I'm just here when you need me. Hi Vania, Im so pleased that you enjoyed this lesson and youve identified some wonderful, supportive phrases to use with your mom and colleagues! You know that I will stand by you no matter how stormy it might get. My colleague has very nervous bcs she is going to present a important presentation today, that time I told her dont worry Ill stand with you to the end . Discover what collocations are + learn common English collocations with think. Disclaimer | Advertise With Us. My love, you are the sunshine to my day and everything that you could ever be. Your email address will not be published. These quotes may make you pursue your path. You are my angel, you are my everything, you mean more than anything. You always have my support. 10. Ill be with you every step of your journey. I love you. I love all of the given examples. Youre my entire life and Im a better person just for knowing you., You can survive this. I promise to be there for you, no matter how tough things get. It is my honor to be called your daughter/son." "The most perfect love is that between a mother and child. 74. We are both facing that moment in our lives but no matter what happens, I'll always be here to be your pillar and lover. There is no beginning and end, just the constant wonder of what might happen next. You are my rock, my soul mate, and shoulder to lean on and I love you so much. My favorite name to see appear on my phone. In this lesson, youll learn 20 common euphemisms to describe people and aging. They come from a heart filled with boundless love for you and are cemented by the unshakeable bond that exists between us, built on trust and fidelity. Thanks for being there for me. My family is like a sanctuary to me.I turn to them for support and strength. No matter what, I will always be by your side I am always here to support you. So again, whether you want to support a co-workers opinion or tell a close friend that no matter what she decides on a difficult issue you support her, in todays Confident English lesson youll learn nine different ways to do that in English. Now that you have these nine phrases to show your support to someone, I would love to know which one is your favorite and how could you use it in a real-life situation. 5. I will always support you. You are the centre of my world, and my heart belongs to you and only you. My love, you have always been by my side. 36. Thanks for being there for me. I am proud of you. 33. Yet, staying stuck where you are means that you will either stay stuck or things will get worse. Im not going anywhere. This is a fantastic way to commit or promise to supporting someone throughout a project or a period of time. 3. cool ! Phrase number eight isn't my favorite one on the list, but it's close. 60. Hi Annemarie, its so nice to listen to you again! It wont always be easy, but well figure it out together. 74. Forever, every day, you and me. Thanks for being there, my angel. When we all help one another, everybody wins. Imagine one of your coworkers wants to share an idea in a business meeting tomorrow, and you think its a brilliant idea. 2023 Oldtown Publishing LLC 479 State Route 17 N 51. I love you, honey. 55. 37. I understand. I will be here, whenever you need me. Real family was heart as much as, if not more than, blood.Martina Boone, Stop expecting loyalty from people who cant even give you honesty.Unknown, Dont worry about the family that ignores you and acts like you dont matter, love the ones who are always there for you no matter what.Unknown, Bond is stronger than blood. When a friend of mine has a difficult decision to make, or they want to share their idea in front of a group. To have everything I need, you. We can conquer everything! 34. How do you tell them that you are there for them? In phrase number two, Ill stand with you to the end, we talked about how that is a sort of commitment or promise of your support. Well make it. Its a nice, simple way to say you think its a good idea. And if youre one of my Fluency School students, you definitely know this one, Ill back you up. Im happy to support you, no matter what. I will always listen and sympathize, and hold your hand when needed. Just want to let you know that Im always here for you. You are there to give whatever kind of support is needed. 2. They have the same enemy.Sam Levenson, She wanted to ask him why they were all strangers who shared the same last name.Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Its okay to cut toxic family members out of your life. You owe it to yourself to steer clear of people who are harmful to your health.Andrea Lavinthal, Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you familyChris Diaz, Never let the lack of support deter your mission.Unknown, Children betrayed their parents by becoming their own people.Leslye Walton, The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others life. Thanks for always being there, my angel. Thank you for loving me like I am the most important thing in your world. You can always count on me. Im just here when you need me. Hi Annemarie mam, I find it amazing how people find love from the billions and zillions of people out there. It means, "I offer you my love freely without condition." This means that when we offer our love, we offer it without expectation of repayment. While it is true that actions speak louder than words, words are still a powerful way to share a message with someone. We're here to help you at every stage of your journey. Thank you for being my first best friend., You dont have to make the decision alone; Ill always be here for you if you need any assistance., You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ill stand with you to the end. PLUS, with my favorite phrases, youll learn multiple meanings and a fun way to pronounce it for natural-sounding speech. Youre the reason I wake up in the morning. 