Do they think the cable providers care if you are watching? I only noticed it because some of the shows I was watching seemed to be going unusually ABRUPTLY from show to commercial. I mute all commercials, and if I do see an advertiser on way more than others, I never buy their product. If you think tv is that bad and dont like it that much then why dont you just stop watching it? I encourage all viewers to tell these heinous broadcasters we will boycott their programs if they dont significantly REDUCE the number and percentage of ads on their shows. We are already doing that they just dont care and since more people are switching to streaming they need more adds to cover their lost profit, hence more commercials per hour, I cant stand fox NFL on Sundays or Thursday night football bc they fuck with more commercials then football damn it. Since, almost everybody is paying for cable, dish, & satellite; it should be a class action lawsuit , if we are forced to watch more commercials, than the t.v. The opening comment is bull shit All these advertising scumbags should have razor cuts all over their bodies then drenched in alcohol. Just finished watching the newest Bates Motel even though i recorded and was skipping commercials I was baffled at how many times i had to hit the 30 second skip. Even if a dvr or fast forward is used, the actual story of the show has been cut. I told my family and friends its time to shut it all down and watch C.D.s I have time slot to show 1.5/1.75 hour movie . I share a Netflix account with my daughter and have recently subscribed to YouTubeTV for a fraction of what Comcast was charging. I realize that someone has to pay for the freight so why not charge more for commercial time and have fewer of them? Stop or sign up for some online service. Senators/Representatives? Mr. Zinda is correct; venting your ire here will only provide fuel to the advertisers fire, and the stations really DONT CARE whether you watch their commercials or not, because theyve ALREADY BEEN PAID for that ad. No unsightly antenna on the roof or tower to maintain. Our local SF Bay Area news programs are horrid. CNN has a quality second to none in its content and news reporting There is no doubt about that. They have like 25 minutes of commercials and 5 minutes of programming. What gives. Have noticed commercial are the same for over a year. Ready to go back to broadcast TV. Mainly because of the time allotted for commercials. Discovery Channel is worst over 20 mins of commercials per hour I want to quit watching, Look guys this stupid asshole states he enjoys comedy commercials. After seeing all to the ads here, I now think we could do the same. What will it accomplish? And ABC is all about some crazy Hollywood stories-heaven help! People trying to sell me things I dont want dont need and most importantly cant afford. Dont think it hasnt happened countless times before when I post reality in stupid forums. the programs are so cut up one cannot stay with the rhythm of the show or the plot is totally lost and or forgotten. I use to like watching CBS this morning but by the time they finish their 15 minutes of ads I was forgetting what they were going to show next. I find traditional cable simply unwatchable bad shows loaded with ads and it offends me that cable companies charge a premium for access to this garbage. The abandoned animals pitch is very suspect since animal adoptions during the pandemic are at an all-time high. Action must be taken for all these legitimate complaints. The license to operate over the public airways comes with responsibilities-it was never meant to be I am sorry if I have caused any offence. I just got a 4k tv and I want to see the whole screen while my show is on. Here in the UK ,sat least we have some half dozen channels from the BBC with no commercials ,worth the 200 dollars yearly mandatory fee, all the hundreds of channels here are full of commercials,ads as we call them here,drive you mad . In other words, they expand the viewing time by almost half for your commercial enjoyment. We the public get it. For kicks, I time the length of commercial and length of program. As more markets open and good ones turn bad, whether due to buyouts or greed, the cycle continues on without any possible signs of slowing or changing simply because they know they can do whatever they want and you cant do anything to change it. Thank God for Netflix and channels like HBO because paying to not have to see any commercials is more then worth it. Every week I see a top rated comment in this subreddit where people complain about commercial time. Even PBS has ads. Youd have to be an idiot to buy something they have to advertise every 10 minutes i buy the stuff they dont advertise because it speaks for itself, We are developing an APP that allows you to prerecord any program less the commercials. I actually watched a Friends episode specifically for the purpose of timing the commercials. On a different note, the channels with ads bunched them together at the 15 minute mark, so you could plan your day better. Do they think their veiwers are morons with large wallets? The average NFL game includes 20 commercial breaks containing more than 100 ads. So I guess we all agree Commercials Suck? Its time for them to stop being so greedy, and provide a better version of the entertainment they claim to be providing. We all shop for these products, so why hit us with all the same ads? I noticed on one channel they have commercials about every 12 to 15 minutes for the first 45 minutes. Same with corrupt Clinton Foundations & fat cat overpaid, underperforming execs. Its called Infomercial TV. Please correct me if I am wrong. Every time I see the POTUS, I expect it will the first time for there to be some trash corporate logo on the presidential lectern. Just watch the chiller channel. Thank goodness for tv remote mute button! I usually go to the kitchen to make my sandwiches. Plot out the story lines in your script. I spend my spare time with YouTube now. This is pathetic and we are paying for it! I watched Big Sky TV show last week and timed the number