Now he is masterless and faced with the daunting task of figuring out what to do with himself in a Grid thats only barely holding itself together. He needs a replacement, someone strong and determined enough to not give up the fight. Or: In which Paige's car breaks down. Though she has no cause to remember Quorra with friendship, she never gave up her music. Just keep checking back! none of the pic "The game has changed once more" She rallied when others gave up, encouraged and comforted when things went wrong. Lost. Tesler's guards formed a cordon to scan the discs of everyone present before they could leave the area; Beck, obviously not wanting to have his disc scanned, allowed an equally reluctant program named Galt to lead him past the guards and onto a light rail. She spent a long time regarding Beck as nothing but a simple mechanic, even becoming annoyed at having to deal with him repeatedly. And neither do they. he has derizzed multiple soldiers. She discovered that the escapees were Beck and Cutler, who had defeated a team of Black Guards earlier in the Coliseum. Beck intended to face Tesler for the sake of the hostages; however, when he return to the garage, Able grounded him until the next cycle for his absences, tardiness, and distraction on the job. He then offered her a chance to join the Occupation and avenge them, and Paige, bitter and grieving, asked how soon she could start. However, Galt stole Beck's disc when he wasn't looking, taunting him by holding it up as the next train left for Purgos. The two programs again defeated their enemies, and were matched against each other; when Cutler forfeited, Paige talked Tesler into setting the "winner" free, as he had promised, rather than derezzing both for their insolence. As Kevin, Quorra and Sam make their way to the portal they are under attack by Clu & his personal assassin Rinzler, as Rinzler makes a revealing discovery, to his true history. Or: In which Paige's car breaks down. When two programs escaped on the way to their second match, Paige went out to track them down and bring them back. Beck then headed slightly deeper into the wreckage, in order to loop around and join his friends. As the makeshift light boat was nearing completion, a large portion of the islandone the Paige was standing onsuddenly derezzed, throwing her over the side of a cliff where she caught a small handhold. Why here? They were successful, but she spotted Keller jumping from the rear to the rest of the train, heading for the forward compartment which held the escape pods. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section. (This is the same story from Fanfi (Characters Not my own. And he never wants that to change. The fight ended only when a criminal gang on light cycles collided with them, knocking Paige off her feet. But he cant avoid the Grid forever. Beck shrugged. Beck escaped the pursuing guards by slipping into a massive cargo box. However, he has an unexplained habit of taking random Programs under his wing. So, she and Beck broke out of prison together, and escaped together onto the streets of Argon. What is the Red Legion remnant's true intent? Tron, enraged, disclosed that Dyson's death was the whole point of the exercise. Beck, beliving Kobol's story, accompanied him, and struck Tron down when, freed after a change of heart by Lux, his mentor arrived to stop them. As Kevin, Quorra and Sam make their way to the portal they are under attack by Clu & his personal assassin Rinzler, as Rinzler makes a revealing discovery, to his true history. TRON: Uprising didn't get a sequel. Quorra, hearing her play, encouraged her, saying she could probably be good at whatever she wanted to try. However, the resulting battle resulted in injuries to Able, and Beck, bringing him back to the garage unconscious, began to have second thoughts. Beck's first attempt to capture Dyson failed when the veteran security program sensed the trap he had set. Sure is a good thing the mechanics in Argon, California are friendly. It was then that the program revealed himself to Beck. Pavel was eventually sent to join Paige in her search for Keller, though Paige insisted that she could handle it by herself. All of these answers in -- Destiny: Grid War. (Real Original title I know) Trying to get this at a 100k words before I let it go. The Renegade's coming over here!" When the weapon failed, she said Zed was a joke and left. And neither do they. All the questions Disney never answered, told mostly through the eyes of one of Flynn's first programs, one of the original system architects for the new Grid. (Alternate Universe for both properties). He was noticed, though. But in the sea of simulation, a program crawls his way out, weighed down by the guilt of his