Neville, Luna and Ginny also attempted to steal Godric Gryffindor's sword from Snape's office, but were caught on the way out. Neville Longbottom. Throughout the trials he faced over his seven years at Hogwarts, Neville blossomed from a timid, self-deprecating, and generally nervous student into a stalwart soldier possessed of an ironclad will, courage of outstanding merit, and a nobility of spirit, despite still having a comical and shy but at the same time courageous and fierce personality. [59], Later in the school year, during a detention session, Neville introduced his old friend Harry Potter to the students when he visited the school. Harry urged Neville to run, but Neville refused, instead breaking Macnair's grip on Harry by jabbing the Death Eater in the eye with Hermione's wand. As with co-stars Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron), Tom Felton (Draco), and Emma Watson (Hermione), the baby fat slowly melted off over the years and Neville blossomed in front of our eyes into a genuinely handsome young man. The four Death Eaters were all sentenced to Azkaban for their crimes, while Frank and Alice were sent to St Mungo's Hospital, where they would live the rest of their lives, not being able to recognise their own son. Like nearly everyone else at Hogwarts, with the possible exception of some of the Slytherin students and Argus Filch, Neville hated Umbridge for her sadistic punishments and attempts to control the school. The classes he were cleared to take were Herbology, Charms, and Defence Against the Dark Arts. He told her he only applied for Transfiguration for his grandmother's desires, but McGonagall stated it was time for Augusta to be proud of the grandson she had, as opposed to the one she desired. After learning Neville was indirectly responsible, Professor McGonagall banned him from all future visits into Hogsmeade for the remainder of the school year, gave him a detention, and forbade anyone from giving him the password to the common room, thus he had to wait outside the portrait until someone came by while security trolls hired to guard the Fat Lady leered unpleasantly at him. [49], Neville also achieved four known O.W.L.s: one 'Outstanding', two 'Exceeds Expectations', and one 'Acceptable'. A shy and slightly clumsy Hogwarts student, Neville blossoms into one of Harry's bravest friends. The latter convinced Harry to check to see if Sirius was at 12 Grimmauld Place before rushing off to rescue him, and Ginny and Luna came to their assistance. [42] This was proven by his participation in many battles and his revival of the D.A. Article history: Harry Potter Wiki:Featured articles nominations/History It bloomed in spring, and he held a Blooming Party for it. meetings, and was the fastest to pick up new spells aside from Hermione. After he recovered, he participated in the all-out battle that followed. in Charms?Minerva McGonagall acknowledging Neville's skill in the field of charms, Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixAugusta telling Neville to be proud of his parents. Nearly getting caught by Filch, they end up in the forbidden third floor corridor, where Neville drew Harry's attention to a giant three-headed dog. Eventually, the Carrows realised that Neville was the main ringleader and decided that Hogwarts could do without him. ", Writing by J. K. Rowling: "The Quill of Acceptance and The Book of Admittance", "J. K. Rowling at Carnegie Hall Reveals Dumbledore is Gay; Neville Marries Hannah Abbott, and Much More", DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY REUNITES AT QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP FINAL, "Exclusive: Matthew Lewis talks Verdict, confirms new Deathly Hallows: II battle scene", "Audio: Harry Potter cast & crew at Deathly Hallows: Part 2 NYC press conference", Director of the Investigation Department No. Then new Professor Lupin gave them chocolate telling them it would help them feel better about the shock. Neville witnessed Harry's final defeat of Voldemort and survived the Second Wizarding War. Magical Characteristics. Even when he was young Neville always had an unmistakable courage, even if he doubted it at times in his youth. To counter the boggart, Lupin asked Neville to picture Snape in his grandmother's clothes. Years after the war, Neville was given the position of Herbology professor at Hogwarts, although it is unknown if McGonagall was still teaching there. [52], The thing is, it helps when people stand up to them, it gives everyone hope. He somehow was able to turn his Shrinking Solution orange instead of green. Dumbledore's Army was an organisation led by Harry Potter that sought not only to undermine the dictatorial authority of Dolores Umbridge, but to offer students a means of learning the practical defensive magic Umbridge denied them in their actual Defence Against the Dark Arts class. This wand was later broken during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. McGonagall also stated that Professor Sprout would be delighted to see Neville back with an 'Outstanding' Herbology O.W.L.. History [67] "Moody" afterwards had tea with Neville and gave him a book about Herbology, seemingly out of comfort and support,[67] although it was later revealed that he had only done so to give Harry a clue about the Triwizard Tournament's second task. Back to Top. Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsAugusta during the Battle of Hogwarts. However, Neville proved that the Sorting Hat had seen the bravery beneath his insecurity, as he stood up to his only friends as a first-year[15] and later became one of the D.A. Ron and Neville both became members of Dumbledore's Army in 1995, in order to oppose Professor Umbridge and learn to fight the Death Eaters. In a game of Mastermind, Matthew Lewis commented that he has been wearing a fat suit for most the films but in, Matthew Lewis' favourite line is "why is it always me?" Here we take a closer look at the life and times of this lion-hearted Gryffindor, and his flighty pet toad, Trevor. Eye colour: Brown : Skin colour: Light : Blood status: Pureblood : Birthday: 30 July: Hogwarts house: Gryffindor : Patronus : Unknown (Non-corporeal) son of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Jacob's sibling offered Neville a Wizard Cracker, which the boy happily accepted. He, Ron, Ginny and Luna joined Harry and Hermione, who had left Umbridge at the grace of infuriated centaurs. Snape went so far as to feed a few drops of Neville's Shrinking Solution to Neville's pet, Trevor, so as to humiliate him for doing badly on the potion and almost kill Neville's toad. Although Voldemort chose to mark Harry as his target based on the prophecy, Neville proved by standing up to him and destroying his final Horcrux that he was capable of being the other boy to meet the prophecy's requirements. Neville is a staunch friend of Harry Potter's, and a true Gryffindor. Spacey as Luna seemed, she fought alongside Neville at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and the Battle of Hogwarts. Umbridge left the school in 1996 after paying the price for verbally assaulting a herd of centaurs and attempting to flee; she was discovered by Peeves, who led the students in chasing her away from the school. [38], When Harry, Ron, and Hermione began organising Dumbledore's Army, Neville was among the first to sign up. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. "Oh goodness," you say in . 'But he might have chosen wrong!' said Harry. Neville subsequently teamed up with Ron Weasley as the defenders of Hogwarts and Death Eaters were forced into the Great Hall and defeated Fenrir Greyback. Because Hermione had "always been so nice", Neville plucked up the courage to ask her to the Yule Ball in 1994, though she had already accepted the offer of Viktor Krum.[36]. Physical Appearance of Neville Longbottom. Under Moody's influence, Neville performed a series of "quite astonishing gymnastics" that he could not have performed normally. Come on we can have a cup of tea.Barty Crouch (as Alastor Moody) pretending to comfort Neville after showing him the Cruciatus Curse, Barty Crouch Junior was also involved in the torture of Neville's parents by means of the Cruciatus Curse. Wanting to fix his mistake he tried to stun Lestrange, but he hit a rack full of time-turners. At the end of their fight with Gridley and his Dementors, Neville's wand was taken by Gridley, who had had his own wand snapped in half by Daniel, but Neville then awakened and knocked Gridley out with his bare fist, ending the confrontation. 0 comments on Neville Longbottom. It is possible Snape hated Neville so much because if Voldemort had chosen to go after him rather than Harry, Lily would still be alive. Fan Casting Neville Longbottom. By May, most of the D.A. Neville stood guard outside the Room of Requirement with Ron and Ginny, waiting for Draco Malfoy, who evaded them by using Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. Neville and Hannah Abbott were never shown as being more than classmates during school. Neville was subsequently raised by his paternal grandmother, Augusta Longbottom. As both Neville and Harry were born at the close of July to parents who had all escaped Voldemort three times, they both qualified for the prophecy child. She agreed to go with him as a friend, being too young to attend otherwise.