Unfortunately, theres a lot of misinformation about suitable substrates floating around out. Litter boxes are a great option! Because bearded dragons are ectotherms, they cannot regulate their own body temperature. Eco earth can be used as the main substrate for bearded dragons. As An amazon associates, we earn from qualifying purchases. It is a place for the reptile to burrow and hide, providing an environment that mimics its natural habitat. Learn more about this on our affiliate disclosure. The best option is to have a smaller, separate enclosure for the box so you can transfer the lizard into it when shes ready to lay her eggs. Do not use glass or metal. These tiles can be installed on the floor because they are long-lasting and easy to clean. And it has absolutely no known health risks. Then, youll have to worry about infection. CHECK: Best UVB Light for Bearded Dragons. Tile substrates are highly recommended because they are permanent. Some of the popular loose particle substrates include: These are not good substrates because they trap fluids at the bottom of the layer, which becomes a breeding field for pathogens. With the Reptile Carpets different colors, we enjoy giving our dragons' homes a" fresh look" after a time. Plus, its completely safe. Pre-start a tunnel for your dragon to dig in. Use a large tub and some fragrance-free soap. Its a good idea to cut an opening on the side of the box for her to walk directly into the box and not have to put much effort into climbing into it. You should not be concerned about its digging behavior; digging behavior is expected from a puppy. A Bearded dragon showing signs of restlessness - scratching, pacing or glass surfing - can be a clue that they have sensory needs that should be addressed. During brumation, bearded dragons eat little to nothing and mostly sleep. Although dragons as young as ten months can technically lay eggs, this is an exception rather than the norm. This week, we're doing another requested video all about substrate options for arid reptiles, like bearded dragons and leopard geck. Best matching: please select SunVilla artificial turf self-adhesive seaming tape for your SunVilla turf installation projects for a perfect seamless outcome by clicking. When I first brought him home he lumbered around and scratched at the tile substrate. They can live to be over the age of 15 and consume almost everything they can find. If you notice any gravid marks on your bearded dragon, it is most likely digging for eggs as it nears the end of her egg-laying season. I'm hearing mixed stuff about what substrate to use, some people say that using fine seeds of some type like flax is great cuz even if they were to eat it, it will just be digested, but others say that the substrate should be somewhat damp so if they dig, they can actually form a burrow. Investigating The Vision Of Pogona Vitticeps, The Pros And Cons Of Using Puppy Pads For Bearded Dragons, Discovering The Sexy Leg In Bearded Dragons: Exploring The Leg Health Of Your Reptilian Pet, One Side Only: Understanding The Lighting & Heating Requirements For Bearded Dragons, Understanding The Complexities Of Keeping Bearded Dragons And Snakes Together, Weighing Your Bearded Dragon: How To Easily And Safely Measure Your Pets Weight. Be sure your dragon can easily climb into the digging box. Is Spinach Suitable for Guinea Pigs? If youre dedicated to regular cleaning, its not hard to keep smells and bacteria at bay. So if you know exactly when your female last bred with a male dragon, itll be a lot easier to predict when shell lay her clutch. You can use any box you like. An average-sized white basking bulb is usually sufficient for this purpose. It would be wise to set up a thermometer/hygrometer combo near the cooler spot and the hot spot of the enclosure so youll be able to modify it as needed. Alternatively, you can shred it up to create a diggable substrate that your bearded dragon can enjoy. Youre one step closer to becoming a dragon parent. Out of all the diet-related questions we receive, can bearded dragons eat blueberries? is definitely one of the, Theres a lot of misinformation about zucchini that gets passed around by bearded dragon owners. Absorbent, non-abrasive material will not irritate reptiles.You can cut the mat into the size that you need to fit your tank. If your bearded dragon scratches a lot, it could be due to a problem with the tank setup. Youll also need to make some other adjustments to her diet and nutrition to help her growing body house her clutch of eggs. If you have a limited budget, you can save up for a better alternative by using the newspaper substrate. ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY: SunVilla artificial grass is non-toxic and lead free, making it an excellent surface for pets and kids to play on. Once the dig box is prepared, its time to make your dragon feel comfortable and safe. You want to fully soak the material to remove any seeped-in mess. Those individual particles might not seem like a major deal, but in a beardies delicate intestinal tract, it could spell trouble! Want the ultimate guide to owning bearded dragons. Snakes, birds, dingoes, goannas, and crocodiles are among the many animals that prey on a bearded dragon. Another way to make your gravid beardie more comfortable is to give her warm baths daily, if possible, as her eggs develop. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries, Tops, and Leaves? Check out the table for a quick overview of these substrates, then read on for more details! Step 1. Many soil mixes are pretreated with fertilizers and other chemicals. Plastic or disposable boxes are just fine. Another major problem with mulch and wood shavings is the oil they produce. I hold a PhD in zoology, and I have conducted extensive research on the behavior and ecology of lizards. Already know what it is, but not sure which type is the best? And not all of them work very well for them, so youll need to get all the facts right to ensure you get the best. Prepare A Box What To Do With The Box Step 2. One of the best options is the tile substrate because it doesnt require to be replaced. When they are irritated, they puffing up and surfing the waves of glass. According to recent research, iguanas can recognize their human owners and respond differently to their interactions with them. The best substrate for a bearded dragon tank is not pebbles or gravel, as these materials can impact the tanks bottom or cause damage to the animals teeth and jaws. (This mat is reusable). Ask a group of bearded dragon owners what type of substrate they use, and youll likely end up starting a heated debate. All-natural and made with zero dyes or chemicals. From the proper substrate to the boxs overall construction to how to make your beloved beardie feel comfortable and safe while she prepares to lay her clutch, well cover everything you need to know in-depth. Bio-degradable enzyme reduces odors. A Dig Box should be filled with a substrate such as sand or mulch, and should be big enough for the bearded dragon to move around in. In most cases, they wont start laying eggs until they reach sexual maturity at around 18 months of age. So, no harm, right? Female bearded dragons who are more than 12 months old dig when they are digging. While you can theoretically line the dig box with anything, only a few types of substrate are actually safe. While this may seem like a daunting task, fear not! If youre thinking about getting a dragon, there are a few things you should know first. Good Morning, Reptilians! Absorbent, non-abrasive material that will not irritate reptiles. The digging habits of a bearded dragon are nothing new. If you know exactly when your female last bred with a male dragon, itll be a lot easier to predict when shell lay her clutch. On the other hand, although loose substrates arent recommended for standard enclosures due to potential impaction issues, they are just suitable for your dragons laying box since youll only be using them temporarily until your dragon deposits her clutch. In addition to helping regulate their body temperature, digging is one way female fertility is maintained. Share below! A gravid beardie will gain weight reasonably suddenly and quickly. She will also become more energetic just before depositing a clutch of eggs, appearing to pace back and forth throughout her tank nervously; this behavior is also commonly referred to as glass surfing.. The other great thing is that it can stay for several years, so its pocket-friendly. As for where youll be putting the digging box, as we mentioned earlier, its best to have a smaller, separate enclosure to put the box in to transfer the lizard into when shes ready to lay her clutch. Its impossible to remove all the waste, which is why we dont recommend it. A dig box provides an activity that expels excess energy and prevents self-injurious behavior. Expert Tip: This substrate can also rot and produce mold! Doing so is just asking for diseases and health problems. Rubber shelf liners are both simple to clean, inexpensive, and safe to use. Wood Chips or Bark 7. With a little extra care, you can help your gravid beardie through this challenging time. Please help us improve this review! The following method is something I made one night, and I was pleasantly surprised how simple it was to make a dig box. Thats all folks, now you have a dig box! Most of a bearded dragons body length is derived from its thin tails, which make it appear similar to a dog. They will scratch at the substrate and bedding to try and get underneath. The box should be at least 4 inches deep and filled with your substrate of choice so your gravid female will be able to bury her eggs in the warm, damp material. Carpet is available in a range of colors and finishes. The digging of an egg can also be a sign that a female dragon is preparing to lay eggs or that she has completed brumation, which is a state of sleep during cold weather in which wild bearded dragons are active. At this point, her belly will be full of eggs. Beyond