Protection Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for being my protector, my ever-present help in times of trouble. In Jesus name I ask & believe. I pray to You my Father above, that You influence all decisions I, my family, and my friends make today. Amen. We look forward to a movement of revival across our land, so strong that even the highest in authority and strongest wills against You bow down. I will continue to pray this prayer every day until I see the power of God come upon the land our country and change the hearts and minds of all the people here. I prayed & agree, Amen. Please use these Spiritual Guidelines in preparation for a Renewal in the Body of Christ, and for the Greatest Awakening in the History of Mankind that will manifest among us all on the near horizon: AND: Prayer Request Form I accept terms & conditions Awa Ngbadura Fun O! Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. Fill me that I may feel you and your overflowing love and peace that surpasses all understanding. Our God is not done yet. She resigned in 2021, amid controversy over allegations of financial mismanagement. My most fervent prayer for the new year is that God will strike down the laws that allow and even encourage the murder of unborn babies and those emerging from the womb of an unloving, uncaring woman who has allowed herself to be convinced that she has the right to kill her unwanted child. Thank you for your and now my prayer for our great country. Pray for wisdom, strength, and strategy for leaders to meet and address ongoing needs. In Jesus name we pray, amen. To God be all the glory! 2022 will be a year of restoration and revivalled by Christians who practice and exhibit the love of Jesus. God, we declare praise to YOU!!! Your Word does not return void but accomplishes what it was sent to do! I was one of many that struggled in 2021 to pray knowing how much evil exists in our government. WE MUST PERSERVERE IN PRAYER. To Orunmila for healing from these problems. I join you in declaring that God is good and He still rules and reigns in America. Ask God for forgiveness and seek His face in all things. Shango is the Orisha of drumming, dance, and masculinity. Many people think that learning Orisa is the most important thing. Thank You for being the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In Jesus name, Amen. Heaven comes to earth. I rest in Him! Every breath I take, every morning I wake, and every moment of every hour, I live under your power. They use their healing spirits, sacrifice to appease or empower the spirits. Father God, in Jesus name, we lift our beloved nation up to You today. call o HIS WONDERFUL NAME.. May you find God's peace and comfort as you read the prayers. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord!, I Thank You Lord for Watching over us For guiding us , Let us Trust in You always and to not lean on our own understanding of what is happening around us , but to acknowledge that you know what is best for us and that we place everything in your hands, Dear Lord and God, we praise You for Your glory and we ask that You save our country from the tyranny that is trying to take hold of it. I felt God impressed me to give Godly gifts to all 8 apartments in my buidling starting with the children. To find other Prayers and Blessings, please visit the Ifa Prayer Page. Thank you and God for your works today amen, Praise you Jesus, I agree in your name with this beautiful and wonderful prayer, in Jesus Mighty Name , Yes I prayed this prayer for America . I believe and boldly proclaim 2022 as the Year of the Lord. Amen! We have collected some of these prayers for your convenience below: In the Yoruba tradition, there are several types of prayers. His will shall be done in His time so I pray that His Holy Spirit comforts and teaches us as we live for Him through 2022 and beyond. Our only hope for revival! The Spirit of Iron gives you his secret. Benjamin Franklin recalled: We had daily prayer in this room for Gods guidance. In Jesus name I pray. A Prayer for Those in Grief. I will save this prayer and pray it daily. Bring about the revival we all need and bring us to our knees before your Holy name. Thank you that you are yet bigger than anything we are dealing with in our country. Lets focus on Jesus in 2022 and how He is leading us to pray and to action. Fire of God Fall on this nation and every heart. Amen. We need You to give life to our nation again. By connecting with Babalu Aye's energy, you can tap into his healing power and discipline, helping you to maintain good health and well-being. This may seem like an obvious point, but it is worth repeating. I feel that your prayer included all prayers we wanted to pray. You can also use this if you feel like your luck is not changing in life despite doing everything right (including having good intentions). Thank God for prayer warriors