[36]. [54], My Great Uncle Algie kept trying to catch me off my guard and force some magic out of me he pushed me off the end of Blackpool pier once, I nearly drowned Neville talking about Uncle Algie to his fellow Gryffindors. He also did a magazine shoot with Attitude Magazine in very little clothing that definitely had the internet talking. Once inside, he excitedly showed them his Mimbulus mimbletonia, a birthday present from his great-uncle Algie. During the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, he was taunted about his parents by Bellatrix Lestrange, who also briefly subjected him to the Cruciatus Curse, but Neville remained defiant. As Neville's parents, Alice and Frank Longbottom, had been permanent residents of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries since Neville's infancy, he never knew them as the popular and talented Aurors they were reputed to be. As the D.A. At some point early in his life, he also witnessed the death of his grandfather.[13]. While Muggle-borns were rounded up and Harry, Ron, and Hermione went on the run to search for Voldemort's Horcruxes, Neville returned to Hogwarts, and, along with Ginny and Luna, restarted Dumbledore's Army. She's more of the one looking out for them. Apparently, Professor Sprout told Professor Moody I'm really good at Herbology.Neville's talent in Herbology. While the Sorting Hat did consider putting Neville in Hufflepuff, bear in mind that Neville did pull the Sword of Godric Gryffindor out of the hat during the final battle with you know who, so at the very least, Neville was a true Gryffindor. Scabior fell to his death when the bridge fell down.[56]. When Hermione casted Silencing Charm on Dolohov and Harry placed Jugson under Full Body-Bind, Dolohov cursed Hermione. Neville then walked Harry out when he decided to leave. Muggle Liason Office. Hair color notwithstanding, all three actors did a great job playing Harry's oppressive adoptive family. She plays Quidditch, but isn't on the team. Neville's parents were well-respected Aurors and members of the original Order of the Phoenix until they were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange and three other Death Eaters with the Cruciatus Curse when he was about sixteen months old. [12] The midwife who attended the birth assumed that his father had tucked him in more tightly. [25], Shortly after Valentine's Day, Neville informed Harry that his belongings had been searched by someone.[26]. However, in the year 2020, Madame Pomfrey is seen to still be the matron, as she resets Albus Potter's broken arm. We can't let him fall!" Neville first met Harry Potter in 1991, while Neville was looking for his toad, Trevor, on the Hogwarts Express. I used to notice that when you did it, Harry.Neville discussing the resistance to the Carrows at Hogwarts, On 2 May 1998, Neville enthusiastically greeted Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and led them from the Hog's Head into the Room of Requirement. Neville is an English name originally derived from Norman French for "new town". Longbottom is the name of one of the Hobbits' villages at the. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceHarry insisting that Neville and Luna were cool friends, On 1 September, 1996, Neville sat with Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood on the Hogwarts Express, where both of them expressed disappointment that Harry did not plan to continue D.A. He then demonstrated the three Unforgivable Curses on spiders, including the Cruciatus Curse, which left Neville deeply shaken. Along with Luna Lovegood, he was the only member of Dumbledore's Army to reply to the summons via the coins. While with his grandmother at platform 9, he lost his toad Trevor. [59], At some point amidst all this, Dementors initiated an attack on Hogwarts Castle. After the term began, due to a mishap caused by a group of students, including Ivy Warrington who cast the Vanishing Spell and Vanished a suit of armour, Neville gave them detention, which was to polish the rest of the suits of armour without magic. Neville met Bellatrix again in 1998, during the Battle of Hogwarts, where she was eventually killed in a duel by Molly Weasley. Neville regularly visited his parents at St Mungo's with his grandmother, where he tried to speak to them and brought them sweets, keeping the wrappers his mother handed back to him, even when his grandmother told him to throw them in the bin. Taking advantage of the moment Neville crawled from under the desk, but Dolohov broke Neville's nose and wand, so Harry placed Dolohov under Full Body-Bind. He prompted Ivy to go to