Worst part about ivy is that it hibernates any stray poison ivy so getting it under control is a nightmare. Still coming. I have zero dirt to plant anything in so I have to have everything in pots. Pulling them out is not the answer.those roots are already traveling!! I planted most of those invasive plants and then some (Lamb's Ears, Hops vine , also invasive, and other plants that were given to me over the years). I agree some are invasive, but I don't mind dividing them &giving them to friends. 20+Cottage Garden Plants & Flowers. My daisy patch is beautiful this year. I live in Maine. It is a green as can be with a foot of snow under the leaves. It might take some trial and error, but I'm sure one of these aggressive plants should grow in your space. Im in zone 4/5. I bought it at Lowes about 20 years ago. They sneak under my other plants before I notice them, then I am pulling the long stems thru the garden before I snip them off about once a week! That purple Bellflower is the worst- roots like baby parsnips and any root material regrows . If you want to see what an overgrown perennial garden looks like, check out the video below: Disclaimer #1: Some of the plants in this list may not be problematic in your area. While many of the commenters here have negative views regarding your choices I think you are doing new gardeners and even experienced ones the push they need to get rid of some invasive plants. Which is why I have a greenhouse filled with Bouganvillea, hibiscus, petunias, fushia, canna lilies and geraniums, jasmin, amarillas, carnation, chrysanthemum, and about every plant that blooms and it is crazy flowers out there and it is almost dec. but why can't we grow outside like you? I loved gardening but seem to have a brown thumb! It's not fun to put them on the compost heap. I have spent 3 years trying to get it out of my hosta bed. At one time had them all over my yard. Shearing your plants back by a third or more will reenergize them for a second bloom cycle and produce lush new foliage. Condo board gave me warnings even though I explained that I was following the previous rules to get rid of comfrey. This year tried digging the whole thing up. I'll be sure to share that with my gardening group. forgot the self seeding. I didn't even choose to plant it! as a companion plant to deter bugswell let me tell ya, THAT 1 spearmint plant has taken over the entire bed almost! A striking combination of periwinkle blue flowers enshrouded in dark purple calyces create an impressive show from late spring until the first frost. I only planted 2 of them in small containers in my garden the summer of 2016. It also depends on your soil conditions and growing zone. It is a not as tight and compact as catmint, but the foliage has a nice color and texture and the flowers are rather pretty. Triple threat! (Even if it made the list.) Do not plant English Ivy. (I'm not being sarcastic.) I agree on every one, having had them all out of control one time or another. But, a plant like ox-eye daisy can overrun an area. Appreciate your advice on some of these others (especially Veronica. On this page: Basics | Varieties of Catmint | Planting Catmint | Care and Maintenance | Pictures | Landscaping with Catmint. Spa like..check was very well behaved in my garden bed for about 5 years, then it became possessed and raced around my walls into other beds. But the mint, yes, I'll give you that one. I'll have to check yours out as well! Produces insane numbers of long-lived seeds. Why do you remove ferns?!? I also agree, I have had most of them except the hated lily,of the valley which is one,of the worst weeds ever. There seem to be so many haters posting comments. Moreover, catnip is the plant that attracts cats while catmint does . They're called ditch lilies here in PA too. Last year, the birds, the butterflies and other living creatures, like us, do enjoyed them especially on Summer and Fall. I love the Japanese Painted Fern best. RELATED: The Dos and Don'ts of Planting Ground Cover. I knowright? In the garden, it offers the most value as a culinary herb or as a . It needs regular water in the summer. True gardeners don't give up!! Disappointing you'd say to straight up avoid them. Catmint 'Purrsian Blue', Garden Caminth 'Purrsian Blue', PP24788. %#>*%#, I hate mice so I gave up on feeding the birds. We live in middle Georgia so they have great growing weather. The bright yellow flowers are beautiful and the soft little leaves are nice but it gets up to 6-8 feet high, produces THOUSANDS of seeds from one plant. I prefer flowers and gardens to lawns , which are expensive, heavily water dependent and don't give much back to nature. Hello Kristen My wife loves them so I thought I could grow some in our garden as a surprise. Noted for its neat and tidy habit, Nepeta faassenii 'Purrsian Blue' (Catmint) is a compact herbaceous perennial forming a dense, rounded clump of small, aromatic, gray-green leaves all season long. In the end, you should plant what makes you happy. They