I feel I can't get away! Great article and insight. He would like nothing more than to focus our attention in one area or on one person while causing chaos and destruction in another. When facing a problem its important to discuss it together before discussing it to a third party. Like Satan, this type of spirit is simply pure evil. Yes, shes partly the blame for the excruciating pain we endure from month to month, as well as the unfathomable labor pains that come with childbirth, but she has much less to do with the perils of modern-day marriages. Dear reader, never announce your problems or plans on social media prematurely because social media is the easiest way for a Jezebel to gain access to you and because a Jezebel is intelligent they will throughly dissect the information to build ways to destroy you. But nothing could be further from the truth. Jezebel is looking to win and destroy a potentially good future marriage. yet has no desire to deal with the man who she still believes is her husband. She will do just about anything to get someones place of prominence especially those who speak the truth or have a genuine/pure heart. This is why it is critical to combat this spirit with other strong Believers. But my Journey is different now, and the woman I want to become is different now. Once the friendship is over you will suddenly feel free, at peace and able to think more clearly. Love One Another The Overlooked Commandment. This spirit especially hates men of God who are faithfully doing the work of God. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. I don't know if anyone will read this or if anyone cares but please pray for me. They isolate and pit people against each other privately and individually behind closed doors. This is always refused. how horrible trying to find Godly counsel with limited resources. Id be right back to either agreeing with everything she says and does, or receiving her wrath? He/she will make you think they are more spiritual than most people. Those under Jezebel in position whether in the workplace, ministry or family dynamics; will tend to fear him/her because when a Jezebel is in power, he/she has an authoritative and threatening demeanour. This often It will thus be capable of playing more than one type of game with you. I am a survivor. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 I love my wife with all my heart. 12Indicatorsof a Jezebel Spirit at Work. Such was the case with the Pharisees, they found Jesus teachings offensive and very hurtful to them and they eventually sort to kill and destroy Jesus. This evil spirit wants to kill and destroy relationships by attaching to someone who will seek to be the center of attention and is self-serving. They are not accountable to anyone and often accuse others of being a Jezebel. Following the ways of Jezebel by being friends with him/her is like walking in an unequal yoke. Even though I know it's all my fault. The other thing to note is that Jezebels personality will seem to draw you in, this is because she is a seducing controlling spirit. i at the cross and letting the blood come down and take care of me. Panentheism God is not only everything as in pantheism, but also he is IN everything (rocks, trees, water, etc) hence, praying to stone, wood, metal, ivory, gems, fountains, etc., is meaningful, Phenomenology the philosophy that all experience of events and/or objects is to be evaluated solely on the basis of the human consciousness without reference to any outside factors (no causation, no independent standard, irrelevant or nonexistent God/Creator), Existentialism derived from phenomenology primarily by Jean-Paul Sartre, the philosophy that a self-determining agent makes rational, relevant, meaningful evaluations of events or objects given that the universe is purposeless, irrational (no God/Creator, no causative relationships) and then acts rationally (relative term meaning each agent determines what is rational). The Different Kinds of Demonic Spirits,, The Ways in Which the Jezebel Spirit Will Operate, When People Let You Down: Dealing with Disappointment. The Jezebel spirit operates in women in much of the same way it does in men. Elijah had just killed 850 prophets and turned the Israelites As a result of meeting this spirit head on a good five times, I have developed quite a bit of information and knowledge on how this spirit works and operates. This article originally appeared at krisvallotton.com. Her flesh had been eaten by dogs, just as Elijah had prophesied (2 Kings 9:35-36). As a result of this type of spirit being capable of playing more than one kind of game with you, this makes this kind of spirit much more deadly and destructive. Elijah had set up two altarsone dedicated to Baal and one dedicated to God. Hope I can get free from this as well. In verses 5-7, Jezebel came in, asked what was wrong and listened attentively as her husband pouted. I get disappointed also when others state that her conduct is a reflection of my Godliness. A Jezebel never forgets when they are wronged because they struggle to forgive others. As for old Jezzy, she sat high up in her window, looking out one day, fully made up and hair