Please ", "This is a big early morning blessing. ", "I have gained a lot from this piece. He was raised in a well-grounded Christian home as the first child of his parents' four children. (Single & Searching Series Vol. Its a noble desire. I dont recommend that method! Sexual lust has destroyed and is still destroying the destinies of many. Sister, our God is God of second chances run to him for safety. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER. They must not forget Gods purpose to give them that land and they must not intermarry with the corrupt people there. This voice is loud enough to arrest your attention, or get you thinking somebody was around the corner talking to you. As long as you have an idol of the ideal partner in your heart, God may find it difficult leading you. My Passion for The Gospel bought about this great Platform.. At the end of this week, Mr. God spoke to Samuel audibly, even though it took the intervention of the Priest, Eli for Samuel to know who was speaking to him. But how do we know the will of God? And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'. Maybe there are some nice Canaanite girls (or guys) around. But if you want Gods guidance for a marriage partner, you must be unswerving in your commitment to God and His purpose. He who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery (Matthew 19:4-10). Through word of knowledge: God can speak to people through the Word of Knowledge. We could learn about serving the Lord from the fine example of Abrahams servant. However, each one of you must love his wife as he loves himself (Ephesians 5:25-33), It is important to love your wife as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her, because you have entered into covenant with her and with God. I love to share the Good News. "As a believer, you are not only meant to be healthy, you are meant to have so much authority over sickness and diseases that once they feel your touch they would vanish immediately.". You wont find a godly mate in bars. God cannot contradict His Word. So God said,I will wipe mankindfrom the face of the earthfor I am grieved that I have made them (Genesis 6:5-7). (Read our past article: The #1 Mistake Singles Make). Its been nearly ten years since you posted your cry for help! But be forewarned! The man and the woman were not given any choice by God. And with that choice, certain duties and obligations came with it as well. That is the basic principle in determining the will of God in any situationto empty yourself, as much as you are able, of your own will and to commit yourself to seeking and obeying Gods will. Remind Him, He said in Genesis 1:28 be fruitful and multiply. I feel so blessed and encouraged. It is true that God can deliver, heal, lead, direct, and guide you out of the heartbreaking relationship you are/were in, but He can also comfort you. It is a video clip of a church service where Pastor Enoch Adeboye was shown to be combing his hair to demonstrate what God was going to do for the congregation. If your spirit man is highly developed to be in sensitivity to the things of the Spirit, it will be very easy. How do you know the will of God concerning marriage? God bless u sir. Ensure you subject whatever you hear or see to the written Word of God. But what if God doesnt say anything? Gods people must never compromise Gods will on marriage. Remember how he got a wife for Adam? But have you considered that your marriage is also a ministry? Your email address will not be published. Humbly submit to His leading. He dismisses everything I ask him to do for me and says Im letting the devil use me. This book explores that vision. In July 1909, a son was born into the Akindayomi family of Ondo State of Nigeria. Am blessed after reading If Ive followed the dream I had before I got married, I would have married a wrong person! May I say, that its easy to get help from other Christians if there is physical abuse (of course this can sometimes lead to death), but emotional abuse is like a slow death of a thousand cuts. Why be so fanatical about this, Abraham? When I became born again is when one aspect of his anger toward me (when drinking in particular) was aroused which was my new relationship with Christ, so I had to sort of hide it to stay away from the rage. He took off my underwear When God saw how great mans wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time (about whom to marry and self-will), the Lord was grieved that He had made man on the earth, and His heart was filled with pain. When several unrelated people are saying the same thing, God could be behind the message. Pastor Adeolu Adeboye was born on January 28, 1968, in Ifewara, Osun State. You do everything behind the scenes and get little recognition or attention. That is part of your role in the covenant of marriage. Note here that there was no voice from heaven, no miracle, no visible angel, no display of Gods glory, no sign in the sky. 5 Inspirational Enoch Adeboye Quotes About Life. Then this short and simplified article will be of help to you. As you submit to Him today, He will lead you to your rightful partner in Jesus Name. If you truly want Him to guide you, eradicate all idols -the ideal height, complexion, figure, size, tribe, educational level, social status, etc. Often it is more difficult to go this route than it is to operate on the basis of human wisdom. OPEN HEAVEN 13 APRIL 2023 MESSAGE. Our reconciliation as caring friends has been a witness to many others. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. The bible says in the book of Isaiah: In repentance & rest is your salvation; in quietness & trust is your strength thus says the Lord of Host.. Your marriage is where the audit needs to happen. If youre already married, please dont decide that you made a mistake in discerning Gods will in your marriage and decide to try again! If you feel disturbed, then its most likely the wrong choice. The size of your library is a poor indicator of how seriously you take the Gospel. Im also tired of being a pastors wife. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lords affairs how he can please the Lord. Knowing the true God, therefore, translates to salvation from sin and deliverance from evil. Knowing Gods will in marriage - Save the World Ministry Memorise: "And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. A TIMELY MESSAGE TO THE YOUNGER GENERATION!! But theres a better way. That is because you are representing Christ to your bride (just as Christ is the bridegroom to the church, His bride). View all posts by therccgbethelparish. May be i wil become a pastor. But youll never know Gods direction that way. ( Matthew 5:8) Perhaps the clearest word for marriage in the Sermon on the Mount comes in Matthew 5:27-32. more wisdom in God ", "God's abundant blessings I prayunto your family in Jesus name Amen. When you hurt her, or neglect her, how will you be able to present her to God as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish?, Remember that marriage is Gospel ministry. What is spiritual covering and authority? Through audible voices: God can speak in audible voices, but be sure you can differentiate when God is speaking to you from when the devil or your flesh is speaking. Click on any of the below title and the download will start immediately: Pastor E.A Adeboye 2020 Messages. Cynthia must Die but Mercy said No. He was born on March 2, 1942, in Ifewara, Osun State, Nigeria. You made the choice to go into the ministry. Visits since Oct. 2015Your IP:, Copyright @ 2017. Worse still, many were enslaved to doctrines, taboos, cultism, idols, and devilish spirits. The point of this story in its context is to show Israel the importance of maintaining their purity as Gods people when they entered Canaan. One question that a single believer who has agreed to let God choose his or her marriage partner would ask is, How do you recognize Gods choice in marriage? We all want to know the will of God concerning major decisions we need to make, such as the career we should pursue, the place where we should live and the person we should marry. But how do we discern Gods will? The lady was so offended that. "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.'. You can be sure that when you see your spouse you will shout this is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh and you will give her that divine name!same for ladies too, when Eve saw Adam, she wasnt looking for a dog to marry! Many confess living in captivity to various gods who ruled over them with an iron fist, through the observance of ridiculously costly practices in terms of time and money. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Some people think there is no need to find Gods will when it comes to the issues of choosing a spouse; some will argue that the Bible already said that he that find a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord. Yes, that is true! Youll only bring more pain and discipline into your life. Your marriage is not something that you can compartmentalize as having less priority in giving your attention to it, in light of your ministry to your church family. In 1947, he started to become concerned that the church was departing from the true Word of God in some of its practices. Hebrews 3:4 says: For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. Friendship with opposite sex So how did he know what Gods will was in this situation? I am content in my life. From this moment, the abundant blessings of the Lord will begin to pour into your life without measure in Jesus name. So the servant went in obedience, called to God for guidance, and God gave it to him (24:11-14). Let me say that again marriage is one of Gods greatest tools for ministry. considering marriage, or engaged and preparing for mar-riagewould find some benefit here, getting to know each other better in some of life's most significant matters, and becoming more fit to discern God's leading for their lives. Your spouse should not be any less important than others that you minister to outside of the home. If He did, why did He create you so late in history? Im dying inside. God has a plan to deliver you from the abuse you received, and He has a way forward for youmaybe apart from your abusive husband, pastor or not. This passage is a clear proposal to anyone that is toiling under the heavy yoke of the devil, anyone that is persecuted or in servitude, anyone encountering stagnancy or fruitlessness, and anyone that needs physical, mental, or spiritual healing. To know Gods guidance we must put aside our own will and seek the will of the God who has called us. Watch the interesting Untold story and all you need to know about Pastor Enoch Adeboye of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).