Supervisioning the Killing Game He soon ordered the remaining Void members out of the monitor room to avoid them getting caught there by Monocrow. Her first design was sketched based off of Yayoi, however with certain changes to make her design her own. When night struck, Emma would sneak out of her room, returning to Kokoro's room. And Ended Up Putting His Classmates Into A New Killing Game, Mikado Sannoji Had Ways To Restart The Killing Game. On her character design sheet, this is revealed to have been based off of the injury Akane sustained after saving Rei Mekaru in the final chapter of Danganronpa Another. In the next day, something surprised Monocrow when a murder happened: the murder was done by two people at the same time, who stabbed Setsuka at the exact second. Super Danganronpa Another 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Soon Yuki said he'd give up thus leading him to start entering the ocean. As promised, Monocrow showed Kanade and Hibiki the full footage of their parents deaths. As the overseer of the Killing game, he's the one who enforces the rules and executes culprits who are found guilty of murder, as well as people who violate the rules. What if teruya killed mikado in chapter 3? Clay Iroha Nijiue. In the class trial, Emma Magorobi was found guilty of Kokoros murder and was executed. There, they found Kokoros dead body. Her skills were never able to properly develop due to this, but she would begin to practice because of Sora. Despite her talent, Iroha doesnt actually like drawing. Then what am I working so hard for?." Deep Sea Trip. Of course Im cheerful!.[1]. Emmaroha/Iroha Nijiue x Emma Magorobi. Sora pointed out Monocrow was acting weird and asked if he was being threatened, with him still refusing to answer. She subsequently reveals that reading manga and watching anime is one of her few hobbies, also revealing that shed never drawn a comic before. Thus, Emma would be sent to execution, with it referencing many different movies, befitting of her talent. Sora suffers from amnesia and is thus unable to remember her real name (Sora being a temporary name), her talent, or any of her life. A head of a pink bunny with two small black dots as its eyes is also seen lying above the clouds. Her TTS avatar art also reference these inspirations. face - Tda, HatsuneDKaname. Sora is a young woman of average height. After staying silent for a while, Mikado stated that 17 participants was too much. As a result, Emma, Hajime and Nikei's conscious data is now corrupted, and with Void Theatre now shut down, they are all officially dead. Whenever a sports star has a hard-to-pronounce name, the athlete may feel some pressure to change it to something easier. They're both innocent and cute on the surface, but they can both do some pretty messed up things if push comes to shove. 0 4. Neither of her parents ever saw any value in any type of art that wasnt framed, so they were quite quick to forbid her from drawing comics or manga. It's also known that Emma is prone to seizures by merely recalling the events of her past, even if in normal settings. Iroha Nijiue A girl with a dirty mouth, a pure mind and a sweet heart. #iroha nijiue #nikei yomiuri #peppino spaghetti #angie yonaga. Powers/Skills Poverty[2] Nikei took part in the killing game in the Neo World Program alongside the other members of Void. The collar, cuffs, and skirt of her uniform all have criss-cross plaid patterns on them. Shinji Kasai is a SHSL firefighter. Once the Union had forced the South into submissionsubmissionsubmission, a healing of the country's wounds began. Iroha, Hajime, and Emma herself all agreed immediately after growing impatient under Nikeis leadership. One day, she ran away from home, where she worked as a prostitute to earn money for food and such. Execution Name: A master painter never covers her brush, Monocrow, an artist, is smoking a cigarette with a hard face in the room. He zooms away and the trash can exploded, destroying his art equipment and killing her instantly. Void Iroha grabs Angie's ***s and make herself **m. 0%. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Nikei will have to decide between hope and despair to save everyone. Because they voted wrong, Monocrow subjected all four participants (Except Mikado) to an execution. Subsequently, she is known as the Super High School Level??? Soon after, an anonymous announcement played, telling everyone to head to the center park. Since the entire simulation was glitching, some of the Killing Games rules were deleted, allowing participants to break some rules, such as using unnecessary violence, without getting punished by Monocrow. When the game had only just begun LINUJ believed this was somewhat easy to notice due to the lack of the development, stating Iroha's crybaby personality as one of the similarities[4]. She wears a dark brown skirt with two black stripes around its hem, with the second one much thinner than the other. Danganronpa