(b)But a little time, and much time lost already. But how does God reveal Himself when He calls upon us to wait upon Him? A. They are willing to receive direction and instruction from Him.3. There is no mention here of the use of many words, or of certain external marks of devotion; it is simply, "Waiting upon the Lord!" Ward Beecher. RENEWAL OF STRENGTH MEANS A RENEWAL OF ACTIVITY. "They shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall go on and on and not faint." A. )Running and walkingF. It is far easier for some of us to run than to walk. And God, in His omnipotence and faithfulness, is willing to work in my heart every moment of the day.2. 1. All men are influenced and governed by some kind of faith; but worldly men have no true faith in things spiritual and invisible. Perhaps that is the commentary on this verse. On the other hand, Divine strength never fails. V. Tymms.It is a great mistake to suppose that only the puny are liable to downfalls. "To church, sir." "What are you going to do there?" "To worship God, sir." "Is your God a great or a little God . To "walk worthy of his high vocation" is the supreme exploit of the Christian's faith. The man of God, the man who waits on God, is equal to any emergency, is equal to any strength. I have often gone to Saratoga, in the heat of the early summer, quite run down, and my vitality burned out as coal gets exhausted in the bunkers of a steamer. WE SEE WHAT THE LORD'S WAITING PEOPLE NEED. For such patience not only carries within itself the germs of strength, but also places the soul in that condition in which it is most susceptible of quickening influences and can most readily take advantage of fresh opportunities. "(1) Thus moved, the believer strives above all things, and in all things, after perfect likeness to his Saviour in personal character. )Exhaustion and recoverySunday School Chronicle.1. For we have lost the exhilaration of youth and the stimulus of strong emotions. There are various reasons why we should constantly apply to God for a renewal of our spiritual strength. Spiritual weakness is a disparagement, especially as a relapse, and after some former degrees of strength. The slight and shifting nature of the foundations on which worldly hopes are built makes it evident that they can do but little towards giving abiding and progressive strength to character, while frequent failures and disappointments depress and enfeeble. They get filled. His understanding is infinite; there is no searching it. L. Cuyler, D. D.)Waiting on the LordC. "They shall mount up with wings as eagles." "They shall mount up with wings as eagles," is God's preliminary; for the next promise is, "They shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint." hast thou not heard?' )Waiting upon the LordT. Beneath that bright beam the moisture that encumbered it is exhaled; its bent stalk raises itself again, its shrivelled petals expand into beauty, and it diffuses around a cheering fragrance in gratitude to the power that has renewed its strength. The wall of Jerusalem, of the second temple, would never have been built but for men like Nehemiah and Haggai, men who had their times of fear and depression and weakness, hut who went to God and came back not only strengthened themselves, but able to strengthen their brethren, so that the great work was done. III. Faith can work miracles. Every moment the speed was reduced, and finally the carriages came to a standstill a foot away from those to which they were to be attached. Patiently to endure, persistently to press on whatever the burdens we must carry, whatever the inequalities and roughnesses of the way, whatever the obstacles that lie and the enemies that lurk in our path, whatever the tempests that beat overhead requires a strength of character and a heroism of soul that are the last achievement and the highest triumph of the spiritual life.(J. EXODUS XV. Although every degree of spiritual strength is a precious possession, and we are not permitted "to despise the day of small things," yet it is the duty and privilege of every believer to aim at high attainments in the Divine life, and to encourage and aid others in doing the same.(A. Walking. When by faith the regenerated soul draws near to God, the earth appears to recede; all its objects are seen to be diminutive; and the realities of the heavenly state are perceived, and operate with power on the susceptible mind. In religious experience youth is the time of wings. "They shall run, and not be weary." And for them, too, the promise holds good, "They shall renew their strength, they shall walk and not faint." It puts before us the thought, not of a new gift, but of a new experience of an old gift. And this is done commonly, in the greatest uncertainty whether the means will prove effectual.2. THE SEVERAL BRANCHES OF THE PROMISE.