It was, as far as I could track back, originally posted as two parts, the second of which I will post tomorrow. Itsintimidating. And we have other weakness. I just spent the last couple hours reading this series so far (assuming it was one that finished years ago), looked for part three and it was posted this fucking week? GLad to see the VoM getting some more pagetime. (The Salvation War, #1) by Stuart Slade (shelved 3 times as hfy) The concept was very, very alien. That isdeeply troubling information, Purveyor Jenkins. Vedreg said, eventually. However you decide to go forward I look forward to reading it!!! Constructed with our most advanced technology, to the point where systems were updated during construction, and having a length of nearly seven miles, it was the mightiest ship we had ever created. Whenever Jenkins was with me, I noticed that he had a habit of focusing on the worst aspects. New Humanity Fuck Yeah-stories mixed with old classics. Thank you for posting more! Why would they do that? I asked, to make conversation as I prepared the official forms. A second alarm began to soundthe long wail of a station damage alarm. If they took us alive, we would be food. The Corti abducted you, didnt they?. Literally just found this sub today and spent and read all of the first two and was so sad that I couldn't find out what happens next, and then boom it's there on my front page. The only bit of info we were more than happy to share with them was the reason we can live in the veil. This act somehow convinced this God thing to forgive them and be nice to humanity so long as they devoted considerable time and effort to telling it how great it was. A setting where the PCs are fantasy B.J. If you're referring to the "torn" story in this universe it was not. It collapsed, what passed for its face shattered by the impact, and I ducked as its fellows returned fire. I knew what I had to do. You have to understandI come from one of the more civilized parts of my planet., Vedreg and I sat in silence for several minutes, absorbing this news. Tough bastards. he said, and spat bright red blood onto the Hunter corpse next to him. AND like 10 more Spellgun chapters since I last checked?! He did it because there are more challenges down there among his own kind than he would ever find up here, among us. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible. I began to suspect, however, that Jenkins had not been entirely fair about his own species. He was completely unable to pronounce my name, so had taken to approximating the first syllable, with my permission. David holds a few spars, has a fight mid-warp and starts clearing out one of the drone ships. Those things exist in all species, but the alien concepts these things expressed, and the way in which they expressed them, broke through that barrier for me. I only looked up when the machine flashed a message I had never seen before: ERROR: Unknown Species. : I love your work, especially "BlueShift"! The all-clear alarm sounded just before I reached him, and he moved in response to it. You can find their music here: video comes instead of my 1000 sub video, which I want to take a bit more time on the edit. Their skin was a grotesque matte ceramic-white, and their seven eyes, each blinking independently, provided them with exceptional depth perception. The largest was perhaps the length of a football field, if that. On six legs, they were extremely stable, and their forelimbs were cybernetically fused into their heavy pulse guns, making disarming them impossible. Tell medid either of your species ever have something called Religion?, We gave it a moments thought. It also didn't help that our subspace communications were just advanced enough that the garbled words the poor Kondar picked up on their outdated systems sounded horribly sinister and alien even by the wide standards of the galaxy as it now was. Literally can't read it on my phone. Thanks for sending me the message about it or I likely would have missed it as I was on vacation when you released it. I turned and shot at the Hunter that had aimed at us. Vedreg and I exchanged a glance that bypassed the social implants.There are going to be a lot of nervous species out there when your kind develop quantum communication, Vedreg opined. He did that complicated joint-lift with his forelimbs againa shrug. Hows your arm? he asked, changing the subject. I ripped the data from the storage and attached it to the recording. HFY. He was still yet to explain why he had found it so amusing to call me that. It's an amazing universe with engaging characters, an incredible backstory, and fantastic writing. Under Nesh's purview is a Dreeden State Department tactical team, led by, Lieutenant Reald, the no-nonsense team leader, who prefers to carry an over-sized Terran revolver into combat. Technically, as a member of a pre-interplanetary species, I am a non-sentient specimen of indigenous fauna and therefore cannot be legally employed or own property., I indicated my understanding by noddinganother gesture our body language shared in commonand raising the fur at the nape of my neck. oh man and here i thought my weekend would be gaming and now i see spellgun got 8 new chapters and prey 3 is out and oh my oh my. For example, it would be All units, this is Specialist Teelm. He refused to be drawn on the subject of religion, instead preferring to compensate for the gaps in Jenkins and Charlottes knowledge regarding that region of their planet. Might do it again all over again for the story. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took me half my life to realise that the people who taught me this thing didnt have to be lying, they could just be wrong., He swallowed the last of his glass of water. What is that? Vedreg asked. Ended up re-reading them before starting this. Normally, I only read one offs on here, but this one makes it so I cant wait for another. I stared at their twin heavy pulse guns, too afraid even to close my eyes before the end. The Department of Classics is committed to the study of ancient Greece and Rome and their political, social, artistic, and intellectual legacy. Out loud to myself "Oh shit, PREY III. They saw me coming but I put three rounds into one and its shield failed against the third. Then it took a second. How this great powerGodhad made the universe in a handful of diurnals, and crafted the first humans from the dirt of their homeworld. Was hard to post knowing that people had such high expectations for it. taps two fingers repeatedly in the crook of his arm. Was 9 days late to the party. You see, Earth is a death world. I guess I missed the notification, but this time I remembered the name. With surprising speed, news spread among their people, and among others, of what had happened. Jenkinssomehow, impossibly alive despite taking a kinetic pulse round to the chestwrestled very briefly with the Hunter, and then there was a horrible organic splitting noise, the hiss became a shriek, and the gun was in hands, blood and mangled meat dripping from the cybernetic interface. More great storytelling, thanks again for writing it! We considered making contact, but in the end decided against it. His social implant reported no emotional context for that, so I assumed it was an automatic response to some environmental factor. Fuck me there's my life in a sentence. I just saw that Spellgun was on as a top read fiction earlier today. I look forward to reading your future works and thank you for sharing your story with us! Muscles shifted under his thin brown skin as he tapped his digits on the tabletop in a simple one-two-three rhythm. HFY, Humanity Fuck Yeah, good thread, OC, writefaggotry, Drake MacDougal, 2012-10-26: 22 : January 2013: 22759329: Clarke's Third Law /tg/ talks about science and gawks at each other's cool shit. I had noticed already that his water intake was surprisingly high considering his size, and made a note to ask him about it. 67,622 talking about this. This was me, when I found the sub the first time. What good is sanity when faced with crushing loneliness anyways? More information. Sheathed in a stealth field that bent all electromagnetic radiation around itself, and using centripetal spin rather than generated gravity, it was designed to go completely undetected. Please can I have more Welp time to read the first two entries again then read this. Should modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture? It was farther out than we had ever travelled before, but not by much. Eagerly looking forward to more, no matter how long it takes, and will certainly check out Spellgun. Once every eight-diurnals, five of the crew could be found gathered around a table in the mess hall, rolling number polyhedra and apparently immersed in fantastical battles against impossible creatures that could breath fire, or turn a warrior to stone by meeting its gaze. Happy for You. I had to agree, as I fired a few suppressing shots around the corner. Humanity Fuck Yeah! Sorry for the extremely drawn out and extremely nit picky critique. I had to gently ask the scientists to stop gambling on the outcome of human contests of physical skill and endurance, or to at least exercise some moderation. Jenkins interrupted, his implant radiating waning patience and mounting embarrassment. Dozens of ships were in orbit around a rocky empty world, along with a space dock to repair and refuel them. My job was trivially easy, so I spent much of my time browsing the content of their worldwide data network. IIRC, it's one of the scenes on the Helena, but it could be one of the Bonthans too. Blazcowickz fighting against the magitech cult of Zarus. Passed out around 4. Motherfucking PREY 3. Theyre both products of the same religious root anyway!. The Demonsa loan-word that had filled a conceptual gap we had never been aware ofthat tormented humanity were what inspired it. Ethnic, religious, and cultural differences became less important when you were away from Earth, and in the end those who could not agree simply lived on different worlds. It was absolutely fantastic and exceeded my expectations in every way! I agree that they are frustrating and that they make the site a pain to use for mobile users. This, along with all the other HFY classics is what got me into this sub. None of them are except this one, the other stories in this universe were all written by other people, none of whom had permission from the person who wrote this. Its only a matter of time before your colleagues in security prosecute me for vagrancy, he said. David and SHODAN raid their own ships and do a little hacking. The Wiki. What is it?, Our greatest weakness, Jenkins said. I need more.I gotta have more.. I literally did a mini-jump as soon as I saw the words "HFY" and "Prey" in the same alert box. I feel like Superman., Uhfiction. From the scarring and damage, along with the derelict ship floating nearby of a different make, they had been fighting not too long ago. One of the first hfy I ever read. We appear to have crashed the web page! One of the longer videos I've ever made :)#HumansAreSpaceOrks #Reddit #Narration Click here to subscribe to /u/paradigmblue and receive a message every time they post. Torn actually caused quite a debate/argument when it was written because people thought it ruined the whole universe and prevented future stories from being written. I didn't even need to google "grasping hoof. He rolled up the sleeves of fabric that covered his forelimbs until they were bunched around the mid-joint. Used as a general reference to copypastas that feature humanity being portrayed in a favorable light, normally in-comparison to other (alien) races. I filed this away as a rebuttal