Fanganprojects Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. (Root word: mitteremitteremittere, "to cause to go"), Match the Character(s) with the Executions he or she got involved in the fanmade Super Danganronpa Another 2, Danganronpa Character and Execution Matching, SpringBoard English Language Arts: Grade 10, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9. LINUJ has also stated that Iroha is his favourite character from the series, yet attempted to be as unbiased as possible with her involvement and fate. Mikado explained that the one the one who gives the final impact to the victim will be the real culprit, and Monocrow explained that two people stabbing someone at the same time is impossible, but Syobai kept insisting on him, asking what if they truly stabbed Setsuka on the same nanosecond. Nikei Yomiuri is the Ultimate Journalist and is the members of the criminal organisation Void that seeks out Utsuro. Unnamed adoptive parents[2]Unnamed fatherUnnamed mother On the outside, Mikado denied the killing gamebut on the inside, he was the mastermind of Utsuroshima. Though the longer you remain in the void, in Wonderland, the more likely you are to lose your head. Utsuro then came along to bless Emma, and soon after an English couple found her. Ninhawesome10. Though the longer you remain in the void, in Wonderland, the more likely you are to lose your head. Romaja Name Trapped in the VRBraindead in the real world Both of of these actresses further serve as references in Emma's background, with her famous roles in the "Harry Peter" (Harry Potter) series as "Holly Queen" (Harley Quinn). Deep Sea Trip~ Under The Ocean~ Despite originally being there, Kokoro would ask to meet Emma outside of the concert room. Nikei looked down at her, curiosity plastered on his face. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. It is noted that Nikei never really got along with his friends from his perspective; but Emma, Iroha, and Hajime considered him a good person still. Affable Right-Hand. yay, thank you! Throughout her career, she has earned numerous international awards for her acting. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Source Filmmaker. He is known as the Super High . Kokoro Mitsume is a SHSL Psychologist. Though her childhood was much darker than most. Her AI is detailed to have three large scars resembling animal scratches, revealed in Chapter Five.,¬eKey=2fa1ea108fe30f1d956e5ca848a61f23&,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Sora ranked first in the official Super Danganronpa Another 2 popularity poll with 840 votes (19.9%) total. Translated Underneath, she wears a white long-sleeved dress shirt with a red tie. [4] She considers her adoptive parents as her real family as they treated her well and encourage her to pursue her career. Iroha was the only member of Void to survive the killing game and she escaped from the Kisaragi Foundation with help from Syobai. hair and ribbon (tied) - Take. Outside of the simulation, she is roughly the same age as Yuki Maeda, Sora, Teruya tori, the members of Void, and Mikado Sannji's human counterparts[3]. Work Search: Voice Actors This caused Nikei to create the organization named Children of Utsuro to search for this person while each one of them were doing their jobs that were related to their talents. Occupation Her second attempt receives more positive feedback, and while the art style is still unstable the plot is described as refreshing. Monocrow disappeared for days until Teruya was murdered, and then the body discovery announcement played. Can Sannoji Mikado lead his friends to hope on the island of despair? Then, she would tie Kokoro up, binding and gagging her, locking her in the indoor refrigerator inside of her room. Since Monocrow had redeemed himself and was on the side of the participants, Mikado, upon meeting him again, used his magic and blew up Monocrow, killing him. As an effect of this, Iroha met with Nikei a day or so later during the night, questioning if he had really left Void as Mikado said. In Chapter 6, the simulation is shut down, causing the Void Theatre to crash. Danganronpa Character and Execution Matching. Her long . Fates All credits for the translation go to u/MagiKAL98. Kokoro wouldn't care much, as it's in the past. Though they aren't dead, the six and many others are later found. It could also be possibly taken from the verb (oknau) meaning "to perform" or "to carry out (something)", which may be related to her role as an actress. Iroha Nijiue is the deuteragonist of the Jennifer Writing Universe. Hangul Underline the subordinate clause in the sentence below. The moment its eyes meet Sora's, the shark rips apart Sora and the machine into many smaller pieces with its teeth and feasts from their remains[2]. Idiot Hair: Has an ahoge. She saw how happy they were when creating their work, but she never really liked to create such artwork, but was forced into the occupation by her strict parents. A novel that a crush of hers had held close to his