You think they magically pump out miniatures at just the cost of supplies you are an idiot. Without remorse, there was a supplier that recasted the catalog of Games Workshop and Forgeworld reselling it at a ridiculous price. Why, then, does FW (who run a much smaller operation, fewer employees, use silicon moulds rather than the hundred thousand pound plastic ones) charge 40 for a box of 10 Krieg Troopers? 256. r/Warhammer40k. Mainly Forgeworld and resin copies of Games Workshop plastic kits. Imo it tells me that they severely overprice their products for maximum GP. Anyone reading this would be excused from thinking that any cheap kits from a country other than china are OK. The person being greedy here is you. The vast, vast majority of the models I buy are genuine GW products, but there gets a point where Im not going to spend 30 for each and every additional model in an army, which become often unusable in game as rules get re-released with almost each passing year. If you happen to know of any second hand recast seller, or on-line store selling these fake products, we encourage you to contact the corresponding company affected so they can take proper measures against it. Their pricing model hurts the growth of the hobby, it doesnt promote it. Somone else will reinvent a more reasonable wheel. We see three key points to avoid these false copies: And if after reading this article you want to do something positive about this, its quite easy actually. Finecast is so good, I really dont understand recast buyers ! Because there truly is no real money in the miniatures business. Warhammer fantasy was half my life and then they did this to me.. fuck them. And I firmly put the blame into the hands of piracy aka stealing. GW copycat ideas from sourses like Terminator,Alien, Dungeons and Dragons and what not. Detail is not lost when buying from larger recasters. The models chosen are both from Forgeworld, the Elysian Tauros Venator and the classic Lietpold the Black. Or rather, do they produce miniatures with base polystyrene produced in highly toxic factories in China and Vietnam? LET THEM sink. This had to be done because it was nearly impossible to identify many of the pieces that came attached to large blobs of resin. The price of the cinema these days is ridiculous. Yes, this is a business for me, my only job since 25 years, the way I have to pay my bills and keep doing what I love. Recasters are selling multitudes of more models than the actual creator. Yes recasts are stealing IP but until GW treats us in a respectable manner, they garner no respect from us and therefore I couldnt care less about their IP. Copies from recasters, most of the time from China, are at first glance an option to acquire otherwise expensive miniatures at affordable prices. I say choose wisely and ALWAYS go with the origin of the art if possible. Wait how is this killing the hobby ? GW going out of business would be the best thing in the world for the hobby. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars creating their cast presses for the units. However, it is unknown if sellers have been similarly notified or if there is just a lull in listings. to produce a 45 dollar marine squad it cost 5 bucks, sure. When you create a community of over 200 players/painters from occident and another 300 mainlanders, manage to make an order form for let say greenstuff world for those 500 lads to get legit stuff, and you are being told : you guys are thief so no we wont deliver in China because we do not want to get copied While saying that to a European. Dont get confused. I have no remorse whatsoever for GW. I get that its not just the model, the companies have huge overheads prior to selling a model. As expected, the pieces to assemble are the same as the original. Z Catalog Recast. You stole the profits from a miniature company that puts food on their table, heats their homes, takes their kids to sports events/cinema (more on this in a min)/etc. Thatll add on the time it takes to pour the resin, and remove it. OK, rightful, dont buy it, but if you buy from a recast is like steal the model. No? You stole the right to use that miniature in your games, to paint it and to present it to your friends IRL or on social media. Alecs is really right for all that fantasy models he refers were sculpted by artists and then casted to mass production, usually in metal and made of thick components. I have been here buying from my local store from the past 25 years. There are so many classic wfb models Id love to buy, but the second hand market is just crazy since aos happened and some models are just near impossible to find, even if you have the money. Back to the content 'Desu Korps of Kreig'. e.g. Both have exactly the same parts. Recasting isnt a side effect of greedy companies, I have known some companies unable to meet rent and worse still some have gone out of business. Especially when taken out of context or without a clue of whats going on here Sure there are Chinese recasters, unfortunately I hate to break it to you, but all of the biggest and well known recasts world wide produced here are made by westerners Bummer. These artists may not be local, but they are the ones putting all of their time and effort into bringing you these wonderful creations, only to be outdone by a random recaster. Not me. There are many families, people and brands that struggle hard every day to bring you new and spectacular figures and products. Squats went 20 years ago because no one was buying them. Recasting is a side effect of greedy companies or individuals that take hobby members for granted. GW rant incoming: I agree with buying recasts only when it is GW. You have not idea about, a totally ignorant. Yes. I got several figs from them, all ended up at GW legal that promptly provided me with a . DVD