of minutes. However, ads can also be 10, 20, 40, 50, 60 seconds or longer. Not long ago I used a stopwatch to time the actual show time for Everybody Loves Raymond .. the episode airs for 36 minutes, but only NINE MINUTES were the show, the other TWENTY SEVEN MINUTES were commercials. In the past month, I have actually enjoyed only 3 commercials out of hundreds. I simply cant sit through a half hour sitcom for example, and watch 10-11 minutes of commercials. Increase in commercials? I watch up to 4 programs at a time to avoid all the commercials. They should pay us to watch their commercials! Why are we one of them? Great, she said. Thats why I have a dozen old remotes with worn out mute buttons. You show you have no respect for your customers. Only drawbacks are the learning curve and sometimes erratic streams which are likely caused by shitty Armstrong cable. So we take that even further and do not buy products advertised on TV, we feel if its heavily advertised the product is over priced. They are just using their collected info to do smarter targeted ads. Pretty soon there will be more commercial and show.. Which means my 1 hour show was almost 20mins of commercials. So much Advertisement it covers every thing I want to read I think that this channels target demographic must be senior citizens/shut ins/ and lower income folks, since most of the ads feature manipulative begging for money (ASPCA), products that aid the elderly, and medical information. Bless you and your formula for resisting consumer propaganda. As yet they have not choreographed their commercials to run concurrently which I find to be a blessing. What do you use now? The commercial breaks are like every 5 minutes! "In 2009, 30-second spots accounted for 62% of all ads on television; 15-second spots were just 35%. Happens to me all the time, I have not paid nor watched any cable or satellite in a decade and im only 29, i will not ever pay for it unless the commmercials are removed or Drastically altered, i just will not do it. We are the consumer and if we impact that which we are so unreceptive to by not watching surely TV executives will deal with it in a manner that will be acceptable by us. I never knew, for example, that insurance and animals were closely related. So interesting! Here in UK we get 3 minute add break every 12-15 minutes and on BBC, there are no adverts. 13 commercials in a row on cbs channel 4 on Wednesday 10/13/21. No ambulance chasers, no pill pill pushers, no car/home warranty sheisters. In the US there are approximately eight or 8-1/2 minutes of commercials per half hour of broadcast television. I can start watching a movie 45 60 minutes after the start time, fast forward through the commercials; and catch up to the live broadcast by the end of the movie. The content lasting 15 seconds followed by 2.3 to 3.1 minutes of commercials. This is so bad we all must demand less commercials per hour. These commercials are terrible for news programs because a viewer never gets to know anything about a story because of interruptions. I only use the TV for DVD movies where I can fast forward over the name promoting actors, director, etc. I watch Antenna TV network on the weekends, which is a non cable TV channel. Think about it. CNN has gone totally political now, with the anchors boasting their ideas-not the publics. One more thing I noticed was the posts tend to be written by older people, mostly women. I am tired of all the feminine and hygiene products such as, tampon, bra, panty and the other commercials. Hit them in their bank account. Additionally, I find that very often, time is cut from the movie or program to make space for even more commercials! Gone are the days when broadcasters believed they had s commitment to broadcast journalism and covering news from around the world. It costs for good internet, but Im done with cable TV. Just as most of the complaints on too many commercials we have cut down on TV watching BY 70% When i watch it i skip the commercials . Oh, and lets not forget when Martin Savage was run into the ground OVER and OVER again with the guy in the mock-up cockpit of a Boeing 767 to make news stories well after the fact when the airplane went down in the Indian Ocean. The irony is that consumer based propaganda (ads) helps sell the political propaganda that frequently masquerades as news. Youre right, Eddie. On ABC news, there is more time spent on commercials, than actual news. OXYGEN CHANNEL IS THE WORST- ABSOLUTE WORST PROGRAMMING TOO!! I encourage all viewers to tell these heinous broadcasters we will boycott their programs if they dont significantly REDUCE the number and percentage of ads on their shows. I have worn out the mute button on my remote, so now I use the off button. Heres a perfect example: one of my all-time favorite sitcoms, MASH, is re-run on three different cable networks throughout any weekday. Its rediculus that some commercials last as long as 7 minutes or longer. My Mom called me, concerned about my financial situation and I told her that I had just started work as a Commercial Dishwasher. Ha! How is the word commercial defined? TV and if I see a commercial promoting anything, I dont buy that product. I usually always watch two shows at once , and sometimes itll be three , so when Commercials come on one I flip to the other. I DVR everything and FF through it all but having to pay attention enough to catch them all is annoying too. We go to the least expensive product that has the safest ingredients. WebIn-programme advertising is allowed, but counted toward the 12-minute quota, means that if a 60-minute show has 2 minutes of in-programme advertising, the commercial breaks Its all a matter of scheduling your day!!! So if you make $20 per hour, you should be charging $8-9 per hour to watch their commercials. It is laughable the ridiculous amount of money blown on insurance advertising trying to convince all that their insurance is the least expensive. That being NOT enough, they play commercials on the screen during the tv show. Not to mention that they are now speeding up the regular programming ever so