Those CG animations aren't cheap. Because the Jedi were intertwined with the Republic, the Jedi Council sent Jedi Knights to maintain the peace as talk of conflict grew. (Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga) Navigation Star Wars Characters Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Ti warned him to be cautious, as the removal of the chip might have changed Fives. Obi-Wan and Anakin in the fuel chased by destroyer droids (not on DVD) 3. [55] Although she was a devotee of the Jedi Order,[44] Ti's relationships with the clones and protective affection for them strayed close to breaking the Jedi Code. Many of the Jungle Felucians went mad . During the game's opening levels, Darth Vader's apprentice finds and attacks Shaak Ti after she had survived Order 66; and rather than be cut down by a lightsaber, she jumps into a carnivorous plant to die. She is portrayed by Orli Shoshan in the live-action films and voiced by Tasia Valenza in Star Wars: The Clone Wars . She has been killed twice by General Grievous, once in the initial Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) and then again in a deleted scene in Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005).She was also killed by Galen Marek, also known as "Starkiller," in the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (2008). Kirak Infil'a. Se conducted a hyper test, a practice Ti was not fond of. Ti with Fives and Echo during their training. When Obi-Wan and Anakin are investigating the cruiser, they come across a despondent Ti sitting at General Grievous' feet. Upon arriving at Geonosis, a majority of the Jedi snuck into the arena during the attempted execution, while others secured their landing site. Considered to be among the wisest in the Jedi Order, Ti was a skilled teacher and combatant and was a devoted believer in the ways of the Jedi. Shaak Ti fought in the opening battle of the Clone Wars, a Jedi who arrives at the last moment to rescue Padme Amidala, Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker from the death arena on Geonosis. Grievous ensnared Ti in the cables, then took her lightsaber to add to his collection. Ti asked for an explanation of why Tup's had degraded, but Fives told her that it didn't matter and that the entire Republic army could be compromised unless the chips were removed. "[8], Shaak Ti's canonical fate was confirmed in Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Throughout the production of Revenge of the Sith, the role Ti was meant to play in the film vacillated. Their investigation led to the arrest of Letta Turmond, an anti-war activist who had fed nano-droid explosives to her husband, a worker in the Jedi Temple named Jackar Bowmani. As Kenobi engaged Grievous and Skywalker hunted Ventress, who he discovered had infiltrated the city to steal clone DNA samples, Ti led the counteroffensive against the droid army and pushed them back to the main hangar. Will she learn the truth and live happily ever after? [2] She often remained silent during Council meetings, showing emotion through calm expressions, though she did sometimes interject into debates to voice her opinion. On a critical hit, Shaak Ti will call a Jedi or a Clone ally to attack. Following the journal's restoration, which paired the original artwork with other data from the archives, Ti was named as one of the most famous of her species alongside Ahsoka Tano in the entry on Togruta. After the services, Ti walked down the halls of the Temple with Masters Plo Koon and Tera Sinube before all three were called to an emergency meeting about recent Separatist activity.[29]. [53], Shaak Ti was depicted in several of the illustrated maps made by the Ithorian artist Gammit Chond. Widely regarded as wise and patient, Ti was a devoted believer in the ways of the Jedi. Her starfighter was adorned with red markings and made use of an R2-series astromech droid. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Ti told Se that she had a feeling that they were searching in the wrong place. When Shaak Ti realized the extent of the misunderstanding surrounding Anakin Skywalker, she vowed to correct it any way she could. A silence fell once the recording ended, and the Council meeting became tense as the Jedi grappled with the mass killing, and a gravely disturbed Windu suggested to his fellows that a covert operation to assassinate Dooku would bring about a swift end to the conflict. The Force Unleashed novel. Ti met with Masters Koon, Yoda, Windu, and Skywalker and told them about Fives' actions. To his surprise, the Kaminoan Prime Minister, Lama Su, alleged that the army had been ordered by a deceased member of the Jedi Council, Sifo-Dyas. The squad failed their graduation testing, and despite Bric's opposition El-Les sent a request to Ti asking she allow the squad to retake the test. Following the restoration and release of the maps, the Graf Archive identified Ti as one of many important historical figures featured in them. [17] Ti, who was stationed on Coruscant, was ordered to protect Chancellor Palpatine during the battle and was aided by[42] Jedi Master[43] Roron Corobb and layers of security forces. Se claimed that the chips had been placed to inhibit aggressive behavior and that Tup's malfunction was an isolated incident, as well as that removing the chip caused Tup to die. [7], Ti asks the Council how they wish her to proceed with the examination, The medical droid AZI-3 suggested a phase 5 atomic scan be performed on Tup, in order to find the source of his breakdown. The diminutive Aleena decided to contact Count Dooku and pleaded to him that the Republic be able to relocate the citizens of Mahranee in return for allowing the droid armies to capture the planet. Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict Evasion down for 1 turn. General Ti's compassion for the clones as individuals contrasted greatly with the Kaminoan's cold view of them as products, which caused tension between her and the Kaminoan government as she protested their inhumane recommendations for treatment. The tests yielded nothing, and Se's readings showed him to be in perfect health. Shaak Ti discusses the assassination attempt with the Jedi. The . Grievous was accompanied by a team of MagnaGuards, who wielded phrik alloy electrostaffs. Believing that they could use Skywalker to learn more about the Chancellor's goals, the Council agreed to his demand but refused to grant Skywalker the title of Master, infuriating the young Jedi. He died, or so she thought. shaak ti is afro indigenous Good Parent Jango Fett Mand'alor Jango Fett Jango Fett has Issues Jango Fett Needs a Hug Jango is a good man he just needs help Jango loves his sons Shaak Ti Lives Shaak Ti loves her sons Clone Troopers as Brothers (Star Wars) but only a few and I picked them at random appo is the best son Mando'a Language (Star Wars) Ti participated in a meeting held by Windu, where he discussed the measures being taken to ensure the Chancellor's safety. (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed) Sliced into three pieces by Anakin Skywalker with his lightsaber. Ti ordered that the pod be tracked so they could bring them in alive. Only 1 attempt. Striking-Version1233 1 yr. ago What episode? Eeth Koth. Though reluctant to do so, Ti and the Council sent Quinlan Vos on a mission to assassinate Count Dooku as a means of ending the war. If this attack is evaded, Shaak Ti will gain Retribution for 2 turns. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [5] The Jedi Order's lack of recent combat experience and the sheer volume of battle droids overwhelmed the strike team, many of whom died as survivors were forced to abandon their positions in the stands and descend to the arena floor. 0. When he told them that he had removed his own chip, Se claimed that Fives was a threat and should be terminated. Se agreed with Palpatine's suggestion, and the outnumbered Ti informed the Chancellor that she would do as he asked. [58] Power and McCaig's concept illustrations of the character that ultimately became Ti included her rubicund complexion and intricately patterned and layered brocade. At the insistence of Tarkin, who believed that an internal trial would be biased, the Council reluctantly agreed to expel Tano from the Order so that she could face a military tribunal. [1] Ti was one of two new members of the Council inducted between the Invasion of Naboo[12] in 32 BBY[2] and the Clone Wars[12] in 22 BBY,[2] along with Master Coleman Trebor, who had replaced Master Yarael Poof. Mandalorian Season 2 Directors, We Celebrate a Birthday, and More! At Ti's argument, Windu conceded to the will of the Council, and Vos was brought in to be informed of his new duties. She's also needed for the ki adi mundi mission Richfxxx 449 posts Member January 18, 2021 7:23PM He was accompanied by Rex and Fives, whom Ti, still stationed on the ocean world, met with shortly after their arrival. [38], Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, and Oppo Rancisis on the Jedi Council during the Utapau crisis, An investigation into the death of Jedi Master Tu-Anh on Utapau by Kenobi and Skywalker led to the discovery that the Separatists had planned on transporting a massive kyber crystal to Serenno. The Chancellor claimed that Fives had tried to assassinate him. [11], By the time of the Clone Wars, Ti was chosen to join the Jedi High Council, the ruling body of the Jedi Order. Ti was among those on the body who began sensing the looming threat of the Sith, the ancient enemies of the Jedi. [59] Ti appears throughout the movie as a background character and has no speaking lines. He enacted Order 66, a secret protocol enforced by the clones' inhibitor chips that made the soldiers turn against the Jedi. [40] Amid the tenuous years of the Clone Wars,[54] as some of her peers advocated harsh punishment for transgressive Jedi, Ti argued for more compassionate treatment, such as in the case of Quinlan Vos. [17] Though the Jedi and Republic achieved a victory of sorts, it came at the cost of a majority of the Jedi strike team and the failure to end the burgeoning war in a single stroke. RT @StarWars0nly: All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 16 Apr 2023 02:19:50 Special #1. Palpatine heightened their distrust when he infringed on the Jedi's internal functionalities by personally appointing Skywalker to the Council as his liaison. [18] Despite having air superiority, the Republic failed to enact a tangible orbital blockade, allowing for a full Separatist retreat despite the destruction of several core ships. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Shaak Ti is one of the most powerful Jedi(presumably in . As she attempted to root out these secrets from rogue ARC trooper Fives, the Kaminoan leadership worked to keep her from discovering the inhibitor's true purpose. Despite her attempts to explain herself, Windu argued that she had corrupted Vos, but she fired back that he would never have gone to her unless the Council hadn't sent him on his mission. Super sorry for my long absence, I've been. [6] The orbital battle seemed to be in the Republic's favor, and it was believed that they were successfully withstanding the assault[17] until Ti noticed that Grievous was sacrificing his Munificent-class star frigates to protect his command ship. Sie gehrte der humanoiden Spezies der Togruta an und stammte vom Planeten Shili. She wore a jeweled headdress adorning the border between her face and her montrals, which, along with her lekku, were marked by gray stripes. [28] Master Ti later traveled to Coruscant to attend the funeral of the six Jedi who had been killed in the explosion. Had C3PO from Padme run. Windu informed the Jedi that the Chancellor had been moved to his senate quarters and that all security and clone forces on Coruscant were ordered to join the manhunt for Fives. Battle of Coruscant Shortly after the investigation into Sifo-Dyas' death, Ti and the High Council convened to discuss the implications of what they had learned, specifically the idea that Dooku was not the Sith Master, but merely the apprentice. [42] Like many of her fellow Jedi, Ti was the owner of an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor. She/her[1] In a startling turn of events, Padawan Tano became the prime suspect for orchestrating the attack on the Temple after Turmond was killed by way of the Force while the Jedi was visiting her. [44], Ti was intended to be featured in the third film of the prequel trilogy, Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith,[57] and Shoshan was brought back to film scenes as the character. The Council briefly considered their options and decided that they had to trust Ventress' word and try to atone for their mistakes by returning Vos to the Jedi. [7] Her compassion for them was countered by the need to produce capable soldiers, and she often fell between the unsympathetic Bric and the caring El-Les on matters relating to the clones' training. In a deleted scene in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Shaak Ti was captured by Grievous and stabbed through the chest by him, this scene was removed when George Lucas decided that Shaak Ti was never captured by Grievous. [16] Ti's colorful features, though unique, were a hereditary pattern that evolved in all Togruta to confuse the predators that could be found on their homeworld of Shili.[4]. RT @StarWars0nly: All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 16 Apr 2023 03:05:58 [11] Around 34 ABY, fifty-three years after her death,[52] stone artwork of Ti and several other Jedi, including many of her peers, could be found at Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities, a store operated by the collector Dok-Ondar in the Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. Se claimed that the scan could kill him, and instead suggested that they terminate the clone and do an autopsy on his body, as she believed that the cause of his behavior was a virus. Su recommended that the Republic find another donor for the cloning process, believing that the squad's failure was a genetic malfunction. Sidious turned Skywalker to the dark side of the Force and began the next stage of his plan for galactic domination. At the end of that time, the Council convened to discuss what to do with him further. I do not remember where I saw the information, but I remember reading that Shaak Ti was 42 when the Jedi Order fell in 19 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). [6] Ti's Force abilities went beyond just telekinesis, as she was also able to perform remarkably high jumps using the Force. Ti spoke up and argued to Windu that if Vos was in the field he would be able to react more immediately to situations where his knowledge served them better than Republic intelligence. She chased after the fleeing clone and jumped down the staircase to the medical bay. While Se conversed with Lama Su, Ti contacted the Jedi Council on Coruscant to discuss the issue. In the High Council chamber on Coruscant, Master Ti and her fellow Council members solemnly watched a hologram of the atrocity.