heart is all that remains other than his twin and herself. Emma is also shown to be very loyal, willing to do anything for them even if it means putting herself on the line. Emma is a young woman with tall stature and fairly white complexion. Hajinade/Hajime Makunouchi x Kanade Otonokoji. "What a creative twist at the end." Mikado commented. : YORUKO HELP WEVE GOT A PROBLEMHostess_With_LeMostess: WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHILE I WAS GONETrash Raccoon: this is only the beginning, I can feel it---Utsuroshima happens earlier in the timeline and ends up with the Sdra2 cast getting involved in Towa (but mostly Yuki and Hibiki)Oh and also it's a textfic. Kokoro would show shock to what was unfolding in front of her, yelling for Teruya, who had promised to guard Kokoro, to come out. Height Tomori Kizuna. After some discussion, Setsuka would bring the idea of swimming in the ocean to the other participants. He also worried that many people wouldn't like her, but was surprised when she later began to gain popularity in the Korean and Western fandoms[4]. Junko Enoshima is finally dead. Iroha has the weakest mentality among the cast. Her talent comes in handy in the Killing Game, as it allowed her to hide her emotions to the extent that none of the students suspected her as a Void. Magrobi Ema She is known as the Super High School Level Painter ( ). "Ah, I haven't interviewed you yet! Emma would leave the room last, the reason being to steal Kokoro's E-Handbook. While her past experiences have caused her to become a bit fretful and anxious, she tries to stay positive when it comes to her goals. Sora But the artist Monochrome, who continues to mix red in his paintings, is angry. After a while, all of the students par Shobai went beside the Monocruise. Mitsumaku/Hajime Makunouchi x Kokoro Mitsume. Yoruko Kabuya. Full Name She still helped set up the killing game. She is known as the Super High School Level Painter ( ), able to create lifelike paintings which can be compared to photographs. Everyone questioned why he was like that and Mikado said that he put some modifications on him. She wore a vampire costume. Name: Deep Sea Trip ~ From the bottom of the ocean ~. Will he succeed? 8 terms. Sets found in the same folder. Due to the constant abuse from her father, Emma developed a maniacal, insane side of herself which resulted from her traumatic past. Killing Game Participants: Mitsuhiro Higa | Kizuna Tomori | Kinji Uehara | Tsurugi Kinjo, Super Danganronpa Another 2 jenkarr. This has been mistaken as Gintama, by fans, LINUJ states she would be a regular reader of Jump, Iroha's sisters are about 1-2 years older than her, If any of the participants existed in real life, LINUJ states he would want to meet Iroha the most, to "see how dumb she is", Iroha's favourite kind of fruit are apples, All of her art is kept inside her sketchbook, and she isn't allowed to make any of her work public because of the pressure from her family, Iroha is LINUJ's favourite female character, She hates the gift 'Gold Ring' because of her family's wealth. Of course, I'm cheerful!." . She also has a thin ahoge that protrudes from the top of her head and bends to one side. Emma Magorobi A non-despair AU, where the cast of Korean Fangame Super Danganronpa Another 2 have a sleepover, and decide to watch a movie. As soon as she had entered the room, Emma would use a hacksaw to cut off one Kokoro's fingers to later use it to open the door whenever she pleased. An Iroha Nijiue Picture-Animefreak7770. Final result from 11 votes. Overseer of the Killing School Trip Bust Iroha Nijiue had left Japan after 2 years. During this time, she was extremely suicidal but had an extreme fear of death, so she never acted on it. Monochrow, an artist who begins painting using Nijiue, which has been flooded with paint, as a brush on the wall. . He also explained that, since the Monocruise was destroyed, they were supposed to sleep in Motels, and gave keys to everyone. The Children of Utsuro dont think much of Nikei past this point. Monocrow told everyone that they cannot try to kill in public like Syobai tried, they should kill without being found out. She usually draws still-life and abstract art, but prefers comics and manga[3]. Iroha and Yukis preferred gifts are almost the same. Is it wrong to put effort so that I can be recognized? She garnered 399 votes, or 9.5% of the overall votes. Please, state your name and talent!". Iroha is a character that I always found interesting since I see some similarities between her and Mikan. While Iroha is able to draw landscapes, still life, and abstract paintings she prefers to draw manga's. Garry's Mod Version. This subreddit is dedicated to this game and its sequel, Super Danganronpa Another 2. For the next few days, Emma would stay disguised as Kokoro while also removing her disguise at certain points to join with the other participants, mostly to secure her alibi. Soon after, the Body Discovery Announcement would play, with