slightly so they can squeeze in another mindless ad. Just shut the box off. Each of us only have a certain amount of time that we will get to live and be here on this earth. Bitching just reinforced the fact that they know you are going to continue your service no matter what they do, they hope to see these posts because youre the base they rely on for their vacations and private movie screenings, events, awards and ceremonies, you keep them in the same rooms with movie stars and other mogulss. And we can still watch 10 minutes of Good Morning America at 7AM CST, and have the next TWENTY MINUTES of commercials to make our lunches for work. It was cheaper for CNN to just go back to Martin about every 7 minutes than it was to actually send a news crew out on a story to investigate facts. Shit ads for a shit show they ruined TV, No black actors except all blacks all gay ads WTF a campaign for WHO ? I like watching TV. Its past time to turn it off! Cant get much worse! I to, have never bought a prodect that has been adderverised. Also, the programs would end at the actual time instead of on the hour. Still, I am paying good money for this bull-help is very much needed! I timed a recent episode of Walking Dead with there being a 4 minute commercial break for every 6 minutes of episode, making a total of 24 minutes of commercial in one hour. Im proud to say that I dont recognise a single advert on TV when I see one played wherever I might be. Yes. Because i dont care how addicted you are to TV, the way this is going is pushing me away from the ordeal of it, and I know I cant be the only one. They use that as an open invitation to raise rated without ever telling you. : Is there any address that I can send my feeling about how many commercials are being played at one time on Satellite TV. the average 1 hour show has 17-18 minutes of advertisements. Back in 2005 I saw my cable bill sneak up in price each month starting at the moment I went paperless! opped.I use yo watch the View but commercials have overcome that show so I stopped.. Now they get 4 commercials for the same price. I also doubt that the commencials happen every 6 minutes, that would mean 10 breaks but only 90 seconds of commercials at a break, way lower. or because they file a claim. No telling how long the news will actually last. Choose to have the Teracota Army stencilled on your back and wait for it to heel. Big Brother, Fake News and certain billionaire despots now run this country. Now look at you tube, talk about commercial driven they are the example for others to mimick, but of course people put up with it and that sends the message that its OK to do whatever companies want and make gazillions off you. The constant commercials are just plain annoying. Now my rooms are clean, my laundry is ready to fold or hang during the next set of commercials. So far, its coming along great ! For kicks I sampled a number of popular channels* to see what the percentage of commercials to programming averaged. One thing that is ironic: I do enjoy some of those comedy commercials from time to time. In an ideal world, a commercial rating would be the precise number of viewers who saw a TV spot, whether it ran for one And no I am not 13 I am 14. Progressive Insurance now with Jon Hamm, the fucking Emu of Liberty Insurance, anti-smoking ads, don,t drink and drive OK WE GET IT!, Usually these commercials will show up more than a hundred times if not on one network then on different networks combined. Before he goes back to sleeping on the job waiting for the emu to wake him, THEY WONT LISTEN TO REASON!!! They are spending billions on ads, money that they take from customers, for in many cases REQUIRED BY LAW that people purchase. Back in the day when I was a kid (a long time ago!) Why pay to watch commercials. Not only is most programming very repetitive and out dated is the constant same commercials and infomercials. That makes the amount of adverts par hour at 9 minutes. The answer, according to a 2016 report from Bloomberg, is somewhere between 60 and 70. How much is comfortable? its absolutely ridiculous people are already acting and driving that way.This world is going to hell in a hand basket and it need to STOP!!! I guess we all should encourage the commercials . See ya, I have to take a 20 minute commercial break! There are so many repeats within their 3 to 5 minute commercial that its very annoying. I watch General Hospital at 2 PM EST. There are only two countries that allow pharmaceutical ads on TV. This might be a good thing as we free ourselves from the idiot box and start taking in our surroundings. I havent watched commercials in years, since TIVO came out. And we get more commercial ads then ever. But truth be told, customer satisfaction is no longer a meaningful factor. Theyll ride that horse until it drops dead on them. I m just sick of paying for dish cable ads where are the t.v. I watch PBS for the majority of my shows. Then it goes to about every 9 or 10 and then during the last 30 minutes it is every 4 minutes. Call your TV provider and tell them they have a choice. Yes, I have to agree with you. WTF! The number came out to 25 minutes of commercials and just over 22 minutes of actual show. Once, I timed a 30-minute local newscast: 12 minutes of commercials!! Otherwise I would sit and let the day go by, whilst the Boob Tube sucks at my brain! ..and its getting worse, the story says. @Mr.Zinda: How to really enjoy CNN as a male news junkie. and no way to delete it. My first time here. My wife mutes ALL commercials. I canceled cable last year and have Hulu Netflix and amazon. I muted, changed channels, recorded and skipped the commercials (which, according to one network dipstick exec, is copyright infringement) which helped somewhat . Instead of about 20 total names, now everyone who did anything during the production gets credit for it, but their names are zapped so fast and small you wont know anyway. (60 minutes of commercials per 3 hours allotted for a movie). That its very annoying have fewer of them advert on TV when see... 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