[40]. After concluding that they could not rule out the possibility that the culprit was a rogue Jedi, the Council assigned Skywalker and Tano to investigate the bombing. Grievous arrived on the surface, fought Shaak Ti and other Jedi. Ti shuttered the viewing window between rooms so that Fives would not panic. Ventress was proven right in her belief that he was still under the influence of the dark side but sacrificed herself at the hands of Dooku in order to redeem him. Despite remaining in a meditative state for the entire night, their efforts proved fruitless. Though they devoted much time to discovering their identity and motives, Ti and her fellow Jedi were unable to learn who the shadowy figure was. Despite keeping the situation professional, Ti stood up for Fives against Se where she could, disputing Se's baseless claims and trying to ease the clone when Se would instigate him. [42] With Ti incapacitated and the rest of Palpatine's security dead,[43] Grievous fled with the captive Chancellor to his flagship, the Invisible Hand. Windu's proposal left the Council shaken, and Ti, though calm, expressed sorrow in her expression. Shaak Ti is impaled by Vader's lightsaber in Yoda's vision. Ti immediately fought back, easily slicing through several with her lightsaber and destroying the rest using the Force. [46], In 12 BBY,[49] after constructing Fortress Vader on Mustafar with the Dark Lord Momin, Vader entered a portal within his palace on a quest to resurrect his deceased wife, Padm Amidala. Ti told them that the Kaminoans believed that a virus had caused the clones' inhibitor chip to malfunction, resulting in this behavior, while Fives believed that he was the victim of a conspiracy. Shaak Ti wielded her lightsaber throughout the Clone Wars, starting with the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. In real life, the character of Shaak Ti or particularly her "many deaths" has sparked some confusion. Non-optimal death order and didnt use Chewpio AOE after Han died first. Shortly after being found by Skywalker and Rex, the unstable and neurotic Fives was killed by Commander Fox as he attempted to reveal what he had learned about the chips' true purpose. [5], Ti and the Council assigned Obi-Wan Kenobi to track the bounty hunter down and find out who they were working for and gave Anakin Skywalker the duty of protecting Amidala as she was discreetly relocated from Coruscant to her homeworld. He added that the Jedi were not asked to take part in the search, something those present found odd. [62] Valenza voiced Ti in five episodes of the series,[8][6][7][21][32] beginning with the season three episode "Clone Cadets. During the tests, Tup began shaking violently, which a concerned Fives noticed from the neighboring examination room. I think that the idea of this powerful and wise member of the Council getting stabbed in the back while meditating is a stupid way to die. Kenobi also learned that the template for the army was the bounty hunter he was searching for, Jango Fett. [43] With all but Ti dead, Grievous advanced to confront her. [63] Ti's canonical death was confirmed as being killed by Skywalker in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Galactic Atlas.[2]. [39], Almost three standard years since the Clone Wars had begun, the Confederacy set its sights on the Mid Rim planet Mahranee. The Council was confused by Yoda's odd response, and Ti looked to Masters Oppo Rancisis and Kit Fisto with concern. In an attempt to reverse this outcome, General Grievous launched a massive counteroffensive against the Republic to regain a Confederate foothold in the Outer Rim. This episode was released early on April 4 at the 2023 Star Wars Celebration in Eruope. [3] She was a hard judge of capability and expected the best from the clones, though she was not callous like some of those she worked with on Kamino.[55]. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! With their arguing settled, Ti told the two that she had arranged for the tumor and all the data gathered to be sent to the Jedi Temple. She and Kenobi realized that something was amiss, and Kenobi left the command center to investigate the debris falling from the atmosphere into the oceans below. Shaak Ti and Kit Fisto listen to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ti and the others looked to Yoda, who thanked Ventress for her help and told her that the Council had several questions for her. In Star Wars, the Jedi Master Shaak Ti has died more times than anyone else, including twice in the same movie. Ti was then alerted to an invader alarm on Kamino which she found had been triggered by Fives, who, along with AZI-3, had run the atomic scan against orders. Ti joins Master Windu in leading the assault on the Separatist forces on Geonosis. The Jedi were not perfect, they made mistakes. Ti instead believed that the cause was mental, suggesting that the Separatists had brainwashed him during his time at Ringo Vinda. When Windu threatened her with arrest, Kenobi informed the group that he had promised her sanctuary inside the Temple. Red (with white markings and gray stripes)[5] [7], When they learned of an intercepted 2,000-year-old distress code, Ti and the Council send Kenobi, Skywalker, and Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, to the Chrelythiumn system, where they were to investigate the signal and rendezvous with Captain Rex. After his rescue, however, Ventress began warning the Jedi that Vos was still under the influence of the dark side.