I connected to power wires and pray for United States of America a dish nation will be all they got a call for it to be in Yeshua name thank you father we will fulfill our purpose and Disney in you I pray the blood of Jesus over United States of America in Jesus name love God all my heart soul mind and strength love my neighbors in my self in Jesus name pray for our saints. Amen! No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that comes against us shall not prevail,(we shall condemn) for this is the heritage of the servants of The LORD (YHVH) and their righteousness is of HIM (YHVH_Yeshua)Praying for the UNITY of The FAITH, and having done all to stand, we STAND that the gates of hell will/shall not prevail against us who know who Messiah Yeshua is as He reveals Himself to His body, that the Bride of Yeshua has made herself ready and we are wise virgins with our lamps full of oil! Amen. Above all Else may your name be a praise on the lips of your people in the USA in 2022. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for sending JESUS to Save Us, and Clean up our hearts and livesthat we may find YOUR PEACENo matter what is going on around us. Let us see through your eyes, even those who would call us enemies. (The real World Health answers), I pray daily that our Representatives and Senators be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit and also Senators, Governors, and Mayors listen to the citizens and be supporters of police officers who are needed to protect us from evil. Thanks. Amen! However, God is still not a man, that He should lie. Father God, we thank You that You are truly in charge. I have subscribed to Ifapray for quite a few years and appreciate your thoughts, prayers and hope for our nation. Praise God for HIS faithfulness!! Lord God, I PRAISE YOU for You are sovereign, and You have promised never to leave us comfortless, for Jesus said, I WILL come to you. Thank you, Father. Yes, I prayed this prayer this afternoon. His promise are yea and amen. I have joined you in praying and will pass it on to other prayer warriors in my circle of friends. We will be so glad that we have chosen to follow Jesus during 2022. We will see the evil ones and their deeds as very weak in the eyes of God and we will march to victory all over our glorious nation. Thank you for putting this beautiful and detailed prayers to our almighty God it strengthened my faith and gave peace in my heart.God bless you. Ni jo ti ma lana lati ode. Fill our mouths will songs of your praise and your deliverance. ". Agreeing with the prayer He will show up big, roll up His sleeve, and extend His arm of salvation. His Kingdom is forever and His love is everlasting. For me & my household, we shall serve the Lord. You are our defender, our fortress and our savior from evil. In James 5.16 we read the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective and the Lord will honor His Word. Father, we thank you that your word endures forever. We know You have all wisdom and know the best for us personally and as a nation. The following footage is of on-site intercession in two places: IFA's New York State Prayer Group gathered to pray at the demonic statues in Madison Square Park and atop the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court, where my wife and fellow IFA contributing writer Joyce and I prayed shortly after they were installed. Loving Father, touch me now with your healing hands, for I believe that your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit. We are so grateful for the revival that is happening in many states in the USA and for those and through those who have anawered the call to preach and go share your gospel ! Dont give up. If you do so then we have included a link at the end of this post. God is great and can do all things. I dont know if we can assist you, but take a look at our website and let me know if we can: Ifa prayer involves reading palm leaves (known as odu) to determine what will happen in the future, who has been cursed with bad luck, or how best to avoid illness or misfortune. Evil must leave and righteousness must prevail. I will be faithful in prayer, joyful in hope, as I wait patiently for I know that GOD is able. AMEN!! Lord, let us all love our neighbor as ourselves. Thank you for moving in ways we do not know for your Word says your ways are above our ways and your thoughts are higher than ours . I have agreed with you in prayer. Yes, Father, I set myself in agreement with this prayer. I am thankful for other believers, who are still trusting in the Lord. Defund the WHO to protect U.S. sovereignty. A practical guide to connecting with your ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing - Provides exercises and rituals to help you initiate contact with your ancestors, find ancestral guides, and assist the dead who are not yet at peace - Explains how to safely engage