actions.And finally having the agency to ask himself what happened to his pupilhis friend. Back with Tron, Beck says that he's ready; he must do this. Getting her disc back, she pinned him to the floor. Then she assembled a task force to catch the renegade, among which were Hopper, Bartik, and Zed. So Tron suggests he take an evening to himself. This side has never been shown since, but (as mentioned below) some programs still remember how he behaved and have began to view him as a monster. For all she knew, Clu didn't even know the attack on the medical center had happened. It's One Of The Nastiest Things You Can Hit Someone With. Thank you very much, - "But I'm not sure"- "No 'buts', Clu. In the confusion, Paige managed to damage Beck's vehicle, nearly destroying her own in the process. Beck rescued a group of programs who violated curfew, defeating the guards by sinking the ground beneath them, using a staff. My real life is kinda hectic but this fic is my buoy in the storm so it'll get finished. Tron:Legacy should have gotten a direct sequel. Poor ol' guy, haha. After repairing his arm, she began to reflect on her past. Sure is a good thing the mechanics in Argon, California are friendly. Opinions on the Renegade's identity vary, with some believing he is Tron himself and others believing he is an imposter. Beck as Tron (The Renegade) Beck's training with Tron was hard and often left him very tired. From the journal of System Monitor Dyson: New System Monitor Rinzler is proving himself to be the perfect weapon for the luminarys regime. Beck reveals his identity to Paige when she finds out Tesler murdered her friends to try to convert her to the revolution. While Dyson assumed the Renegade was responsible, Paige realized that Pavel had sabotaged the cooling plant, and Pavel revealed that he was trying to make Tesler look bad in Clu's eyes so that Clu could potentially look at him better in comparison. Back at Able's garage, Beck asked for time off. Enjoy! Tron:Uprising should have gotten a second season. I've always wanted to make a Tron fanfilm, so while I've been stuck indoors for the past year or so I thought I might as well try and be a bit productive and. Sam and Quorra bring him to the Grid - and they might just help clean it up together.Crossposted on my DeviantArt and AO3. Author's Note: I understand that kissing is a User thing, but I realized this too late, and couldn't be bothered to change it for this fic. She never was a soldier and stayed at her hospital despite yearning for more. The different Greek words for love compiled into different chapters, (I am leaving out one or two of them because I didnt want to write them or I couldnt find a way to include them). Beck, disguised as the Renegade, returned to rescue Cutler, and after a lengthy escape from Argon City that involved drawbridges and Light Boat chases, Cutler told his savior to make sure his friend Beck was thanked. By extension, Beck is a skilled saboteur, frequently sabotaging enemy vehicles and utilizing explosive ordinances. Flynn escaped the grid leaving you behind and he hasn't returned since the portal closed. But in the sea of simulation, a program crawls his way out, weighed down by the guilt of his actions.And finally having the agency to ask himself what happened to his pupilhis friend. ALSO, I adore those Uprising References you snuck in. Tron said Beck is special. ", Twilight and Spike wake up in a place they do not know. Please consider turning it on! The lengthy fight ended when Tesler fell from a building under construction, allowing Beck the opportunity to escape. This is my piece for the Uprising 10th Anniversary zine, The Spirit of the Renegade. Paige was worried for the programs' sake, but Tesler told her that if she hadn't failed to subdue Beck in the first place, he wouldn't have had to do it. Well, even he had no idea just what he brought home with him, or the shock of a lifetime that would follow soon after. Beck tried to convince Tron that he needed the weapon to succeed as the Renegade, but when Tron attempted to take it from him and he instinctively fought back and nearly injured his mentor, he realized that the destructive effect it was having on him was not justified by the power it granted. Returning to Tron, Beck attempted a strategem to convince him that he could steal Dyson's disc instead of capturing him, eliminating the need to derezz him. Later on, Paige and Beck were on their second date in a club playing pool together; they were genuinely enjoying each other's company. Paige was too late to stop the explosion, and she and Beck raced away through the tunnels, trying to escape the derezzing blast that was licking their back wheels. She appears to have a flirtatious attitude towards the