In Eberron, a priest of Balinor isntthe Mask Weavers of the Talenta Plains or the inherently required to follow one trail or theprimordial traditions of the lizardfolk shamans of other, but the main differences between theQbarra. His recent work Inkwell Society, on & the RPG Phoenix: Dawn Command and MazeArcana. Woods live closer to nature, but even they are familiar with the customs of the east. That rich baritone doesnt have to scare the plate off ya!18 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONCleric The Power of FaithFaith and Force. You never fought incompassion of the Flame to soothe aggressors. A bold crypt raider might takeis a simple choice for this, but the Path of the the criminal background, reflecting a knack forTotem Warrior or the Path of the Storm Herald dealing with traps and useful contacts when itcan easily represent specialized design. and even poison spray could all be described as a temporary metamorphosis. Often a criminal or a charlatan, griftersadept. When you hit a fiend, monstrosity, or undead the radiant damage 17th Radiant Embrace increases to 2d4.Balm of the Flame At 17th level, you can spend 4 ki points to increase this radiant damage to 2d4, and theStarting when you choose this tradition at 3rd damage to a fiend, monstrosity, or undeadlevel, you can harness your ki to rekindle the increases to 4d4.flame represented within all life. Be sure to wait for it to finish. pertaining to protecting the innocent, regardless of their beliefs and on fighting supernatural evil. If your backstory involves military service, Silverbow Loreyou might have been selected to one of these At 3rd level, you are trained in the rituals andelite units during the Last War, might still in lore of the Silver Flame. View Text Version . You may be on the trail oftemporary hit points equal to the total number a hidden cult manipulating the fate of regain. As an example, the Silver Flame has many presenting a cleric with clues or new mysteries divisions that all retain the core convictions to explore as opposed to simply being demands. Former rank means little to a Resurgent;are assigned to the Kings Wands, while those a general might follow a foot soldier, if thatwho work best in the shadows join the Kings soldier shows sufficient courage and tact. (spare the dying or curearcane arts dabbled in by artificers or wizards. use shady connections or a talent for deception in conjunction with their magical gifts. Would you hire a seamstress to craft you a sword?What about a blacksmith for a ball gown? An urchintotem reflects your superior bulwark of armor born in Sharn has no interest in gold or glory, butinstead of spiritual devotion. You have studied the mysteries of your faith who can always find shelter the divine, either as part of a monastic order and support at a temple. curious to learn more about its oddities. Theres a well- superiority of their ancestor or, if you share anestablished monastery in Sharn, and its ancestor, that their mastery of the path is greatermembers help to defend the local kalashtar than yours.from the schemes of the Dreaming Dark. Traditionally, the Sovereign Host is a civilizedThe Druidic Language in Eberron faith with shrines in the great cities of the Five Nations but a number of shrines to deities tiedTheres no universal alliance between all druids. Society is spread across Khorvaire. 8 Help victims of the war and unite the divided nations. Bone Knights were spread among a Those with the soldier background are firstnumber of units to provide the vital techniques and foremost aligned with the martial wing of thenecessary to muster the undead, and a single Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 37Silverbows, tied directly to the army, and fought The Valenar nation is one vast army. The smallest of the Five Nations, aspire to this charge, and a character who learnsAundair relied on arcane superiority to hold to use Unwavering Mark and Warding Maneuverits own on the battlefield. The Talentans believe that the environsthe story of your patron and the role they might around them are filled with the spirits of theirplay in the campaign. As thewant to maintain a balance between the two. As anArbiter you will like receive assignments directly Darkvision. I follow the old ways, even if I must do so alone.strength trumps reason. Even within Sovereign Domain Features the main body of the church, there is a growing division between those who support Cleric Level Feature the theocracy of Thrane and those who 1st Solemn Devotion, Worldly Focus believe that involving the church in politics is 3rd Channel Divinity: Omnitheist a distraction and invitation of corruption. As clandestine as some of diplomats, while those who followed the Collegethe elven houses, one might know a member for of Valor inspired soldiers on the battlefield.decades but only realize this is the case when aninvitation is extended as a sponsor. This consideration Most druids are swathed in tradition, usually isnt without flaw from time to time, as the well-initiated by a sect that teaches the secrets of this intentioned worshipers of a Sovereign tied toprimal magic while also charging the aspirant nature might occasionally be mistaken for foe.with specific duties. time, but Dol Dorn stands above the rest. The order often tempts orphans and those with & sorted pasts to join their ranks, making urchin or Jolan Hass Holan criminal ideal recruits for these monks. As a bard of these heirs ofcollaborate with peers, to compare techniques, Dhakaan, a character could have been sent outand afford bookings or haven to struggling into the world to experience modern Khorvaireartists. Socialites come from all bond to the wild wood, the sect, or directly withwalks of life, and many of its bards arent refined the fey? Is your clan assigned to Valenar,to the Silverbows might be tenuous, operating or are its members serving as mercenarieseither as a solo operative who mastered the across the Five Nations? His monks embrace suffering, and through ritual torture, theyBroken Blade, this introduction explores the overcome weakness of body and mind. These archersdead and forge them into an effective weapon. Theadditional damage type is force and is equal to Song of Madness. On the other hand, your with the bad, and the possibility of disadvantagedivine gifts might have been given to you to fulfill along with any benefit of advantage. By a bloody act ofreceive the most advantageous training within insubordination resulting in an unsanctionedits halls. Now youre a folk hero who uses your halflings have their own names for the totems:demon-fueled rage to protect the innocent. Its not just that you have you dont believe theres a divine plan or greatpragmatic doubts or made a mistake once upon purpose, you can still bring your own justice toa time, its that the things youve seen or done the streets.have made you bitter, cynical, or pessimistic.In the past, your faith might have produced The War Machinemiraculous victories but that really might havebeen just steel and muscle. This damage cant bereduced in any way. Your proficiency cost. In the hands of an ambitious blasting their undead foes with radiant energy ormilitary, the religious devotion once required using beguiling arrows to control the battlefieldis now more of a daunting matter of discipline, or halt a fight all together.but still one many patriotic Karrns struggledto master. You The Bear is the Hammertail, known formay be a blood-soaked warrior, but you only kill its heavy armor and powerful tail club. Acolyte. If your DM uses this rule during When creating a backstory, identify why other character creation, you can exchange the characters will want to keep you around. has never met a tower that couldnt be climbed. The monks of the Flayed Hand are master torturers andtheir martial techniques. What was the first time that a prayerIts easy to think of a cleric as just another magic was answered, and divine magic was yours touser, one with a different knowledge and intent wield? A bear comes to fencing recovered artifacts. But, why you, and whynow? Morgrave Miscellany: Eberron Sourcebook from Keith Baker Dungeons & Dragons Morrus Mar 18, 2019 Mar 18, 2019 Replies: 39 Keith Baker, Eberron's original creator, and other authors have teamed up for a new 164-page PDF Eberron supplement, following up on last year's Wayfarer's Guide to Eberron. martial prowess with the ability to cast spells. The Blademarksthe Silverbow. MORGRAVE MISCELLANY A Curriculum for Aspiring Adventurers Credits Playtesters: Teos Abadia, Kurt Caceres, Chelsea Caine, Khanuh Casler, Cory Casoni, Lead Designers: Keith Baker, Ruty Rutenberg Wayne Chang, Charlie Chu, Kenna Conklin, Additional Design: Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, Ryan Conklin, Jenny Conlee, Chris Funk, Dan Read More. What leads a congregation planes. That individual mightto those who seek to defend her and the natural not initially be welcomed as a friend but willorder from the threats beyond. You may work to battle crimeundead allies within 60 feet of you gain or expose corruption. Oalian is an awakenedgreatpine, who some say was awakened by This is a difficult path for a player character toVvaraak herself. In the Five druids, regardless of sect or tradition. This whose feedback made this bookcover, painted by Kim what it is.Van Deun, depicts thethriving metropolis ofKhorvaire, comprisedof towering spires,skybridges, andsoaring airships. Dol Azur is more commonly known bonus is doubled for any ability check you make as the Mockery, a member of the Dark Six that uses either of those proficiencies. Whether your insight is concretely focused or randomTraditionally, a bard is a master of song, trivia, a chronicler works hard to provide helpfulspeech, and all the magic they contain. But advice in form of inspiring prose.the abilities of the bard can lend themselves tomany character concepts that have nothing to do The Grifterwith music or entertainment. Eberron is a realm where magic is a part of The College of Keyslife and one its most notable instruments isthe Thurimbar rod, a form of wand specifically Many say that it was a warden of Housedesigned to channel and enhance the musical Kundarak that first mastered the techniques ofaspects of the minor illusion cantrip. At 14th level, while you have both hands open, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces on your turn without falling during the move. You know the contagion you can prepare each day. Every extreme explorer is afeatures. If by 3rd level youthings are set in stone and define what it means decide that your Ghaashkala character is betterto be a character of that class. Fort Bones. Sanguinetti Download PDF Publications : 318; Followers : 661; Morgrave Miscellany [PHB] 2019 Dungeon Masters Guild. This special attack has a range of 30 feet arbiter. Many members of the order began tradition are typically entertainers. While these temporary hit sect.points remain, you are always considered to beunder the effects of the levitate spell, and you Ashes to Arbiter. the ability check if it doesnt already include your proficiency bonus.Adaptive Elements Overwhelming Dominance. When you click on the download link for the "bracelet" you should be led to a Sim File Share page with the NelfeahCelestialWings .package file. the number rolled to the weapons damage. As a when you reach 18th level in this class. However, while the nation of Cyre has fallen, it might prove quite useful. If the creature strikes score critical hits on a 19 or 20.fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or Against a fiend, monstrosity, or undeaduntil it takes damage. The Samurai archetype is a good or a paladin of Dol Arrah, but your faith waschoice for a Valenar who wants an especially shattered by something you saw or did duringclose relationship with their patron ancestor,drawing on his ancestors for guidance in battleas exemplified by their Fighting Spirit.38 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONthe Last War. Others simply role in defeating the daelkyr invasion. You cant use this feature again until you finish a long rest.Hated Foe All PathsStarting at 6th level, your sect is charged withmaintaining the balance between some of At 14th level, you know the planar shift spell,natures deadliest enemies. A monk isto mystically regenerate healing the wounds. Perhaps it was simply the sword and shield are all you can believe inatrelentless cruelty and suffering you witnessed least, theyve never let you down.daily, a massacre, or the Mourning itself.Whatever it was broke your faith so completely As a Fallen Paladin, youre unlikely to bethat you turned away from the divine and never an acolyte or a soldier, because you turnedlooked back. While the Ghaashkala are primarily orcs, there are a few humans and half- orcs among them. need. These types of questions can create room for doubt, and while theres no questionthe false Keeper Melysse Miron nearly clerics and adepts wield mystical power, in Eberron its possible to be an atheist.destroyed it. Many of the Children ofof civilization and see arcane magic as a Winter believe the Mourning is the beginning ofdangerous and corrupting force. On rare occasion, truly remarkable prospects are made the focus of pursuit, andcultures embrace the bard as an entertainer have been known to cause squabble or infighting between the teachers looking to further thewho also serves as a historian or bearer prestige of their tutelage.of news, a chronicler if you will. If it fails, it fallsarmor. The College of Keys can be useful for a covert Sage is a good background for a chronicler infiltrator, while the College of Glamour or16 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONCollege of Whispers might prove useful for a Instruments of Eberronmore direct approach. Margrave Miscellany Pdf Free Download . Ifprotected in this way until you absorb the armor it fails the saving throw and has an Intelligence(no action required), or you die. 2 Defeat an epic force of supernatural evil. Druids tied to this The Ashbound are the warriors of the natural sect can be tasked to hunt down and destroyworld. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. The Ghaashkalaor ghost guardiansare an alliance of orc clans that dwell in the canyons that separate the Demon Wastes from the rest of Khorvaire. If youve chosen the path of a fighter, whatever battles youve fought, your mind, arms and armor are the tools that saw you through it, and your favorite weapon might have a story of its own, forged by your sweat, or handed down through millennia. You can cast each oncerevealed. Practical experience trumps dusty scrolls any day; unless youre the one who discovers them! Morgrave Miscellany - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Now you might be a This would be a story decision and wouldnt wandering urchin, a sailor, even a criminal. increased damage of Martial Arts as deadly claws and teeth. Just to clarify: The Morgrave Miscellany is NOT an official D&D product, and it's not official content. He reprises the role in Syrinscapes Dragonheist D&D soundset. This spirit may not take kindly to isnt to make a cleric stronger or weaker than being questioned by mortals and, of course, once any other enigmatic class but to add the feeling voices and visions guide you, theres always the that the clerics powers arent entirely under risk of being misled. The Valenar are another source of monksTashalatora who dont maintain monasteries. Morgrave Miscellany Pdf Trove Download Keith Baker, Eberron's original creator, and other authors have teamed up for a new 164-page PDF Eberron supplement, following up on last year's Wayfarer's Guide to Eberron. Did you leave voluntarily?revolution or act as a bulwark of the weak is Did political positioning cause your nation towhat ultimately defines the fighter. The halflings of the Talenta Plains percussion in all forms; the hip-drum is asmall instrument slung across the waist, while 6 A Cyran fiddle recovered from the Mournland.the hammertail drum is a massive instrumentthat can only be carried by multiple halflings. While Druidic Beliefsits common for the two paths to recognize oneanother, such respect isnt always equal. With that well, you can restorea total number of hit points equal to your monk Starting at 11th level, when you attempt tolevel multipled by your Wisdom modifier. In your better. On a success, the effect ends on This feature improves when you reach 11th the target.level, when you can expend 1 ki point and 5hit points from your well of cleansing flame to Radiant Embraceend one effect that is causing the creature to becharmed or frightened. To outsiders, their that mirrors the Gatekeepers in the Shadowactions are wild and unpredictable, as they serve Marches. and also maintains that it is possible for any mortal to ascend through faith, devotion, If both DM and player agree, a DM can add and remarkable achievements in life. Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 23Worldly Focus Encouraging WhispersAlso at 1st level, you have spent countless hours Starting at 6th level, while you are concentratingstudying the portfolios of deities across your on a cleric spell, you add your Wisdom modifierpantheons, and learned to acknowledge their (minimum of 1) to concentration checks made toinfluence all around you in both peace and war. From the mighty beasts of burden to some who follow it conjure spectral dinosaurs,the swift raptor mounts, the halflings forge while others draw on the spirits of legendaryclose bonds with their scaled companions. forgotten, but its likely that they were also taught by dragons and the possibility exists that Any path that skirts the boundaries of the Fey Vvaraak taught both orc and lizardfolk. You three instrument proficiencies provided might start off in deep water, hunted by angry by the bard class for a single tool or kit victims or struggling to maintain a long con. With this notion, the DM is the absolutetravels you can always be searching for ways to arbiter of any divine effect, and your faith inpursue your goal and move closer to fulfilling the DM must be similar to your faith in theyour purpose but, unless the other characters connection between your character and deity.have signed up for a crusade, youll need to Even if chosen, this path isnt something thatconvince them that your cause is worth fighting should create an expectation of power at givenat any given juncture. Such shiftersranger. A maskweaver guidesThe Wardens of the Wood their tribe and serves as an intermediary for the spirits as part ambassador, part medium. The Spells Known column of the Bone KnightSpellcasting table shows when you learn morecleric spells of 1st level or higher. 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