for the next officer to approach me on the subject. A chair reconfigured itself for my anatomy and I straddled it. A group of anons come together to ask the question 'What if mankind invaded and conquered hell', including world-building and a full comic. The original post can be found here: Thanks to the author /u/NoGoodIDNames for permission to read this. You're a phenomenal writer, and I can't begin to tell you how much I'm looking forward to whatever you choose to write next! Honestly, Your original stories are some of the most influential on hfy, like Your stories got me into hfy! I caught the grenades, slipped one from the cylindrical container, counted two light pulses from the indicator around its edge, and threw it toward the enemy on the third. He was quite correct and that status made properly navigating him through the immigration paperwork impossible. This will probably gonna get buried in the comments and I dont know how much you are using modern military stuff for inspiration for the combat scenes but there is one part I would recommend a change. Glad you liked it! I had to go to civilian law enforcement before most of my property was returned. Long-term observation showed that after hatching the individual would slowly but surely go insane, to the point where none reached old age. They were barely beyond the Stone Age, farming and agriculture still in its early days. Might want to see if that can be fixed. to the breakdown of the Roman empire in Late . Well there's already a bearcat in the larger tiger cat so wouldn't it be a warthog cat? Excuse me while I go read. He and I were good acquaintances, but his species are sticklers for observing some formalities upon greeting one another. Can you check the site for Pretty III? They arenot crazy. Your story telling is very good. Jenkins and Charlotte got into a vicious argument about a protracted conflict in a dry, hot part of the world that had apparently only just started when they were abducted. We don't know why, but they apparently had been doing this for some time. Los Angeles Classic Car Restoration. It was also a fountain of thought-provoking philosophy, novel ideas and unique pastimes. Prepare to be disappointed. The Hunters trotted round the corner, eerily silentnobody had ever heard them communicate verbally. He did that shrug thing again, this time wobbling his head apologetically. Experimentally I tried to enter this fact onto the paperwork, which of course threw up an error code. A second later there was a flare of light and shrieking, but it was not enough. I had not finished gathering my thoughts when there was a sudden violent lurch that knocked me from my feet. There was the sound of pulse-gun fire and a squealing being galloped into the customs area before being caught from behind by a kinetic pulse that hurled it to the ground, broken and dying. Best HFY Reddit Stories: The Old Guard Falls NetNarrator 43.4K subscribers Subscribe 1 3 views 1 minute ago #hfy #Greentext #awesome One last dance! The security footage records you being shot seven times by heavy pulse gun fire and you have fully healed in less than three-times-eight diurnals, I said. Hope you enjoy my narration of it. He dropped the bags and they landed with a solid, dense noise that told me they were exactly as heavy as they looked. I cant believe it lives! A new HFY thread, almost no copy paste, a few new stories, and an interesting Veil of Madness continuation. If you enjoy the LitRPG genre, you may also enjoy my in-progress web serial Spellgun. . I have to think that you, as a contributor, have more sway than a random internet plebe theyve already decided to shit on. worth a read. It was a short fight. Jenkins just kept hitting it, again and again, snarling and shouting, ordering it to die and declaring improbable things about its parentage before finally he stopped and stepped away from the broken thing he had made, gulping down great shuddering breaths of what, to him, must have been very thin and dry air. But the most important part is that they must never, ever learn how much superior they are to us in so many ways. Kevin Jenkins did. Then a third, and a fourth, and though every single one was on target, Jenkins just kept going, apparently completely impervious to impacts that would have pulped any other species. Interestingly, these two first stories spawned a series of stories written on this very subreddit, to which I'll link at the end of the last part. The idea of the suicide bomber was alarming, and caused something of a stir when it was presented to the committee for interstellar security, who called an emergency session to think up means by which such an insane tactic could be countered. Transmitting message now. Modern militaries use brevity codes that are based off a completed action in a battle strategy that are one word, usually on the same subject (sports teams for example), and go in alphabetical order. My name is indeed a reference; Index Librorum Prohibitorum, the list of forbidden books kept by the Vatican. Fortunately, the crude cybernetic seemed to be functioning perfectly, and I had no difficulty in understanding the things speech, or the subtle body language that spoke of a cocktail of bored resignation and weariness. A human ambassador reaches out to the all powerful Alliance! Read the FAQ, read the Subreddit Rules, and check out our Wiki. I saw this, and immidiatly thought I was sorted by top all-time again. You are AMAZING!!!! Great stuff, looking forward to more. His skin went bumpy and raised his sparse body fur. As far as I can tell, it was originally posted by an anonymous author on 4chan's /tg/ board on 23-02-10. Civilian trade station 591 Outlook on Forever, Customs and Immigration Officer Krrkktnkk aktnnzziktk interviewing immigrant pre-Contact abductee. Dude, not a single word of this let us down, this was