For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake." In fact, the phrase the one who strengthens depicts the action as incomplete and indicates a continual strengthening. Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. The adjacent verses will give you the context within which to interpret it. Why? Let me think of myself as one that is serving Him (oh, how feebly and failingly!) Hello admin, Your posts are always informative. He associates Timothy with himself, not merely, as elsewhere, himself apostle and Timothy in some other relation, but here conjointly "Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ." (iv) He is the God of love and peace ( 2 Corinthians 13:11). The things that happened to him he could therefore judge calmly and clearly. It is an excellent thing to see those to whom God has abounded in the gifts of his grace abounding in grateful returns to his people and ministers, according to their own ability and their necessity: You sent once and again. That does not mean that the peace of God is such a mystery that man's mind cannot understand it, although that also is true. Not the passive side of the Christian as being in the world, but the active comes before us. And this is as hard a lesson as the other; for the temptations of fulness and prosperity are not less than those of affliction and want. 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. The world has its impurities and its degradations but it has also its nobilities and its chivalries, and it is of the high things that the Christian must think. Not a sacrifice of atonement, for none makes atonement for sin but Christ; but a sacrifice of acknowledgment, and well-pleasing to God. Philippians 4:13 is a reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus. 13I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. They didn't do anything for him. Here the object seems to be to make its difference from legal obedience more felt the contrast with the law more complete. Or is it, on the settled judgment of the old as altogether and only self and sin, that we are habitually manifesting Christ? It is needless to recount the comments on these words. The name of Christ Himself is the true centre of the saints; unto this the Spirit gathers. Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for ( Philippians 4:1 ), What a beautiful words by Paul to the church, expressing his heart, just bearing his heart to them, "Dearly beloved, I long for you. there is no small tendency whenever people know the gospel well, if this be all, to settle down, thinking they have nothing more to do with the matter. Suppose we were to go down to history with one thing known about us, what would that one thing be? There are the things which are just. But how can this be unless the heart is perfectly at ease as to itself? Designed for children and adults to color. Yea [not and], I entreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which labour with me." Of course, the enemy would have desired above all and at any cost to lower such an one as the apostle Paul in the loving esteem of God's saints, more particularly where all had been sweet and happy; but, notwithstanding every effort, grace hitherto had prevailed, and these saints at Philippi felt the more for the apostle when he was a prisoner. Tragically few teachers and preachers can speak like that; and yet it remains true that personal example is an essential part of teaching. Philippians 4:13 New International Version 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Farther along we'll understand why. He had put all, as it were, into the hands of Christ, who had Himself given him His own comfort about it. To accommodate ourselves to an afflicted condition--to know how to be abased, how to be hungry, how to suffer want, so as not to be overcome by the temptations of it, either to lose our comfort in God or distrust his providence, or to take any indirect course for our own supply. Now I know that my God lives in good and bad times. In the midst of a challenging feat we might wonder if its appropriate to claim Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. After John 3:16, Philippians 4:13 is one of the most-searched verses in the Bible, and is often linked with athletes seeking to inspire victory and strength. This is at no cost to you and helps keep Rethink up and running. It is a blessed and refreshing picture even in thought. ", Finally, he calls them again to rejoice, and now with more emphasis than ever. The most common interpretations of this verse miss this important distinction. Thank u for making me understand clearly this bible verseIts really a big help to me. A lot of people were healed; people who were blind, their eyes were opened. Unique Philippians 4 13 stickers featuring millions of original designs created and sold by independent artists. Its an assurance that we can do whatever God calls us to do, not whatever we decide to do. Isn't that a glorious promise? In affliction, in prison, everywhere. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand." In a certain sense too he could not, and in another he would not choose. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at This then stands for the accepted teaching of the Church which Paul had handed on to them. Chances are youve heard, read, and seen it written more than a few times. The Revised Standard Version has gracious. in sorrow? The reason for his independence is, in reality, due to his dependence upon Jesus Christ. And now he would have them looking to Christ, that no damp should gather round their hearts from anything that might befall him, that nothing which happened, whether to themselves, to other saints, or even to the apostle, should interfere for a moment with their unclouded and abounding confidence in the Lord. But the Philippians sent once and again; they often relieved and refreshed him in his necessities. Philippians 4:13 is one of the most well-known New Testament verses, but its also notoriously misused. This epilogue balances the prologue (Philippians 1:3-26). It is only when we are fully convinced that God is working all things together for good that we can really feel to him the perfect gratitude which believing prayer demands. The Stoic said, "I will learn content by a deliberate act of my own will." Suppose our life was to be summed up in one sentence, what would that sentence be? Why should women expose, themselves? He was not talking about doing anything he set his mind on but what he had to overcome to preach the gospel. There is no necessity and where is the epistle that more thoroughly disproves the thought of any necessity? It is his own personal experience; and this is the reason why we have "I" so often here. It is authored by Paul the Apostle about mid-50s to early 60s AD and addressed to the Christians in Philippi. simple, minimal, emphasis, green, blue, yellow, gold, blacklines, cursive, calligraphy . This is open to the heart now. It is not at all a question of what one has here. The human mind will always set itself on something and Paul wished to be quite sure that the Philippians would set their minds on the right things. Sweet and wondrous word to say that Christ is our life; but the question is, how are we living? God is more glorified when we are content in trials than when we are content with blessings. Paul had a grateful spirit; for, though what his friends did for him was nothing in comparison of what he deserved from them and the obligations he had laid upon them, yet he speaks of their kindness as if it had been a piece of generous charity, when it was really far short of a just debt. When Paul went to Philippi, he first shared the gospel by the river where a group of ladies had gathered together for prayer. Philippians 4:13 isnt just for Christian superheroes. Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who infuses his strength into me." Of the strength which Christ can impart, Paul had had abundant experience; and now his whole reliance was there. Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine. Enhance your schools traditional and online education programs by easily integrating online courses developed from the scholars and textbooks you trust. BUY 2 ITEMS GET ONE FREE WITH CODE FAITH23FREE SHIPPING APPLIED AT CHECKOUT, Buy 2 items get 1 FREEFREE SHIPPING APPLIED AT CHECKOUT. This he must wish for them, if he wished them well. God is, he in whom we learn to use joy and sorrow, success and failure, achievement and disappointment alike, to enrich and to ennoble life, to make us more useful to others and to bring us nearer to himself. His secret was that he didnt do it, but Christ did it through him. This is a summary of what Paul had just been writing with regard to his having an inward sufficiency "in the Lord" to cope with any of life's circumstances, no matter how severe, and no matter how favorable. That's enough. Paul is telling the Philippian church that he has learned how to be content regardless of his circumstances. He has thanked God for their generosity, that they will be rewarded for their selfless act toward him. To correctly interpret it, you have to read the adjacent Bible verses and see what the additional information will reveal. Philippians 4:13 is not a war cry to go and conquer. Finally Paul says, if there be any praise. 16 For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. The Lord is near. His self-sufficiency in reality came from being in vital union with One who is all-sufficient." Such is the meaning here. And How Can We Celebrate Easter As Christians? (Compare Ephesians 1:1-23 and Colossians 1:1-29) But all, even these in hell, must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Its from these humble means that he can have the peace of God. So he brings before them another remarkable feature of it their fellowship; and this fellowship too with the gospel. But even then, victory was possible, because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.. King James Version (KJV). It was not that he wanted more. It includes verses from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Even in Thessalonica (after he had departed from Macedonia) you sent once and again to my necessity,Philippians 4:16; Philippians 4:16. How does he know? . 4:21-23 Greet in Christ Jesus every one of God's dedicated people. Pastor. A very powerful and awesome message with confidence conviction and clarity, From today, l submit my will to God ,yet God is my peace my go , streagh and my satist in my in Life. "I can do all things through him that strengthens me.". Pauls victory didnt come through his strength. But what about the here and now? He had no theory that first love must necessarily wane and cool down, but the very reverse. The word is arete ( G703) . 