prices havent gone down. So if people in the third world cant pay western prices having recasts means more of a hobby presence that pushes those who value original source into an ongoing if not growing stream of business. Their heart is closer to their craft, and I could not justify owning their product while paying someone else for it. However, by doing so we are ignoring the damage that this does to the industry . I do not buy such copies for moral reasons, but I will not buy original figurines. I have original models, but only because I discovered only recently about recast and I will definitely go this way. It looks all of you here have enough money to afford 300 pounds a month to spend on models. My only experience with recasts were a set of transparent Tau stealth suits which, while everyone agreed were really cool, I was told not to use them. Because without these proper companies, our industry would never evolve and improve, and we would probably go back to painting flat detail-less DIY miniature soldiers (with all my respects towards them). people who dont play a game ultimately kill the game/hobby. Not the original miniature companies.. View, download or. As it goes for GW story is different as plastic is better, quality great and models in box sets are not so expensive. There was a demand so the pirates appeared they sell cheaper and often better quality. Personally I would like to see new players pick it up and have the hobby flourish. No one has put more indie model firms out of business than GW. After games workshops 150 million EXTRA prophit in 2018 Im not sure that recasting is harming the hobby in the slightest. I think theres one thing that need to be said here regardless of ip. A regular in national events wherever they are, huge advocate of hobbying with good beer and friends ;). Only we can act effectively against miniature recasting! the books are out there the rules are out there, it would be like if Monopoly was suddenly no longer made every one knows the rules and can build their own board quit being GW fan boys they dont give a shit about you. The models they had to sculpt digitally and then cast in a way they would both fit in the box, and be easy to mass produce. Mainly because it is ILLEGAL. @ Greg Smith: That attitude is killing the hobby. We are talking about recasts: illegal copies of miniatures. How can anyone claim the second company is not greedy, and yes the second company gets targeted by pirates and the first doesnt. Its partly to do with inflation, but mostly due to the declining numbers of people going. These illegal copies are either found in the second hand market or directly by those looking for a 70% discount or more. Illegal sellers proliferate on second-hand portals, ebay, e-mail contacts and even mobile aplications for peer to peer trading. A quick check of eBay appeared to turn up way fewer listings for "Forge World" than last week at this time. Ive loved games workshops products for over 20 years now but im finding it harder and harder to justify spending so much on their productsespecially after they tried so hard to stop us here in australia finding cheaper prices overseas, ill continue to support gw by buying genuine products but im not going to pay the crazy prices they want is to pay here. CCoN has lower inventory variety and higher cost, but he's cheapest when he has a sale and it's really good quality. u go to china to get the product made why do you deserve protection from western copy right laws ? What do you think of the latest Warhammer recaster to get shut down by Games Workshop ? As evidenced with comments, for a lot of folk price is the issue and they will choose alternative, albeit poor quality. And what about the companies (from small to big) that produce miniatures based on comics/movies/books/games/characters/ without paying for a license? Take these smaller companies making stunning models for half the price or even less, how is that possible? A check of their website shows that it is indeed down, and from the looks of it not coming back. This is no reason to price them with a disparity of 15-20 thats just a poor outlook. there was articular about how GW buys there cast from Chinese companys and they over order and then decide not to pay for amount they decide they no longer need. Salaries of their employees are probably atrociousand, above all, they undermine the business of proper companies endangering their countinuity. The more people there are who are anticipating the reveal of new stuff are there because there is an established community and it only gets better the bigger the community is. why is it that if I spend 70 on a primarch from forgeworld, I have to send at least 3 or 4 of those parts back to be exchanged because of mould slips or just general terrible casting and I will likely have to return one of the replacements they send me too. And its not more acceptable if its one of your friends or idols who did it (remember a particular space wolf bust?). (and here I come back the argument) its the small independent places that can no longer get the movies into big cinema chains because they wont bring in the numbers to cover the costs. With those numbers the hobby will never die, thats amazing! I hope the author never watches streaming movies or mp3s. Youre not automatically entitled to them. When GW sells the same models in Australia for 60-90% more than the US for no good reason it is hard to feel sorry for them. Man, either you are some kid, troll or just an idiot with no capacity to think logically. Check out Yoyhammer. We havent got a global Netflix style service with all movies available. @Greg smith : Everyone before me has already said what is correct. I have also had some which are close if not flawless. I dont want to be pointing finger, but we cannot choose to ignore