amazing. I didnt have time to explain. David has another strange dream and meets back up with his crew. I saw that one of his teeth was missing. When Teelm says, This is Specialist Teelm. Events moved quickly after that. Been seeing new Spellguns, and now this. Edit: Well shitshould have kept his mouth shut. UhI dont know. He fired upon the Supremacy, which in a placating gesture had lowered its shields. I'm so happy you have a Patreon now too. Wenthan, the ship's communications officer. We spent a lot of time monitoring the political situation at first. That was amazing. A civilian fleet set out to make contact with Earth in the hopes of peacefully talking them down from this religion. I collapsed, shaking from the pain. Then I started on Everyone Loved Large Chests (also excellent as long as you don't mind, or can forgive, the sexualization, but not caught up yet). Jenkins nodded, and our implants eventually decided that he meant that a prediction had come true. please leave this site immediately. You have no idea. Jenkins muttered. In time we studied the technology of the more advanced dead races, gleaming a scientific secret or two we had missed. Had to do a double take when I saw the notification. The wiki includes author and reader resources, guides, story listings, and author/series pages. I visited it only once - aside from being a third heavier than usual, I swiftly felt the heat and humidity making me unwell and returned to the core of the station, which was tuned to the interstellar norm I was used to. As far as I know the original author never wrote anything else in the universe and never even identified him/herself which is why the author is always listed as anonymous. ? he demanded. I think the fact that we're pulling the largest practical joke in the galaxy was already proof enough of that. My arm dangled useless by my side and every slight movement was agony, but I had to know if he was alive. But the other blinked at me and his mouth curled upwards at the corners. How strong are you, Purveyor Jenkins?, Jenkins shrugged. I will need to interview you in private. I told it. But you were fearless when those Hunters were shooting you! I exclaimed. The remaining passengers from the shuttle that we had been processing were responding with varying degrees of calmness. Prey is what introduced me to HFY and I have reread 1 and 2 this morning because God damn it is feels like my first girlfriend just texted me. Jenkins issued a coarse sound through his nasal orificederisionbut said nothing. The Formatting Guide has some helpful pointers on using Markdown. Another group borrowed the idea of poetry reading and took it in turns to stand up and read their compositions aloudan exercise doomed to ridiculousness by the fact no two of them spoke the same language, but they took to it with enthusiasm. Back on Earth I owned a recreational establishment, the human said, sipping his glass of water. This was then followed by the angry growl of a hull breach alarm, but oddly not the decompression alarm. This is here. US Marine David Rockefeller is abducted by greys and hilarity ensues. Welcome back! In fact the entire race seemed insane. He didnt seem to noticeinstead he pounced and a second shot barely missed him before his forepaw lashed out, balled up into a hard knot of gravity-densened bone and flesh which he drove into the Hunters eye cluster. You had to, didn't you? Im going to have a hard time convincing anybody that your people should be declared sentient so long as this state of affairs continues.. Fascinating biology, Vedred agreed with me, and I indicated embarrassmentclearly I had been displaying my fascination openly enough for my social implant to broadcast it. By the time they get there, the dudes are all dead but the power armor systems take over and the wreck shit anyway. When this popped up on my PMs I almost squeed, and it was sooo worth the wait! For those who are upset by the strongly antitheistic content of part 0.2, I implore you to power on through it. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for ORIGINAL 1964 CATHAY PACIFIC Route Map - Convair 880 Jet - CLASSIC - SWIRE at the best online prices at eBay! Classics; Must Read; Previously Featured; Old School Text Posts; Library of Published Works Profanity A comedy. Harpers Ferry (Amtrak station code; Harpers Ferry, WV) HFY. Clips from it were discussed on political discussion broadcasts, most of them chosen to show the worst possible take on what Jenkins had been saying. Vedreg kept going, apparently oblivious to the exchange. It staggered, collided with its comrade and fell. So you think you may be able to have humans reclassified?, A wave of purple pigmentation rippled down Vedregs flankpessimism. Despite its lack of height, it had strapped a pack to its torso that looked larger and heavier than I could have comfortably carried. An original story written, and granted. I understand youre doing this for free and ads make you a buck, but seriously fuck the inescapable full screen ads on your site. Every attempt to convince people that we wanted fair negations was seen as a deception. Vedreg had turned a grim shade of worried dark green by the time Jenkins finished telling the story. I hope I am not interrupting, Lawyer Vedregnenug? I asked. A lot of screencaps, but among them are new content, and two (so far) good long OCs. I'm now going to be anxiously waiting for the next part! Then he apparently lost the strength to stand and his forelimbs folded up underneath him. Fuck yeah! It was only when I encountered the idea of the tortured poet that things started to fall into place. The Daal, Beer, and the wonderful world of marketing, Faces would make everything so much harder, Lecture on Human History by professor Hatamhob, Entry in the Galactic Encyclopaedia: Sweat. 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