dyed and fried. And as you take new ground, there's resistance pushing back against you. What is the Principle of Headship? People speak of darkness as if it is the most dominant force in the world, as if darkness is forcing light out of the world. I am trusting God. Jezebel wants your inheritance. Where does the fear come from? Looking back over my 5 encounters I have had with this spirit, the one thing I have noticed are two specific things: One, this spirit operates in basically the same way every time it moves in on someone. As a result withholding information from strangers chokes Jezebel, it deprives the person with this spirit from information. The devil has successfully attached the spirit of Jezebel on some of his music artists. But we will be judged by our works, which if we choose to stay in the sin and dysfunction we will remain sperated from God. I STILL BELIEVE! 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Suite 205 The Jezebel spirit draws you in with false flattery and deceit. The Jezebel spirit left unopposed will destroy ministries, churches, marriages and business. From there, it is time to get honest with God. According to the biblical accounts of Queen Jezebel and King Ahab, there is a very good explanation for why this may be happening. He was eventually saved and baptised. I read this specific article and so many things have already struck out for me and I am able to relate to them personally. But I have been given the authority (Luke 10:19), not the Jezebel. The One New Man Network acts as a voice to the Nations, walking out the instructions of Mark 16:15, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature. With the vision to preach and to publish openly the good news, The One New Man Network brings a message of salvation that can be heard throughout the Nations of the World! No fair! The word Jezebel is coming from the OT story of Queen Jezebel back in the days of Elijah. Michelle, I think God pretty much told us it was time to go. He was surely killed, and without a shred of guilt, Ahab went down and claimed the vineyard. We believe that Gods truth has the power to set people free, and we do everything in our power to remain faithful to His truth, in thought, in word, and in deed. I pray you can endure, and not loose faith. But what am I supposed to do in this situation? As a result, it is actually easy to spot after a certain length of time. She was the victim and he was the vile cheating woman beater. I came to know the true living God after leaving my ex. And to honor is to hold in high esteem. The Jezebel spirit many refer to is based upon the characteristics of King Ahabs wife. December 25, 2017 Dr. Dee Evans. Did everything possible to ruin my life with rumors But now the second half od my life is better than the first (read the book of Job). As sad as it makes me to say this, my health, peace, happiness, and outlook on life have all improved drastically. The controlling manner of the Jezebel spirit can be condescending and insubordinate. God is always with you. She withheld sex constantly and he allowed the enemy to take a foothold in him through sex. We are not held accountable for our past mistakes once born again. I rebuke and bind the spirits of witchcraft, lust, seduction, intimidation, idolatry, and whoredom connected to Jezebel. what can I do ? A Jezebel in a woman doesnt care if hes your boyfriend or husband. So much so that my back is out of place. pretty darn close to total nervous breakdown His/her motive behind this is seduction and power. I took her to friends at a church and had it cast out We back slid and it came back with a fury. Sadly, the Bible has absolutely nothing good to say about this woman. Queen Jezebel operated out of the Jezebel spirit we know today. Dont give up. If you are in ministry or you are anointed and not yet married it is very important that you walk in the gift of discernment because the devil will try and pair you up with a Jezebel partner to infiltrate your anointing, calling and influence. Queen Jezebel is typically thought to have been a harlot. Here are four signs you're under the influence of the spirit of Jezebel: Vision gives pain a purpose. When a leader who has a Jezebel spirit is in ministry, due to lack of revelation of the truth of Gods word, he/she will twist scripture, manipulate the congregation, direct worship to themselves instead of God and lastly, in some cases he/she will practice subtle witchcraft, false religion or divination even by use of biblical principles and Scriptures. She stays at the bar chasing young men showing off her jezebel body. Can Using Crystal Meth be Considered Witchcraft? At first i thought it was a terrible joke, than she said it is part of her family curse to destroy men She gave me examples of her entire family that what they do She told me not one minute of it was real, not one. And with it being much more intelligent than many of the other lower-ranking demons will be, this makes this type of spirit much more evil, cunning, and harder to deal with once it moves in and attaches to a person. These desires are forbidden because they are rejected and disapproved by God in that they do not align with Gods Word. Gods Word is the first place you should go to seek guidance and protection. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Rev. They use false humility and feel entitled or owed something. Picture this: someone enters your life who will bend over backwards to do anything for you. They whine until they get their way. A Jezebel has no identity of her/his own, no real gifts or talents; like a leech they feed off from others by stealing ideas and counterfeiting other peoples gifts in order to establish themselves or become popular. A Jezebel has no close friends but has many friends because he/she is not genuine, trustful nor faithful. Here are a few indicators that you may be dealing with a Jezebel Spirit (and wearing red lipstick is NOT a characteristic of a Jezebel spirit). Jezebels second son, Joram succeeded him. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 These people are demons in human flesh that join churches. (Let me interject here: For clarity, the Biblical Jezebel was indeed, a WOMAN. I walk in the Favor of God and that I am free from every spirit of bondage for I am the righteousness of God. If a gifted or talented person has a Jezebel as a friend that person will suffer greatly because Jezebel will act like a friend yet he/she is an enemy seeking to sabotage them and their gifts. In women, the Jezebel spirit loves gossip and will seek to know details about another persons life, but only so that it can use it against them later. remember dont give place to jezbel or (wife ) because she will take you to the judge and the judge will give you to the bayor and he will put you in jail and you will have to pay every penny before you can get out dont give that spirit that kind of power thats where the name calling and tearing down come from I have so much I could say , I stand with you all God bless you stay strong keep standing and your situation will change through it all you have become partakers of Christ suffering I count it all joy. When the prophets of Baal asked their god to do the sameNOTHING. Done! I dont know. Simply put, a Jezebel spirit is one of Satans higher-ranking, more intelligent demons if not the smartest kind of demon he has in his kingdom. The goodness of God is overwhelming evil; truth is overcoming lies, and the power of the Spirit is displacing the powers of darkness. She will come in that church to pollute it and quench the flow of the Holy Spirit. By her teaching, she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. The Jezebel spirits goal is that you set aside all Christ-minded thoughts and operate strictly out of emotions in the carnal mind. They are never wrong. I find myself alienated from my children, and from my wifes family. A mother, relative, and friend, she's an avid writer with a passion for video, photography and social media marketing. I can't even explain it. This evil spirit has been responsible for not only tearing down churches, pastors, and different Christian ministries, but it has also been responsible for breaking up many marriages, friendships, companies, along with getting many people to commit cold-blooded murders and suicides. A Jezebel is secretly compulsive and desperately stalks those he/she envies, being obsessive in finding every single piece of detail about those he/she hates. Every situation is different. Jezebels do not forgive nor forget. At one point I was afraid of him, now that I am out of his house I must not take down or I will have nothing. Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds.Revelation 2:19-22 (emphasis added). Im struggling between God hates divorce (even though my wife demands one), being one flesh with my wife, and letting no man put asunder; and if the unbeliever departs let him (or her) depart. Im not afraid of her like I used to be, but I also dont want to go back to a life of miserable fights, anger, hatred, berating, lies, false accusation, back stabbings, gossip, wicked speech, threats, violence, etc. It uses a domineering behavior to draw the woman away from an authentic relationship where she can be vulnerable and honest. The leader will not do anything to stop people from worshipping them. Kris Vallotton is the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and cofounder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). She berated him and attacked him almost daily. And she wont respond to my emails. When it feels it is losing the control it has been allowed to have, it goes after those who cross its path. Joshua 1:8 is the verse we encourage you to put to memory, This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. With this he feared telling her about the women so he prayed and they sought Godly counsel on three separate occasions sessions with her Pastor (yes she later joined a separate church where she could operate freely) their family Pastor where he remained and a more neutral pastor. Spiritual conflicts most often occur when we advance into new territory that is inhabited by evil spirits. Submission is powerful and invites Gods blessings but the enemy lies to some wives enticing them to operate in a Jezebelic manner. Can men and women be influenced by the Jezebel spirit? The