76. But, there is something that will remain constant, my love. I promise to love you forever and support you. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 4. if you need a shoulder to cry on Ill always be by your side. Whether youre going through a hard time or just celebrating life, Ill support you. That is a nice, simple way to express that support and show that you think your coworker has a good idea. I will always be here for you, loving you, and making you feel special. 2. Otherwise, we are offering love with "strings attached." This creates power and control imbalances. My favorite way to spend my afternoon. Imagine a coworker wants to propose a solution or idea in a business meeting and you think its a BRILLIANT idea. 10. Ill be your shoulder to cry on, and will be there to listen when you need me. I love you and cant wait to see what the future brings! You are my life and understand me better than anyone could ever understand. I cannot stop the downpour, but I can always walk with you in the rain. 14. All because you are my everything. I will always support you. I know how difficult and discouraging it can be to be around unsupportive people, and especially family members! If you ever need a helping hand, youll find one at the end of your arm. To show or tell your loved ones that you will always be there for them and support them, here are some I am always here to support you quotes that I hope will highlight the importance of being there for your loved ones. Nobody deserves to live life as the shunned black sheep.Unknown, If you allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, you will be out of balance and in the negative. 35. 77. William J. Clinton My mom has always been my support system. Without you, I am no more. No matter what youre going through, Ill be here with you every step of the way. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. "When you look into your mother's . Youre everything to me, my one & only. 26. 73. No matter what happens, I am always here to support you if you need me. I cant let my forgiveness become foolishness.Tony Gaskins, A warm house does not always depend on its structures, but depends on the heat of relationship that all members have towards each other.Ky Vanchay, If you pretend to be close, youll only find how far apart you really are.Ryan P. Cole, Without communication, theres no relationship; Without respect, there is no love; Without trust, there is no reason to continue.Unknown, Dad got furious when we lied to him. And I got your back quotes for those friendships that will last a lifetime. What you think of me, is all that matters. Ive got your back. Thanks for always being there, my angel. Wonderful! Copyright 2014-2023 Speak Confident English | Privacy Policy | Terms & Disclaimer| Online Class Policies. {Answered!}. I will always be here for you, to love and support you. My love for you is eternal. I got you. Thank you for coming into my life, I love you. To listen, to understand, and to hold your hand when you need me. Do you feel me? Because if I had done one thing differently, I might have never met you. This world seems cold and so much older, yes it gets me right down to my bones. To back something up or to back someone up means to support them. 29. Your smile is my favourite thing in the world. Sweetheart, I will always be here for you. Very often, its the place where we find the deepest heartache.Iyanla Vanzant, I forgive, but I also learn a lesson. I am on your side, believe me . You are there for me no matter what and Ill always be here to support you in life. 9. You are the one who makes me feel like everything is right when all are wrong. You are the best for me. I really appreciate your constant support. No matter what happens, Ill always be here to support you. I said that was why I didntNaoise Dolan, Just because someone is your family doesnt mean you have to keep them around if they are toxic or abusive. I want you to know I love you and cant wait to see all the great things that the future holds for you., I care for you so much; I hope you will not go through much pain if you need anything, I will always be there for you., Friends come and go like the waves of the ocean but the true ones stay, like an octopus on your face., You dont build a bond without being present. James Earl Jones, Im here for you in the same way that youre here for me, each person is an intricate piece of infinity. Eyedea, Im here for you. 75. Whether it is the way you comforted me when I was down or the way in which your hugs magically wiped out my frowns. But, there is something that will remain constant, my love. 54. It serves as a trusted guide to help you navigate life's challenges by providing you with the necessary tools and resources to elevate your existence. 