those issues, gravel can also harbor bacteria and disease. Introduce your new dig box to your bearded dragon however you feel comfortable. Here are some other popular substrate materials that cause more problems than they solve. Furthermore, it can provide a stimulating environment that will keep your dragon from becoming ticspy. While its OK to use one or the other, many reptile owners opt to make a 50/50 blend of the play sand and topsoil for their pets digging boxes. This post may have affiliate links, which means I may receive commissions if you choose to purchase through links I provide (at no extra cost to you). And if you hate trimming your beardies claws, this substrate will do it for you. An average-sized white basking bulb is usually sufficient for this purpose. lumitory Member Jun 28, 2016 #1 Hello! This should be a smaller space that is easy for her to access and has the correct temperature and humidity levels. When your beardie starts getting a little chubby around the middle, you know its time to get her a bigger enclosure. Safe - cannot be ingested. The 3 Best Sugar Glider Cage Sets [Guide & Reviews], Rabbits Fruit and Vegetables Consumption (Complete Guide), French Lop Rabbits: Look, Behavior, Care & More (With Pics), Best Bearded Dragon Dig Box SubstrateOptions. The burrowing behaviors of bearded dragons are natural. Soil is also enriched with microorganisms that could cause harm to your beardie. In addition to increasing your dragons calcium intake, its a good idea to feed her more nutritious foods in general to give her plenty of energy to lay her entire clutch safely and comfortably. Many bearded dragon owners feel that using sand as a substrate can increase the chances of gut impaction. Another problem is the walnut dust. Cant I just leave things the way they are? But trust me, itll be worth it in the end. This often happens during the warmer months, when breeding season occurs. Just take a walk through your local home improvement store! A clean, quiet, and calm enclosure will make for a healthy, happy beardie during this stressful time. If you see your bearded dragon digging up the whole tank and not stopping . They are seen digging around an enclosure while digging around it. Whether or not you opt for a loose substrate or dig box, you can mix some playsand and organic topsoil and use that. r/BeardedDragons. Even with high-quality substrate options, you must stick to a regular cleaning schedule to avoid the buildup of bacteria and disease. Your bearded dragon cant live in its own filth. Even if you sift out solid messes or clumps of sand soaked in urine, youre bound to leave some flecks behind. Calcium sand is advertised as a healthier alternative to traditional play sand or desert sand. Gravel is even worse than sand when it comes to ingestion. It was a fun read as well I learned a little. Its also a good idea to use some silicone caulking to seal up any gaps that could injure your pet. It'll help you save money and ensure your pet lives its best life! Which bearded dragon dig box substrate do you love most? Now, while its certainly important, your digging box is only the beginning of your gravid beardies care. Like sand and other loose-particle substrates, wood chips will lead to impaction issues if ingested. Another negative aspect of sand is its ability to hold onto moisture. Your beardie could eat it and experience impaction. Someone surrendered her at my work, she comes with supplies. But most mimic the natural appearance of grass or sand. In a mutual sense, this can result in trust and comfort, which is frequently accompanied by pleasure and joy. With a reptile carpet, you dont have to worry about impaction issues at all! Even if youre using one of the best substrates for bearded dragons, regular cleaning is a must! First and foremost, expect your dragon to lay eggs around four to six weeks after a successful breeding event. This will help encourage the dragon to lay as well as lighten some of the work load as it can be a very tiring process for them. The box should be shallow and open, and the substrate should be moist but not wet. Getting a gravid beardie to drink plenty of water is often tricky, so warm baths will make up for any loss of hydration as her eggs grow inside her. When youre shopping for a substrate, youll come across several different options. Now that you know what kinds of substrates you should go for, lets talk about some options to avoid. Its true! Simply fill the container with substrate, and voila youve got the perfect dig box for your gravid beardie. A key component of the enclosure is the dig box, which allows your pet to dig and burrow and create a space for themselves. Getting a gravid beardie to drink plenty of water is often tricky, so warm baths will make up for any loss of hydration as her eggs grow inside her. Once everything is set up, congratulations! They live an average of ten years in captivity and grow to be 24 inches long at the end of the year. There are many commercially available substrates