part of IP basic principles, and focus on some others. Because even considering the amount of money saved, it does not make up for the atrocious quality received. They should suffer! In addition, as you will see later, the casting is not good and irregular surfaces of material are very evident. This scourge of the hobby is a worldwide problem. You say illegal a lot. New 40k, AoS, & More: GWs Release Preview LATEST, Orks & Christmas Bundle White Dwarf November 2018. As a result, everyone is losing I, the Chinese, Games Workshop. Recasters mates, I got a leviathan dreadnought for 40 NZD, Here I was just about to order a god damn Storm Hawk and their page gets ----ing annihilated, Rip, they should be back up in a couple of days. Copies from recasters, most of the time from China, are at first glance an option to acquire otherwise expensive miniatures at affordable prices. Even so, I think this issue began with Chinese copies of Forgeworld references. Maybe it will work for them but I think they are pushing away many potential newcomers to the hobby which is the future. Finally, are you sure you arent a recaster? Famous search engines of Chinese products show easily references of companies like Andrea Miniatures, Nocturna Models, Young Miniatures, Knight Models, and many others. This would be paradoxal. You give that profit to someone that doesnt pay tax in this country. Changed their name many times, now operating via email sending emails with links to the actual catalog. It's not illegal to buy them, though, just to . It is very bad quality, hard plastic etc. If you order anything that is not titan sized you get all the same issues the recasts have. As a former game store employee I will say this: the amount of players that get discouraged from even trying to enter the hobby because of GWs prices makes me sad (it is a lot). In addition to this, the flat parts are not flat by any (ANY) means. We exploit our environment by our very nature and capitals need for constant continual acceleration in exploitation was never sustainable to start with. Really you are the idiots here supporting such a corporation. Recaster Z is the lowest cost and - #171951649 added by manollette at Desu Korps of Kreig Upload. But, from my experience, smaller manufactures like Andrea, and Pegaso, and Scibor, and Blacksmith, etc. All of my recasts are better quality that forgeworkd or other manufacturers. Soon they will be 3D scanning and 3D printing and mass producing making more profit. For legit business there is high quality resin, concept art, sculpting fees, box art, advertising and labour, please dont minimise this with a flipant statement. Youll argue but I havent taken anything and the owner of the IP still has their product. But heres the kicker. You are stealing. They take all the financial risk to give a miniature its origin, why shouldnt they be entitled to make an honest living? Horus Heresy Adds a New Librarian Consul Model! Reporting to our Senior Legal Counsel, you will be part of our Legal team which handles a wide range of legal matters which affect Games Workshop including infringements, trade mark and copyright protection, competitions, dispute resolution and litigation, to name but a few! Lets look at Netflix, people didnt think streaming would have as big of an effect as it did as before that everyone blamed everything on pirating. Im having to search now forgeworld has stop so many horus heresy models. GW seldom does. Ok fair enough, our companies are small and action costs. Its all for love. rockit cool direct die oculus link mic not working. Virginia Restless, Miniature Painter & Cat Dad. It's generally frowned upon. While actual models are 3D printed from a computer file done by a minimun wage payed designer and then casted the most hollow and thin possible to minimize costs and reduce durability. Recasting can come out of any country, I can think of at least seven countries from which recasters regularly produce illegal copies. I now rely on trade forums to find slightly reasonably priced models. With Z, the above linked infantry squad is $16. They tried to go public to get quick capitol and ended up eating it. Sure, theyre making each box manually. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You stole it. Here in Spain we call it Chinoforge, the one that pretty much everyone has heard of. I bet you steal music and movies. You retard, that was already included in the measurement. The manufacturer isnt benefiting from this situation either. Bollocks. It is wrong but it is also stupid. Those are the nice guys who brought us age of sigmar, which made great armys obsolete and huge investmenst of time and money into them void. Now im buying tons of big recasted models. Recasting gives these filthy companies a taste of their own medicine. FWs resin is also crap and brittle, not sure what your point is there. Also, the resin used for the recasts is a very smelly material, with a very weak and brittle body, and you have to be careful with it at all times. Their prices are so small that nobody in the world could copy their figurines. And dont forget about the spacedwarfs aka squats. Its come to a point that, as I said before, this damage can only be prevented by us, the consumers. Too draconian prices. Check out their full message on their Facebook page. But imo GW are flogging its customers for all its worth while things are good. It is the same, in my opinion, as downloading movies and music that you havent paid for the right to see. Instead of looking into the business that are in the climate (and possibly are the reason for the climate being the way it is) we try to cancel culture those in the hobby. In the case of this piece, originally from Forgeworld, I had a small problem with the recasters. 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