100 Stay Positive Quotes. Just lean on me. I need you. 56. You are all I need for the rest of my life and I just hope you are aware of that. 51. I vow to stick by you, listen when you need guidance, and stand together in the darkest times. I promise to be there for you. Unit #2007 Mahwah, NJ 07430, 67 Quotes About Overcoming Adversity and Challenges in Your Life, 47 Grief Quotes to Help People Deal with Loss and Pain, 51 Be Kind Quotes to Inspire Kindness in Others, then check out and recite these 57 affirmations for success, Hedonic Treadmill and Adaption Theory: A Brief Guide, 201 Compliments and Positive Things to Say to Someone, Whenever you find yourself alone, just think of me because even when your shadow leaves, I wont., If you dont remember anything else in life, remember that I am here for you no matter what you need., I may not be right there whenever you needed me, but Im just a call, a text, a drive away from you. Still are. Nothing and nobody, not even time, will change that. 41. Family is in our hearts, bonded together for life, no matter where you rest your head. 46. Whenever you need someone just let me know and I will always be there supporting you. the right words to say to someone to show comfort or sympathy, learn more about connected speech, I have a full video on that topic, #270: 20 English Euphemisms to Describe People and Aging. Ill always be by your side., I cant promise to fix all your problems but I can promise you wont have to face them alone., Im so thankful that you came into my life. But I want to just say thank you for being there when I need you. Im here to stay no matter what. I am here for you always, please remember that! 3. 1. We say a lot of things in anger. I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to my life and I will never ever allow anyone to take you from me, I promise that. Whenever you need me, Ill be there for whatever type of support you might need. Thanks for being there, my love. Im thrilled that youve found some useful phrases to use in a variety of situations. Life can be tough, but as long as we have each other, well be just fine. I will always be there for you. 21. Its a wonderful way to get practice feedback, and learn from others as well with that, have a fantastic week. When youre feeling down, I hope you know that Im here for you. You are my everything, you are the love of my life. You always make me smile, I enjoy every moment we spend together and I come away feeling grateful for our friendship., Ouch, I can hear worries running around from a distance! Subscribe. We want to show that we care about you and that we're here to help. When Im with you, everything seems so perfect. You have made life worth living for me. You are my everything, my love. Lease hurts by forgiving, bless their hearts, and then farewell to them.Unknown, So youre saying, I HAVE to like them because theyre family, but they treat me like sh*t? 68. Instead, if I had a coworker to support before a meeting or a presentation, I would say : I ll back you up or I got you. We need to let them know that we care about them and will do everything in our power to support them, even if we cant relate or understand their issues, we still care about them. I gotcha 98. If you want to learn more about connected speech, I have a full video on that topic. They will support you anyway and help you with anything that comes up. Its as simple as thatbut it means so much more to me than just three words on a piece of paper. I love you and Ill always be here for you. Every time you walk away I feel empty inside, but as soon as you come back I feel so relieved that we are together again. Through the good times and the bad, I will always be here to support you. I couldnt have asked for a better friend. That might mean taking their kids to school for them going grocery, shopping, cleaning their home, doing yard work. You are my knight in shining armour. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. I cant live without you, trust me, I will never leave you. I promise to always be there for you. - Kobe Bryant. 78. Always. 2. Someone who makes you feel you are everything to them. You can lean on me when you need to and Ill always catch you. Continue with Recommended Cookies. It is unending." "Flowers in the field bow their blooms with awe in the presence of a mother. Proud of You Messages. Thanks Luisa. 62. I am the luckiest person in the world to have your love, and your friendship, and your heart. The road sometimes gets rough but well always get through. Or maybe you have had someone who stood by your side, especially during the most difficult times? . Im 100% certain your patients would appreciate such supportive comments. Give it a try and see how it feels. You want to express your support for your coworker. Even if I spent the whole day with you, I will miss you the second you leave. You are my best friend and I want our friendship to continue to grow stronger together. Ill always be here for you. Ben Affleck No matter what you or anyone else does, there will be someone who says that there's something bad about it. When you need me, I will be there. 5. when you are hurt or sad so am I when youre down I feel like I want to cheer you. 31. No matter what happens. Then again, no matter what your point of view may be, you can always find someone with a Ph.D to support it. 1. Now, while were on that topic of going through a difficult time, if youre looking for the right words to say to someone to show comfort or sympathy, Ive got a full lesson on that topic and Ill leave a link to it in the notes below the video. When were apart I think of what to say and then out of nowhere words like I love you come to me. This one is great for business situations. I'm here no matter what." "I might not be everything you want, but I give you my word. For the good times, the bad times, and everything in between. 65. Good times come, and bad times also show up. Can You Manifest in Another Language? To love you, laugh with you and make sure that your heart is at peace with mine. So you could say something like I support that, or I support you. I am here for you with everything I have, always and forever. 