complement the hostas in my shady woodland garden and the ones I have dont seem too aggressive. The only thing really thriving is cannas.even the ferns I planted refused to grow. They're just wonderful. sandy soil It has dainty looking pink flowers, about medium size. Vilifying plants that self propagate is over-simplified. If nothing grows there, I would actually suggest trying some of these invasive plants. The root is too long and deep to dig it out. Hah! To avoid this, you can plant the herb in a container and then bury it near catnip companion plants. Crocosmia :-). I've been pulling them up for 5 years. This made me want to run out and grab most of these plants for my garden! Loves them though. . A true Nightmare! Maybe some one else does. twist it off. As she states, the advice may not necessarily be for you! It has taken 10 years, but now that the tree can grow, eventually the dead ivy will break off in pieces. Aquilegia (colombine) Thanks for all this information and I enjoyed the pictures too. I've even had the help of my little grandsons to help dig up the spiderwort. Thriving in harsh conditions, this durable, rabbit and deer resistant perennial plant is an indispensable for use in xeriscapes. Goutweed dies here. I try to cut off the flowers to prevent seeding but it has deep underground roots and is trying to take over my vegetable garden. And that would be tragic! Sometimes I see a 4" rock that I can't unbury because what I am seeing is only 10% of its actually size. Thank you for the tips about the mint and the hollyhocks! We do not want this evil plant to spread along creeks and rivers, it will be Pampas grass all over again! I try to grow them along the northern side of the house but it takes so much effort to amend the soil that I only have one. My regret is oregano. Sigh. (In real life or on Facebook). However, if you love it, you should plant it. We just bought a home in a new state so your zone info helps too. Do not say the plant is bad just because you do not want to / have the time to maintain it. Greatly appreciate your list! For 10 years weve been removing the ivy from the ground. That lamium that swells into a leviathan in your sandy loam on drip irrigation is potentially one of the best choices for someone with poor soil in dry shade. of water with 4 oz of the Bayer product and 2 oz of the Spectracide product. They look good in certain areas but other places they are are a pain. Has worked wonders for me! Loved your post and I learned a lot!! I can't believe no one ever mentions Monkshood. However, if those other plants aren't super established, it might take over. Whether they're invasive, fast-spreading, short blooming, impossible to kill, or difficult to grow, the 30 perennials in this blog post are plants I'd rather not see in my Zone 3 garden. To each their own ~ I saw maybe 6 i'd be mad at myself for planting. Catmint, especially catnip (N. cataria), is known to repel pests such as mosquitoes, aphids, squash bugs, cabbage loopers and more. I haven't figured out how to get it out of there. Plant what you love, but remember the plant's habits and you will go far and be less frustrated. serious stuff. Common Name: Catmint, Catnip. They are fighting with wheatgrass and winning in Quebec. Some you can't get rid of when you try and those are really the ones to avoid. You wouldn't think something that starts out so pretty could take down a 200 year old tree, but it can, and it does. Morning glories are just plain evil. It was enjoyable hearing your stories. We live in South Carolina now, but lived in Illinois for almost forty years. I find them attractive even when they are not in bloom. Although from your experience, it's probably a good thing I can't! LOL! "Canada" goldenrod. I want to meet the person who plants clover on purpose. You can't rake them as it just unearths more. When a plants other name is Speedwell, you know its going to overtake your garden in short order. Personally, I think temperature, soil obviously - (I have heavy wet clay most areas or thin soil over bedrock) and a preference to what kind of garden you want, are the major criteria. I read somewhere that each day lily blossom only lasts one day. Everyone has their opinion on what they like, but I would have appreciated the warning on some of these before I planted them. This post is meant to be more of an opinion post and a bit tongue in cheek. I battle many of these plants. This plant ranges in size from 12 inches tall to 24 inches tall. This is in San Antonio Texas. The second color didn't show up until last year. Fascinating ! And its flowers are purple while catnip's are primarily white. They spread like crazy unless contained and need to be divided on a regular basis. It's a weed for sure, Plantnet and garden answers are that I use. It should be illegal to sell that stuff. They are beautiful but creep into the lawn in no time at all everywhere.. You're right, they are really bad for that. 5. Evening Primrose can show up hundreds of feet away from its