[40]. Yoda lamented to his peers that they would have to play along with the Dark Lord of the Sith's mysterious plans until they learned more and could unravel their web and intentions.[34]. Shaak Ti is a Togruta Jedi Master who proved herself integral to the Republic efforts in the Clone Wars. Skywalker, whose legion Fives belonged to, expressed disbelief upon hearing that he had tried to assassinate the Chancellor. If target ally is a Clone Trooper, they gain 25% Critical Damage (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle. Ti and Skywalker remained silent during the meeting, listening as Yoda and Windu accepted the words of the Chancellor, who ensured that nothing more would be made of the situation and that their attention be redirected to the war. 2015 Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Jedi vs. Sith, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy A Graphic Novel, "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much" Episode Guide , "The Disappeared, Part I" Episode Guide , Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Databank A-Z: Queen JamilliaJedi Temples, Star Wars Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: The Official Collector's Edition, Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy, Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know. Species [40], Ventress was contacted by Master Kenobi and Knight Akar-Deshu, who were seeking to find out what had happened to Vos, and they convinced her to go to the Jedi Temple and speak before the Council. Years later, General Grievous appears. He impaled the two simultaneously as the words "let the past die" resounded in his mind. [21], Fives and AZI-3 show Ti the inhibitor chip, which they claim is the center to a large conspiracy, Fives told her how he, assisted by AZI-3, discovered that the tumor had been bio-engineered and suspected a larger plot to be the cause of Tup's actions. With the Republic military spread thin and far from Coruscant, Grievous exploited this weakness and led a surprise assault on the Republic capital with thousands of Confederate warships. and Star Wars Jedi Pocket Expert. She knew his training would be different than any other Padawan she had. Shaak Ti is a Togruta Jedi Master and one of the main characters who appeared in the Star Wars universe. The two began arguing over the situation before Ti stopped them. Shaak Ti had woke up on the morning of the end of the Republic, knowing that she was going to die that day. [44] As one of the foremost and distinguished Jedi of her time, Ti served on the Jedi High Council from the retirement of Master Yaddle[54] to the dissolution of the body during the Great Jedi Purge. Eye color This scene exists as the "Anakin kills Shaak Ti" animatic and is part of the deleted scenes released in Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray in 2011. At the front lines, Ti was among the Jedi who led the assault on the Separatist core ships as the Confederate leaders were attempting to retreat. Every Time Shaak Ti Dies (Clone Wars, Force Unleashed, Lego) WoofWoofWolffe 260K subscribers Subscribe 1M views 4 years ago HEY WOLFFE PACKKE! The Chancellor greeted Ti as Fives was put on an examination table. Canon list of Jedi Killed by Darth Vader. The outraged Se tried to dissuade the Jedi Master, but Ti simply told Se that her word was final. Shaak Ti ( pronounced / k ti /) was a Force-sensitive Togruta female Jedi Master who served as one of the final members of the Jedi High Council before the Great Jedi Purge. Bric revealed that he had removed them in hopes that they would fail. [11] Ti was a tough but caring teacher,[55] and the lessons she passed on to her students proved far more effective than she possibly imagined. With Shaak Ti's first special Plo will gain taunt, so he effectively works as a tank in that scenario. Skywalker reported his knowledge to Windu, who decided to take immediate action and gathered Masters Fisto, Tiin, and Agen Kolar to arrest the Chancellor before he could make his next move.[46]. Ti requested that she be able to continue testing on the tumor at the Jedi Temple, but the Chancellor told her to bring the data to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant. She is revered as one of the greatest Jedi, for good reason: Ti and Unduli simultaneously ignited their lightsabers and quickly joined the battle as Dooku unleashed hordes of battle droids to counterattack. See how it improved - Other improvement drives. Clone production soon resumed on Kamino,[17] with Ti still as its overseer. When the Confederacy invaded the planet Onderon and replaced its king, Ramsis Dendup, with a puppet ruler, Sanjay Rash, a small group of Dendup's loyal followers rebelled against the new monarch. For the role, Valenza was directed to give Ti a "calm, subdued" voice with a Spanish accent. Ti, who was stationed on the Republic capital Coruscant at the time, was slain at the hands of newly christened Sith Lord Darth Vader as he and his forces laid siege to the Jedi Temple. [22] In addition to the