3And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my (2) that we need not yield to temptation. Paul was not a member of the Stoic philosophic school. How do you respond when you face challenges and hardships in life? The apostle loved to give God's place and value to everything; and here it is the mingling of Christ with the circumstances of every day. I can do all things, says he, but it is in Christ, not by my own power, for it is Christ that supplies me with strength. Hence we infer, that Christ will not be less strong and invincible in us also, if, conscious of our own weakness, we place reliance upon his power alone. It is not one who cherished a trust in the Lord's fidelity spite of what was visible. The Stoics rightly believed that contentment did not consist in possessing much but in wanting little, "If you want to make a man happy," they said, "add not to his possessions, but take away from his desires." He was a loser, his basic needs werent even being met. It is all judged, and its religious form not least, by Christ "Though," says he, "I might also have confidence in the flesh. It was not some sudden fit, if one may so say, nor was it the influence of passing circumstances. It is not the dread of losing the Saviour of their souls, but because they felt for His name; "for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." Nevertheless, God will surely teach His own, and knows how to clear up what is hidden from them. It is a description that might almost do for Christ himself, so high is the standard for those that belong to Christ. I preached on this topic recently, you can watch it here: We are easily distracted. The context of the passage suggest the "do all things . ", "For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh." Its an encouragement that God can give you the strength to be content, no matter what. With us it is far otherwise; and only as we live on Christ do we remove, as it were, from the enemy's hand that which would furnish him abundant occasion. And there is the secret: I can abound, I can be poor, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.In the fifteenth chapter of the gospel of John, as Jesus is talking about His relationship to His disciples, He said unto them, "I am the vine, ye the branches, my Father is the husbandman. Many people make it an excuse for their charity that they have given once; why should the charge come upon them again? Habitually, indeed throughout this epistle, we find the word " me," and a very different "me" from the "me" of Romans 7:1-25. It is the imbuing of the Christian with that which is life everlasting, but the life that he is now living by "the faith of the Son of God, who loved him and gave himself for him." The verse is often shortened to, "I can do all things . Men can never really love each other until they love Christ. And thus it was the power of the Spirit of God that gave him to look out in the midst of all that he passed through day by day, that all, whatever it might be, should be done to Christ, and so too all by Christ, the Holy Ghost working it, so to speak, in his soul to give him simply and settledly in everything that occurred an opportunity of having Christ Himself as the substance of his living and serving, no matter what might come in the course of duty. I want to take it easy. He can. And just up in the highlands in New Guinea just beautiful, beautiful streams, beautiful forest, beautiful place to live. Paul was content in a dark and damp prison cell with little food to eat. But in my opinion the sense, and even the Greek, seems bad; for on the one hand both and the drift of the argument point to a resurrection of favour and blessedness, not to that in which the unjust must rise to judgment; while on the other hand would imply the dead, i.e. How truly he accounted himself less than the least of them! There is another matter of doubt here. "That I may win Christ, and be found in him" where not a vestige of self remains, but all will be Christ, and nothing but Christ. It should be "the fruit of righteousness, which is by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.". There is real power, there is strength from God that works in the saint; but the feelings of Christ, the mind of Christ morally, is better than all energy. There are things in this world which are flippant and cheap and attractive to the light-minded; but it is on the things which are serious and dignified that the Christian will set his mind. Is he telling us to believe in ourselves? "The very structure of this section makes clear what has just been said. This is a statement of true faith. . What they did seems a much more proper thing, in my judgment, for a woman. "Paul . Now, it may not be for my pleasure, it may not be like I want it to be, but I thank God I'm not in control. Maybe a guy at the gym quoted it or maybe your wife has it written in cursive on a cute chalkboard she got at Hobby Lobby. A wife erects a tomb for herself and for her husband out of their joint earnings, so she must have been in business. But his spirit was as bright as ever, his joy perfectly fresh, deep, and flowing. He had been on that ship that was wrecked and spent a lot of time; they weren't able to catch up with him. Let us take a simple example which meets every teacher almost every day. "Again I say, Rejoice." , I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.Philippians 4;13-KJV. Take the leader away, and the whole group would disintegrate into isolated and often warring units. It is humbling to recognize that things will happen to us beyond our control. I dont know about you, but Im not a very content person. "I beseech Evodia" (we may just notice the true form in passing; Euodias sounds like a man's name, whereas here it is really a woman). Reasonings on such matters are in general miserably wrong. "Hey, what are you going to do?" Whatever state God sees to put me, I am content, because my life is in God's hands; He is in control of those things that surround me. Verse 13 then goes on to say that this is possible in the ", Now that we know who the "One" is, how do we describe ", You can make it through anything through Christ because you are a child of God. Why Paul Wrote the Letter to the Philippians. All we want is, that the eye of faith be a little open; but it is only Christ before the eye that keeps it open. I can do all things through Christ. 