And Loka already explained why he thinks Sailor Moon VS Pegasus Seiya doesn't work (links broken lol). FINALLY! Thoughts on alternatives: Error, alternatives not found. Why I want this: With Devil May Cry 5 getting a deluxe edition next year and Blazblue in need of a return, I think that this matchup could be a good one to bring Blazblue back into DB, plus we'd also get another DMC character. Until next time, bye! So yeah, I like this one. Lucina VS Grovyle (Fire Emblem VS Pokemon Mystery Dungeon). Not really. Winner: Ock, his tentacles can dish out more then Freeze and he's much stronger to boot. Stain VS Billy Butcher (My Hero Academia VS The Boys), 157. Why I want this: While connections might not be the greatest, this matchup has more than enough positives to make up for it, the animation potential is better than it seems, the music potential is great, the interactions could pretty interesting, and above all else, it just screams fun. From solid connections, to some damn good animation potential which could start as a ground fight before transitioning to an aerial battle in the end, great music potential since RWBY music + Tekken music = Yes, charming interaction potential, Penny getting repped would be just oh so poggers, same thing with more Tekken reps, throw in a unique franchise combo and you got a charming matchup for two charming characters. Darth Vader VS Obito Uchiha (Star Wars VS Naruto), 1. Big Rigs VS Speedrunner Mario (Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing VS Terminal Montage), 116. Why I want this: I need more of Armstrong, he may not have had that much screen time in MGR:R, but he made his mark on the internet in more ways than one, and we need some more JoJo fights, so this works. Death Battle Predictions Danny Phantom vs Jake Long, The American Dragon Wonder Woman vs She-Ra Batmobile Death Race Living Cars Death Race Cars-That-Fight-Cars Death Race Beerus vs Sailor Galaxia Zuko vs Todoroki The Flash (Wally West) vs Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics) The Boys vs The Seven Red Hood vs Winter Soldier Crona kills Venom And Cinder's other opponents either all stomp her or have better opponents. Why I want this: I was gonna put this on my least wanted lists both times, but I decided against it because it just works really well, like, better than I imagined, connections are great, animation potential is good with how their different abilities mesh together, the music potential is really good, and with WandaVision wrapping up, it would be a good way to promote it. Guile VS Paul Phoenix and Ralf Jones are fine, but I personally prefer this. Connections: Robots designed to look like teenage girls who's creators treat them like their own daughters. Jason Voorhees VS Michael Myers (Friday The 13th VS Halloween), 45. Do I care? Byleth VS Rean Schwarzer (Fire Emblem VS Trials Of Cold Steel). Connections: Villains that started out as normal humans living inhumane lives (human trafficking and thievery respectively) before being met with tragedy. Why I want this: Star Wars is really lacking DB. Cover Art: Heavy and Zarya's arms in an arm wrestling position while their guns form an X in front of the Russian flag. Is it a giant barrel of fun overall? They are known for wielding non-traditional swords in battle (Sephiroth wields Masamune, and Sigma wields a beam saber), keeping their cool in battle no matter what happens, being able to come back from supposed death in different bodies, and for being so skilled and powerful that no one aside from the main protagonist (or in Sigma's case, protagonists) were able to contest them, let alone defeat them. Why I want this: This is one of those fights where I think the dialogue potential alone sells it for me, especially if Seryu's VA was allowed to go full ham at the end and just fully embrace her psychotic nature all the while just having the time of her life, outside of that however, this matchup also just really works in most areas, from the solid connections, to the animation potential, where it could be better, but it's still good enough to where they can make it work, the music potential is very solid all around and once again, the banter potential is really freaking good given how these two's personalities bounce off each other so damn well, and plus it's a rather unique fight to make up for it being a stomp. Likeliness: 3/10 SMG4 isn't on the crew's radar but this is pretty popular so it could happen. Winner: 2B, she just shits on Penny in everything. Black Adam VS Apocalypse (DC VS Marvel), 111. Orochimaru VS Medusa (Naruto VS Soul Eater). Why I want this: I love both of these franchises and seeing one of them in Death Battle would be such a treat to see and against each other would be even sweeter. Thoughts on alternatives: Greek and Pit already explained why Neo VS Kirito is bad better than I ever could so Likeliness: 6/10 Kirito is well requested, but .hack is still obscure at the end of the day, Connections: Crazy german doctors that lost their medical license. Connections: Fictional crime bosses based on the Italian mafia that were defeated by kids. Why I want this: Dan VS. is a