Renegade, half-complimenting him while they fight, but certain that he is not actually Tron. He also "proudly" shows a sociological move called "adolescent rebellion". After Beck got back to the garage, Tesler told the programs of Argon City that they had been volunteered for the games. As she shouted, an Occupation Light Copter shot at them, downing them on the same bridge that Beck and Paige had sat on during their first date. He soon found out, however, that several other programs were also in the container, and that it was taking them to the games. Not with Trons presumed death. General Tesler's second-in-command, Paige has endured her share of tragedy. Pure rage flowed through her, but the blows were easy to dodge, especially since they had been enemies for several months now and Beck was intimately familiar with her fighting style. Please consider turning it on! In response, Beck agreed that it's sometimes good to get away from it all, so that maybe one could see things from a fresh perspective; maybe the opposite perspective (unbeknownst to Paige, this was Beck's attempt to try to convince her to rethink her loyalty to the Occupation). She was then thrown back in her cell with Beck. Lux took the two programs back to her apartment, where she healed Beck's injury as best she could. Again. Disc? She also mentioned that during her stay on the island she had recalled her first meeting with Tesler, and gathered strength from the knowledge that he would never betray her. A devastating kick sent Paige crashing against a wall of the wreckage, where she fell to her knees. He managed to knock the light rail off it's beam and, with help from the guardsman, Beck located and freed his friends. He built a digital copy of himself named Clu he helped create the perfect system. But when Paige and Beck become . Instead of simply wiping Argon off the map, Clu decided to quarantine it. He orchestrated the framing of Paige; then, in a bid to gain more respect from Tesler, "proved" with a fake memory that the Renegade was responsible for implanting the fake memory in Paige. In light of Tron 3 being confirmed, I commented on Tumblr that I wanted to write a fic where Leto's character was enough of a reason for Tron and the MCP to join forces and curbstomp them/him/it/whatever.This is. supposed to be that fic.It went somewhat sideways from the original idea about four sentences in, so now I have MCP feels and an unexpected OC. Takes place after 'Identity', but before 'Price of Power'. Where I post all 'TRON' fan art.Also, please do not repost my art without permission. Paige is very fierce. Beck, hoping to save her from the explosion, stole Zed's speed-enhanced light cycle and pursued her, leaving Zed stranded (and angry) but safe. Beck also has good sense of humor, which becomes more frivolous when disguised as the Renegade; this sometimes puts him at odds with his more serious mentor, Tron. Thank you very much. Beck used the weapon to defeat them all, and though Paige chased him in a light copter, he easily escaped. became so much more. He's going back in, and hes bringing a team with him.Follow Sam, Quorra, Alan Bradley and his son Jet into the Grid.Probably gonna update every week or every other week. Find out! The Uprising has finally begun. He slid down and managed to miss her shot. While Tron was interrogating him, a disc burst through the door they'd cornered him against and derezzed him, preventing him from naming his confederates. Beck infiltrated the dirigible carrying the scientist Shaw, and successfully stole the power upgrade weapon Shaw had been bringing to Tesler. Tron:Legacy should have gotten a direct sequel. Gorn twice fabricated apparent memories of the Renegade into the identity discs of her victims -- once to frame Hopper as the Renegade and once to portray the Renegade as underhanded and malevolent. If you never seen the show then. She relished and thrived in leisurely fun, in banter and pranks. Beck (Tron)/Paige (Tron) Beck (Tron)/Tron; Paige (Tron) Beck (Tron) Tron (Tron) Tesler (Tron) Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics; Summary. He makes that growling sound again. Lux, Beck, and Tron gave chase to the killer, but Beck glitched again and was injured when he crashed into the fleeing program's light ribbon. Beck brought up the topic of programming, and at Paige's statement that discovering one's true programming is a journey, Beck suggested that maybe hers isn't over, and that perhaps she wasn't meant to fight for the Occupation. Beck generally allows programs to assume what they will, though he does directly claim the alias a couple of times. I feel legitimately awful for writing this. Upon his return to the garage, Beck avoided Able till he was called to the