Assuming that the A white-haired, dark-skinned woman sits crumpled against drow are aware of a threat, they ready themselves for battle the north wall, sobbing quietly. chamber curves in an octagonal shape. It goes to great lengths to reach dying characters corridor bends away. The roper is accustomed to sharing its home with the drow, small cavern. difficult. It has been partially consumedpresumably by the ghoullike creature that crouches over it. If the sentries here are slain, remove two have climbing ACs listed with their statistics in Appendix 2.sentries from the barracks in S11 and place them here. The door here was obviously once plastered shut, but the Any attempt to break the door down also triggers the trap. If their rope of climbing goes missing, the drow replace it The spider (see below) quickly moves to attack any creaturewith a mundane knotted rope, which they leave tied to the ring. hunting and scavenging, and one-third are moving about this cavern engaged in various tasks. Usually, two guards are meditating while the other ground level. I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. The main thing to keep an eye out for is a difference in the relative power levels of monsters. If the check is successful, the spell works properly. On the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics. Walls in natural cavern areas (S12, S28, S30S32) are un- A character searching through the filth for treasure risks worked stone.contracting blinding sickness. Anyone opening the door with- here too. Before you, the trail winds past a low, rounded hill dotted The crest is ancient and obscure, as well as hard to read. D Arachnoid Giant Octopus (2): hp 59, 55; see page 136.It passes right in front of S17, so characters carrying lights or Tactics: The octopuses are mindless, but their instinct is toadvertising their presence in some other manner may walk draw potential prey into the water. thick, hardness 10; hp 60; AC 5; breakimmediately into S5. unless they threaten his life by releasing the nycaloth. A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. Observant characters might notice that the rothlike the drow Tactics: If the heroes are spotted or cause trouble, 1d4 and the bugbearsactually avoid the lake, drinking instead fromcommon drow warriors from this area converge on the party the stream and staying at least 10 feet away from the lake itself.each round until thirteen of them have engaged the characters. remain on the corpses. HumanA character willing to step on the grave ledges can climb these refuse is strewn around the room as if this place had servedwalls as easily as climbing a ladder (no Climb check required). Near one wall stands a massive stone block draped with black silk and adorned S42. (like the two who accompanied Tierak Morcane to her hide- away in the Dordrien Crypts). 20 Maerimydra 70 Szith Morcane Sentries 133Szith Morcane Description 21 Sidebar: How can the Sidebar: Vampires 134Barracks Level 24 Hidden Help? Randal Morn, the A successful check (DC 20) with any of the specific Knowl-Harpers, or Lord Mourngrym Amcathra of Shadowdale would edge skills mentioned above unearths a connection betweenall be rightly concerned to learn of such a major development in Maerimydra and the drow who ruled Shadowdale up until fourthe Underdark as the fall of a drow city. Attunement in 5e means this isn't too much of a big deal, but I just roll on the hoard tables where it makes sense and give all other encounters a small chance of having consumables. If the charac-ters are completely silent, they find the two demons crawling D Bebiliths (2): hp 104, 89; see Monster their webs on the walls of the room.Bebilith Nest 16Part 1 D11. gaunt drow woman draped casually across it. If the drow character makes a plausible Before the arrival of the refugees from Maerimydra, thesereply and succeeds at a Bluff check, the roper lets the party pass. What I found was it was not that big of a deal. Each herself, starting with true seeing, then divine power. I thank you for coming so quickly,structed to learn whether the priestesses of Lolth in Szith he begins. However, a character Treasure: Tooman Thendrik, the cults leader, keeps a smallexamining this bar (Search DC 18) might notice that it is not amount of the cults treasure here. No corpse is necessary47, 34; see Monster Manual. It remains what it has always been, a small, insularManual. Unaware Tactics: The sounds of battle in this room areenough to alert the officers in S7 that intruders have entered These fine quarters belong to the two officers of Szith Mor-the level. Several beasts re- cavern floor beyond. Failure means the character falls, as described above. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55;In outright rebellion against the dominance of female clerics see page drow society, the archmage of Szith Morcane asserts hisown power and authority as much as possible here in his inner Treasure: The four books that lie beside the archmagessanctum. The doors in Creatures (EL 10): Two guards are posted in S25 at all the halls, as well as the doors leading into the halls, are se-times. She snarls like a wild animal while fight-ing, revealing her sharp fangs and conveying an impression of Work great slaughter for our Ladys dark glory, my daugh-being less coldly calculating and strategic than she actually is. A success- A lingering stench of death remains here. Undying Temple are destroyed, she simply gathers the valiant Kurgoth Hellspawn attacks Maerimydra. They quickly ac- problem-solvers. which I think you would not enjoy very much. Apply the revenant templateimydra, not earlier in the trek. All that is necessary is for someone to step over, mar, or lay any object across the If the characters leave quickly after entering the appar- containing diagram.ently vacant room, Susztam ignores the disturbance and letsthem go. The graves here are protection +2. There is a small side cavern to the north. Both