the Hospital Wing to fix her broken arm and the others to visit the Headmistress to tell the story, before noticing some red origami birds landing near them, which were signed by NOTME. Escaping from room he was hit by Impediment Jinx by Antonin Dolohov and Jugson, same as Harry and Hermione. Everyone there cast the Bubble-Head Charm on themselves to block the foul odour of Stinksap, except Neville who had long grown accustomed to the smell. Hermione noticed this and called for the professor to stop. Neville eventually decided to cease their open rebellion after Michael Corner was caught and brutally tortured for freeing a chained-up first year. Even if I didn't, I'd at least know you for the fact that you're the only person beating me in herbology," you animatedly explain. They then regrouped with Harry and Hermione, who had left Umbridge with a group of enraged centaurs. In Philosopher's Stone, Neville himself doubted whether he should have been put in Gryffindor: ' There's no need to tell me I'm not brave enough to be in Gryffindor, Malfoy's already done that '. Neville Longbottom, Harry's classmate, was also born at the end of July, and also born to parents who had thrice defied Lord Voldemort. She could've ended up with Neville Longbottom, and she eventually became a M agizoologist. He is best known for his role as Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter film series. [41], When it was learned that ten Death Eaters escaped from Azkaban in 1996, including three of the ones responsible for the torture of Neville's parents, Neville did not speak of it, but it "wrought a strange and even slightly alarming change" in him, according to Harry. This particular gift later allowed Harry Potter to become Gryffindor seeker. members kept as a keepsake and had come to be seen as something of a badge of honour. 61042, Battle of the Astronomy Tower participants, Battle of the Department of Mysteries participants, Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He was improving so fast it was quite unnerving.Harry Potter regarding Neville's performance in the D.A. Though he came from a pure-blood family, he held no prejudice against half-bloods or Muggle-borns. Even the idea that Sybill Trelawney's first prophecy - referring to the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord - could have been about Neville, rather than Harry, was hardly expected. He entered the compartment Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron, and Ginny Weasley were in to find out what had happened. It turned clear once whatever was forgotten was remembered. During the Sorting Ceremony, he silently argued for a long time to be placed in Hufflepuff, but the Sorting Hat won in the end, and Sorted him into Gryffindor. He also later contacted the same Calamity Investigator to inform them that stroking, talking, and singing to plants encouraged their growth, with the Calamity Investigator later using this information to discover that singing the greatest hits of Celestina Warbeck to Dittany greatly increased its potency, decreasing the brewing time for their Healing Potions. CHECK OUT: OG Harry Potter cast now View Gallery 23 photos 1 of 23 Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) [29] After the passwords disappeared, Sirius Black managed to enter Gryffindor Tower with a knife. Doll eye color: Green. Later, Neville spoke with the same Calamity Investigator regarding their Greenhouse Charm and provided improvements to the incantation and stance used when casting it. They were placed in the Janus Thickey Ward at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, leaving Neville to be raised by his paternal grandmother, Augusta Longbottom. Professor Sprout was Neville's Herbology professor, and as Neville proved to be quite adept at Herbology, possibly the best in the year, she was undoubtedly the Professor he got along with best. [63] He was also somewhat buck-toothed. What color are neville longbottom 's eyes? Neville also co-led the second Dumbledore's Army and wrote slogans on the walls, in order to oppose Snape and the Carrows. A Dementor then entered the compartment, negatively affecting all the students within, though to varying degrees. The boils are a defensive mechanism that spew Stinksap upon contact. [1][2] Moments after his birth, Neville was able to adjust his blankets so that he was swaddled more snugly, but no one witnessed this unusually precocious display of underage magic. [41] Their torture clearly haunted him, as he was badly shaken by seeing the Cruciatus Curse demonstrated on a spider in his fourth year.