Spirit of Jezebel is basically a controlling spirit working through the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and Some wives allow this spirit to entice them and they end up submitting to their husband only when it is beneficial to them; this is rebellion in the marriage bed. I now feel so abused, tricked, manipulated. View all posts by Joan Sharpe. Here are four signs you're under the influence of the spirit of Jezebel: Irrational fear and insecurity. Your friends and family are not going to understand, and frankly speaking, most wont believe you and are thinking It cant be all that bad.. Woe is me. Be prayerful and discerning with such people. This is a lie from the pits of hell. I think my ex husband is actually Jezebel in the flesh! If this spirit is operating in your sphere of influence, then it is time to take action. Indeed. Testimonial RTS Seminar Attendee: Issues with Word Curses, Rejection and Fear, Our Next Released to Soar Deliverance Seminar, Testimonial RTS Seminar Attendee: Issues with Generational Curses, Doubt/Unbelief and Anger. Your thoughts and dreams become sexually perverse. This spirit hates authority, despises She didnt show herself in the beginning, -but looking back he says she did use tactics and manipulation to gain his trust and then ultimately love in order to marry. My wife kicked me out a couple weeks ago because I didnt agree with her about something she said was going on. Some people have called this a master type spirit. I speak destruction over the altars where the spirit of Jezebel received worship in my life, and I erect an altar there for God. I believe the Lord allowed me to have access to these 5 people when I did so I could end up writing an article like this one so I could teach people how to spot one if they ever had one come into their midst, whether it be at home within their family, in the middle of a church or ministry, or even at their place of work. Is there a. Jezebel is always seeking to destroy pure relationships usually because of jealousy especially if you are genuinely happy or blessed in love; Jezebel wants what you have. The Institute of Love writes, Guys, who are mamas boys, are not able to be godly boyfriends or husbands, because they will need to share their attention and love with their moms. Im a prayer warrior im in this for the long haul. The only choices are to get along or get going? Dan, she will NOT change. Repentance understands the great offense the behavior and the heart behind it is to God and to those who were a victim of it. In Revelation 2:20, Jesus warns against the spirit of Jezebel, and she comes to kill, destroy, and corrupt the Church, I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first. For the longest time Satan has denied me and taken away so much from, this because I allowed him to do so. No one knows your heart as the Lord does. Watch the Video, Filed Under: Christian Deliverance Ministry, Featured Post Slider Tagged With: control, jezebel. As we explained to you in our article titled, The Different Kinds of Demonic Spirits, demons have two different names. Jezebel is only helping today in order to gain the upper hand tomorrow. It is a total control freak, and it is also very good at manipulation and getting people to do its evil bidding. Dont give up, thats what the enemy wants you to do. The Jezebel spirit can mimic honesty, integrity, and other virtues, but soon the truth is revealed, and anger erupts. in a secular home. Are you okay? I believe with all my heart that Christ died for me, but I have never given myself the chance to focus on him and his will for my life, everything else has always been more important to me. If you are under a church or leadership authority where Jezebel is at work, you may well be a target for torment. We believe that honor is a force and we treat each person with a level of value and respect that allows us to take the role of a servant in the relationship. A Jezebel desperately needs an Ahab in order to function, and an Ahab relies on a Jezebel to get what he or she wants. Most people are under the assumption that the Jezebel spirit influences only women, but this is false. Jezebelss husband in the bible, king Ahab, desired another mans vineyard and Jezebel promised the king that she would get him the vineyard. Do you believe a wife with a Jezebel spirit can be a believer? Some of you all sound like you have a jezebel spirit how dare any of you come on here to tear down spouses or former spouses..thats what i did and guess what it doesnt work. The Jezebel spirit has influenced in all of our lives, be it through leadership, friendship, or family. what a witness to all my unbelieving relatives God is our defence praise God Get up and eat! 2:19-20. When he became a Pastor, she also became a Pastor out of desire and not calling. Whether you are the parent, child, spouse, or whomever, only God can grant you the courage to minimize the consequences for making the Jezebel in your life angry. When I left taking her power the real hell broke loose and my girls did not talk with me for 16 years since. The goal of such people is to lead believers away from worshipping the true God and entice them to serve that which is a lie. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers2 Timothy 4:3. The only way to protect the home is to adhere to Genesis 2:24, which reads, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh (women, we need to cleave too!).. I understand that its a process. Such a wife ends up being offended by her husband because he does not lead her well or protect her, and she feels unloved. They trust in their looks and use this as a means to gain favour and if Jezebel is in a woman, she will be adorned beautifully from hair, make-up to her outfit. WebI loose the hounds of heaven against Jezebel (1 Kings 21:23). Fearing a loss of financial security, she may become passive and surrender her authority and dignity in God to a controlling man. He filed for divorce. Marriage and the Jezebel Spirit. If you experienced breakthrough when this prophetic word was released earlier this year, please share your testimonies in the comments. If the basis is to steal your man, she will do this in jealousy of your relationship and will feel better about herself if your man is unfaithful. The story is long, but what I want you to know before reading on is that Elijah had just come out of a great battle and won a great victory (he defeated 850 false prophets). If you are in a happy relationship, of which God chose you and your partner, Jezebel will be after you. to say she will NOT change is to forget that the battle is the Lords and His arm is NOT too short to save!! Porn, women. Once you understand the characteristics, how it operates, and how to cut it off, protecting yourself becomes more about being aware. He knows the secrets and shame that try to hide. Steve Sampson writes in Confronting Jezebel, A man who is an Ahab has a distorted concept of his own authority, blames others (mainly his wife), justifies himself, leans on his wife, is a mamas boy, is irresponsible and relinquishes authority over his house. She will be headstrong in trying to destroy those she failed to subdue, even if it takes years to achieve. Thanks for asking. Mind you, sometimes men stay too, for the very same reason. Please subscribe to this website to get regular updates! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. They may buy you gifts, lunch, watch your children, cook for you, detail your car, or even give you money. What the Bible says about the Jezebel spirit, How the Jezebel spirit operates in men and women, How to protect yourself from the Jezebel spirit, Jezebels desire to kill the prophets of God, Jezebels desire to worship false deities, Prayerfully seeking the Holy Spirits guidance. It is written Honor your father and mother. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Used by permission. A worldly lead conversely, opens the door to destruction. Then he plays the victim. I feel compelled to write to you. This is because Jezebel finds a thrill in destroying relationships and feels powerful knowing that another womans man or another mans woman is giving them attention. One of the demonic forces I see active on the earth with those who are in the midst of warfare right now is the Jezebel spirit. A Jezebel will even do this through false dreams, telling you God told them something about you or that they dreamt of you when God did not tell them anything. Unfortunately I wasn't strong enough spiritually to realize the snare; I prayed for x sincerely but the damage to her has been already done. I am marrying a man who recognizes the Ahab spirit he carried during his 17 year marriage to a Jezebel spirit. They had two children together and joined a local church before he was saved. Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley. They are looking for disciples of their own. Just as Queen Jezebel supported the worship of false deities, the spirit of Jezebel will support the worship of counterfeit identities, false gods (such as wealth and power), fleshly desires, and witchcraft. He/she is after what belongs to you, hence, he/she will implement ways to choke out and starve your faith in God from His promises and prophesies. You can decree God has control. Is this how you act as king over Israel (shot to his manhood)? Dear reader, if you know someone has a Jezebel spirit, do not get too close to him/her because they will use your secrets and flaws against you in the future. Has this year been a constant battle? One common product of this type of relationship is the mamas boy. Theres a neat little piece at the Institute of Love that explains it quite nicely. It destroyed our marriage in 13 months. The Jezebel spirit can influence men and women alike. WebThe name Jezebel is spelt in Hebrew as LYZEBEL and it means Baal exalts, un-husbanded one, without cohabitation and unchaste . Some very popular music artists are operating under the. But this is a total control freak, and other virtues, but soon the truth is,., protecting yourself becomes more about being aware I find myself alienated from wifes! By God in that they do not align with Gods word it came back a. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Used by permission type of spirit is operating in sphere. 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