wear their rangers once captured him during a raid on the surface.voluminous black cloaks over their dark-colored elven chain and He escaped, of course, and has since killed every relative of thedisplay Kiaransalees holy symbol (a feminine drow hand with a men who captured him. acquire expensive magic items.D+85 The drow launch a fourth raid if Szith Morcane has not been attacked yet. A flying character within 10 22Illustration by Sam Wood Part 1 feet of the entrance must make a Spot check (DC 15) to notice Chasm the cleft in the rock face. Their ex- manthor sent to Szith Morcane to learn what they can aboutplorations lead them through some ancient crypts in the the rumored destruction of Maerimydra. twenty 1st-level commoners (farmers and herders), and fif-A stream brings fresh, clear water to the community as well. Dorina naturally does not divulge any information about Two NPCs likely to be brought back this way are Dorinatroublesome surface meddlers to her mother, and she goes to Tsarran or Zedarr Tsarran. Creatures: If the maurezhi has killed a character andretreated to its lair to consume the corpse, it has left a Female Drow Cleric: +1 elven chainmail, +1 large steeldozen animated skeletons in this room, both to slow down shield, masterwork dagger, +1 cloak of resistance.pursuers and to give him early warning of their impend-ing arrival. Resting and Re-equippingD+6 Irae Tsarran casts miracle to summon Kiaransalees Undying Temple to Castle Maerimydra. affected by two spells with last- They embody both the new ing effects: forbiddance and un- power in charge of the drow out- hallow. If some of cavern, the guards here are ready to fight, but the fleeingthem have already been killed when the team is formed, sub- sentry has continued down the web to S9 to alert the rest ofstitute vampire noble guards from S39 or arcane guards from the guards.S26. C. OVERSEERS QUARTERS The grate was intended to prevent the slaves from using this passage as an escape route into the Underdark, so it was built toAll of Szith Morcanes drow have some responsibility for resist even stone giant strength. How else can we introduce Lolth besides the baddest, evilest, craziest bitch of them all. If her height off the ground. If either item is removed, unremarkable except for the a magic mouth spell on the corpse yellow mold that infests many causes it to say, in Thorass: Whom- of them. These drow are more interested in self- D Huge Monstrous Spiders (2): hp 56, 51; see Monsterpreservation than in glory. The adventure starts off as adventurers respond to the summons of Randal Morn, who asks them to investigate recent drow raids on Daggerdale. Drow forms are visible in the bare room isnt sharing a space with a character. When any creature passes through, a mental alarm more information.alerts Solom Nedrazak. Text that appears in shaded boxes is player information,which you may read aloud or paraphrase as appropriate. Five days ago, they terialize and attack, taunting their foes with the words, Thought to fled the outpost and made for the surface, hoping to find their rob the dead, did you? Initially, insur-appear in this book, but their complete statistics are given in rection, unrest, and the unbridled ambition of the citys archmage,Appendix 2. The barbarians use their tracking skills to find ier than air, it does not rise into the cavern above.and follow likely targets. The chest contains a few Tactics: If the players attack the nycaloth, it invokes itssets of clothing (all the same gray and black shades, except for deeper darkness power and looks for an opportunity toa bright red shirt he saves for special occasions) and, buried grapple a weak character. INVERTED TOWER ENTRANCE (EL 7)fire through the slave cavern, as goblins from all over the mush-room fields come running to see whats going on. They take 1d4the preferred method of moving about within the Tower is to rounds to gather all their gear and join a fight in (or, in a pinch, levitate). The clicking soundssees right through the figment, and touching or probing the they make in battle serve to alert the araneas in D11, which inwall immediately reveals that it is not real. trance to their lair. If you haveported by ghastly undead troops. The caverns ceiling is abouta green mold), sacks of dry, stale crackers, bottles of watered 20 feet, and a large urn of clean water round out the supplies. Allow characters Spot checks to detect the demon only if they are actively looking around. Allow each a Listen check (Listen 28Part 1modifier +4 for the sentries and +7 for the spellguard) to The western half of this level is home to Szith Morcanesnotice sounds in the Commoners level as well. She could totally be an extension of Lolth, especially in her spider skin. Creatures: Two aranea rangers, devout worshipers of Lolth, Creatures: Four drowthe sole surviving priestess of Lolthguard this area. It is hard to tell whether she is alive or dead. If they had no spells, then that would include in 5e when converted (no cantrips). He maintains a secret shrine in SzithD Dordrien Crypts Y Yrthak Cavern Morcane. 26Part 1Illustration by Sam Wood D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 46, 33; see page 134. as mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the combats. Nobruzzal: A male drow wizard, student at the Inverted Filzaur: Drow wizard, Inverted Tower student in Szith Tower in Szith Morcane.Morcane. Inside this shrine, the adventurers confront Irae's fiendish and undead servitors and lastly even the priestess herself. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. The forgotten so, you may need to set up your own starting scenario.folk of Dordrien, a town that once nestled in the Dagger Hills,built a series of crypts in some natural limestone caverns When you are ready to start the adventure, read or para-nearby. Their mindless allies Three guards are posted here at all times to keep watch overlurk here in the darkness. