- This site also offers the Recovery Version (New Testament only) but has outlines and is . THROUGH HIS FELLOWSHIP, ENTREATED TO RESPOND AND ENCOURAGED 03. GOD'S NEW TESTAMENT ECONOMY BEING LIKE A GREAT WHEEL, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MINISTERING TO THE HOUSE, HOW TO MINISTER TO THE HOUSE AND HOW TO MINISTER TO THE LORD, THE MINISTRY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT BEING UNIQUELY ONE UNIVERSALLY, ALL THE WORKS (THE MINISTRIES) OF THE TEACHINGS OTHER THAN THE TEACHINGS, THE COMPLICATED SITUATION SURROUNDING THE MINISTRY, THE INITIAL STEP FOR THE BELIEVERS TO MINISTER AS THE NEW TESTAMENT PRIESTS OF THE GOSPEL, HAVING SMALL GROUP MEETINGS THAT ARE FULL OF MUTUALITY, THE SIGNIFICANCE OF PROPHESYING IN THE BIBLE, PERFECTING THE SAINTS UNTIL THEY ALL CAN DO THE WORK OF THE NEW TESTAMENT MINISTRY, THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MINISTRY OF THE PRIESTS OF THE GOSPEL, THE MOVE OF GOD IN MAN BEING UNPRECEDENTED IN HISTORY, ALL THE DIVINE TRINITY PARTICIPATING IN THE INCARNATION, GOD HAVING PARTICIPATED IN THE CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST, GOD'S WORKING DURING CHRIST'S CRUCIFIXION, TO WALK BY THE SPIRIT AND ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT IS TO BE, GOD'S MOVE WITHIN US IN THE OFFICES AND MINISTRIES OF CHRIST IN ALL OF HIS STATUSES, THE NEW JERUSALEM BEING THE CITY WITH FOUNDATIONS, WHOSE ARCHITECT AND BUILDER IS GOD AND FOR WHICH, THE NEW JERUSALEM, THE CITY OF GOD, DESCENDING OUT OF HEAVEN FROM GOD AND APPEARING IN THE MILLENNIUM, THE NEW JERUSALEM IN THE NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH, PAYING ATTENTION TO THINGS ORGANIC AND INTRINSIC, SPEAKING, LIVING, AND TEACHING THE MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF CHRIST, THE BODY OF CHRIST AS THE AXIS OF GOD'S ECONOMY BEING THE ORGANISM OF THE TRIUNE GOD, THE BODY OF CHRIST BEING THE CONSUMMATION OF THE WORK OF THE CROSS, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING A MEMBER AND BEING A CHRISTIAN, APOSTLES, PROPHETS, EVANGELISTS, SHEPHERDS AND TEACHERS, THE REVELATION PAUL RECEIVED AT THE TIME OF HIS CONVERSION, THE LOCAL CHURCH BEING THE MANIFESTATION OF THE BODY OF CHRIST ON EARTH, MAN'S WILL BEING UNABLE TO OVERCOME THE LAW OF SIN, THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE FREEING US FROM THE LAW OF SIN, BEING SUBJECT TO THE DISCIPLINE OF THE FATHER OF SPIRITS, THE FUNCTIONING OF THE BODY MANIFESTED THROUGH THE MEETING, THE KINGDOM OF PRIESTS BECOMING THE HOUSE OF PRIESTS, THE CHARACTERISTIC OF THE PRIESTHOOD BEING A MEDIATORIAL CLASS, THE CONFIRMATION OF THE CHURCH AND OTHER FACTORS, THOSE WHO ARE QUALIFIED TO KNOW GOD'S WILL, NEW TESTAMENT EXAMPLES OF DEALING WITH THE PAST, HOW TO PRESERVE THE LOCAL CHARACTER OF THE CHURCHES, NATURAL RELIGION VERSUS REVELATIONAL RELIGION, THE ONLY BOOK THAT MEETS ALL FOUR CONDITIONS, NO RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELIGIOUS FOUNDERS AND THEIR CREEDS, A CHANGE OF BEHAVIOR FOLLOWS A CHANGE OF LIFE, SAVED ACCORDING TO THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD, TO KNOW THE BIBLE REQUIRING THE EXERCISE OF THE SPIRIT AND THE TRAINING IN THE MIND, THE BIBLE BEING THE EMBODIMENT OF GOD THE SPIRIT, THE AUTHORS OF THE BIBLE AND THE PLACES IN WHICH IT WAS WRITTEN, THE RECOGNITION OF THE AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE, THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE AND THEIR SEQUENCE, NO LITERAL AND SPIRITUAL INTERPRETATION WITHIN THE SAME SENTENCE, VERSE, OR SECTION, NEITHER BEING CONFINED BY THE BACKGROUND NOR IGNORING THE BACKGROUND, TAKING CARE OF THE DIFFERENCE IN THE PERSONS BEING ADDRESSED, THE UNIQUE RELATIONSHIP, FELLOWSHIP, AND BLENDING OF ALL THE LOCAL CHURCHES, THE PRACTICES OF THE LORD AND THE APOSTLE, ALL THE LOCAL CHURCHES ON THE ENTIRE GLOBE SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY ONE, IN THIS ONE SPIRIT THE BELIEVERS BEING BAPTIZED INTO ONE BODY, ALL THE EXPERIENCES OF CHRIST BEING IN THE SPIRIT, NOT BEING THE NATURAL MAN BUT THE MAN RECONSTITUTED WITH CHRIST, THE LORDS RECOVERY BEING THE RECOVERY OF THE ONENESS OF THE BODY, THERE BEING NO BODY OF CHRIST WHEN WE LIVE BY THE FLESH OR THE NATURAL MAN, THE LORD URGENTLY NEEDING THE EXPRESSION OF THE BODY, THE CONDITION OF THE CHURCH TODAY LACKING THE REALITY OF THE BODY, THE CHURCH BEING THE BODY, AND THE BODY BEING THE FULLNESS, CHRIST BEING THE HEAD AND CHRIST BEING THE BODY, THE BODY NEEDING TO GROW UNTIL IT ARRIVES AT THE PROPER MEASURE OF ITS STATURE, THE WORDS OF THE OPPOSERS BEING MERELY SLANDER, BEING DELIVERED FROM RELIGIOUS RITUALS, PAYING ATTENTION ONLY TO THE ONENESS OF THE FAITH, THE BODY BEING A MATTER OF LIFE AND THE NEW MAN BEING A MATTER OF PERSON, IN THE NEW MAN THERE BEING ONLY ONE MOUTH, THERE BEING NO FREEDOM TO SPEAK OUR OWN THINGS IN THE NEW MAN, THE BODY BEING FOR MOVING AND THE NEW MAN BEING FOR LIVING, PERFECTING THE SAINTS TO EXERCISE THEIR OWN FUNCTION, TAKING CARE OF THE UNIVERSAL NEW MAN IN OUR DAILY WALK, NOT BEING LITTLE CHILDREN CARRIED ABOUT BY WINDS OF TEACHING, ALL THE CHURCHES ON EARTH AS ONE NEW MAN BEING POSSIBLE ACCORDING TO THE LORDS WORD, HENCEFORTH THE LORD DEFINITELY MAKING ALL THE CHURCHES ON THE EARTH INTO ONE NEW MAN, WITH ONE HEART AND ONE MOUTH SPEAKING THE SAME THING, THE APPEARING OF THE NEW MAN BEING ENTIRELY A MATTER OF SPIRITUAL LIFE, THE LORDS ECONOMY BEING NOT EVOLUTION BUT TRANSFORMATION, PUTTING OFF THE OLD MAN AND PUTTING ON THE NEW MAN, THE BOOK OF REVELATION BEING CLOSED TO CHRISTIANITY BUT OPENED TO THE CHURCHES, GODS SOVEREIGNTY FOR THE PERFECTION OF THE NEW MAN, CHRIST AS THE LIFE AND PERSON OF THE NEW MAN, PUTTING ON THE NEW MAN BY BEING RENEWED IN THE SPIRIT OF OUR MIND, THE FISHING MINISTRY, THE BUILDING MINISTRY, AND THE MENDING MINISTRY, THE RENEWING OF THE MIND IN OUR DAILY LIFE FOR THE ONE NEW MAN, PRACTICING THE ONENESS TO BRING IN GODS BLESSING, ONENESS NULLIFYING THE NATURAL MAN, THE WORLD, SATAN, AND THE SELF, NO NEED TO DEMAND, BUT TO WORK IN AN ORGANIC WAY, THE SERVICE OF THE BODY BEING THE SERVICE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PRIESTS, THE THREE STEPS OF OFFERING BY THE PRIESTS OF THE GOSPEL IN THE CHURCH SERVICE, THE NEED TO DEAL WITH OUR OPINIONS AND OLDNESS, THE COMPLETE SALVATION OF GOD HAVING TWO ASPECTSTHE JUDICIAL ASPECT AND THE ORGANIC ASPECT, THE FIVE ITEMS OF THE JUDICIAL REDEMPTION AND THE EIGHT ITEMS OF THE ORGANIC SALVATION OF GODS COMPLETE SALVATION, REGENERATION AND SHEPHERDINGTHE PROPAGATION AND NOURISHMENT OF THE DIVINE LIFE, IN GOD'S IMAGE AND ACCORDING TO HIS LIKENESS, THE CREATION OF MAN IN GOD'S IMAGE AND ACCORDING TO GOD'S LIKENESS, THAT HE MAY BE ONE WITH THE BELIEVING PEOPLE, HAVING BEEN REGENERATED BY THE SPIRIT WITH THE LIFE OF GOD, GROWING TO BE THE FIRSTFRUITS AS THE OVERCOMERS AND, GROWING UNTO SALVATION BY DRINKING THE MILK OF THE WORD, GROWING UP INTO THE HEAD, CHRIST, IN ALL THINGS, THE BODY OF CHRIST, AS THE CHURCH OF GOD, BEING AN ORGANISM LIKE THE HUMAN BODY, THE FULFILLMENT OF THE ETERNAL ECONOMY OF GOD, THE TREE OF LIFE BEING THE CENTER OF THE BIBLE, THE NEW JERUSALEM BEING THE CONCLUSION OF THE BIBLE, THE NEW JERUSALEM BEING THE CONSUMMATION OF ALL THE WORKS OF GOD'S NEW CREATION, THE SPIRIT AS THE REALITY OF ALL POSITIVE THINGS, TO OVERCOME THE LEAVING OF THE FIRST LOVE, TO MAINTAIN THE EATING OF CHRIST AS THE TREE OF LIFE, TO OVERCOME PERSECUTION, COMPRISING TRIBULATION, POVERTY, TRIAL, IMPRISONMENT, AND THE SLANDER OF THE DEFORMED RELIGION OF SATAN, TO OVERCOME THE LUKEWARMNESS IN THE LORDS TESTIMONY, THE THREE PARTS OF THE SPIRIT CONSCIENCE, FELLOWSHIP, AND INTUITION, THE FACULTIES OF THE SOUL RENEWED AND IMPROVED, NOT BEING INFLUENCED BY THINGS THAT ARE GOOD OR RIGHT, HAVING A HEART THAT LOVES THE SOULS OF SINNERS, CHRISTS DEATH SOLVING MANS PROBLEMS, CHRIST WITH HIS DEATH AND RESURRECTION BEING COMPLETE SALVATION, HUMAN OPINION FRUSTRATING THE LORDS REVELATION, PUTTING ASIDE OUR OPINIONS IN ORDER TO KNOW CHRIST, THE MYSTERY OF GOD BEING HIDDEN IN THE GOD WHO CREATED ALL THINGS, ALL THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD DWELLING IN CHRIST BODILY, PUTTING ASIDE THE CONCEPT OF RELIGION AFTER SALVATION, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REVELATION AND RELIGION, NEEDING THE AUTHORITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ADDITION TO THE PROPER GROUND, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS CONCERNING THE CHURCH, FOUR ASPECTS OF THE PRACTICALITY OF THE CHURCH, HOLDING THE GROUND AND MINISTERING CHRIST, INSISTING ON NOTHING BUT CHRIST AND THE CHURCH, THE GROUND NOT DEPENDENT ON THE CONDITION, HELPING PEOPLE IN A PRACTICAL WAY TO BE REGENERATED, HELPING PEOPLE TO HAVE A CLEARANCE OF THEIR PAST, HELPING THEM TO FOLLOW THE INNER CONSCIOUSNESS AND WALK IN THE SPIRIT, ENTERING BY THE GATE OF CONSECRATION AND WALKING ON THE WAY OF CONSECRATION, ADVANCING STEP BY STEP IN OUR CONSECRATION, THE FELLOWSHIP OF LIFE BEING THE FLOW OF LIFE WITHIN US, BEING IN THE LIGHT AND BEING CLEANSED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS, THE FLOW OF LIFE SOLVING ALL OUR PROBLEMS, THE INNER SENSE BEING THE REGULATING OF THE LAW OF LIFE, THE ABOVE CRUCIAL MATTERS BEING THE MARK OF GODS ECONOMY, THE INNER LAW BEING FOR REGULATION, AND THE ANOINTING BEING FOR GUIDANCE, GODS ECONOMY IN HIS DIVINE TRINITY BEING TO WORK HIMSELF INTO US AS LIFE, THE LAW BEING GOD HIMSELF LIVING AND WORKING WITHIN US, THE INSCRIBING OF THE INNER LAW BEING TRANSFORMATION INTO THE IMAGE OF GOD, THE ANOINTING BEING GOD HIMSELF MOVING AND WORKING WITHIN US, THE ANOINTING TEACHING US CONCERNING ALL THINGS, GOD TEACHING US NOT BY A CLEAR WORD, BUT BY ANOINTING, THE PURPOSE OF THE ANOINTING BEING NOT OBEYING BUT ABIDING, THE MAIN PART RELATED TO THE INNER LIFE BEING THE HEART, OUR SOUL WITH THE MIND NEEDING TO BE SAVED, THE BATTLE BETWEEN SATAN AND GOD BEING IN OUR MIND, PRAYING OVER WHAT WE UNDERSTAND IN THE WORD, TAKING THE COMMANDMENTS IN THE WORD AS THE LORD HIMSELF, HAVING A TIME OF READING AND PRAYING IN THE MORNING, CARING THE MOST FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE SPIRIT, LIFE AND THE FRUSTRATIONS TO LIFE IN THE PARABLES IN MATTHEW 13, A GREAT STRUGGLE RELATED TO LIFE AND GROWTH, CHRIST AS THE TREASURE HIDDEN WITHIN THE EARTHEN VESSEL, THE FIRST WAY TO GROW BEING TO LOVE THE LORD, SEASONED BY THE KILLING ELEMENT OF THE CROSS, LEARNING THE LESSON OF SPEECH FOR THE PROPER CHURCH LIFE, BEING FOR NOTHING BUT CHRIST AND THE CHURCH, THE NEED OF THE BLENDING FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE CORPORATE LIVING BY THE PERFECTED GOD-MEN, A CORPORATE LIVING OF THE CONFORMITY TO THE DEATH OF CHRIST THROUGH THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST, A MUTUAL LIVING WITH CHRIST WHO LIVES IN US, PASSING THROUGH HUMAN LIVING FOR THIRTY-THREE AND A HALF YEARS, THE INTRINSIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST, HAVING THE CAPACITY, THE OBLIGATION, AND THE EARNEST DESIRE TO PROPHESY, OUR OBSTACLE IN COOPERATING TO SPEAK WITH THE SPIRIT, TO DISCERN THE PRESENT PROBLEMS RAISED BY THE DISSENTING ONES, GOD CREATING THE OLD CREATION BY HIS SPEAKING, MOSES DESIRING ALL OF GOD'S PEOPLE TO BE PROPHETS FOR PROPHESYING, TO PROPHESY IN FUNCTION BEING HIGHER THAN TO BE A KING, BECOMING USEFUL BY BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE, THE PRESENT CONDITION OF THE UNITED STATES, TO BRING THE GOD-ORDAINED WAY ON ITS TRACK, THE BIBLICAL WAY TO GAIN PEOPLE FOR CHRIST, OVERCOMING BY BEGETTING, NOURISHING, PERFECTING, AND PROPHESYING, KNOWING GOD'S CALLING AND HIS INHERITANCE, THE IMPORTANCE OF FORGIVING OTHERS OFFENSES, PRAYING WITH LIVING FAITH TO COMMAND THE LORD, PREACHING BRINGING A REVIVAL TO THE CHURCH, OUR PREACHING REQUIRING PATIENCE AND ENDURANCE. NOT THROUGH REBUKE OR CONDEMNATION WITH ANY KIND OF NEGATIVE SPIRIT, MINISTERING LIFE TO OTHERS OUTSIDE OF THE REALM OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. Save the Date! In this note I will address only the first support. The book exists as a standalone book, and it is part of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. In his books on central messages, Watchman Nee covered the reality of the church. My wife also enjoys listening to the audio tapes of the Life-study messages while taking care of household chores. JOB, LIKE HIS FRIENDS, BEING HALTED IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF RIGHT AND WRONG, ELIPHAZ'S LOGIC CONCERNING THE RECOMPENSE OF GOOD AND EVIL, THE SPIRIT BEING THE AGGREGATE OF THE DIVINE BLESSING, THE THREE OF THE DIVINE TRINITY BEING DIFFERENT BUT NOT SEPARATE, THE STEPS OF THE PROCESS OF THE TRIUNE GOD, THE CONSUMMATION OF THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD BEING THE SPIRIT, JOB'S KNOWLEDGE CONCERNING GOD IN HIS DEALINGS WITH ALL KINDS OF MEN, THE TRIUNE GOD BEING WROUGHT INTO US IN HIS CONSUMMATED STATE, THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN BE A CHRISTIAN THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD, HOLDING FAST INSISTENTLY TO HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND INTEGRITY, GOD'S CORPORATE MOVE REVEALED IN ACTS THROUGH REVELATION, JOB'S EXPOSING OF HIMSELF THROUGH HIS EIGHT TIMES OF SPEAKING, CHRISTIANS BEING MYSTERIOUS BECAUSE THEY MOVE IN GOD'S MOVE. Tonight's meeting at 5 .. Registration for the live training is due on or before Lord's Day, April 30, 2023. Commenting on these verses in the Life-study of Ephesians, Witness Lee explains: To redeem the time is to seize every available opportunity. JEHOVAH DELIVERING SAUL INTO THE HAND OF DAVID, DAVID BEING SOVEREIGNLY KEPT AWAY BY GOD FROM JOINING THE PHILISTINES' CAMP, DAVID CONQUERING THE AMALEKITES AND CAPTURING THEIR CAPTIVES, OUR NEED FOR GOD TO BUILD UP CHRIST INTO OUR INTRINSIC CONSTITUTION, BUILDING THE CHURCH WITH THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD, DEIFICATIONBECOMING GOD IN LIFE AND IN NATURE BUT NOT IN THE GODHEAD, OUR NEED FOR GOD TO WORK HIMSELF IN CHRIST INTO US AS OUR LIFE, NATURE, AND CONSTITUTION, THE CHURCH BUILT NOT BY OUTWARD ORGANIZATION BUT THROUGH INWARD TRANSFORMATION, GOD'S DYNAMIC SALVATION BEING THE TRIUNE GOD HIMSELF PROCESSED. Please pray for this year's Sixth Grade Conference, which will be held from April 2830, 2023, at the church in Athens Meeting Hall. Bookmark, annotate, and view referenced Scripture reading to assist study of the ministry of these servants of the Lord. AS EVERY MAN HAS RECEIVED A GIFT, EVEN SO MINISTER THE SAME TO ONE ANOTHER, THE SERVICE IN THE CHURCH BEING THE FUNCTION OF THE MEMBERS WITH GRACE, THE INCENSE SHOULD BE BURNED BEFORE THE LORD WITH THE FIRE, STRANGE FIRE IN THE PRIESTLY SERVICE CAUSES DEATH BEFORE GOD, THE OFFERING OF THE STRANGE FIRE MIGHT HAVE BEEN RELATED, OUR HEART BEING DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS AND BEING INCURABLE, PEOPLE OF THE FLESH PERSECUTING THOSE OF THE SPIRIT, THE FLESH HAVING NO SHARE IN THE HOLY ANOINTING OIL, THE FLESH FIGHTING AGAINST GOD'S PEOPLE IN THEIR JOURNEY TO ATTAIN TO GOD'S GOAL, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SELF AND THE FLESH, THE SELF BEING THE HIDDEN, DAMAGING FACTOR OF OUR SERVICE IN THE CHURCH. 1:4), every day is an evil day, full of pernicious things which destroy, injure, and spoil our time. to help the saints get into a habit of reading the Life-study messages. Anyone who reads this book should keep in mind the above remarks. . Living Stream Ministry is pleased to make the electronic versions of these seven books freely available. The Life-study messages are available for free on In, From the back cover: ranks # 24,668 in USA. All of the available material by Watchman Nee have been published in The Collected Works of Watchman Nee. which is Brother Nee's general comments on the matter: "In every age there is the ministry of that age," and later in the same place, "Luther was a minister of his age. Phone: 1-800-549-5164 We need to read the Life-study messages in order to receive a revelation concerning Christ and to receive the life supply so that we may experience Christ in our daily life. Please see our announcement regarding the details of the conference. For more information, please see our announcement for more details. Life's Quenchingthe Need of the Thirsty. Ephesians 5:15-16 says, Look therefore carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Since the days are evil, we need to consider carefully how we can redeem the time in our daily walk. THE NEED OF ALL THE CHURCHES TO BE IDENTICAL IN ESSENCE, THE NEW JERUSALEM BEING A GREAT SIGN OF THE TOTALITY, GENESISGODS DESIRE BEING FOR MAN TO EAT THE TREE OF LIFE, DEUTERONOMYGODS DESIRE BEING FOR MAN TO EAT THE PRODUCE OF CANAAN, THE LORD BECOMING SMALL ENOUGH TO ENTER INTO US, NOT MERELY ASKING THE LORD TO DO THINGS FOR US, BUT EATING THE LORD, THE BREAKING OF BREAD MEETING BEING THE LORDS FEAST, A COMPARISON BETWEEN MANNA AND THE PRODUCE OF CANAAN, ACCEPTING THE DEALINGS IN OUR LIFE TO HAVE A RICH HARVEST, THREE LAYERS IN THE DIVINE REVELATION OF THE BIBLE, NOT A MATTER OF RIGHT OR WRONG, BUT A MATTER OF GOD'S ECONOMY AND DISPENSING, THE BELIEVERS' RECEIVING AND ENJOYING OF CHRIST, THE BELIEVERS' LIVING BEING TO LIVE CHRIST AND TO MAGNIFY CHRIST, THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST, THE WAY TO RECEIVE AND TO ENJOY THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY, THROUGH INCARNATION CHRIST AS THE WORD OF GOD COMING TO BE A MAN WITH GOD, IN REGENERATION CHRIST DISPENSING HIMSELF AS THE SPIRIT OF THE DIVINE LIFE, THE ALL-INCLUSIVE CHRIST AS THE BELIEVERS' PORTION, CHRIST BECOMING THE PASSOVER LAMB AND THE UNLEAVENED BREAD OF THE FEAST, CHRIST BEING THE HEAD TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE BODY AND, THE DISPENSING OF GOD AS THE SUPPLY TO THE BELIEVERS, THE WAY TO SUPPLY AND APPLY THIS LIFE-DISPENSING OF CHRIST IN, THE DIVINE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY IN PRODUCING THE MATERIALS, THE DIVINE DISPENSING IN THE APOSTLE'S STEWARDSHIP OF GRACE, THE DIVINE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY IN CHRIST'S MAKING, THE BELIEVERS' LIVING FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE ORGANIC BODY OF CHRIST, FROM ADAM, THE FALLEN ONE, TO NOAH, THE ONE WHO WORKED TOGETHER WITH GOD, THIS GOD-MAN LIVING A HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH, THE ASCENDED GOD-MAN AS THE HEAD IN HIS ASCENSION, THE PERFECTED SAINTS DIRECTLY BUILDING UP THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTISTTELLING PEOPLE TO REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS WHICH WAS DRAWING NEAR, ENTERING INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD, NOT THROUGH TEACHING BUT THROUGH REGENERATION, THE SON BEING IN THE FATHER AND THE FATHER BEING IN THE SON, THOSE WHO BELIEVE INTO THE SON DOING GREATER WORKSDISPENSING CHRIST THROUGH SPEAKING, THE FATHER SENDING THE SPIRIT IN THE NAME OF THE SON, AND THE SPIRIT COMING WITH THE FATHER AND THE SON, CHRIST AS THE ELEMENT OF THE CORPORATE BREAD, ALL THAT THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE SPIRIT HAVE BEING TRANSMITTED TO US BY THE SPIRIT, OUR SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES NEEDING TO BE IN THE DISPENSING OF THE TRIUNE GOD, THE LEARNING AND EXERCISE NEEDED BY THOSE WHO WORK FOR THE LORD, FELLOWSHIP CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLE OF HAVING A JOB, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE DEACONS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE OTHER BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE WORKERS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE CHURCH AND THE DENOMINATIONS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE BROTHERS AND THE SISTERS, THE NEED OF A BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLICAL TRUTHS, THE NEED OF FURTHER DISCOVERIES AND FURTHER VISIONS, LOCAL ADMINISTRATION YET ONE BODY BEARING ONE TESTIMONY, REGARDING THE ONE BODYTAKING CARE OF THE LORDS TESTIMONY, ONE MOVE THROUGH ONE MINISTRY TO PRODUCE ONE BODY TO BEAR ONE TESTIMONY, ONE MOVE THROUGH ONE MINISTRY TO PRODUCE AND BUILD ONE BODY FOR ONE TESTIMONY, NOT STIRRING UP THE CONCERN OF THE SAINTS, WORKING AND CARING FOR THE LORDS RECOVERY, REMOVING SOMEONE FROM THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE CHURCH, AVOIDING USING THE WORD EXCOMMUNICATION, HAVING NO THOUGHT OF SECURING OUR POSITION, PRACTICING TO BEAR GODS TESTIMONY AS THE RETURNED REMNANT, PREACHING THE GOSPEL, TEACHING THE TRUTH, AND MINISTERING LIFE, THE NEED OF MEETING HALLS AND PERIODIC CONFERENCES, BAPTIZING PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THEIR BELIEVING IN THE LORD, BRINGING THE CHURCH INTO THE PRACTICE OF THE BIBLICAL WAY, GOD'S ADMINISTRATION IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, THE BURDEN TO STAY IN ONE PLACE TO DIRECTLY HELP BUILD UP A LOCAL CHURCH, THE ORGANIC MOVE OF THE LORD IN THE GOSPELS AND THE ACTS, THE EXPERIENCE OF READING THE BREASTPLATE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, THE ORGANIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CHURCHES AND THE WORK, THE NEW WAY TO BUILD UP THE BODY OF CHRIST, CONDEMNING OUR HABIT TO NOT TAKE THE NEW WAY FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE GROWTH IN LIFE ISSUING IN THE PRECIOUS MATERIALS FOR GOD'S BUILDING, THE NEED TO VISIT PEOPLE IN THEIR HOMES WITH THE GOSPEL, TAKING THE SCRIPTURAL WAY FOR THE ORGANIC BUILDING UP, NOT DOING A ROUTINE WORK BUT ENDEAVORING AND LABORING, DROPPING OUR OLD CONCEPTS AND PICKING UP THE NEW VIEW, PRACTICING THE LORD'S PRESENT RECOVERY ACCORDING TO OUR SITUATION, THE NEW TESTAMENT WAY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE, PREACHING THE GOSPEL AS PRIESTS OF THE GOSPEL OF GOD, BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT AND THE WORD TO BE ECSTATIC, PRACTICAL POINTS CONCERNING THE WAY TO GO ON, THE PRESENT TURMOIL IN THE LORD'S RECOVERY, GOD'S PROMISE TO CRUSH SATAN UNDER THE FEET OF THE LOCAL CHURCHES, THE ONENESS PARTLY OF THE FAITH AND PARTLY, THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE ONENESS OF THE CHURCH AS THE UNIQUE BODY OF CHRIST, THE BASE OF THE PRACTICE OF THE PROPER ONE ACCORD IN THE CHURCH, SPIRITUALITY OR SCRIPTURAL TEACHING NOT TO BE USED AS A CLOAK FOR DIVISION. , April 30, 2023 redeem the time in our daily walk every day is an day! 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