Holmes Select: Hindsight is 20/20. Lupin? Because ordinary people shouldn't pretend to be geniuses! Serenity Touta is getting farther away too! Yes. Cursed Arm I'd like to try riding a sphinx, at least once! Bedivere Everything we've heard up to now suggests that this desert is your domain Nitocris I asked of thee to seize life, and yet thou would seize everything. Mash To get inside, we'll need to defeat their knights and get past that front gate. I was determined, but at the same time, narrow-minded. I'm the one to apologize. Yes. Gawain Da Vinci Cursed Arm Urgh Meh, what's one hit gonna do? Holmes Hold thy tongue, mage. Normally, Da Vinci would spoil us with some idle banter about now Arash You are already a Heroic Spirit. Their signal fire is black, meaning they're about to engage! Dr. Roman He needs a good preaching-to! Nitocris What about Mordred's units? Sanzang Chaldea was nothing more than an observatory in 2004, but then gained vast amounts of equipment like any other research facility. Tristan Looks like you've gotten used to fighting in the mountains, Mash, Fujimaru! Had a feeling that would happen. Take it, heartless ladies and gentlemen! i'll get you a blueberry muffin you'll love it it's gargantooin. I'm taking the ropes and gag off of her right now. The unnamed Servant, self-proclaimed as being Richard I, is a unknown class Stray Servant appearing in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. Select: That thing, back when we first met! Why did you have to appear now? She blew away pieces of Sheba!? Ozymandias Select: Whooooaaaa! Bedivere Select: I can't rely on you alone, Cursed Arm. Agravain. Agravain Bedivere Da Vinci So I think that just this time, she'll accept it. Cursed Arm talks hatred, but already thinks of you as allies. Cursed Arm Camelot's main gates cannot be broken so easily. Cursed Arm Lancelot Arash My name is Pharaoh Nitocris! Against the Knights of the Round Table? Fujimaru is shrouded in some kind of Anti-Filth protection. It's time to send our thoughts and ideals down the raging Nile. Nitocris Ah yes, there's no mistaking that sinfully showy speech! Da Vinci No. Not a stroke of luck. 1. Pardon me if this seems rather rude, but that name Is that your True Name as a Heroic Spirit? No, Sir Bedivere!And besides, what are you so fearful of? Dr. Roman Da Vinci Mash Mash Mordred Something about how in Egyptian territory there's a foreign object from yet another era. He is too dangerous to ignore. You're Lord Arash.Yes but still, you know Arash The back of my neck's been tingling, sort of Sanzang Bedivere It means his efforts didn't go to waste, at least. Humph. But let's be perfectly clear, okay? I cannot leave this place until I capture all of you Intoxicating Smoke Mash Nitocris Bedivere 2. Select: A Heroic Spirit that attacks women!? This is their home territory. Even if he's just on comms? And sorry. What kind of mechanism could be behind it? Milady, you are also a Knight of the Round Table. The Atlas Institute is the brainchild of the oldest alchemists. Sorry, it's an emergency! Hmm. Sanzang That was the beginning of the collapse of the Round Table. Relationhsip. It's our way of compromising. WhyYes. Mash Mash Then let's make our way down.Carefully now. Sir Gawain is a knight blessed with the Numeral of the Saint During the day, his power is three times greater Oh, come on, Da Vinci. Giving me the freedom of a hand was a mistake. Yeah, I'm not really supposed to play favorites, but I'll do everything I can to help you! W-Water!? I will continue to despise humans. Lancelot, Raider Knight of the Round Table. However, that person is our guest and savior. Hundred Personas Hit them with the flats of your blades! Everybody, dismount and prepare to engage! Both of you still look irritatedWe're about to go into battle now. Sanzang How are you gonna pay for this, huh!? I suppose so. Bedivere The Doctor isn't sleeping? Ahh Rushd, Rushd! Like a foreign body inside a foreign body? Mordred's forces are outside. No, sorry. Out of the way! You have a gift! Who are you people! No, maybe the soldiers will, but the main camp won't. You parry my strike with youryour coat!? Yes. You fight bravely, like any Servant would, but I could tell. However, I couldn't find what I was looking for. Hmm. Da Vinci I could sense it's something to be proud about. Cursed Arm 2. Cursed Arm Tristan Communication is the best way to achieve mutual understanding. Yeah, I saw the skull too! Oh, right. Bedivere I still don't know the True Name of the Heroic Spirit who transferred this power to me Holmes Bedivere Of course he would have no interest in us. Sanzang Though you got here a bit too late. Master! To atone for that, I came all this way. Tawara Touta I think you call that a crash Time is valuable, but I believe safety is also important Cursed Arm Shield out and punch it! Bedivere Bedivere But, I am the Hassan-i Sabbah of this era. Thank you. You could even defeat the Lion King. Select: Wasn't Andersen saying something about? Of course I know the one who went to Avalon. I have no reason to let those who opposed the king return alive. I am Serenity, the poison flower that blooms in the darkness. Agravain It will be difficult to penetrate. That's true. Select: I can't stop this Cursed Arm I can understand that pain now. Arash Now I grant your True Name! Shaytan has already devoured half of me Tristan This was my true intention. The pain of eternal life is tough, but that's all it is. Rest assured, Master! By the way, Hassan. Da Vinci Let's go over the plan one more time. 2. Cursed Arm Lion King We are, together, Old Men of the Mountain. Hahaha. Yes! Mash This smell Wait, are you burning!? What an unusual request. Yes. Anyway, {(M) Mr. /(F) Ms.} Fujimaru.To be honest, I'm quite surprised. Armies? Ah well, that Tawara Touta over there is a Dragon Slayer from the Far East, a samurai with interesting tales. Did you allow invaders into the Holy City? Sir Lancelot. Now listen, awoken pharaoh.Incarnation of the god Horus, Nitocris. I wonder what kind of raw materials Merlin used to replicate the arm of a Divine Spirit. The dream of serving the king. Tristan Here goes, Lord Arash! I will allow either of those. I've detected multiple enemy reinforcements! Mash Sir Lancelot and his followers will have to be in high spirits. Needless to say, I have heard of this name, as well.But, I have never set eyes upon it. You know, because I'm a high priest girl. Fujimaru. G??? Yes, yes indeed. This doesn't clear away my foolishnessbut I have lost my reason to fight you all. It's about time I got to work. 2. Right! If you'd go so far as becoming an ugly monster, then I must answer your resolve. Confirmed, a high-density magical energy response in the sky! Da Vinci You did well, Mash! Dr. Roman The buggy only fits three, anyway. I'm sure that even the king's knights will lend you their strength. All right. Mash Hold on, I am detecting a hostile presence.Hassan, does anything live at this altitude? Mash Bedivere Gawain Between 1000 BC and 2018 AD there are approximately 3,000 years. You cannot escape. Your child has been chosen by your god for this. You callin' me a blockhead?Oh, you so did! Bedivere The Ninth Crusade has just ended, and the kingdom of Jerusalem has vanished from the face of the earth. Mash Arash Sanzang That's right. Feel the seething rage of this planet! All of us have a duty to defeat this knight! Hahaha. I was summoned somewhere in this world about half a year ago. Select: Sorry about Nitocris, Hundred Personas! I had a miserable trip home! Lion King I'll take care of this! There's nothing wrong with my head.And now that I have the Holy Grail, I Whoops. Ozymandias We managed to put them downBut why were they in a place like this? A battle! Select: Leave it to me! TYPE-MOON Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Sanzang's behaving even more freely I will fight you with everything I have! Her father opposed, but she married into a family in the Holy Land. Catto, Dress Key #63, to be precise. Forgive me, milady? I do not fear combat. Y-Yes! Holmes Lion King The second chair, Percival. This would help their students keep sound minds.Even if the sky was artificial. Don't you agree, Tris?Hey, still alive there, ya bastard? We currently lack the strength to do so. You could hardly call them safe weapons. Furthermore, you can't give us a proper show of gratitude! Dr. Roman This is not your crime.That is all because. Mash The hell? Mash (Arash's name may not be that recognizable, but in Western Asia he's all that comes to mind when you hear the word archer.), Dr. Roman Tristan Find what's causing the disruption in that era, and retrieve it, or else destroy it. It appeared out of nowhere, and no one knows where it came from. I find it hard to believe that Sir Gawain would meet such resistance from refugees, much less allow their escape. Bedivere Why are you doing this!? The rest is exactly as you imagine. You see, I'm on my way back from Tianzhu and I have to get home. Lost my transfer code. Prepare to be punished! No time to think, huh? Even when they're Anti-Heroes, Heroic Spirits reject being fused with humans, for some reason. Select: Like a foreign body inside a foreign body? Sir Lancelot is no longer an enemy, I see. Impossible. Ozymandias Cursed Arm 1. The responsibility lies with us!It was all of us that ruined this village. Sanzang Lucius I will vanish along with my ideals. Agravain It may have been in a panic, but she was able to ward off the sphinxes on her own. Nonsense. Don't tell me you were one of the rebels? He appears in the Historia Regum Britanniae, but he was a very minor emperor Da Vinci 2. Da Vinci Da Vinci Let's go inside! Take a look over there at the center of the wallThat's the Holy City's main gate. Tawara Touta How terrifying Tawara Touta Cursed Arm Select: I just can't keep it shut! That alone shall not be the case. I see. Lancelot The people here need not wake from it. Is that statement accurate? I am Hassan-i Sabbah. Dr. Roman We won't be able to land right at the village. But we couldn't see it from up in the mountains How can you do this without a Bounded Field!? You're the arrogant one here, Sir Gawain. However, I couldn't figure out what happened during its course, or how it concluded. But that doesn't mean you'll disappear. But if there was an attack, Mash would've blocked it What's going on!? That is precisely why I shall slay you with all my strength. I, Mash Kyrielight, will fight with all my strength as your Servant! Holmes Please, lead the way. The King of Knights No, His Majesty the Lion King respected your thoughtfulness. The Gift of the Knights of the Round Table is still active! There were times when the light of observation itself disappeared. Fujimaru, we would like a word with you. I get it. You're still going to fight, Lion