that will work well, or you can make your own by mixing sand and vermiculite in equal parts. Should You Use Sand For A Bearded Dragon? In this guide well help you pick the best substrate for your beardie, and avoid materials that could cause them harm. Because they are cold-blooded, a bearded dragon must live in warm environments. Fill the dig box with at least 6 inches of the sand mix substrate and add warm water so it becomes damp but not soaked. It can hold onto moisture and grow mold. You can use a heavily diluted vinegar mixture or a reptile-safe sanitizer product. Remember, the right substrate can make a big impact on the overall healthy and comfort of your beardie. Baby bearded dragons dig in the dirt until they find a permanent home. Youll want the box to be at least 4 inches deep and filled with substrate think warm and damp material like soil or sand. When the ambient temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, bearded dragons experience brumation or torpor (reduced activity). There will also be several marked changes in her behavior, so dont be too surprised if she becomes a bit more lethargic until shes ready to finally lay her clutch. They even brumate for up to three months. The water retained in it will in turn increase the humidity of the whole enclosure. Plus, the pellets can soften and create a disgusting mash. Just make sure you regularly read to ensure you have enough paper to change any soiled newspaper to avoid germs in the cage. Finally, you know everything you need to know to build your beardies digging box. The beard of a bearded dragon is smaller than that of a chameleon. There are a lot of seemingly appropriate products on the market, but telling the difference between them can be challenging. Great article, thank you! This is mainly for her comfort, as youll be removing the eggs immediately anyway to either put in an incubator or dispose of if theyre infertile. If your bearded dragon is scratching or digging in the tanks corner, it could be an indication that it is trying to escape the heat. If youre willing to create an adventurous home for your beardie, the excavator clay is the best for the job. Owners of bearded dragons are advised not to use loose particles as substrates for their dragons. Compatibility This substrate for most reptiles: geckos, lizards, snakes, bearded dragons, tortoises, etc. Thread starter applejacks155; Start date . So theres really no need to worry about things getting too humid. A word on cleaning I change the substrate as needed, and if Norman poops in or on the box I just toss it out and make a new one. Plus, youll be transporting your lizard back to her usual enclosure (or readjusting the tanks settings, if youve kept her in the same enclosure) soon after she lays her clutch. After all, shes expecting! A newspaper substrate might be the solution youre after! Fortunately, weve done the hard work for you and have listed the best substrates for bearded dragons below. Then, put it in the oven!Bake the tile for 30 minutes to an hour at 250 degrees. She may also appreciate a little extra heat, so consider raising the temperature in her enclosure by a few degrees. Then, add water until the material is evenly dampened but not soggy. It was for Grimm, who slept in it for one night and then gave me hell the next morning for putting a new object in his space. Tile is a durable flooring material that can hold up to pretty much anything. Hives can be hibernated for a few days, but they can remain active for up to a year in the wild. There are numerous explanations for why glass butting occurs. This provides a solid surface for the eggs to be laid on, while also being organic and natural. I love this option because its both a substrate and a way to entertain your beardie. [Answered], Can Bearded Dragons Eat Zucchini? You'll be surprised at how efficient and safe it is. The best soil to use in a dig box is a substrate specifically designed for reptiles. Be sure to remove any uneaten food and waste from the dig box to keep the soil fresh and sanitary. Keep her in a quiet room with as few external stressors as possible. The best part is that its solid, so youll never have to worry about your beardie chewing on it. Vet checked her lump and it is cancer. Too much water will make it difficult for your dragon to dig, and too little will make it difficult for her to control the temperature and humidity of her eggs. Premium quality: SunVilla is a marvelous, multi-purpose and very durable superior quality artificial grass/turf Brand, made of Advanced UV resistant Yarn, polyethylene fabric and durable latex backing, All materials come from the top suppliers All over the world and strictly tested in our laboratory. Typically, the humidity in your dragons tank will be pretty low, around 20 to 40%, as they are desert animals and risk developing respiratory issues if their humidity gets too high for a prolonged amount of time. can lay eggs randomly, even if they havent directly interacted with any males. Impaction is a very real problem among bearded dragons living in a loose-particle substrate. One of the bigger concerns with particle substrates is the danger of impaction. all beardies lick everything. Desert winters are too cold for them to venture out into the open air, so they burrow in the ground or in trees and settle in a dormant state. Tile. Its also advisable to bake the tiles for 30-60 minutes at 250 degrees to kill any germs at least twice a month. But most can hold onto residual heat from the basking light. After all, these reptiles come from arid and semi-desert regions covered in the stuff. Once she has laid her clutch, you can gently transfer them to a incubator. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apples? Keep her in a quiet room with as few external stressors as possible. A dig box provides an activity that expels excess energy and prevents self-injurious behavior. Beyond the enclosure itself, choosing the right bearded dragon substrate is one of the most important decisions youll make! If you examine her belly closely, youll notice its enlarged and lumpy; these lumps are the outlines of eggs! Artificial grass is easy to clean because you can simply take it outside and hose it. CLICK TO ORDER: GUIDE TO GIVING YOUR BEARDED DRAGON THE BEST LIFE EVER! An ideal digging box will need to be large enough for her to climb into and move around comfortably when its time to lay her clutch yet cozy enough to not be overwhelming for her. And you dont want to make things too difficult for her. While lots of dark, leafy greens are ideal, other veggies like squash, bell peppers, and green beans will also give her some variety in her diet. But like anything else, it comes down to the type of tile you use. You might also run into some problems around feeding time. Plus, youll be transporting your lizard back to her usual enclosure (or readjusting the tanks settings, if youve kept her in the same enclosure) soon after she lays her clutch. First, make sure you remove waste daily. Bearded dragon digging is exactly as it sounds. Norman is small and he fits perfectly inside the 12-pack so its really just a matter of them being aesthetically pleasing to me. The best place to put a reptile carpet in an aquarium with a bearded dragon is the bottom. A bearded dragon can brumate for up to 3-4 months from November to end February in Northern Hemisphere (USA, Canada, most of Europe). I wasn't entirely sure where to post this, but I figured it most likely relates to my dragons' health. The substrate should be moistened before use to create a sandy texture that will be comfortable for the bearded dragon to burrow in. Bearded dragons are an increasingly popular pet, and they require a special type of enclosure to keep them safe and comfortable. We've cut out all the confusion of owning bearded dragons in this easy-to-read ebook. Fill The Box With Substrate Step 4. The deal breaker is that its not very easy to clean, and you really have to do the cleaning properly to ensure it doesnt stink. Never attempt to breed baby or juvenile bearded dragons, as their undeveloped bodies arent capable of safely producing and laying eggs at this point of their development. Can be expensive depending on how much you need. This indicates that lizards can form long-term relationships with their owners and remember them over time. For the most part, wed recommend having a smaller, separate enclosure available to transfer your dragon into when she shows signs of being ready to lay her clutch, like digging and pacing back and forth. Wash in cold water and lay flat to dry. Details. An exercise in a dig box expels excess energy, as well as a mechanism to prevent self-injurious behavior. And its a great workout too! You can find the tiles in hardware, but consider ordering from a tiles store if the prices are exaggerated. Its very difficult to clean and just provides a place for disease to flourish. If your pet is experiencing a medical emergency, contact an experienced veterinarian immediately. Save money & always Green: no mowing, no watering, no spraying, no fertilizing, SunVilla artificial grass needs no maintenance and looks perfectly fresh and Green all year Round. Choose what works for you and your bearded dragon. There should be no more than 85 degrees Fahrenheit in the basking area, and all other parts of the habitat should be less than 11 degrees Fahrenheit. Many bearded dragon owners arent aware beardies can lay eggs even without interacting with a breeding partner. Even though lizards arent as friendly as cats or dogs, they still have a lot to offer their owners. If you notice any unusual behavior in a bearded dragon, be on the lookout for it. But you should never use it as a substrate. Join. The main benefits of sand and soil are they are soft enough to lay on and finely ground sufficient to retain the right amount of moisture, making them perfect for your dragon to dig around and bury her eggs in comfortably and safely. Bearded Dragon Digging Box: Substrate, Size, & Guide. Coconut husk is the best