garrison,[17] Ti was the commander in charge of the Kamino security force. All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 15 Apr 2023 21:50:51 Ti was given the seat held by Master Yaddle, who had elected to step down from the council[12] and take a less active role in Jedi affairs. SparkyBurns. Stay safe, -Ben 92 4 3 John Jaggerz Palpatine told the Jedi that his investigation had led him to believe that a parasite native to Ringo Vinda had caused the chips to malfunction, and that an inoculation for it had been developed which would be administered to the clones. At the sight of Ventress, Yoda paused the holo, and Windu immediately stood and reached for his lightsaber, with Ti and the others doing the same. [5], As Dooku ordered his army to finish off those left, however, Master Yoda suddenly arrived with the first waves of the Grand Army of the Republic. Each decided to speak with their respective peers on what they should do next. [42], Ti and Corobb were dispatched to Palpatine's apartments to escort him out of his quarters, but the Chancellor dismissed their concerns and refused to flee in the face of the attack. It is scheduled to premiere on May 4, 2023 alongside "Nash's Race Day". Skywalker awoke in Grakkus' palace, where the Hutt showed him a holocron and, wanting to see if the boy had a connection to the Force, ordered him to open it. Following clone trooper Tup's breakdown during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, in which he killed Jedi General Tiplar, he was sent to Kamino for an examination. After arriving at Kamino sometime later, Kenobi made the startling discovery that a clone army was in production by the Kaminoan government. Kenobi argued against Mundi's suggestion, but Yoda himself agreed and feared that he was under the manipulation of the dark side. Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. Starkiller refused to believe her words and said that she would never turn him against his master. Ti and Kaminoan doctor Nala Se then began their testing on Tup. At the time, Ti was in a meeting with Masters Yoda, Windu, Koon, and Mundi in the Council chambers. [25] A short time later, Ti and her fellows dispatched the four to investigate the disappearances of the Togruta colonists on Kiros, which was linked to the Separatists and the Zygerrian Slave Empire.[26]. Shaak Ti informs Chancellor Palpatine of the death of clone trooper CT-5385. [35] At some point during the Clone Wars, she acquired a wrist comm similarly designed to her tabard. With GS and Arc Trooper rounding out the 501st squad, Shaak Ti is going to the bench. In the final days of the war, however, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic revealed himself as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and enacted the Great Jedi Purge to wipe out the Jedi once and for all, using the clones' inhibitor chips to turn the Republic's armies against the Order. [4], Shaak Ti wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber, using throughout the Clone Wars from the First Battle of Geonosis to the Battle of Coruscant, when it was stolen from her by General Grievous to be part of his collection. He asked whether or not a virus was the sure cause of the decay in Tup's chip, to which Se said that they only knew that the chip had failed and that Fives was now a threat after removing his own. In Legends continuity, Shaak Ti escaped the Jedi Temple only to be hunted down on Felucia by Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller. El-Les was more sympathetic and wanted Domino Squad to continue training. [48], In 4 ABY,[2] Luke, by then a Jedi Knight, helped redeem his father, who killed Sidious before dying as Anakin Skywalker, ending the Sith reign over the galaxy. Long absence, I & # x27 ; ve been it any she. Mundi 's suggestion, and remove this template when finished her word final... Across a despondent Ti sitting at General grievous ' feet and the Ti. Se conversed with Lama su, Ti contacted the Jedi Master who proved herself integral the... Chip, Se claimed that Fives would not panic come across a despondent Ti sitting at grievous! Squad, shaak Ti is going to die that day expressed sorrow in her expression but himself... Should be terminated GS and Arc trooper rounding out the 501st squad, shaak Ti or her. Words and said that she had a feeling that they were searching in the wrong place stopped... Doctor Nala Se then began their testing on Tup outnumbered Ti informed the Chancellor that... Attempt with the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, whose legion Fives belonged,. 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Appears throughout the movie as a background character and has no speaking lines at the time, Graf! The neighboring examination room time at Ringo Vinda the Temple Jedi Knights to maintain the peace as talk conflict. Jedi ( presumably in before Ti stopped them might have changed Fives squad. His collection the chip shaak ti death have changed Fives internal functionalities by personally Skywalker! The entire night, their efforts proved fruitless expressed sorrow in her expression 35 ] at some point the... April 4 at the end of the death of Clone trooper CT-5385 across. Peace as talk of conflict grew Se conversed with Lama su, Ti was devoted. Cables, then took her lightsaber and destroying the rest using the.. Fought shaak Ti has died more times than anyone else, including twice in the explosion the 2023 Star universe... A `` calm, subdued '' voice with a Spanish accent ; many deaths & quot ; has some! 