82. Being there with you is all I ever need. Epica, I know it's been hard, me not being there. We can get through anything together because were strong together. I want to be there for you. I know weve had our ups and downs, but as your best friend, Its my job to always be there for you. I need you. Thanks for always being there for me even when I didnt appreciate our efforts. I would be by your side through all adversity, and no matter what happens, we will be fine. I wouldnt know what I would do without you. Having you around is more than words can explain and you are the best thing that ever happened to me. No matter what people say, I will keep loving you until my heart beats no more. 47 Your words uplift my soul. I am always here to support you, loving you. I gotchya. Theres nothing you can ever do to lose my love. Just remember that our friendship is more important than any minor setback. I am behind you 100%- or I will back you up "Your small support could accomplish a big dream." - Mohammad Rishad Sakhi 2. Every day is an adventure with you. But even if you dont, Im still here., Best friends know if the smile in your face is a tear rolling in your heart. Ill support you, no matter what you decide. You'll also get my Confident English lessons delivered by email every Wednesday and occasional information about available courses. I will listen when you need me, Ill be your shoulder when you cry. 28. Ill get through this with you. On the outside, it may look like we've fallen apart, but as a family, we always stay together in our hearts. I will always be here to support you. 49. When you know that someone is going to present an idea or opinion, or maybe make a difficult decision, and youre there to say, Im going to support you, and Im going to publicly give you that support. 44. Life is ever changing but does not ever forget that the constant things in your life are: me. In your lifetime, you will find and meet one person who will love you more than anybody you have ever known and will know. Im here even when others wont. Im just a text away, whenever you need me. 4. One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that there is someone out there who is willing to stick with you no matter what the circumstances are. And every single day after that., Its been a long time since you and I have been friends. 13. Remember, I am always here to support you. Support quotes. Im here to help you through the tough times, to laugh with you during the happy times, and to support you when life gets crazy. Im certain your coworkers or customers appreciate hearing that from you. 2. Im here for you. No matter how big or how small your problem is, Ill be there., Im here for you. No matter how tough things are with us, I will always be here to support you. This is a promise that I will keep. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. 45. This is exactly where you want to be every week to get the confidence you want for your life and work in English. You are my life and no matter what happens, I just want you to know thatIm always here to support you! I love you more than anything else in the world. Phrase number eight isnt my favorite one on the list, but its close. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you need anything, I am always here for you my love. Perfectly done! And I am braver than loneliness. We may not always agree, but you can know that whatever happens, however often we fight; I care about you & love you because its true. They will protect you and give you support during hard times, so you're never alone. Never did I know that I will fall in love with you in this manner. Its not what I feel for you, its what I dont feel for anyone but you. Every moment is a new discovery with you. 58. Come rain, come the sunshine, Im here to help. You got this! I pledge to be your partner in sickness & health, in good times & bad, for richer or poorer. 11. Someone up there in heaven must be watching out for me since they sent me the most beautiful angel in my life, and that is you. You are everything I need in life and more. Im always here for you, it doesnt matter what happens. What youre saying is youre going to cover the cost. Let me tell you one thingI am always here to support you, with all my heart, I consider you not only a friend but also part of my family, so cry your tears on my shoulder, even if the sky is falling down. Thanks for being my hero at all times. We may not always agree, but you can know that whatever happens, however often we fight; I care about you & love you. Plus theres a third possible meaning. Thanks to you, I can now adapt to new situations. I will always be by your side through the good times and the bad times, remember that! What that means is youre there to help someone youre ready to be a second pair of eyes, a second pair of ears, a second pair of helping hands. Unless I think it's really dumb. I am glad you are mine. I know we dont talk much, but I care about you a lot and Im always thinking about you. Ill listen to every word you have to say, and Ill hold your hand when you need it most. I will say to you: Darling, You are my everything. If you need me, Ill be there. I will love you no matter what. It's okay to fail sometimes. I will hold your hand if youre left behind, but Ill run to the end of the Earth if you want me to come by your side. I will be your empathy and fierce advocate. And if you ever need me Ill be there supporting you in no time at all. Proud supporter here from Philippines, Looking forward to hear from you soon. "Father and mother were the only ones obligated to love you; from the rest of the world, you had to earn it.". 67. I gotchya? Im behind you a hundred percent. Change is now easy because of you. My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets. Thanks for always being there for me, my darling. 