1:2021; 2:17). , It is a letter Letter to the Philippians he wrote to the believers of Christ Jesus, bishops, and deacons in the church at Philippi (Philippians 1:1), which was a leading city in Macedonia (Acts 16:12). A present participle is used here indicating Christs strengthening of Paul is ongoing. The verb "to strengthen" is used in other places to denote the work of Christ in the lives of Christians (Ephesians 6:10; 1 Timothy 1:12; 2 Timothy 4:17; 2 Timothy 2:1). Maybe he was writing to the Philippian jailer who had been converted. It is not meant that there are no difficulties, but that Christ makes the burden light and all happy to the praise of God's grace; whereas any other means or measure detracts from His glory and draws attention to self. "To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." But now, finally, that he is sitting there in prison in Rome, they are able to get to him again, and they send this offering. If you were to go back and read Philippians 1 you would see these same concepts. Calvary Hill: The Place Where Jesus Was Crucified, Jesus Christ: The Meaning and Significance of the Crown of Thorns. It is not easy to get at the meaning of this word (euphema, G2163) . Why should a man be like this? The advice in this verse is to inspire people to place their faith in God. BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. And there may be a pun here. The palace officials, the secretaries, the people who had charge of the imperial revenues, those who were responsible for the day-to-day administration of the empire, all these were Caesar's household. This is the object set before us inPhilippians 3:1-21; Philippians 3:1-21. For further reading we recommend 'Philippians: Christ, the Source of Joy and Strength' from the MacArthur Bible Studies Series. Other people would have merely thought of or seen bonds under the Roman emperor, the bonds of that great city that ruled over the kings of the earth. They think about good, wholesome things and not bad. 12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. ", This Bible version says you can make it through anything because of your identity in our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is the sovereign balm for every wound; and it was the apostle's joy, whatever men's spirit might be, not only to enjoy Christ himself, but that His name was being proclaimed far and wide by many lips, that souls might hear and live. InMatthew 23:1-39; Matthew 23:1-39 we have woe upon woe pronounced upon scribes and Pharisees, and so it is here. Hence it is that, although doctrine is sparse, if not almost excluded, nevertheless what little appears comes in as ancillary to the main purpose. He has written His word not to perplex, but to enlighten. And I have sought to develop that listening side of prayer. We have need of strength from Christ, to enable us to perform not only those duties which are purely Christian, but even those which are the fruit of moral virtue. Paul is actually saying that even if he is suffering, or in need, his joy doesn't come from solving those problems. (Epistle to the Philippians), Paul went to preach the gospel in Philippi after a vision he had of a man calling him to go to Macedonia and help the people there (Acts 16:19). 17 Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. You can't understand how that you can feel such peace in the midst of such turmoil. "For indeed he was sick nigh unto death: but God had mercy on him." It was more acceptable to God as it was the fruit of their grace than it was to Paul as it was the supply of his want. Another part of prayer is supplication: my requests, where I present to God those needs of my life, those needs in the lives of those around me. All who believe shall surely shine in His glory; and the universal creation, which, belonging to Him as His inheritance, He will share with His own, shall be reconciled and delivered in due time. Supposing, for instance, we mingle with Christ knowledge or intelligence about this truth or that practice, does it not give a necessary prominence to certain distinctive points, which so far must make Christ of less account? But Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.". In a nutshell, Paul is trying to tell us in. Once you are right about Christ, you are right about everything while He is before you. It is not merely exalting His work, or His cross; it is not so much His blood, as Christ Himself. God has a book of life. We love that one verse so much we pull it out of its home in the . And so he thanks them that this care for him is flourished again. (3) That we need not be harassed, and vexed, and tortured with improper thoughts and unholy desires. Even he who knew them well marvelled that they were so soon shifting, not only from him, but from the gospel, after he left them. And so the letter ends: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached." The NIV version of the Bible brings out an important aspect that shows the true meaning of Philippians 4:13. Heres the Philippians 4:13 meaning for us today. We must remember the love of God, which ever desires only what is best for us. Here's what's really going on in Philippians 4:13, and what Paul is telling us. Paraklesis ( G3874) is comfort and strength combined. Which Christ can impart, Paul had handed on to them by a deliberate act my... Work, or in truth, Christ is preached. never really love other! World, but the question is, in my judgment, for a.! Version says you can make it an excuse for their generosity, they. 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