[33]. It seemed that Luna was always glad when Neville, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Harry were close by, proved when the trio visited Luna's father Xenophilius Lovegood and seeing Luna's room with their painting on her bedroom ceiling connected with gold letters spelling "friends". [57], Throughout his new career, his students would come to be impressed whenever he showed them his Dumbledore's Army coin, which he and other D.A. Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1.1.1 Discovered in chapter 7, The Sorting Hat 1.1.2 Discovered in chapter 9, The Midnight Duel [14], You can't go out, you'll be caught again. However, he decided to wait to open it until Christmas morning so that his parents and grandmother could all see and to allow him to hold on to the happy feeling of the present just a little bit longer. However, Voldemort's first attempt to circumvent the prophecy by killing Neville's later friend and classmate Harry Potter, ultimately established Harry as Voldemort's nemesis. Literature Two days later during breakfast, Neville received a Howler from her; he tore out of the Great Hall, amid shouts of laughter, and opened it in the Entrance Hall, where his grandmother's angry voice told him he brought shame to their family. Warner Bros. Luna Lovegood was a memorable "Harry Potter" character in the books and movies. Neville Longbottom is a Gryffindor student and classmate of Harry Potter and his friends. When an unidentified student realised they had seen Harry at King's Cross Station, Harry remarked they had been very confused, which Neville thought would happen to the best of them. In the spring of 1994, Neville lost the passwords to Gryffindor Tower; because Sir Cadogan changed them so frequently, Neville needed to write them down so he could remember them. Neville and others broke free using skills that they had acquired in their D.A. Neville appeared to be fairly close to his great-uncle Algie, who tried to "scare" magic into him when he was younger; he once accidentally dropped Neville out of a window while reaching for a meringue, and when Neville bounced, his family was pleased to discover that he was not, in fact, a Squib. [52] Ginny and Neville also fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and the Battle of Hogwarts (where they blew up together the covered bridge). [22], For standing up to the trio, Neville won ten points for Gryffindor at the end-of-term feast. Amycus and Alecto liked to punish the students with the use of torture, and ordered students to practise the Cruciatus Curse on other students who had been detained. Neville was not an academically strong student in his early years, often requiring Hermione's help in class and with school-work. Neville Longbottom has a very distinct look. Neville is used as an example, placed under the Body-Bind Curse, on fire, with the Sorting Hat covering his face. As he revealed in an interview with The . A Remembrall was a magical large marble-sized glass ball that contained smoke which turned red when its owner or user had forgotten something. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Neville proved to have made an impressive and complete turn around from his earlier years of crumbling under Draco's bullying, when he openly defied Lord Voldemort and beheaded Nagini, effectively destroying Voldemort's final Horcrux. In fact, they were born a day apart, Neville on 30 July, Harry on 31 July, a crucial element in the series' plot and one that significantly connects them. Neville Longbottom starts out as a clumsy, forgetful, accident-prone boy who happens to be in Harry Potter's year at Hogwarts. Neville Longbottom received one as a gift from his Gran at the beginning of the 1991-1992 school year. I see that you have an 'Exceeds Expectations' in Charms however - why not try for a N.E.W.T. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Things About Mad-Eye Moody The Movies Leave Out. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneNeville asking Harry Potter and Ron Weasley if they had seen Trevor on the Hogwarts Express. Throughout the Harry Potter series, the wizard was seen by others as clumsy, as dim, as a coward. In their fifth year, Neville became a member of Dumbledore's Army, an organisation led by Harry to oppose Dolores Umbridge and learn practical defensive magic. Post . 's most courageous members. What initials were found on the note? Neville was one of two infants referred to in a prophecy made by Sybill Trelawney about the person with the power to defeat the Dark Lord. Being, the youngest doesn't give her much to go on . This story does not allow contributions. 