12. Its so different from what I have felt with anyone else before. We've lined up a collection of sixty powerful stay strong quotes to help you get through some of life's most tumultuous moments. And sometimes It actually means more Because a commitment is something you sink into your bones And love soars on loyal and giving wings." Christine Evangelou, The Touch of 10,000 Words: Musings and Poetry: Love, Life, Inner Magic and the Pursuit of Dreams I am always here to support you. I'll always be there for you, loving and supporting you. So I got ya can be used to mean I support you. If you or a loved one are struggling with depression, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area. - Winston Churchill What's done is done. 13. Thank you for your wonderfully supportive comments. To call you just my boyfriend, would hardly give you justice. Just tell your boss how you felt about her approach yesterday, I got you. Download my free training on how to build the courage and confidence you need to say what you want in English. Discipline yourself to stay out of sin!" -Israelmore Ayivor, 'The Great Handbook of Quotes.'. I cant stop the downpour and I wont try. 42. I have learnt adaptability from you and your efforts. I will be with you throughout life. Here are 40 of the best unsupportive family quotes to help you acknowledge your worth and move on. Thanks for protecting me from the vultures. Pick up the phone if you ever need help. Neil Strauss I came of age believing that, no matter what happened, I would always be able to support myself. Life by Cyrus. It doesnt matter what life throws at you. It doesnt matter what life throws at you, I will always be here to support you. Baby, thanks for being there and defending me when I had no one. No matter what happens, I will always be here for you. Making you proud is enough for me. Your advice is life-saving. 61. 85. besides That I appreciate your blatant effort to make it every week. Im here no matter what., I might not be everything you want, but I give you my word. If I had to live again. Once in a lifetime, you meet someone who changes everything and becomes your everything. When I see your smile and I get a glance on your face, everything inside me just relaxes. 64. You have brought me love, joy, and happiness in life that I can never repay. Darling, I love you no matter what. I wont hate you, but Ill never get close enough for you to hurt me again. Life has its up and downs, we have a story to tell. Annemarie, You can count on me forever.and ever, and of course I also love: I got you.. First Thank you Second God Bless Annemarie and Third Tell me how I can get to talk to you. Genuine friends will always have your back no matter what happens in life. So to best support a friend or family member, you could say I'll support you no matter what, or I'll support you either way. 70. I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. "Family is the most important thing in life. ""You know I'll always support you, no matter what. I just want you to know how I feel about you. 12. Share your example with me and the entire Confident English community in the comments below. I promise to be by your side for the rest of my life. Thanks for always being there, my love. I love you. You make me laugh more than anyone else, and Im the best me when Im with you. 14. Whatever happens, Ill always be nearby to give you support. I wanna live my life with you, every day. 24. Thanks for always being there, my darling. You have a strong mind and body. 15. You can talk to us, and we will always support you. 84. I will do my best to give you the love and support you need. Thanks for sharing this videos every week. That means Im not just here for the pretty parts. 36. 29. I may not be with you in person all the time and I may not be able to do all the things that I want to do for you. George Shinn. In fact, has a few different meanings as well. Makes the world seem right. I am always here to support you. I hope you keep your face toward the sun because you are so bright, you are everything I want. 94. #254: How to Successfully Negotiate in English | 4 Strategies + 20 Essential Phrases, #245: How to Give GREAT Answers to Small Talk Questions in English, #192: Conversations on Self-Care in English [Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, & Collocations]. 43. 87. My love for you is infinite and unending. No matter what you do in your life, I always have my support and love for you. My love, I want to be there for you when times are good and when theyre tough. If there is something that you want to tell me, please do not hesitate to ask. 73. No matter what happens, I am always here to support you if you need me. I am always here to support you. The family grows stronger by bond.Itohan Eghide, You might enjoy: 50 Family Affirmations for A Strong & Happy Family, If I cut you off, youve handed me the scissors.Unknown, The only thing we had in common was DNA, which gave us limited mileage conversationally.Naoise Dolan, Just because somebody is genetically related, doesnt mean they are a nice person or someone you should have in your lifeUnknown, Families are Forever, and wondered if the slogan was meant as a promise or a threat.Brady Udall, our family became a place where you screamed for help but no one heard, not ever.Marceline Loridan-Ivens, You are allowed to terminate your relationship with toxic family members. On me when Im with you is all that matters or poorer either. Learnt adaptability from you soon will be there to give you support, here... The pretty parts in fact, has a difficult decision to make, or I support you, when. & # x27 ; ll always be here with you every step of the in. 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