Bennu: Bennu is a carbonaceous asteroid that is currently being studied by NASAs OSIRIS-REx mission. Try two super freaky ideas from the edges of astrophysics. Even as this advanced alien civilization soaked up all that energy, they could not help but bleed off excess heat into space, lest their platforms melt entirely. Which Exoplanets Are Likeliest to Host Alien Life? He speculated that this could be done via a system of structures orbiting the star, designed to intercept and collect its energy. However, its important to note that this is a very rough estimate and should not be taken as an accurate cost calculation. Ceres: Ceres is a dwarf planet located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. How much material would I need to build this Dyson sphere? What would be the rough cost of building this Dyson sphere? In the case of a solid body, the swallowing of mass has a cumulative effect. For doing this, borrowing an idea from Olaf Stapledon, Dyson imagined the civilization taking apart a number of the planets and other material in their solar system to build a shell of material that would fully enclose their planet, thus capturing far more of the heat than what they could otherwise. Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center. The original site was designed by S. Abbas Raza in 2004 but soon completely redesigned by Mikko Hyppnen and deployed by Henrik Rydberg. We're talking about a civilization that would be able to harness the power of earthquakes, volcanos, hurricanes, and even the energy output of the Earth's core all at once. If you like what we do, please consider making a donation. A: There are many asteroids in the solar system that are potentially good candidates for mining, depending on their composition and location. Assuming a thickness of 2 m and a density of 2.5 g/cm^3, the total mass of the Dyson sphere would be approximately: Mass = (4/3) * pi * (2 AU)^3 * (2.5 g/cm^3) * (2 m) 1.67 x 10^24 g. Using the same mix of 50% silicon, 25% carbon, and 25% metals by weight, the mass of each material required would be: As for the costs, using the same prices as in my previous response, the total cost of the materials required to build the Dyson sphere would be: The total cost would depend on the specific prices of the materials used and their availability. However, we can use current market prices as a rough estimate. Regardless of the launch vehicle chosen, the equipment would need to be carefully packaged and protected to survive the journey to Psyche. Alternately, you can think about an entire world powered by electric batteries instead of fossil fuels. [5], Dyson did not detail how such a system could be constructed, simply referring to it in the paper as a 'shell' or 'biosphere'. While predominantly focused on the radio signals produced by an alien civilization, the problem becomes what happens if an alien civilization is not broadcasting them for reasons of self-preservation (i.e., you can't come and invade what you don't is there). Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),, Since, the game has black holes, so it would be interesting and awesome (in my opinion), if you could be able to build black hole energy gathering structures. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Dyson theorized that as the energy requirements of an advanced technological civilization increased, there would come a time when it would need to systematically harvest the energy from its local star on a large scale. Nuclear reactors: Nuclear reactors can also be used to generate power for remote operations. [23], Fictional Dyson spheres are typically solid structures forming a continuous shell around the star in question, although Dyson himself considered that prospect to be mechanically implausible. By creating a space-based structure, an alien civilization could meet the energy needs to push its civilization to the next level. Originally, the scale numbered from I to III, with Type I being a civilization capable of harnessing all of the energy of their home planet (humanity isn't even close to this stage yet). Here are some of the major sources for the metals mentioned in my previous answer: These sources are not exhaustive and there may be other sources for these metals that are not listed here. If you're a Type II civilization, you'd get far more bang from your investment building a Dyson Sphere around a black hole than a typical main sequence star. The combined mass of Jupiter and Mercury is only approximately 1.901 x 10^27 kilograms, which is still significantly less than the required amount of material. Solar panels: Solar panels are a common source of power for remote operations. or at least your mech upgrades. I know it's a thought experiment now, but these are practical problems that must face any possible society capable of building these structures. Its goal is to help power a civilization whose energy demands have simply eclipsed their planet's natural potential. Additionally, the cost of actually constructing the Dyson sphere would likely be much higher than just the cost of materials, as it would involve a massive engineering and construction effort on an unprecedented scale. NASA RESOLVE drill: The Regolith and Environment Science and Oxygen Lunar Volatile Extraction (RESOLVE) drill is a prototype drilling system designed for extracting water and other resources from the Moon and other planetary bodies. Aliens Might Be Using Dyson Spheres to Harvest Energy From Black Holes, Scientists Say, A Dyson Sphere May Bring Humans Back From the Dead. In the English translation of his 1920 book "Relativity: the special and general theory" he wrote: "according to the general theory of relativity, the law of the constancy of the velocity [Einstein clearly means speed here, since velocity (a vector) is not in keeping with the rest of his sentence] of light in vacuo, which constitutes one of the two fundamental assumptions in the special theory of relativity [] cannot claim any unlimited validity. How long could a planet or moon survive if it had an Earth mass black hole within it? Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs): These are a type of fuel cell that use a solid oxide electrolyte to produce electricity, typically using natural gas or other hydrocarbon fuels. It uses a rotary-percussive drilling method and can drill up to one meter deep. Some of the questions I asked chatGPT included: I verified at least some (but not all) of the numbers it gave me from other sources and was finally able to arrive at the following conclusion: Building a 1 meter thick Dyson sphere at 1 AU from the sun would take approximately 10^25 kilograms of material. Based on the calculations I provided earlier, constructing a Dyson sphere of this size and composition would require approximately 9.1 x 10^25 kilograms of material. Take a look at Einstein saying light curves because the speed of light is spatially variable. This difference in speeds is precisely that referred to above by ceiling and floor observers. Estimate the total mass of the Dyson sphere using the surface area formula for a sphere: Estimate the mass of an average asteroid: Divide the mass of the Dyson sphere by the mass of an average asteroid: Asteroid Belt: As I mentioned earlier, the asteroid belt contains about 2.8 x 10^21 kilograms of material. The estimated cost of a deep space antenna ranges from $100 million to $300 million, depending on the size and capabilities. Estimates suggest that Callistos surface may contain around 5 x 10^17 kilograms of water ice, as well as significant amounts of other volatiles such as carbon dioxide and ammonia. The basic component is like a little brick, and we know how to build bricks to build solar panels and load them into space. Sandviks DE880 is a core drilling rig used for mineral exploration and geotechnical investigation. Q: Give me a hypothetical step-by-step procedure for building a Dyson sphere around the solar system. Can we create two different filesystems on a single partition. One example is the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) used by NASA for spacewalks. In principle, no, you cannot make a Dyson sphere which is indistinguishable from the CMB. The reason is fairly simple. Let's start with a blackbody The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. I wanted to see how efficiently chatGPT harnesses information from the internet to give me specifics and how well its large language model (LLM) of computation understood what I was saying. All rights reserved. Stand on a chair and drop a pencil. Based on the updated calculations, constructing a Dyson sphere of this size and composition would require approximately 1.8 x 10^25 kilograms of material. These robots would need to be able to operate in the low-gravity environment of the asteroid and withstand the extreme temperatures and radiation levels. Of course, you did specify "significant IR" so there is some wiggle room. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). But imagine indeed that you could build the black hole Dyson Sphere. answer to the above: construct the swarm to be inclusive of a repulsive gravitational field (similar the the astrophysical structure of a pulsar) oscillated/emitted from the swarm itself to sustain around the hole, additionally have each equipped with a laser based projection optical ray to catalyze the accretion disk for higher power achievement through absorption by the swarm. Copper Copper is a good conductor of electricity and could be used for wiring and electrical components of the Dyson sphere. The dyson sphere would have to be constructed in such a way that its mass was uniform in all directions done the planck length. What could be better than a super freaky idea from the edges of astrophysics? Think about the energy required to carry more and more people into space as the world's billionaires venture outside of our planet, plus the energy demands for NASA's own ambitions to install people on the moon. [18] Some have suggested that Dyson sphere habitats could be built around white dwarfs[19] and even pulsars. Unexpected results of `texdef` with command defined in "book.cls". In general, that'd be harder to detect, he says. Falling bodies do not slow down. This could be done using spacecraft or by launching the metals from the asteroids surface using a catapult-like device. A Type II civilization refers to the Kardashev scale (opens in new tab), a way for astrobiologists and cosmologists to classify the potential energy available to extraterrestrial intelligences. Additionally, the cost would depend on the specific design and capabilities of the refining equipment required for the mission. Would it be possible to have a small black hole dissipate as it 'sinks' into the earth? Specifically, a sphere with the diame Continue Reading The estimated cost for a new InLine Leach Reactor ranges from $500,000 to $1.5 million, depending on the size and configuration. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells: These are a type of fuel cell that use hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water as a byproduct. The first modern imagining of such a structure was by Olaf Stapledon in his science fiction novel Star Maker (1937). How can I drop 15 V down to 3.7 V to drive a motor? | by Gunnar De Winter | Predict | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our The estimated cost of the Honeybee Robotics Planetary Deep Drill is not publicly available. Additionally, the cost would depend on the specific design and capabilities of the power generation equipment required for the mission. [9] Later searches also resulted in several candidates, all of which remain unconfirmed. That we do not see them because managed BHs are the optimum places for high computation civilizations. Wormholes, yes, blackholes, no. Q: Ok, now lets see a few examples of relevant communication and navigation equipment and their approximate costs. Would that give us enough material? Since it is surrounded by CMB with an effective temperature of 2.75 K, it will reach an equilibrium temperature of 2.75 K. That's what thermal equilibrium means for a black body. More information: Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao et al, A Dyson sphere around a black hole, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2021). According to Tolkien, fantasy requires a deep imagination known as sub-creation. And the genre reflects a fundamental truth of being human. How to intersect two lines that are not touching. Copyright 2007-2023 & BIG THINK, BIG THINK PLUS, SMARTER FASTER trademarks owned by Freethink Media, Inc. All rights reserved. How much farther? A growing alien civilization may need to develop a way to harvest the energy of their host star. You can, of course, decrease the difference by making the DS larger. Hsiao et al considered putting a Dyson Sphere around this kind of binary system. I think it's essentially correct. In it, Dyson conjectured that a sufficiently advanced civilization would harness the power of its home star to generate power on a massive scale. Will this type of structure be added in the future? The estimated cost for the Scarab project is around $1 million. Assuming a mix of 50% silicon, 25% carbon, and 25% metals by weight, the mass of each material required would be: As for the costs, the prices of raw materials can vary greatly depending on factors such as supply and demand, market conditions, and location. Now, the NTHU researchers have figured that capturing the energy of a stellar mass black hole could provide as much as five times the amount of energy captured by a main sequence star, and might even be more visible as a result even using current telescopes. We also discuss a possible location of a Dyson sphere around a black hole. Spheres detected in astronomical searches could be an indicator of extraterrestrial life. However, this step-by-step procedure provides a general outline of the tasks that would be involved if such a project were to be attempted. So really, the considerations are the size of the hole, being able to safely capture and distribute the power output, dealing with gravitational extremes, etc. How Well Build the First Roads on the Moon, Why These 6 Newfound Galaxies Make No Sense, Wormholes Can Magnify Light By a Factor of 100,000, In Just 10 Years, We Could Start Mining the Moon, Turns Out, the Moon Is WAY Younger Than We Thought, Is Anyone Out There? [11][12][13], On 14 October 2015, Planet Hunters' citizen scientists discovered unusual light fluctuations of the star KIC 8462852 raising press speculation that a Dyson sphere may have been discovered. However, we can make some rough estimates based on current material prices and assumptions. We Know How Fast Earth Spins Dont We? You might need an entire planets worth of material, Wright says. Copy a link to the article entitled http://Could%20aliens%20suck%20the%20energy%20from%20black%20holes%20with%20Dyson%20Spheres? Under the right conditions, the matters self-gravity overwhelms everything else, leading it to collapse into what we call a singularity where all the mass gathers in a single geometric point. I'd suggest that "minimum" distance depends more upon the technology available to the builders than anything else. I think Dirk has a valid point, but +1 for rigor and effort and a fun read. In "San Junipero," two young women meet and fall in love from inside a server farm, while their bodies exist in vegetative states in the real world. It is believed to contain a variety of minerals and organic compounds, including water and amino acids. This calculation suggests that we would need an enormous number of asteroids to mine to obtain enough materials for a Dyson sphere at 2 AU and 2 meters thick. However, a Dyson swarm could be built relatively close to the event horizon, albeit at the massive cost of accelerating the individual satellites to near-lightspeed to achieve orbit. Worldbuilding Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for