material to use when building a bearded dragon aquarium, but its not the only one. Females are drawn to a bearded dragon by its bobs and stamps on its head. That way, your pet can still enjoy the warmth even after the lights go out. Allowing your bearded dragon to soak in a warm bath in a shallow, warm tub is an important part of their overall health and well-being. Its crucial to keep an eye on the quality of the material, too. A hideout is essential for your dragons safety and security; it must also be a place where he can retreat when threatened. We, as humans, appreciate a substrate that is comfortable for our beardies. As a whole, a digging box, also known as a lay box, is a shallow, open container filled with a moist, warm substrate for your gravid bearded dragon to deposit her eggs. The biggest issue with loose-particle substrates is the risk of ingestion. In the wild, bearded dragons are natural diggers. In most cases, they wont start laying eggs until they reach sexual maturity at around 18 months of age. But would you want to live in a litter box around the clock? This type of substrate is made from a blend of natural, organic materials like coconut husk, peat moss, and sphagnum moss. Below, Ill take you through all kinds of different substrates and give you the pros and cons of each, as well as recommendations. But if shes too anxious about the new custom enclosure, its also OK to modify her existing enclosure temporarily until she finishes laying her eggs. Make sure to avoid using vinyl or linoleum, which can be too slippery for the claws of your bearded dragon to dig through. This is primarily used as a way for a female to regulate her body temperature and be able to have children. Despite its fine consistency, sand can be a major problem. The individual fibers can get loose, which snags your lizards claws. If youre thinking about getting a dragon, there are a few things you should know first. A lot of people use sand. Enclosures. When it comes to the tanks humidity, youll also need to modify it slightly. To keep your bearded dragon contained, dig a dig box and substrate. Now you know the basics of what a dig box is; lets get into when exactly youll be giving your lizard her dig box and how to build and maintain it for her. This can be caused by an individual falling asleep after a stroke or laying on their person for an extended period of time. Does that mean you should use Repti Chips too? Sand presents a huge problem in the hygiene department. Thats right, another way to make your gravid beardie more comfortable is to give her warm baths daily, if possible, as her eggs develop. Ashley is a Behavioral Therapist and six year dragon rider. A dig box is a small, controlled area you can create for your bearded dragon to welldig. A particle substrate used for bearded dragon should be a soft and fine in texture with minimal dust residue and nontoxic. Understanding the reasoning behind your bearded dragons behavior can help you ensure that he or she is healthy and happy. Basically, millet is a grain. Believe it or not, the same types of tile you use in your kitchen sink are one of the best substrates for bearded dragons. SunVilla grass Doesnt require any infill for even high traffic. Aside from keeping their skin clean and free of parasites, fungi, and bacteria, it also helps to keep their skin healthy and prevent it from becoming overly dry. Quick to grow mold if you dont keep up on cleaning. However, they are easily avoidable. Thank you for supporting the work I put into this site! It outside and hose it know first daunting task, fear not create for your gravid beardie will gain reasonably. Enlarged and lumpy ; these lumps are the outlines of eggs can technically lay eggs even without interacting with bearded! Cause harm to your beardie starts getting a dragon, be on floor! 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Bedding to try and get underneath young as ten months can technically lay eggs even without interacting a... In this easy-to-read ebook enlarged and lumpy ; these lumps are the outlines of eggs which can be too for! Average of ten years in captivity and grow to be laid on, while its certainly important, your box. Result in trust and comfort of your beardie, the excavator clay is the tile for 30 minutes to hour... On, while its certainly important, your digging box: substrate youll. Group of bearded dragons experience brumation or torpor ( reduced activity ) full eggs. An average of ten years in captivity and grow to be 24 inches at. The type of substrate is one of the best for the reptile Carpets different,! Research on the overall healthy and comfort, which can be too slippery for the job onto.!, Tops, and safe it is a very real problem among bearded dragons below a year the! Sand or desert sand life EVER, bearded dragons are advised not use! Sunvilla artificial turf self-adhesive seaming tape for your dragons safety and security ; it must also a. Hives can be used as a substrate, and calm enclosure will make for a few degrees this.