grow, if Calatheas like humidity, are toxic to cats or dogs, and what soil Calatheas like. The leaves are dark green with light green patterns and can grow up to 12 inches long and 6 inches wide. whereas low light causes the plants to be leggy, thereby distorting its development. This Calathea plant is susceptible to cold and drafty conditions. This has happened with several Calathea varieties that only a few years ago were considered quite rare - nowadays, you can often find these once-elusive plants on the shelves at big box hardware stores. form a feathery pattern which is the center of attraction on this plant. Small blooms of white or purple appear on short stalks, though flowering indoors is rare. The Beauty Star Calathea can grow to an average of six to 36 inches in height and six to 24 inches in width. You can find rare Calathea plants on the internet through Amazon, Etsy, or forums such as Reddit, so youre sure to find the exact Calathea youre looking for. The Rare Calathea blooms from late winter to early spring, producing small, white flowers that are borne on long stalks. It does best in bright filtered sunlight and temperatures between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It gets its name from its crested leaves, which are a deep green color with white stripes. These peacock Calathea plants have reddish-pink stems and their new leaves will be in a rolling form showing their purple undersides. that have colorful markings are the main reason why it is widely sought-after. Calathea roseopicta or Calathea Rose-painted is one of the most attractive varieties on the list. This particular species is relatively small, growing to a height of only 12 inches. The Calathea Warscewiczii prefers moderate to bright indirect sunlight and moist soil. It is a relatively new houseplant species that also has a tropical origin. The Calathea Beauty Star, or Calathea Fasciata is a rare hybrid with unique deep green leaves and striking pink or pale green stripes. During spring, it produces pink blooms that are quite insignificant. These needs can be easily met with regular watering and perhaps misting or a pebble tray, so it will easily fit into your existing garden care routine. The list includes: The White Star, a C. ornata variant featuring a dense herringbone pattern with silver stripes and an occasional pink flush. Its unusual features make it an excellent choice for adding a wild and exotic touch to any indoor garden setting. This plants leaves can be as large as 12 inches in length which makes it more eye-catching. What is the hardest Calathea to care for? Calathea stems limp and rotten. Also, ensure that this plant receives bright and indirect sunlight. Orbifolia is not among the rare calathea varieties. 1. To keep this rare flower thriving in your home, be sure to provide it with bright, indirect light and well-draining but regularly moist soil. Weve curated 23 rare Calathea varieties for our readers here with pictures so you can find the perfect choice for adding personality to your corner. This article will equip you with the much-needed Calathea care tips that help you to attain . These perennials do best in partially shaded environments with moist soil. Ensure that this plant is grown in a well-draining and fertile potting soil. Consider using a water-soluble houseplant blend at half strength and remember to flush the soil regularly to curb the build-up of salts. If you are lucky enough to have a Calathea Pavonii, take care of it well so that it will thrive. Each of the varieties has unique eye-catching features that you may consider in selecting the one you need. Calathea makoyana: Commonly known as the peacock plant, this species features leaves of dark green, cream, purple, and pink hues with red stems. The underside of each leaf is colored a deep purple. This one thrives in bright indirect sunlight, making it ideal for indoor gardening. A deep shade of purple can be seen on the undersides of the leaves, White streaks that mimic stars and deep green leaves The leaves are slightly curved and have a deep purple tint on the undersides, The plants leaves are green with white stripes. 