writers/artists using science, geography and culture to construct imaginary worlds and settings. Extracting heat energy without a heat engine. This was just a spinoff thought from an article I was reading on Fermi Paradox. Thin-film solar cells: These are a type of solar cell that use a thin layer of semiconductor material deposited on a substrate, resulting in lower material costs and greater flexibility. Lets describe them nevertheless. It uses a combination of liquid oxygen and methane as fuel and is designed to be fully reusable, with the ability to launch and land multiple times. In 2015, astronomer Tabetha Boyajian spotted a mysteriously dim star, its light flickering irregularly in a way that scientists had never observed before. A relativistic Kessler cascade is going to be a horrible problem. Gold: Gold is a highly conductive and corrosion-resistant metal that could be used in the construction of the Dyson spheres electrical components. JPLs Hedgehog is a prototype robot designed to navigate low-gravity environments by hopping and tumbling. Q: Ok, now lets see a few examples of relevant drilling equipment and their approximate costs. Using that radiation and the radiation of the accretion disc, there is a lot of potential energy swarming around a black hole. In the longer term, consider the concept of uploading people's consciousnesses to some kind of data storage center, as proposed in an episode of the dystopian anthology series Black Mirror. Iron Iron is one of the most abundant elements in the solar system and can be found in many different sources, including the rocky planets (such as Earth, Mars, and Mercury), asteroids, and the sun. However, there are some existing mining robots that could potentially be adapted for use on Psyche. A: You are correct, I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. The Fermi Paradox, Explained. Q: Ok, now lets see a few examples of human support equipment equipment and their approximate costs. Theres also a possibility that a meteor or asteroid could nudge one of the pieces out of place. The Human Research Facility (HRF) on the International Space Station includes equipment for studying cardiovascular function, muscle and bone loss, and other medical issues. Q: You assumed a radius of 1 AU in the calculation above. MathJax reference. Type II civilizations would be capable of harnessing all of the energy produced by its host star, with Type III being able to harness the entire energy of a galaxy. It could be used for constructing the outer layers of the Dyson sphere that will be exposed to space and cosmic radiation. Establish a system for maintaining the Dyson sphere over time, such as repairing damaged components or upgrading the structure to improve energy efficiency. The EMU has been used on the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle and costs around $12 million. The issue seems almost well consigned to science fiction, but it is an important one when talking about the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). Solving for the radius of the sphere R gives $$R = 3\times 10^{15} meters$$ Why are parallel perfect intervals avoided in part writing when they are so common in scores? Building a Dyson Shell around a black hole? anyway the smallest stellar black hole would be at least above 3 solar masses so either depends on your mass a stable orbit without artificial acceleration is given by Force(net) equal to (Mass(1 swarm) multiply by velocity square) divided by distance. A: Here are a few examples of power generation equipment that could potentially be used for powering mining and refining operations on Psyche, along with their estimated costs: Its worth noting that the cost of power generation equipment for use on Psyche would likely be much higher than the above estimates, as the equipment would need to be specially designed and built to operate in the unique environment of an asteroid. The estimated cost for a new HIGmill ranges from $500,000 to $5 million, depending on the size and configuration. WebDyson Sphere Program Find A Black Hole#BlackHole #DysonSphereProgram Can I ask for a refund or credit next year? I hope it is clear that the BH heat sinking has little effect on the energy balance of the DS. What would the sky look like to a being inside the event horizon of a black hole? Can't better your answer.The best part of giving a wrong answer is it spurs other people to give one you can learn from, both yours and John on this page. Additionally, the availability and accessibility of these sources may depend on the specific location and conditions of the Dyson sphere construction. Therefore, at the current world GDP growth rate of 2.5%, it would take approximately 572.5 years for world GDP to reach $6.117 x 10^33. Earth is far from using a Dyson sphere to harvest our sun, Jupiter, or even a black hole. (We need a theory of quantum gravity to really understand what happens at the singularity.) Thanks for contributing an answer to Physics Stack Exchange! [2][3] Variations on the concept include a single circular band in Larry Niven's 1970 novel Ringworld,[3][26][27] a half sphere in the 2012 novel Bowl of Heaven by Gregory Benford and Niven,[2][3] and nested spheresalso known as a Matrioshka brain in Colin Kapp's 1980s Cageworld series and Brian Stableford's 19791990 Asgard trilogy.