mama, and needs very little water to survive. God bless you all! I tried for several years to get it established before the cats pulled it up and rolled in it. In Wisconsin, the orange are called ditch lillies because they are usually found growing wild along road sides. Malva is my most hated invasive plant. There is one plant. I love, love, love my daylilies. We were cooking in Rising summer heat because the afternoon sun hits entire side of our house. They look beautiful, but if you want to remove them it takes a lot of muscle power. I have bittersweet nightshade vine EVERYWHERE in my yard. Creeping Jenny. The good news: it will grow in practically any light or soil condition. They can also do searches for plants that do well in their zone and their soil conditions, as well as light requirements. When it rains, it floods. Aggressive plants are great for a laissez-faire gardener ;). So many times she agrees to plant what you love. I found the article very misleading, where you live often determines what is invasive and what is not. Please help, Amazing how canna lilies return every year & with a little TLC, fertilizer & gallons of water, they'll be blooming in 3-4 weeks. I wish I still had mine! Just the little ones. They all grow in gravel areas that have no irrigation. Not possible to get rid of it. Place 3-inch cuttings in a good potting soil, keep the soil moist, and the . I think it would be a wonderful idea if you would start a garden blog yourself. Although it can be grown from seed, its easier and more reliable to purchase nursery-grown plants since hybrids may not grow true to seed and some varieties are sterile. Brightens up a shady spot, but DONT do it!! Beautiful texture..check Pretty, but hard to get rid of. However, unless you only have a few, I think it would be quite an annoying solution. Zone 7b. At first I was delighted, and now am in my third year picking each stem out. Had them dug out but there was always one sweat potato left to take off and cover the whole bed. Tansy can produce up to 150,000 seeds per plant and each seed remains viable for up to 15 years. Great tips! Thanks for the post! Ugh. I didn't know that you can grow peonies in containers. There are some excellent suggestions in the comments! They look pretty, fill in an otherwise ugly sight and can handle the drainage from heavy rains. We moved 7 years ago..I bet that bed is 100% malva now, lol. I am trying to get an idea of wtf we are!!!!! I have a few re-bloomers too. Although the Lilies give me exercise by digging up their underground bulbs. Catnip vs. Catmint . What you show as 'fern' is I believe bracken, not a fern at all. Southern California Now violets are all over. Also, thanks for mentioning your zone and location. Maybe try giving the Chinese lanterns excessive amounts of water? . Many people confuse catmint with catnip (Nepeta cataria). Don't know the apps name though. Thanks for warning others about the dangers of planting without research! Avoid it. They make great gifts/sharing.and my "invasive" flowers weed much easier than the real "weeds" Is Catmint Invasive . Pronounced "NEP-it-uh". This is a fun blog. Catmint will grow in just about any type of well-drained soil. Thanks for the post! Unfreakingbelievable!!! This species is a hybrid of N. racemosa and N. nepetella and is named for Dutch nurseryman J.H. Catmint is native to Iran. The very basic white and yellow ones are the "problem" and in some people's growing conditions they aren't a problem at all. I don't think it will grow in zones 2 and 3, though. We renovated our porch two winters ago and the constant packing of the snow killed all of the goutweed surrounding our house. Soil not great. Local garden clubs and master gardeners are also great resources here in the USA. And marigolds. But it is a thug and crowds out everything and is nearly impossible to dig out. The leaves formed a canopy and transpired cool refreshing air. Grrrrr Oh no, that sounds awful! not so keen on being bitten on the backside by the ants but they are all useful for something or other. Vinca vine loves to grow under evergreens at least in Minnesota. 3 . Photo by: John Richmond / Alamy Stock Photo. Hmm. In my butterfly bushes, my lilies. It cost a little bit more but there is no waste and the squirrels and mice and rats are not as attracted. Birds do not like anything at the bottom of the feeder, not even flowers. . Creeping thymelooks pretty at first but seeds itself everywhere and takes over. 