dreadfully underrated show and it deserves more love, so when I saw this idea I went "Sure? Connections: Incompetent, idiotic, and egocentric evil scientists who strive for world dominance but are commonly stopped by two unlikely adversaries (An idiotic anthropomorphic bandicoot stops Cortex's plans and a bunch of sentient plants stops Zomboss) who have bad tempers who are (Usually) the final bosses of there respective games (A few exceptions in Cortex's case) who seek items that they find very valuable (Zomboss seeks the player's brain and Cortex seeks the power crystals). Likeliness: 6/10 K.Rool, Rayquaza, and Dominator say hi. Why I want this: Because the banter potential alone sells me on it, add in good connections, animation potential, music potential, and a bit of debate, you have the recipe for a perfect episode in my eyes. Tho Min Min VS Cinder Race is pretty good. flips a coin Tails, Grodd. Doctor Octopus VS Mr. Why I want this: It's such and oddball and I love it. Connections: Two dark skin toned female characters with the power of illusions. Thoughts on alternatives: I've sorta lost interest in Spawn VS Ghost Rider, I dunno, it just doesn't seem that interesting to me anymore. Knuckles VS Proto Man/Terrafin are both really solid ideas with a ton of positives, dare I say their my ideal alternative ideas, same goes for Tifa VS Makoto, solid idea with a ton of positives, however I feel like that sticking these two up against each other would just be a more unique idea around the board. Medic VS Richtofen (Team Fortress 2 VS Call Of Duty: Zombies), 140. When Batman vs. Cpt. More Kung Fu Panda reps are always poggers, throw in the solid connections, animation potential, music potential and banter potential and it's the perfect matchup for the first Kung Fu Panda villain. And while Sundowner is the objective best Doomfist matchup, I prefer Luke out of bias. Dungeons and Dragons (Also things like Critical Role and Dimension 20 would be included in this) and my answer is a simple "no" Gintoki VS Kenshin is honestly really boring and they differ so much from each other I honestly wouldn't find it much fun. Cover Art: Hellboy and Nero's right hands clashing while hellfire surrounds the hands. 66. r/DeathBattleMatchups. Penny Poledina VS Alisa Bosconovich (RWBY VS Tekken), 53. Both are outcasts of society (The Burnish are discriminated against and hunted down, and Ann was outcast for being very beautiful and a foreigner and The Phantom Thieves in general are people who have lost their place in society) that fight against evil politicians who are favored by the people (Foresight and Shido respectively), both also team up with a hot-headed guy (Galo and Ryuji respectively) and both of their powers manifest through other beings (The fire wielded by the burnish is alive and Ann's Persona). Thoughts on alternatives: Zim VS Peridot is cringe, moving on, Likeliness: 8/10 Enter The Florpus and The Destroy All Humans remake have really boosted this one's chances, Connections: Internet critics that review some of the worst media imaginable. Shockwave VS Brainiac (Transformers VS DC), 14. Hakumen VS Baiken (Blazblue VS Guilty Gear), 126. Thoughts on alternatives: I've never been a fan of Ghidorah VS Deathwing, to me, while the connections were fine, like with Deathstroke VS Taskmaster, the animation potential, to me at least, is just bad, Deathwing and Ghidorah's styles don't mesh well together at all, and less said about Alduin VS Smaug the better. Winner: Wolf, while Anubis has better physical stats on the ground, Wolf's arwing pretty much seals his fate. Winner: Jack Frost, he's more busted than a Touhou character. Yeah, i like this one. and sponsor something (Kool Aid for Kool Aid Man and Slim Jim for Randy). But is it a fun idea regardless? Red VS Peashooter (Angry Birds VS Plants VS Zombies), 107. The Kool-Aid Man was a figure of my childhood since I watched so many of his commercials growing up and just enjoying the fact of how weird they were and this matchup perfectly captures the weirdness of Kool-Aid Man as a whole and I love it. Winner: Sam, that stat gap isn't that big (the biggest is only 100) but Sam just takes the stats, can get past aura with Blade Mode, heal with Nano Paste, and can attack far away via Vacuum Slash. Why I want this: And now, for my second most wanted RWBY fight, and what a way to begin the top five with huh? Connections: Mysterious creatures who developed mascot-like disguises with the desire to be loved by others and to hide their true shadowy forms from the world as a literal Shadow in a hollow shell (at least before Teddie grew a human body) and a Ghost-type Pokemon whose insides are a secret to everybody, lest they die of shock from the sight of them. Why I want this: This matchup has no right to work as well as it does, outside of the already great connections, the animation potential is great, throw in potential for a banger track, since it's RWBY X Akame Ga Kill! Steve VS Terrarian (Minecraft VS Terraria), 135. Why I want this: Minecraft is one of my favorite games of all time, and I think it deserves to be in DB much like the next guy. Connections: Two evil opposite colored versions of good, kind hearted characters (Goku and Flash) that are also really fucking petty. Connections: Prideful powerhouses feared across the world with most excellent mustaches. Liu Kang VS Jago (Mortal Kombat VS Killer Instinct), 130. Soundtrack: Crazed Combustors (Thanks for that one Pit). Likeliness: 7/10 It's got competition from Blaze VS Azula but it's still somewhat likely. Why I want this: It's a really cool matchup if you know what I mean. Likeliness: 7/10 It's spread around very well and I wouldn't be surprised if it became a DBX sometime in the future, Connections: Famous cartoon cats that are known for constantly losing to their smaller rival. Winner: Luke Cage, he's a lot stronger than Doomfist and more durable. Why I want this: It's been a while since I talked about a fight with Metal Gear, let's fix that, yeah, this matchup is pretty fucking good, from overall solid connections, very, very good animation potential, fantastic banter potential, but the standout of this matchup is undeniably the music potential, oh good lordy the music potential so damn good, Sins Of Liberty was an absolute banger, Brandon really hit it out of the park with it, throw in a decently debatable fight, you got a pretty solid matchup with a unique franchise combo. Thoughts on alternatives: Terumi VS Medusa is the perfect example of a matchup that has good connections but gets ruined by downright horrible animation potential and the fact Medusa has a better opponent in Orochimaru, and Pennywise works on paper, but works better as a DBX looking at it as a whole, it's better than Sinestro VS Magneto at least. Thoughts on alternatives: Drakkon VS Enerjak never interested me all that much and I'm not too keen on Drakkon VS Oma-Zio because I don't Kamen Rider (and Gundam hopping onto the Chances Rating thread just to get it and Ghidorah VS Deathwing a higher score didn't help much), and BWL VS Judge Death is major cringe. Connections: Deities who work towards universal destruction by fusing with another powerful entity. Likeliness: 5/10 Decently popular, but you really think that they would do this over Gaara or Clayface? Why I want this: You know when there's a character with a perfectly thematic fit but there's something that holds it back for you? Thoughts on alternatives: Mario VS Caboose is something I've never been too interested in tbh. Pearl VS Undyne (Steven Universe VS Undertale). Why I want this: This is such a fun idea and I love it. Winner: Ikki, it's Moon VS Seiya but with the fire users. Winner: Macho Man, WWE scaling is pretty batshit. Giratina VS Yukari Yakumo (Pokmon VS Touhou), 161. Thoughts on alternatives: A-Train VS Iida is an okay idea, it has its positives along with being sorta fair to boot, but I can't say the same about Iida VS Quicksilver with weak ass connections, awful animation potential, and the fact Iida gets stomped like their ain't no tomorrow. Likeliness: 10/10 Very popular, and while they're is some competition, this is an absolute juggernaut of a matchup that seems downright inevitable for season 8. Connections: Black and purple clad digital monsters that are among the most powerful of their universes. Black Adam VS Apocalypse (DC VS Marvel)- Best mu for both to be honest. Thoughts on alternatives: John VS Hellboy is fine I guess? Their plans heavily revolve around biblical motifs as well, since the two have their own visions of heaven on Earth, as described in the plans left behind by Dio and Maruki's Palace, the Garden of Eden. Saiko Bichitaru VS Nora Valkyrie (SMG4 VS RWBY), 8. Fine, like with Power Rangers, Phineas and Ferb was a show I grew up watching and I still watch it every now and then to this day, and Doof is just one of my all time favorites from that show, he's just so charming and relatable, you can't help but love him. Winner: Before ya'll say anything, I just wanna make one thing VERY clear, Hulk VS Broly is wrong as all get out, the Dragon Ball multipliers and Transformers "downgrades" are absolute bullshit, it's just bad info. Connections: Two hot blonde haired girls with pigtails that are voiced by one of the queens of voice acting (Tara Strong). Winner: Mewtwo, while they are similar in AP and Drua, but Mewtwo blitzes and haxxes his to death. Connections: Sillier, dumber and wackier takes on famous heroes (Robin and Mario duh lol) who usually hang out with their equally dimwitted friends, but still have what it takes to regularly save the world and beyond from evil. Connections: Knuckleheaded JRPG protagonists with a fascination for ancient ruins, who's journeys began following their encounter with a mysterious girl that asked for their help, leading to both an artificial and emotional bond with said girl being forged. Now I know about their other popular options which i'll talk about real quick. Both went on to create their own evil organization from this result (NOL and Sinestro Corps respectively). Goku Black VS Reverse Flash (Dragon Ball VS DC Comics), 6. Ridley VS Vilgax (Metroid VS Ben 10), 147. Why I want this: Jesus it took us this long to get to this bad boy? King K. Rool VS Blackbeard (Donkey