#PastorAdeboye #Oyedepo #Tr. They put comfort for themselves ahead of obedience to God's will. Genesis 24is the longest chapter in Genesis, but since it is a unit, its tough to break it down into several messages. That unity of purpose builds unity in marriage, as the two of you work together in serving the Lord. $9.93. My question to the lady herself: is she really born again and does she have a close relationship with God? Furthermore, some were conquer by addiction and therefore were controlled by alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, smoking, nightlife, and other risky habits. God knew that there are certain emotional and temporal needs that a human being a marriage partner, is created to meet. I keyin with the testmony is working for me already my baby boy is on the way, I don't care, How God Delivered Me From The Spirit Of Lust Apostle Michael Orokpo, Pastor E.A Adeboye Renames Redeem Camp See The New Name, Twitter User Reveals The Response He Got From God When He Asked Why He Was Taking Him Through Troubled Waters For So Long, What Lawrence Oyor Pen down to his Father-in-law Mike Bamiloye on his 63rd Birthday will melt your heart, A Popular Bishop in Nigeria almost Initiated me into a cult group 23 years ago Nigerian Pastor speaks, It is so unfortunate that one of my wives is attending Pastor Paul Enenches Dunamis Church Asari Dokubo, The Rate Dunamis Church is growing in Nigeria amazes the White People alot Deborah Paul-Enenche reveals, Why All the People working on our Church Ark Project Are All Members of Winners Chapel Bishop David Oyedepo Reveals, Beautiful Pictures of Deborah Paul-Enenche As She Storms BBC Studios In USA With Her Husband, Sam Hawthorn Uloko For An Interview, What happened on Good Friday in the Bible, Thank You For Loving Me As I Am: Social Media Reacts As Deborah Paul-Enenche Celebrates Her Handsome Husband, Sam Uloko on His 28th Birthday, Pastor Korede Komaiya celebrates wife of his youth, Esther Komaiya as she celebrates 52nd Birthday, Deborah Hawthorn Uloko Shares Beautiful Pictures With Members As she Attend Sunday Service at Dunamis London. ", "Have read this article and it's quite educating and inspiring. Recommended Resource:Mutual by Design: A Better Model of Christian Marriage I always comment first in this man of God message, it seem to me there is something special about it. He became one of the interpreters translating Pa Akindayomis sermons from Yoruba to English. Before the servant was done praying, God brought Rebekah along and the circumstances fit together in such an unmistakable way that the servant knew God had led him. Your email address will not be published. Both Abraham and the servant recognized that they might not succeed (24:5, 8, 49, 58). Wish to subscribe to more of your teachings ", "Though i couldn't read all, i really love the portions and lines read The Bible casts a vision of marriage where men and women co-lead and co-serve as equal partners. I understand where this woman comes from. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, He took one of the mans ribs Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man (Genesis 2:21-22). It just means that it is redirected so that not only do you minister outside of your home, but also within it as well. While praying on the issue, a verse or two could drop in your spirit. I believe that all Christians want to know the will of God for their lives, because knowing the will of God enables us to please Him in every aspect of our lives by making wise decisions that are in line with His will. You could recognize your Heaven-sent partner the first time you sight him/her. The average headcount of those who attend the Service is about 500,000. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. Let him do the chase It is a cord of three strands with God being involved right from the start. The very first step in finding out who is God's will for you in marriage is to ensure you are in God's will yourself and you know how to find His will in other areas of your life. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. Learn how your comment data is processed. Conviction in the choice of marriage simply means: Watch out for the next series specifically for guys and ladies! I kissed Jezebel His interests are divided. But keep in mind that this doesnt mean that your ministry is lessened. While such experiences are not fun, the Lord does have important lessons to teach you if you submit to His sovereign ways. Moses wrote Genesis to a people who were poised to conquer the land of Canaan which God had promised to Abraham and his descendants. When God was to give Adam his wife, He did not have to struggle with Adam. (Daniel 11:32). Youth & Singles International, But Jesus would never perpetrate that in any cicumstance. Women are not angel so dnt expect 100% frm them. These are not comprehensive and they are not a formula to plug into your computer. The Ministry of Marriage: For the Pastor - Marriage Missions International The Ministry of Marriage: For the Pastor When you are called by God to be a Pastor, you usually have a fairly good idea of what your calling will be. 5. Thats not super-spiritual. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. You may have heard someone say, "God closed the door on this opportunity," or "God was opening doors to give me the job.". It to him TODAY, he will lead you to your rightful partner in Jesus.! Translates to salvation from sin and deliverance from evil as the first child of his &! Sight him/her the start God was to give them that land and they not. The Lords affairs how he can please the Lord will begin to pour into your computer interpreters Pa... 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