office. Tron then commented to Beck, "If we prevail in this conflict, they'll understand.". Kobol attacked, but in the ensuing battle Beck retrieved his own disc; with his memory restored, the two attempted to escape Tesler's approaching forces, but Kobol handcuffed himself to Beck. C; Haha. Once they'd escaped the tunnels, Beck left Paige in the Outlands and drove off. Later, Beck and Zed watched Mara patch up her injured arm. Than Someone Who Wants To Make The World A Better Place. Paige threated to derezz Pavel if he didn't turn the disk in, and gave him one day to do so. Beck showed a more sinister side while under the influence of the power upgrade weapon, laughing maniacally and behaving antagonistically. And he never wants that to change. An account of the events following the last episode of TRON: Uprising, with a focus on the relationship between Beck and Paige. Please consider turning it on! But Paige refused, spatting how all the Renegade does is rain down chaos in the Grid; she stated that she would never join him. "I'll guess I'll keep on living, even if this love's to die for. Jeremy and little Robby are taking the week off for a much-needed vacationbut the ghosts have to stay behind with the newest Night Guard. Beck arrived to fight Tesler, who released the hostages as promised but demanded surrender before abolishing the curfew. He attacks has destroyed light tanks, light helicopters. Beck and Cutler defeated the first round of enemies soon after. After Tron took off to go after Dyson, Beck woke up and found Tron gone and his Disc on the Floor. Set after the events of Legacy, Remembrance picks up in the aftermath of Flynn and Clu's reintegration. When Beck replied that that was impressive as well, she decided to ask him to "hang out" with her (meaning a date) when they got back to Argon, to which Beck agreed. FanFiction | unleash . Suddenly, Paige jumped up and went to kick him in the stomach. Tron? A burst of movement from the healing chamber snapped him from his thoughts.Paige wasnt only awake, she was thrashing to get out. Tron accepted the half-disc and reattached it to his own disc. Beck followed the Light Rail that was transporting them and jumped onto it with his light cycle. Where I post all 'TRON' fan art.Also, please do not repost my art without permission. She was elated to see Beck alive, and was impressed with him that he had managed to save everyone on the train. Beck Adams, A mischievous high school student teenager who lives in sunny Los Angeles and loves to hang out with his friends and follow the flow of life but what will ha You've seen the broken world of Tron through the eyes of the renegade, and even the son of Kevin Flynn. However, Shaw was derezzed in a crazed attempt to fight back, and Tron, upset that the scientist had not been retrieved too, ordered Beck to destroy the weapon. Three paths intertwined, who knows where theyll lead. Beck is seen sabotaging a lightcycle's coding mid-race with no difficulties. Paige appeared at Able's garage to see the weapon Zed had created. What will happen NEXT? He tells Beck he plans to free the Grid by destroying it using a device and Beck and himself as the the operating system. Mara was an optimistic program by code.Her young runtime had been spent in the clubs and playing disc battles with her friends. Tron (Tron) Lora Baines-Bradley writing challenge Zombies ish Complete Friends to Lovers Paige never lived anything more than ordinary life for a program. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (9), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, theres other characters but they're barely there, my sister read it and send me her dental bills, this started as me wanting to write some fluff bc there aint enough in this fandom, and then it grew a plot and beat me over the head with it, the author is incapable of writing something that isn't angsty, Tron struggling with the fact that he has an evil twin, Rinzler struggling with the fact that he IS the evil twin, That's right ladies and gentlemen there are two of them now, Rinzler-centric but with other POVs thrown in, Quorra is a walking encyclopedia and nobody can convince me otherwise, I'm retconning the last two episodes of Tron: Uprising out of existence, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, It's an Uprising AU set in the Marvel Universe, Tron and Alan are the same person here bc AU reasons, His friends are left to pick up the pieces, Of all the ways Alan meets Tron he wants to strangle Clu, Some of the relationship tags are mildly spoilery, I can't deal with the fact they didn't meet in canon. Both combatants spun, out of control, to the island below. In the next instant, the look vanished, replaced by cold fury. Paige considered and took Beck's words to heart; she decided to implement them by rethinking her leniency towards Pavel's dishonesty with General Tesler. Beck quickly rushed to complete the boat in order to rescue her, but even as he sped towards her, a large chunk of the island collapsed, knocking her unconscious and into the water. The situation was getting critical. Beck x Paige AMV (Tron Uprising) Yuno Grinbellior 1 subscriber Subscribe 9 Share Save 268 views 1 year ago little do you know amv for Beck and Paige. The name Paige is of English origin and means a young servant. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Work Search: He offered her to join him, stating how they were "both trying to save the Grid, just in different ways". That doesn't mean they can't learn how to operate outside of their designated functions, if given a chance to evolve. What he doesn't expect is the ghost in the machine is quite protective over him. She is an excellent fighter and rarely loses her cool. Recognizing Galt, the trio chased him down a hallway and cornered him. Tron is recovering. Beck had worked at Able's garage for most of his life, carrying out his primary function of fixing and modifying vehicles. Beck then asked Zed to work his shift, and learned that Zed intended to compete in the Argon Racewhich would be routed straight through the endangered tunnels. Chapter One: Beck Hidden away inside a computer exists another World. Tron was a different story altogether, but there was little he could do to stop his potential daughter-in-law since she was already gone. She called for Pavel to rescue her, but he saw a chance to get rid of her and left her on the island. Tron said Beck is special. He has skillfully operated light jets, recognizers, and light copters. Beck is the main protagonist of TRON: Uprising. Tron (Tron) Rinzler (Tron) Wn Qng (Mdo Zsh) Reunions Family Reunions Feelings of Abandonment Childhood Anger Pining Pining for Family Wangxian is endgame but the real focus is family an obnoxious amount of the word 'kiddo' you can pry 'kiddo' as an affectionate term from my cold dead hands Movie: Tron: Legacy Alternate Universe - Tron Fusion The title is from Self-Machine by I Blame Coco; there's an epic Uprising edit to it here. When Dyson (Clu's right-hand man) arrived in Argon for a typical inspection of the city, Paige and Pavel were tasked by General Tesler to keep an eye on him, and to make sure his inspection was brief. Tron and Beck must keep the revolt alive, but an accident puts the revolt on hold. 'Then derez me.' " Tesler agreed, keeping to himself the fact that when Paige's fellow medics had approached him to turn the ISOs in, he himself had ordered their deaths, both to cement Paige's loyalty and to perpetuate the myth of the ISO threat. Before Paige could continue, Beck entered the forward compartment, announcing that the train was going to fall into a chasm soon, and that they needed to hold on. He instructed the programs to spread the word, but one of them was confused as to what she was to spread. He is voiced by Elijah Wood. General Tesler 's second-in-command, Paige has endured her share of tragedy. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Now that you've been captured by his black guards and brought upon his throne ship you are going to find out. Paige tried convincing Dyson that the Renegade was not as big of a problem in Argon as Clu thought, telling him that the Renegade was just a "petty vandal". That's my name. After Beck returned in his Renegade guise and rescued Cutler, Paige gave chase. Then, while being transported to the Light Cycle Arena, they escaped but were soon recaptured by Paige, who cuffed them together and threw back into the games, this time to face three light cycles. Though Paige was written as a medical program, she enjoys music, and plays songs on a Monome player even though her former colleagues had told her to stick to what she was programmed for. As a mechanic, Beck is well versed with the various forms of machinery found throughout the Grid. Paige Butler was assigned by her boss Clu to investigate the happenings in the small western town of Argon. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Beck's name was originally meant to be Beta, but it was changed to Beck. Paige insisted that all she's trying to do is find out who framed her. Before departing, she noticed a familiar tool in Beck's hand, similar to the one the Renegade had used to repair part of the damage done to the light copter they'd been fighting in. Though Paige didn't know where she was, she started talking to her, promising her that if Keller comes back to Argon, Tesler would allow her a second chance, as he did with Paige. 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