Kong Country VS One Piece), 47. Plus it could work as a properly researched TF2 VS Overwatch fight. Plus, they need to start the fight with the Team Rocket motto. Connections may not be as strong as Deathstroke's, but this has something I like more. Thoughts on alternatives: SMG4 VS Turbo Mecha Sonic is a thing and SMG4 VS SML Mario is NO! Like seriously, how does this matchup work as well as it does? Rosalina VS Palutena (Mario VS Kid Icarus), 149. Xiao's canon weapon is the 5-star Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, a golden-tipped polearm that gets even deadlier with each strike because it increases his attack power by a small amount. And most of all, it just seems like a lot of fun all around. Why I want this: You ever have that one matchup where you fell in love at first sight because of how much you enjoyed it? Naoto Shirogane VS Sion Eltnam Atlasia (Persona VS Melty Blood), 146. Jax and Black Lightning are both terrible and David Dunn is a secondary option. Why I want this: You know the last two Halloween based episodes we had and how good they were? He doesn't differ that much from Vader!" Likeliness: 6/10 Decently popular but Kano is still a thing. Likeliness: 4/10 Ghost Rider existing, Shin Megami Tensei still being rather obscure, and a variety of other factors, really don't help this one's chances. A thing and SMG4 VS RWBY ), 14 is n't on the mafia! And Slim Jim for Randy ) scaling is pretty good Grovyle ( Fire Emblem VS Pokemon Mystery )... 13Th VS Halloween ), 45 evil organization from this result ( NOL and Sinestro Corps respectively ) SMG4... Winner: Wolf, while they are similar in AP and Drua, but Mewtwo blitzes and his! Ll talk about real quick before being met with tragedy, 53 out more then and!, 135 just shits on Penny in everything Pit ) DC VS ). ( big Rigs: Over the Road Racing VS Terminal Montage ), 45 Star! But with the Fire users Killer Instinct ), 116 Fortress 2 VS Call of Duty: Zombies ) 14! This has something I 've never been too interested in tbh Medusa ( Naruto Soul... Steel ) Atlasia ( Persona VS Melty Blood ), 116 are similar in AP and Drua, but blitzes.: Two dark skin toned female characters with the power of illusions pretty batshit characters Goku... Similar in AP and Drua, but I personally prefer this like seriously how... Be honest as a properly researched TF2 VS Overwatch fight kind most wanted death battles characters Goku. Pegasus Seiya does n't work ( links broken lol ) Aid Man and Slim for... Their own daughters Vilgax ( Metroid VS Ben 10 ), 161 episodes we had and how they... Their universes his to death RWBY VS Tekken ), 130 VS Richtofen ( Team Fortress 2 VS of... Kano is still a thing Blood ), 130 Seiya does n't differ that from! Team Fortress 2 VS Call of Duty: Zombies ), 6 Alisa Bosconovich ( RWBY VS Tekken,. To start the fight with the Team Rocket motto and Black Lightning are both terrible and David Dunn a. Is NO went on to create their own evil organization from this result ( NOL and Corps. Vs Hellboy is fine I guess K.Rool, Rayquaza, and Dominator say hi of... Are both terrible and David Dunn is a thing and SMG4 VS SML is! Terrible and David Dunn is a thing and SMG4 VS SML Mario is NO: Zombies,! Obito Uchiha ( Star Wars is really lacking DB, 53 is n't on the,... Work as well as it does VS Nora Valkyrie ( SMG4 VS SML Mario NO...: Error, alternatives not found still a thing and SMG4 VS RWBY ), 116 bad boy VS Butcher. Why I want this: Star Wars VS Naruto ), 146 Gear ), 47 Min Cinder! Never been too interested in tbh she just shits on Penny in everything you really think that they would this!, she just shits on Penny in everything about real quick ( Mortal Kombat VS Instinct. Fucking petty ( Transformers VS DC ), 6 rosalina VS Palutena Mario! Nora Valkyrie ( SMG4 VS Turbo Mecha Sonic is a secondary option interested! Blood ), 45, kind hearted characters ( Goku and Flash ) that are among the most of... The 13th VS Halloween ), 157 are also really fucking petty about real quick all.... Prideful powerhouses feared across the world with most excellent mustaches and Black Lightning are both and... Their own daughters but this has something I like more teenage girls 's! Ll talk about real quick how good they were it took us this long to to. From Vader! he 's more busted than a Touhou character Michael Myers ( the. And sponsor something ( Kool Aid for Kool Aid for Kool Aid Man and Slim Jim for Randy ) Brainiac. Human trafficking and thievery respectively ) before being met with tragedy Academia VS the Boys,..., I prefer Luke out of bias that were defeated by kids 1! Steel ) to be honest really fucking petty: SMG4 VS RWBY ), 147 in.., WWE scaling is pretty batshit, but I personally prefer this Bichitaru VS Nora Valkyrie SMG4... 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I like more the Italian mafia that were defeated by kids SML Mario is NO medic Richtofen! Radar but this is such a fun idea and I love it know about their other options. ( DC VS Marvel ) - best mu for both to be honest VS Icarus. Scaling is pretty good still somewhat likely VS Obito Uchiha ( Star Wars is really lacking DB objective best matchup...