(S. Zeal fills the soul with courage to encounter enemies and surmount obstacles.II. Child of God, that is to be your position. Before you read, set yourself still that your soul may realise, I am waiting for God to come in and take possession of me for to-day. Because they are imperfect.3. THE IMPORT OF THE DECLARATION, that they who thus wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; or, as the words might be translated, shall be renewed in strength.1. The original is 'lead gently.' In 1899 he was called to Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, to succeed Dr. Lyman Abbott in the pulpit VariousThe World's Great Sermons, Volume 10Of Loving Jesus Above all ThingsBlessed is he who understandeth what it is to love Jesus, and to despise himself for Jesus' sake. 2. 3. THE PROMISE. Such devout, humble souls shall "renew their strength." The highest point in his destiny is to be conformed to the image of the Son of God. Nothing looks less like effort.2. Faith is like a spark. That increased communications of Divine grace shall be made to them. (4) Humility, meekness, peace, and joy may not seem, at first view, to contribute anything to strength, but in truth they are among the necessary elements of this vigour of mind. Thus Job says, unto me men gave ear, they waited, and kept silence at my counsel": which is as if he had said, "I had only to speak, and they were ready to obey my directions." The brighter the light before them, the more eagerly and steadfastly they rise upwards to greet it and to bathe in its splendour. The figure of one flying through the heavens, coupled strangely with the promise of running without being wearied, represents the godly man as ever having courage to entertain great hopes. The intellect is strengthened by holy exercises upon Divine themes.2. Waiting on God not only gives strength, it gives inspiration. By continually waiting upon God. But waiting on the Lord implies much more than this. Horton, D. D."Change their strength" (marg.). Truth and holiness and right abide for ever. The order, then, may be the correct one, after all not so good as a rhetorical finish, but true to life. Our spiritual strength seems to include chiefly three things 1. Third in the order of time, and last, is the spiritual nature. In vain all my lonely musing, in vain all my bustle in the kingdom of Christ, if consistency of daily life does not accompany the whole. The highest point in his destiny is to be conformed to the image of the Son of God. There may he a vigour which is the effect of a disordered state of the corporeal system a feverish or spasmodic action which is much more violent than the strength of a healthy man. When I look at what He does for the stars, I realise that His work is done every moment. Howells.I. Cf. )Waiting upon the LordJ. By continually waiting upon God. With pleasure contemplate the animating result of this renewal of strength. Walking is less than running, and fainting is more than weariness. But the Christian has had that care upon his heart daffy, and he knows how to bear it, and before whom to lay it. The Bible speaks about waiting patiently, and also about waiting quietly. 31. 3-5). The tyro in cycling will go at full pelt; but only the experienced rider can walk or stand. Whether it be philanthropic, political, social, or religious, that seems to be tram. Sweet childhood of eternal life! The strength spoken of is a moral, or more properly a spiritual quality. )The privileges of those who wait upon GodS. In such moods we need to look away from the crowds, and from the glaring lights of the city, to the calm glories of the moon, and the stars above our heads. If I am to run and walk I must be in close communion with God; I must. RENEWED VIGOUR. When he has to contend with the powers of nature, he is strong and victorious; but when he has to contend with the powers of spiritual wickedness, and with his own ungodly desires, he is helpless. F. W. H. MYERS. Nature has its springs, and so has grace. The preaching of John Baptist foretold9. (2) In the subject, for the former strength is only in the outward, this in the inward man. "Caught up into the third heaven" he had seen "visions and revelations"; but he does not appeal to them as any sign of special grace. If a number of ships of war were sent out to sea, and were ready to start at any moment, and if the question were asked, what are they waiting for?, the answer would likely be one of two things: either that they were waiting for supplies, or waiting for orders. Thine Arms, to whom I turn and cling With thirsting soul that longs for Thee; Frances BevanHymns of Ter Steegen, Suso, and OthersHis Schools and Schoolmasters. He never is weary. Tymms. Where there is strength there will be diligence in well-doing. Trust in the Lord.II. The more willing we are o wait upon God the better it is for us; for He pays for time and gives us the more because we have waited.(T. WE SEE HOW A TRUE CHURCH MAY BE DESCRIBED. Luther changed the course of the centuries by faith. They get filled. Endeavour in every possible way to cultivate this holy, humble, dependent spirit. The soul of fallen man naturally grovels on the earth; his face instead of being raised to heaven, is prone toward the ground. 20.--"And the Redeemer shall come unto Zion, and unto them that turn," &c. Doctrines, as things, have their seasons and times. H. It should put the worshipers of idols to shame. What has the Lord Jesus Christ to leave? There is the soaring Godward, and there is the common drudgery of daily walk and conversation, the practical common life.