King? And it makes sense why the mighty skeleton guy told us to come here. Dr. Roman Bedivere Dr. Roman The Crusaders have already been wiped out! Rushd Yes, I gave each knight their choice. Arash This will be the last time we let our fists do the talking! Quit blabbering and RUN! How sad. Sanzang I didn't think you had any fear. Chaldea's work is tough.No, it's not just tough it's incredible. No, it's not the origin.But it is an important factor. The Tower at the Ends of the World has appeared at the Holy City. If I must burn you alive to stop my laughter then that is what I shall do, but Ozymandias ??? First Hassan 2. Try to remember, no matter how trivial it may seem.Was there anything strange about the King of Mages? To the Lion King, the citizens are irreplaceable people Bedivere Fight, ye dead, and seize life. ??? Dr. Roman Sanzang Please remain the guardian of the gate. Sanzang My cheeks are still numb, though! Based on the legend of Visha Kanya from the far eastern land, I'm a poison girl, created by a religious cult to be a living lump of poison. Dr. Roman Dr. Roman (As I wandered, I saw numerous worlds.Some worlds were beautiful, others ugly. The era couldn't be verified, and at times, no observation could be carried out. Will I mess up, and ruin everything for everyone? Same goes for us, Old Man of the Mountain.The king will never pardon you. Lion King 1. Let's get some sleep when we arrive. You must be a genius, Sanzang! Your speculation is accurate. Mash Showing up on the battlefield looking the way you did would be a bother to us all. Tristan Return before that. He never said it, but I understood that he was at his wits' end Because I'm a genius. Select: Did it just come off!? What? By the pride of the Old Man of the Mountain, I swear we will take his life. Select: The Lion King is wrong. King Solomon had the ability to see into the future. Da Vinci Don't worry, I'll pay you 10% of the market value. Sanzang 2. No. For two days now, the villagers have only had a little water and salt. She's Leonardo da Vinci. The most famous anecdote about him is from the end of King Arthur's life. Yes! Save the greetings for later! Yes. You there, Mr. Knight. Cursed Arm Sanzang You scumbag How'd you find this village!? Dr. Roman Lucky number 20, you're next! Sanzang Gawain And, I am especially moved as well!Sherlock Holmes was real! Da Vinci Hundred Personas It fell from the sky and it was shining gold Agravain 2. That's to be expected. It's probably an enemy Servant, do not engage! Curse me for not being cold-blooded Zayd right now! Let's go, Mash! There is no need for the sand any longer. A skull mask? He can turn back just like that! Then I am counting on you. (But someone called the Lion King Hmm, this is getting even more complicated.). You've gotten stronger. Tawara Touta In which case, one or two knights shifting sides would not impact the overall plan. Tristan Are you ready, Fujimaru!? Hassan's mask seems to have fallen from the impact.It's on the ground. Do you intend to commit treason against your king!? Tristan Dr. Roman Select: It's too difficult for me to understand. Those were his words as he parted with me, but To think that he'd name me at the end It was a past I discarded, a tale that had no connection with me as a Heroic Spirit Cursed Arm Is that like the Bodhisattva's vow in Buddhism?One of the conditions required to reach nirvana? Hundred Personas Hmm!? We were never summoned as individual beings before. Where's Arash? The seventh corridor and the second spiral staircase. Queen Nitocris. You bear the armor of the knights from the Holy City!I cannot trust you! Sanzang And now First Hassan Mash Everyone, get in the Sphinx-mobile while we have the chance! What a relief. H??? It seems I let the blood rush to my head, as well. Da Vinci There's so many of them, they're just like a wall! 1. I'm picking up more enemies! Gawain I came across a knight in purple armor, but he made quick work of me in my weakened state. Very well. It's faster not to drift, but cornering like this is more impressive, isn't it!? Gawain I swear it upon my treasured Arondight. I mean, come on, Gawain didn't say anything about it either, right?! Cursed Arm Tristan Da Vinci Mash Sanzang He must be planning to use us to weaken the Lion King's power. I can't have a proper conversation unless I talk to people directly like this. It means to observe the world not by reason or logic, but to observe it spiritually, subjectively. Sanzang It's frustrating beyond belief, but we can't fight any longer! Only Bedivere would be able to fight them.But he would reach his limit quickly. Dr. Roman They are few, but they are elite, able fighters. Yes, sir. It's been said time and again, but Gawain is the most powerful Knight of the Round Table under daylight. Weren't they killed by the Crusaders? This is what I want to do. I see. Bedivere Yes. You haven't been given any other knowledge at all.Am I correct in assuming this? To be honest, this causes me the biggest headache. We landed some really good blows, so he won't move anytime soon! Cursed Arm You prioritize the lives of your people. ??? I'm simply following my heart. Of course. I agree with you, Mordred. Bedivere Holmes Now, if you will prepare the banner. One of the Knights of the Round Table, a holy knight who alone succeeded in the search for the Holy Grail. 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