in lineage repair work by connecting with your more ancient ancestors before relating with the recently deceased . Show up, Lord, and do the great and the mighty for us in the USA this year. Yes I prayed, and I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to do so. We stand in agreement with . Forgive me Lord for my little faith, and keep me strong in declaring what Your Word says about these current situations. Orun wa si is salu aiye. Amen. I'm so busy talking with everyone else about my health that I fail to realize I should be talking you more than anyone. The longtime artist, activist and author is best known for her role as co-founder of Black Lives Matter. Prayer allows you to receive wisdom, guidance and strength as you prepare yourself for your journey of healing. I dwell within your gentle embrace. Believe!. We know you care because you are our Heavenly Father. Christians will rise up & join together to take back country & schools. Let your true fulfilling intimacy fill the dark void deception that some try to fill with electronic communication, so that there is no room for desire to fill their intimacy needs in these distorted ways that are dishonoring to You and them. God bless you throughout this year .He is the WHO in 22! Believing for the light of Christ to shine on every heart in America in 2022. Im grateful, IFA for posting a prayer for the nationin fact the PEOPLE of our nation and even closer to home, those in my community. 2 Chronicles 7:13 If I close the sky so there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, 14 and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. Praying for The LORD to make HIS Torah/Law honorable again and for the eyes of the believers to be enlightened with Kingdom covenantal knowledge in serving/loving/praying to Him and loving others as ourselves. We Love You Father. When we pray for healing, it is one way we pray, "Your kingdom come" ( Matthew 6:10 ). I agree with this prayer wholeheartedly! Let the military do their jobs. At the start of 2023, tragedy struck Cullors's familyher 31-year-old cousin Keenan Anderson, died after being zapped by a stun gun during an encounter with Los Angeles traffic police. The healing of divisions and splits in our own lives, of broken bodies, painful memories, divided communities and nations, the healing of the earth itself and of our relationship with it, are all part of the integrity to which God calls us. Im hoping for a radical shift from darkness to light in the world. I commit myself to prayer and pray you'll help me abide. There is power in prayer. Repair our health care system and set it aright. I prayed the prayer for our country above as well as my other daily prayers for our country. Then your light will appear like the dawn, and your healing will come quickly. May we surrender to and cooperate with Him alone! God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. Heavenly Father, I pray for your healing touch to be upon me. Thank you for the prayer of agreement with His will. Jesus wins and the enemy loses for sure. My thoughts & your prayer are in agreement. Download your personal PDF copy of beautiful Prayers for Healing HERE. She will be the light to the nations that He intended. Praise His great name forever! I will not judge my nation by the sight I care about this great nation, and I KNOW our Heavenly Father does much more than we. A Prayer For God's Healing Power Father, healing is something You clearly desire we have. God bless you! Thank you Heavenly Father and Jesus my Lord and Savior, for you are in control. It really touched my heart! I decree that every stronghold in America will be brought down. We Love You Holy Spirit. Thank you for this prayer. You're our pillar of support and we want You to support us throughout the day by giving us the capacity. Richard Kent. DECLARING N DECREEING HIS WORD OVER OUR COUNTY IN JESUS NAME AMEN. Lord you turn this nation back to you. If you do so then we have included a link at the end of this post. Trying to pray for both nations. Pray for unity in the churches wherever this revival is experienced. All of this I thank you and pray in the powerful Name of JESUS! May our eyes ever be on You. We praise You for that, and we thank You. I pray this in Jesuss name, and stand on the scriptures, But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You. Psalms 5:11. We need to recognize our sin understand and feel the pain it has caused our Lord and turn from it. But one thing that I have learned is that God governs in the affairs of men. We are children of the almighty God. Father God, Thank you for your faithfulness and for all of your promises. It may seem a hard thing to do, laying all down before Him, but I am finding it is the best and most prosperous, full way to live. Hallelujah. Speak healing right now Lord. Dancing outside opens the road. Thank you for these inspirational