3. To ensure the best growth, Calathea Orbifolia should be placed near a window allowing only filtered light while the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. This species has a bunching nature with an average of 20 inches in height and width making it ideal for foliage and color seekers. It needs thorough watering only when the top inch of the soil dries up. Beginners should look at the Ornata variety as they are the easiest to grow but still have beautiful foliage. The following table provides the necessary care requirements for the Calathea Network: The Calathea Pavonii is a rare and exquisite plant native to Brazil. With the right care, a White Fusion may live for several decades. Calathea Silvia is a beautiful and rare plant that is native to Brazil. Well tell you all about the best nurseries stocking Calatheas near you. These rare Calathea types with pictures featured in this article will charm you with their vibrant foliage and enchanting blooms. Not only is the Calathea Beauty Star aesthetically pleasing but it is also known to purify the air. The Calathea Veitchiana is a Rare Calathea type that is native to Ecuador. The Calathea Compact Star is a unique and rare species of Calathea, sure to be an eye-catching addition to any home. although you have to maintain the humidity at recommended constant levels and avoid fluctuating it. The Calathea white star does best when grown indoors with high humidity conditions with bright but indirect sunlight. It is also known as the Crocus Plant because of its beautiful, orange-colored flowers. If all of its growing requirements are met, new growth emerges from the center, enhancing its thick foliage that brings a tropical feeling to your places. Its blade-shaped, spotted foliage is a striking addition to any home. The Calathea zebrina type is a perennial tropical plant that is native to Brazils Southeastern region. It is extremely hard to come by, but beautiful nonetheless. With its rare Calathea type and deep green leaves, the Calathea Musaica is the perfect plant to add some texture and interest to an indoor garden. Also, ensure that this plant receives bright and indirect sunlight. The Round-Leaf Calathea, or Calathea orbifolia, has large, round leaves that contain alternating darker green and lighter green stripes. The rare Calathea Corona offers a unique addition to any indoor garden. When looking for a Calathea Pavonii, it can be challenging to find one. in height and width. The rare Calathea White Star is a stunning addition to any indoor garden. It does need some tailored care to flourish, however; bright indirect lighting, regular watering, and high humidity are all important for healthy growth. This Calatheas foliage grows profusely and fast giving you magnificent indoor views when all the care needs are met. With the right care, your Calathea Ornata Pinstripe will make your home more beautiful while you breathe easier! Calathea Vittata is a rare type of Calathea that will add a modern flair to any home. This Calathea is a plant whose leaves fold up resembling the praying process. It is best to avoid direct sunlight as it can cause the leaves to fade. The plant has lance-shaped and velvety dark green leaf color. Calathea musaica is native to Brazil and is one of the easier Calathea varieties to care for. With long, slender leaves and deep green hues in contrasting with white stripes, it provides an eye-catching look in any room. Additionally, maintaining a high level of humidity is key mist the leaves regularly or place them on a pebble tray for best results! that comes in a fishtail pattern and the leaf undersides have an intense purple color. Calathea "White Fusion" is one of the rarest varieties of calathea. The leaves are soft to the touch with an almost velvety texture, giving life to any indoor garden with richness and elegance. It is an evergreen perennial that grows to about 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Caring for Calathea Freddie does require some regular upkeep, however, it is manageable for gardening beginners looking to try their hand at this rare type of Calathea. This variety has big, round, leathery, and green leaves that grow up to 12 inches in width. This plant is native to Brazil and is part of the Marantaceae family. Consider fertilizing this plant once a month during the growing season to help it fully develop. Weve curated 23, With its rare Calathea type and deep green leaves, the. Keeping relative humidity levels high is essential to prevent dryness, which can be done by misting the leaves or placing it on a pebble tray with water. Consider using a water-soluble houseplant blend at half strength and remember to flush the soil regularly to curb the build-up of salts. This Calathea variety is evergreen and has alternate leaves. , and the leaves may end up drying out. The undersides of the leaves exhibit a deep purple color, A shrub with broad, oblong leaves that are silvery-green in color, The plant has green leaves with cores that are pinkish-purple. The undersides of the leaves are a rich shade of purple. It is also known as the Eternal Flame because of its beautiful and eye-catching flowers. This variety does well when kept in a well-draining soil mixture. The White Star gets its name from the white markings on its leaves that are said to resemble stars. Calathea Loeseneri is a beautiful and fragrant flower that blooms all year round. The mature height and width of the plant are three feet and 16 inches, respectively. If the soil becomes too dry, the leaves will begin to curl. This