'Walker's Low' has aromatic, gray-green to . Even though I wrote this post, I believe that if you love a plant and want it in your garden, then you should plant it and enjoy it. Download Now, Grab our 100 Zone 3 Perennials List!Download the Guide, Cold Climate Gardening, Cut Flowers & Perennials. If you want to plant something in that same area, you'll have to pull the plants for years. I have seeds, but they don't spout. Grab our 100 Zone 3 Perennials List! Wow! It gives "bad" animals a place to hide. Your blog is very nice. Thank you to you and all your contributors. If you really want to know which ones are invasive, check your DNR state website for an official list of plants to control. That and wild grape vines are very hard to dig out. It's roots go so deep and When you try to get rid of it it produces lots of suckers!! Funny how some things can be so pretty until you look under the pretty! I have Corabells and violas (violas in containers) I also have Autumn glory in a containers. I love your site. Or will they die out if I cut them back now in August. It was sold to me as an Aster plant which I love! Keep in mind that not ALL ferns are invasive! It's true, if you know how to manage them, most of these plants don't have to be a problem. This new hybrid may be the most flamboyant yet. Japanese knotweed --invasive in zones 5b-6a Detroit MI (no I didn't plant it.) What is a bane to you people would be a glorious here. Only a fool or unlearned person would purposely plant them. Faassen's catmint is sterile and won't self . Obviously, the herb may attract cats to your garden, but the flowers also attract honeybees. Once plants are a few inches (8 cm.) There are ways to keep them more contained in your garden and yes you have to make some effort pulling seedings but it's called "gardening" for a reason and it's healthier than taking antidepressants. After twenty years of battling bishops weed, which came with the house and killed off so many plants that I put in, I finally solved the problem. Didn't know they spread. 4. This person MUST know some Mentha types are aggressive spreaders by underground stems and are difficult to control. Will the rocky soil and aggressive neighboring plants help keep mint in check or would you suggest I dig the mint up now before spring comes? I'm so ok with everything happening in my Oh good! There is no getting rid of it so I embrace the over growth (because I have no choice). I dug out so much of it last year and it's all back. So if you have to have a start plant it in a big urn and keep it on the patio. Canada anemone is a north American "ground cover" species that spreads rapidly. The more I pull them up, the faster they spread. That is a LOOOOONG story!! Everyone in my cul-de-sac has lovely displays, but they're almost all the same plants. The whole front yard which really isn't that big was covered in various plants. I have found websites with info for growing raspberries and containing them, but unless one is crazy about them, after my experience, I would advise people against them. It was pretty for a couple weeks. :) One of your hated flowers, the daisy, is one of my favorites, but I haven't found it to be very invasive. Discover the different types of catmint including Walkers Low and Junior Walker, and also Nepeta cataria (catnip). Goutweed is everywhere where I live. Irises! They require tending, but I like the romantic English-style garden in my back. Dies it take a lot of work, yes, but it gives so much back to the pollinators, birds, and us. Then I found out so dI'd the entire area. Enjoyed your post! Yes I have had trouble with most of these invasive plants listed. It's great to have people share their actual experience. I've grown a few of these and enjoyed them. Wow! We came home and built a mesh trellis that went up to roof of our house and I bought Virginia Creeper. Morning Glory is another bad oneand the stores sell SEEDS!!! Its billowing foliage is topped with spikes of flowers in early summer with repeat blooms throughout the season. Ferns are a problem for me. They're a biennial so takes 2 years to bloom. I believe much depends on location. ever try fish emulshion? On lily of the valley, I totally agree it is invasive, hard to pull up and not even pretty! favorite/least favorite return! I have very rocky, thin soil, without all these "regretable" plants, I wouldn't have much! Happy gardening! Ignore the trolls Kristen, I enjoyed your blog and appreciate anyone trying to save me some work in my garden. Oh no! I belong to a provincial gardening group and this was a compilation of everyone's suggestions. It's poisonous to birds and yet garden centers sell it anyway. Catmint Varieties. Oh another one that I hate is clethra, also known as summersweet and pepperbush. I have no where to for the people that are looking for an app to identify your plants it is called PlantSnap, there is a basic free one and then a premium one you pay for I just use the basic. Our house road sides moist, and needs very little water to survive morning glory another! Not in bloom, catnip is the plant that attracts cats while catmint does opinion on what they,. Aster plant which I love spot, but lived in Illinois for almost forty.! Oneand the stores sell seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!... Soil it has dainty looking pink flowers, about medium size same plants forty years John Richmond Alamy! Nepeta cataria ) had trouble with most of these invasive plants listed year and it 's not fun to them. 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