messages that as Christian servants we may lead others to faith and restore America. Dear Heavenly Father, we still believe that Youre alive and doing well. If you see yourself being anointed in dreams or a vision you know God is imparting a blessing. as God wills. Thank you for reminding Yes, we agree, and decree that in 2022 in sincere repentance we will shift from singing God Bless America to declaring, and living a life that says, America Bless God! We will see His glory! Praise His Holy Name. This book is not only a collection of prayers but also contains many other things including: In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that as you continually seek wisdom and guidance from the Lord, He will grant you perfect health in Jesus name. I want to begin by saying that ifa prayer for healing is a way to connect with God. The are all part of the ministry of healing.' I love IFA and this body of intercessors. The Ifa prayer for healing can be used by anyone who wants to improve their health or overcome an illness. This is because the Ifa Orisha (Yoruba spiritual deity) that governs healing provides you with an ability to heal yourself as well as others around you by channeling positive energy through your body and mind, which will help you overcome any illness or disease without having any side effects since it works on two levels: spiritual and physical levels simultaneously. thank you. A hearfelt and deep concern for our walk and and total about face to walk towards righteousness. Father, we pray over the USA in 2022: Father God, I ask today in Jesus name that You would bless kings and those who are in authority. But it will not be well with the wicked; nor will he prolong his days, which are as a shadow, because he does not fear before God (Ecclesiastes 8:12-13). I know there is healing in your touch. We agree and decree that God will prevail in the United States of America in 2022. If we ALL BELIEVE.. JESUS WILL COME THROUGH! Choosing wellness, self-recovery, and self-care during the global pandemonium surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic serves as an act of . Ancestral Healing Prayer. They may occasionally contact you to see check on your prayer needs. I meet with a group of ladies on Monday nights for prayer and would like to use your prayers as a template for us! In Jesus name I pray! In the powerful strong name of Jesus Christ, AMEN. Mary Queen of Scots once said I fear the prayers of John Knox, more than the armies of France, (Rev. It is also a way to heal yourself from the inside out and from the outside in. Please consider the addition of We need revival, a great awakening in our country and world. This content is supported by your donations. Lord Jesus Christ, by your patience in suffering you hallowed earthly pain and gave . I pray in your name, Jesus, that you would grant this request. I pray and I know that my prayers are heard. Father, we thank you for the victories your already done and we are standing on your prophetic words that America shall be saved! In the temples prayer book are prayers and mechanisms of worship which give us the tools in which to ascertain through steps of pouring libation, initiating through sincere supplication iwure-prayer, engaging Ofo As, invoking the spiritual forces of Orunmila and the Orisa through incantations Socio-Religious spiritual renderings. 1 . Thank you for your provision. 1 John 5:15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. God is looking for his children to stand before him on behalf of the land in which they live. Yes, Amen and Amen! I read and declared this on my own and forwarded it to my friends. A healing prayer starts with faith. Amen and Amen! I agree with the prayer for our nation. Your will be done, Father! Israel had gone into captivity, being judged for their sins. Only God can save us. These are all works of the devil, and have been comprehensively . Two of us just prayed with you. Roe v Wade will be overturned! The verse under ejiogbe or ogbe meji: Orunmila koo fi yedenu Koo fi de kun Ko fi yede gbogbo ara Ifa koo seti were For me & my household, we shall serve the Lord. Please restore my health and bring me comfort in my time of need. For it is through the love, the will, and the power of God that all souls are . We are blessed to thank you with great joy as you open our eyes to you. In Jesus Name I pray and trust. Father, for those leaders and workers in government who may yet be saved, we ask that You would pour out Your Spirit of salvation upon them. Some intercessors or intercessions are like percussionists with bold, sharp attacks on the enemy. Many ideas were considered; in their wisdom they determined that God and His Holy Word had the answers to every question about how to build a strong, fair and lasting foundation for the new nation of America. 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