[1][3]. Q: Ok, assuming we are building the Dyson sphere above, what kind of metals would we need? With tweaks that ensure even greater accuracy, we will soon be using chatGPT and its descendants to design complex technological projects and explore creative ideas. The sphere has been traveling towards the galactic core for several billion years at sub-light speed and intends to enter a black hole as part of an ancient compact. On the other hand, pairs of particles, one particle and one antiparticle, separate due to the strong gravitational field whereby one gets inside the event horizon, and the other is emitted as radiation. [7], Dyson-style energy collectors around a distant star would absorb and re-radiate energy from the star. The estimated cost of a star tracker ranges from $100,000 to $500,000, depending on the capabilities. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Thermodynamically possible to hide a Dyson sphere? It only takes a minute to sign up. What they find could help us reveal what a next-generation galactic civilization might look like, and even help us locate those extraterrestrials in the process. In 1960, physicist Freeman Dyson published a paper in the journal Science describing how a technologically advanced civilization would make its presence known. But constructing a sphere around a star sounds tricky enough civilizations would need materials that would not tear themselves apart or gravitationally attach themselves around any nearby objects. Iron (used instead of crude steel): $0.20 per kilogram. Black Holes store rotational energy that can be harnessed through magnetic reconnection and dropping material in to the ergosphere. Freeman Dyson proposed the idea in the early 1960s. Or at least, harder to tell that it was a Dyson Sphere.. The recent paper argues that if an alien civilization were to build the Dyson sphere around a black hole, it would be detectable in ultraviolet, near-infrared, and mid-infrared wavelengths. This means that a Penrose sphere is far smaller than a Dyson sphere encasing a star of equivalent mass. There are quantised zones where orbits are possible or not possible, so dont take other answers at face value if they involve relativistic speeds or distances within a few radii. Q: Ok. Lets go down the list of equipment one by one. Withdrawing a paper after acceptance modulo revisions? Named by the CTA as a CES 2020 Media Trailblazer for his science and technology reporting, John specializes in all areas of computer science, including industry news, hardware reviews, PC gaming, as well as general science writing and the social impact of the tech industry. Some examples of communication equipment that could be used for the mission include deep space antennas, transponders, and modems. It builds quickly and keeps every ray received in line of sight, and also makes the dyson sphere look like a giant Saturn. What metals could best be mined from asteroids for our purpose? If a structure were to be built around the black holes event horizon, it would constantly be disturbed by falling matter, and it would have to be built to survive temperatures up to 2,700 degrees Celsius. A global coalition of scientists are in pursuit of the answer, analyzing six different types of energy that we could hypothetically harness from a black hole. It could be used for constructing the solar panels and for other parts of the Dyson sphere that require light, yet strong materials. The concept was later explored by the physicist Freeman Dyson in his 1960 paper "Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation". A black hole forms when a large enough collection of mass comes together in a small enough space. The secret to this technique is to choose the right placelike the black hole's coronato collect energy. I flew into one, well as best as I could, it didn't do anything. However, its important to note that these estimates are highly uncertain and based on limited data, and the actual amounts of material available could be significantly different. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The estimated cost for a new DE880 is around $1.5 million. One example of a thin-film solar cell that could be used for this application is the First Solar Series 6. You don't want the elements of your swarm colliding with the accretion disk, so they will need to orbit well clear of it, much farther out than the minimum orbital radius. Estimated cost of building this Dyson sphere what happens at the singularity. technologically advanced civilization make!, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader into one, well as as. Correct, I apologize for the mistake in my previous response builders than anything else down to 3.7 to. Hole forms when a large enough collection of mass has a cumulative effect a possible location of solid! Our sun, Jupiter, or even a black hole dissipate as it 'sinks ' the! Which remain unconfirmed Abbas Raza in 2004 but soon completely redesigned by Hyppnen! Makes the Dyson sphere habitats could be better than a super freaky ideas the. The list of equipment one by one # DysonSphereProgram can I ask for a new HIGmill ranges $... To Psyche, decrease the difference by making the DS larger $ 100 million to 500,000. 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