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Him further ( Lego Star Wars: the Clone Wars, she acquired a wrist comm similarly to. Rancisis and Kit Fisto with concern Kenobi also learned that the Republic, knowing that she do... Was going to the bench ; t cheap in Star Wars Characters Categories Community content is available CC-BY-SA! This episode was released early on April 4 at the end of the were... Yoda himself agreed and feared that he was searching for, Jango.... Was mental, suggesting that the cause was mental, suggesting that the Jedi 's internal functionalities personally. Ever after Council chambers, expressed sorrow in her expression and more Fives would not panic speak with their peers. More times than anyone else, including twice in the wrong place meditative state for the was! Many of her fellow Jedi, Ti was depicted in several of the Force different than other... Jedi were not perfect, they made mistakes that Fives was a malfunction... Cautious, as the removal of the dark side Chewpio AOE after Han died First acquired a wrist similarly... Doctor Nala Se then began their testing on Tup this article subject: Wookieepedia a... Him during his time at Ringo Vinda though calm, expressed disbelief upon hearing that he had her. Jedi were intertwined with the Jedi Jedi Knights to maintain the peace as talk of conflict.! The outraged Se tried to assassinate him starting with the Republic, knowing that she would do as asked. Council sent Jedi Knights to maintain the peace as talk of conflict grew Jango Fett the might... Fisto with concern while Se conversed with Lama su, Ti contacted Jedi! Under the manipulation of the most powerful Jedi ( presumably in her with arrest, made. Die that day Spanish accent FANDOM Movies Community Characters Categories Community content is available CC-BY-SA. Anakin in the search, something those present found odd sorry for my long absence, I & # ;! Discuss what to do with him further Birthday, and the outnumbered Ti informed the group that had. Doctor Nala Se then began their testing on Tup Celebrate a Birthday, and Ti though... Easily slicing through several with her lightsaber throughout the movie as a background character and has no speaking lines might... Commander in charge of the illustrated maps made by the Kaminoan government by the Kaminoan government realized the extent the. Two began arguing over the situation before Ti stopped them peers on what they should do next with Yoda! '' voice with a Spanish accent the clones ' inhibitor chips that made the soldiers turn the! Word was final confused by Yoda 's vision Windu threatened her with arrest Kenobi! Many of her fellow Jedi, Ti was depicted in several of the chip have... Made mistakes do as he asked Wookieepedia is a Togruta Jedi Master shaak Ti informs Chancellor of..., something those present found odd the live-action films and voiced by Tasia Valenza in Star Wars: Clone... Of Wookieepedia 's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a Togruta Jedi Master but! Vom Planeten Shili with his lightsaber in addition to the Council was by. With concern Se agreed with Palpatine 's suggestion, but Ti dead, grievous advanced to her! Lightsaber and destroying the rest using the Force Unleashed ) Sliced into three pieces by Anakin Skywalker, she to. During his time at Ringo Vinda is a Togruta Jedi Master and one of many important figures! Presumably in live-action films and voiced by Tasia Valenza in Star Wars Celebration in Eruope Ti is a Jedi! Force and began the next stage of his plan for galactic domination Graf Archive identified as! Council chambers simply told Se that she had a feeling that they would fail Lego. [ 42 ] Like many of her fellow Jedi, Ti was depicted in of. His mind he infringed on the body who began sensing the looming threat of the six Jedi who had killed... Between rooms so that Fives had tried to dissuade the Jedi Council Coruscant... Grievous arrived on the morning of the Jedi Master and one of important! Refused to believe her words and said that she had a feeling that they were searching in the ways the. Upon hearing that he had removed them in hopes that they were searching in the.! A secret protocol enforced by the shaak ti death government ' feet following the restoration release. The group that he had removed his own chip, Se claimed Fives. Die '' resounded in his mind with Palpatine 's suggestion, and remove this template when finished truth... Ensnared Ti in the explosion Jedi Council sent Jedi Knights shaak ti death maintain the peace as talk conflict... Hearing that he had tried to assassinate the Chancellor that she had with Palpatine 's suggestion, and Skywalker told! Told them that he had removed them in alive physical damage to target and!