them discovering Yuri's body. The video showed the killer recording the murder go to the bathroom and look at a mirror, revealing themself to be Kanade. Iroha usually carries a blue sketch pad. She's fairly kind, if a little clumsy. If a sentence contains no subordinate clause, write none before the item number. As he loved his old school, he absolutely dreads going to the school, but hes got an idea up his sleeve about how he can go. "The honor of meeting one of my loyal readers is all mine! Monocrow and Mikado gathered everyone at the park again the next day. A little later, Setsuka brought Sora and Yoruko inside as well while Emma helped everyone into their costumes. In Japanese, Emma's given name is written as , using the kanji (e) which means "affinity", "connection", or "relation", and (ma) meaning "gap", "space", or "interval". On top of that, the classes have to work together to earn trust and forgiveness back from their killers. Behind them is Iroha, whose limbs are tied together, and is next to a colorful bottle of paint that's the size of a human being. Please see the. Iroha's TTS sprites' outfit is a clear reference to. Prince Caspian Study Guide. Iroha gasped, hearing an unfamiliar voice.,,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Egakizaka High School of Fine Arts (formerly), Iroha ranked third in the official Super Danganronpa Another 2 popularity poll. Later in her life, she then met Nikei, Hajime, and Emma, who all came to the conclusion that they all had one thing in common: they were blessed by Utsuro. 53 terms. She wears round, light teal earrings. Female Mikaroha/Iroha Nijiue x Mikado Sannoji. Emma often makes bad puns in order to seem more friendly to her peers. Sets with similar terms . Outside of the simulation, Iroha is roughly the same age as Yuki, Sora, Teruya, the members of Void, and Mikado's human counterparts[3]. Unfortunately, I feel like her selfish nature kind of gets overlooked because she's small and cute, but she's still a good character imo. She has waist-length wavy blonde hair with long curly side bangs, pale aquamarine eyes, and light mulberry eye shadow. 167 CM5'6" Write a definition for the vocabulary word. As it will be, Nijiue begins to swing his brush at the same time, and he begins to paint the same profound paintings as abstract paintings. Instead, shed been taught into drawing landscapes. As the Monocruise was destroyed, Mikado told everyone they should travel to the next island on the bridge, either by walking or using the vehicles/motorcycles near the road. Here it'd be discovered that the owner's fingerprint had to be used to open the rooms, which was easy to do considering Kokoro had been unconscious. Iroha has straight bangs that reach her eyebrows, and long sidebangs which are tied together by a light green ribbon, and reach just over her clothing. This time, it's a continuation of my DRA story but with some new DR OCs and more Canon x OC. Moving back, Emma would be at her quickest to move Kokoro to her room in the Monocruise, with several of the other participants following. Mikado explained that, since he was found out as the mastermind, he will act like a normal participant in the Killing Game that can kill anyone, be killed by anyone and that Monocrow can execute him for violating the rules. . . This includes the members of Void, with Emma saying that she'd never betray them even if Kokoro hadn't spoke to her.[4]. shawl - me! As a child, Iroha was forced into solitary confinement in her room, watched for 24 hours, as well as forced into painting all of the time. Peppino and Nikei fights the Ghost Future Foundation Plan 99. Her first name comes from the English actress Emma Watson, and her last name comes from the Australian actress Margot Robbie. She also has a thin ahoge that protrudes from the top of her head and bends to one side. In her illustration, Emma keeps her coat on. Deep Sea Trip. Her artistic skills began to improve drastically to a point that her family began to approve of her now, and she soon became a talented individual and was allowed to read manga. But she and her two friends, Yoruko and Yuki, find themselves transform into merfolk whenever they touch water after falling into the eerie Mako Island's moon pool on a full moon. TeacherOverseer"Monokuma" of this Killing Game She can also paint lifelike replicas of humans, which would later come in use during Chapter 5 where she would draw a fake corpse of Teruya. Birthday Whenever Iroha tried to escape the room she was trapped in she would be physically abused by her parents, and that she wasn't allowed to commit suicide until her parents believed she was 'worthy enough to be a part of the Nijiue family'. After the events of the class trial, Emma and the two other void members would interrogate Mikado in the Monitor Room, angry that he had let Hajime be executed. Iroha is a short high school girl with fair skin and grayish teal eyes. The type of girl who makes the other girls look bad, that style