(T. THE PROMISE. "Waiting" denotes a habit of mind-a devout habit that loves to call on God, a submissive habit that is ready to receive just what God sees fit to send, an obedient habit that is glad to do just what God commands, a stalwart habit of carrying such loads as duty lays upon our backs. For this we need power. If we try to rise by means of faith alone we shall be like a bird with one wing. Horton, D. D.Profane and desperate persons fly off in a discontent and impatience, like Jehoram (2 Kings 6:33). THE MEANS OF RENEWING OUR STRENGTH, as expressed in the phrase, "they that wait on the Lord."1. As their work and their difficulty are renewed, so shall the vigour of their souls be renewed. Booth by faith has changed the drunkard and the sensualist into saints. To do this makes greater demands upon our moral steadfastness than to do either of the before-mentioned stages in our life experience. art thou conscious of thy declining state? In many circumstances we require the protection and assistance of our fellow-creatures, but in all circumstances we require the protection and assistance of our Creator. 4th Sunday of Easter. For this we need power. His power is vast and unbounded, and nothing is too hard for Him. --The Setting up of Idols a Defection from the True God. To speak of a man as able to strengthen himself, so as to dispense with Divine aid, is as unreasonable as it is unscriptural As well might you talk of a leafless tree clothing itself with verdure without the vernal sun as well of an enfeebled body recovering tone and energy without the reviving air of heaven. This expression may include many acts of the mind, but the connection of the words shows that here it principally refers to prayer. --ISAIAH xl. --Isaiah 40:1. Is thy walk less with God, thy frame less heavenly? THE GENERAL PROPOSITION. In an indirect manner, then, this encouraging passage of Scripture reminds us of the cause of our spiritual declensions. Of those whom he hath chosen, whom he hath purchased to himself, he saith what he saith not of others. )Exhaustion and recoverySunday School Chronicle.1. The prophet's imagery is startling, and some critics would presume to call his figures somewhat mixed; but the thought conveyed is clear. "Renew" means to "change your strength."1. There is the eagle again keen-eyed and strong as before, but soaring now into the blue, bearing itself up on exultant wing, and gazing into the heavenly radiance! xl. "They shall mount up with wings as eagles." How is this renewing influence, then, to be obtained? Horton, D. D.)Renewing strengthT. The men who were making themselves rich in those days in Eastern cities stayed there. I may be very busy in connection with the Church of Christ and the advancement of the knowledge of Christ. Reviving Grace. So there is no word of truth, but it hath a season and time in which it is beautiful. If we hope for His interposition, we are to be diligent in the use of those means which He hath appointed, and to which He hath promised His blessing. This sense of the word gives us another part of the character of those that wait upon the Lord. If, then, truth is eternal, and faith is omnipotent, why should any difficulties, however stupendous, or failures, however extensive, lead us to despair? He who has only seen the sorrow, the grief, the sin of the world has not penetrated to the depth of the problem. (Evan H. Hopkins, B. Health, hope, and desire pass quickly away together, and a loaded table becomes an object of revulsion. Thus Job says, unto me men gave ear, they waited, and kept silence at my counsel": which is as if he had said, "I had only to speak, and they were ready to obey my directions." Wesley fashioned modern England by faith. "Having done all, to stand!" )Godly optimismF. Good Christians shall through God's grace grow stronger and stronger. First comes the "flying" stage. To "look off" unto the eternal, to get behind the veil into the realm of true being is the need of the fevered and exhausted soul. V. Another sense in which the word "waiting" occurs in Scripture is, a willingness to be directed by the person waited upon. This was the strength which was in Paul before his conversion. Thank God for the flying stage while it lasts, for we do get visions in those flights that abide with us long after our wings have dropped off, and we have learned that the ether is not our element; visions whose memory helps to cheer us as hereafter we trudge along the monotonous and dusty ways of life's hard routine. Who were making themselves rich in those days in Eastern cities stayed there in experience... In his destiny is to be tram kind of faith ; but worldly men have no faith. Has its springs, and not be weary. with one wing other. Season and time in isaiah 40:31 sermon it is beautiful an indirect manner, then, this passage... Souls be renewed centuries by faith has changed the course of the Son of God is. But only the experienced rider can walk or stand vast and unbounded, and much lost! 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