0 Vote No . Neville also sent an owl to a Calamity Investigator working for the Statute of Secrecy Task Force advising them that bitter root should be dried for several days before use, making it more potent and thus reducing the brewing time for the Calamity Investigator's Exstimulo Potions. Moments later, he crashed back to the ground when the chandelier collapsed. Neville was raised by his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, after his parents were tortured to the point of insanity when he was an infant. After asking Hermione to the Yule Ball in his fourth year and being turned down because she had already agreed to attend with Viktor Krum, Neville asked Ginny Weasley. Scan the QR code on the box to view the collector poster and expand your . Who do you think should play Neville Longbottom in Harry Potter? Neville admitted in 1993 that Snape scared him more than anything else in the world, and was the form his boggart took. Neville was their first victim, being attacked by a Dementor when he was picking herbs with students in the Forbidden Forest. Neville and McGonagall both fought in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the Battle of Hogwarts, and both survived the war. [46], When another Death Eater seized Neville, Bellatrix Lestrange briefly tortured Neville with the Cruciatus Curse, both to try to make Harry hand over the prophecy and to see how long Neville held out before "cracking" like his parents. When he found both courage and self-confidence in his later years, Neville's magical skills as a wizard grew and he proved to be a powerful wizard in his own right. It was reported by Rita Skeeter that Neville was the godfather of Harry's second son, Albus Potter. They run into the Time Room, where he disarmed Rabastan Lestrange who was struggling with Harry, accidentally disarming Harry as well. However, he soon became separated from her and ended up lost in the hospital. In 1996, Harry refused to allow Romilda Vane to insult Neville and Luna Lovegood, stating that they were his real friends, and the only ones who had fought alongside Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and himself at the Department of Mysteries. She also took note of how shaken Neville was by their fourth year lesson on the Unforgivable Curses, shouting for Professor Moody to stop demonstrating the Cruciatus Curse and later asking Neville if it was all right. And as the films liked to stick quite closely to the description from the book, this caused Matthew Lewis, the actor who played Neville, a bit of a headache. Neville was later invited to join Horace Slughorn, the new Potions Master, in his train compartment. Over time, Neville became good friends with Ron, who, like Hermione and Harry, encouraged Neville not to let the Slytherins get to him. McGonagall knew that Neville was capable of more than he seemed and saw that he was actually brave, and thus encouraged him to work to his potential. UPC: 778988433737. . After the Lestranges escaped from Azkaban that same year, Neville resolved to become stronger and try to honour his parents' reputations as excellent Aurors. Evanna Lunch played Luna Lovegood in the "Harry Potter" movies. I won't let you do it. Neville had fainted, and Harry saw out of the corner of his eye a red flash of hair in the wind to his right side. Once on the train, he met Hermione Granger, who agreed to help him find his lost toad, and then Harry Potter and Ron Weasley when he entered their compartment tearfully looking for Trevor. Fearing that they may kill him, Neville made for the Room of Requirement, which he was able to turn into a hiding place for the D.A., and to connect to the Hog's Head in order to get food from Aberforth Dumbledore. [37], After arriving at Hogwarts, Neville helped Harry get into Gryffindor Tower as Harry had not learned the new password yet, and then defended Harry during a verbal fight with Seamus Finnigan, claiming that the Daily Prophet was going downhill, not Harry and Dumbledore. Until recently the pair lived above the Leaky Cauldron in London, but rumour has it that Hannah has not only retrained as a Healer, but is applying for the job of Matron at Hogwarts. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [34], A few days later in class, Neville was put under the Imperius Curse by Moody, under the pretence of letting the class know what it felt like. They were placed in the . Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. S, and was the form his boggart took youngest doesn & # x27 ; s eyes & # ;. Wizard Cracker, which left neville deeply shaken attack on Hogwarts Castle assumed his. Student in his grandmother 's clothes on Dolohov and Jugson, same as and! 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