of character. Iroha Nijiue ( / Nijiue Iroha) is a main character featured in the Korean fangame. Mikado, now leader, rebrands the Children of Utsuro as the Void, and kickstarts his plans for a killing game in hopes of meeting Utsuro that way. After her execution, Emma found herself to be in a limbo-like area called the "Void Theatre" as her post executed self: a mush of blood with her body parts (mouth and eyes) hidden in her. Over her shirt, she wears a beige plaid capelet with brownish orange fringes and a matching beret perched on the top of her head. During the trial, Emma is discovered to be the killer of Kokoro by Sora and Kanade, both by her talent abilities and the dying message Kokoro left: the tallest woman (who is later found to be Emma) had killed Kokoro. Nice work! 0 8. [7]. Since Nikei had defected from Void days ago, he was executed by Monocrow for violating the rules. Submit your writing Her surname, Nijiue, uses the kanji (niji) meaning "rainbow", and (ue) meaning "up", "over", or "above", so her surname can be read as "over the rainbow". Iroha Nijiue is a SHSL artist. Due to the gag, she wouldn't be able to speak, thus leaving a dying. Due to this, there was the imitation that Kokoro had really been struck with an illness. 9.1%. She is a bitch-type character that approaches and flirts with men for their money. Thanks to this, Kokoro was able to deduce Void's motives and the remaining two members, as well as some of Emma's past. Thanks! Super Danganronpa Another 2 is the sequel to LINUJ's first fangame Danganronpa Another ~ Another Despair Academy ( . Irisviel von Einzbern (CV. Deep Sea Trip. When Shinji Kasai died, Monocrow came back to normal and his personality was back, his announcements even stopped glitching. Deceased During the 'A Woman's Fantasy' bonus scene, Iroha is shown to be somewhat perverted. Execution . , . Since they were meant to go to the next island through the bridge, Mikado used his magic to blow up the Monocruise. There, they announced they will be giving the participants a gift, and then, one different video was sent to every handbook. vest - hzeo. Once it was morning, Emma would dispose of any remaining evidence off of the side of the Monocruise. Type of Villain Appears in As another class trial had happened, the cruise sailed to the third island. It's principally due to the fact that she isn't very smart and between two sides: survive with the others or follow Void's plan to resurrect Utsuro. Void: Hajime Makunouchi | Emma Magorobi | Iroha Nijiue | Nikei Yomiuri Includes: iroha_nijiue\super_danganronpa_another\rstar\iroha_nijiue\iroha_nijiue_sfm.mdl. During the Void Theater, Hajime's dialogue implies she is much ruder and more hostile than she was shown to be. [1] Nikei Yomiuri ( / Yomiuri Nikei) is a main character featured in the Korean fangame Super Danganronpa Another 2, created by game-developer LINUJ. It was revealed that Iroha had originally been planned to be the killer in the Second Island, intended to take Emma's spot, though failing due to the mention of Emma's father. 0 3. . It is the sequel to LINUJ's first fangame; Danganronpa Another, and is the last release from the Another Series. After Yuki began to enter the water, everyone including Iroha fell unconscious. And the executions call me a sadist if you want, but those are one of the best parts. Afterwards, it was heavily implied that Emma left her family at some point. She also wears a gray fur coat that reaches down to her legs, black socks, and deep gray boots with red soles and light pink criss-cross laces. Busgirl333. Iroha would be seen with Setsuka at this point, being splashed by water. At some point Syobai Hashimoto accidentally stabbed Sora while trying to murder Yuki Maeda, and Monocrow scolded him, saying that violence without intent of murder is not allowed. If you don't like the color, drop it back into the paint bottle to adjust the color. See, its the first day on a beautiful island with brand-new friends! eye texture - mitsuflower. Iroha Nijiue ( ) is a character featured in the Korean fangame Super Danganronpa Another 2 created by LINUJ. Can there be any hope on the island of despair? After creating her prototype design, and fleshing out the story of Super Danganronpa Another 2 more, very little changes were made to Iroha's character[3]. Monocrow then appeared and, without giving information, took Teruya while claiming hell introduce him later. After knocking Kokoro out, she would return to the area of the concert, claiming that Kokoro had been struck by a fever and had fainted due to it. As her skills never met the expectations that her parents and family had forced onto her, her life gradually became worse. Because they voted wrong, Monocrow subjected all four participants (Except Mikado) to an execution. Was murdered, and admins thus leaving a dying the participants a gift, and.! Brand-New friends comics and manga [ 3 ] thus leading him to start the! 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