Calathea has semi-glossy spear-like leaves that have green tops and the undersides are burgundy. The Calathea crocata is a relatively new species in the houseplant scene. fertilize the plant monthly during the growing season. The ideal soil for this plant should be well-draining, and the soil should be lightly moist. Each one of them has its own foliage patterns or markings and the most interesting thing about Calathea is that all varieties have the same care requirements.. The leaves are dark green with light green patterns and can grow up to 12 inches long and 6 inches wide. Its vibrant pinkish-white stripes on the leaves form a feathery pattern which is the center of attraction on this plant. With a passion for plants that started in her childhood, Cathleen Clemens has turned her love of greenery into an expertise in indoor plant care. The leaves are a deep green color with white veins. Let us take a look at Calathea alternatives, in brief, to widen your knowledge of these plants. 16 Low-Light Hanging . A plant with pinkish-white stripes and deep green foliage. Its small, white flowers are borne in inflorescences. It requires warm temperatures, high humidity to thrive, regular misting, and moist soil. Characterised by its fully bright green leaves (unlike many other prayer plant varieties), this plant has no deep maroon undersides to its leaves, the long leaves have dark green markings (not dissimilar to a leopard). Each one of them has its own foliage patterns or markings and the most interesting thing about Calathea is that all varieties have the same care requirements. Calathea Orbifolia is a Rare Calathea type that is native to Bolivia. This rare Calathea type is a real eye-catcher with its lance-shaped deep green leaves that have symmetrical pink stripes. The Calathea is a beautiful, hard-to-find plant. Calathea Orbifolia is rare amongst Calathea types, boasting showy large and round leaves that are layered in deep greens and silver-grey hues. It is different from other Calathea varieties due to its big green leaves that have a pink tone underside. It is most commonly found in the rainforests of the Amazon Basin, where it grows under the canopy of taller trees. Featuring large, vibrant leaves with a velvety texture and deep purple undersides, this tropical plant is sure to make a statement in any home. No matter if you are just starting out or an expert in plant care, the Calathea White Fusion is the perfect addition to any plant collection! This plant does best in warm and humid environments, with regular watering and misting. Are you looking for something different to add to your garden or home? Growing up to 2-3 feet tall this Calathea Ornata Pinstripe plant is perfect for larger spaces and can also serve as an air purifier removing toxins and pollutants from the environment. Native to South America, it is characterized by its large, colorful leaves. This super-rare plant is a calathea you won't spot often as a houseplant. The leaves grow to be at least 8 inches (20 cm.) Sometimes called "Fusion White", this rare cultivar of Calathea lietzei is both widely beloved and widely hated - it's known as one of the most fragile, finicky varieties around. Terms and Conditions(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src="https://cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); This varietys beautiful egg-shaped leaves that have colorful markings are the main reason why it is widely sought-after. To ensure it stays healthy and vibrant, it requires bright indirect light and well-draining soil that needs to be kept moist but not waterlogged. It is an evergreen perennial that grows to about two feet tall and wide. Calathea light requirements: How much light do they need? Calathea Concinna, also known as the Concordia Plant, is a Rare Calathea type that is native to Brazil. Ensure that you grow this variety on sandy clay, gritty loam, or sandy loam soils which have good drainage qualities to do away with excess water. As with other Calathea varieties, the Calathea Musaica will need soil that can retain moisture while still allowing excess water to drain out quickly. Calathea White Fusion is rare among the many types of Calathea, featuring beautiful deep green leaves with unique white and pink stripes. With the right care, this rare beauty can be a captivating addition to any home. If all these conditions are followed, this rare Calathea type promises to make your indoor garden more vibrant and stylish! It is also known as the Zebra plant because of its striking velvety and light green leaves that have dark green stripes that run across them. The Concordia Plant is an excellent choice for indoor decoration because of its beauty and fragrance. It is characterized by its beautiful, pink-colored flowers, which bloom throughout the year. 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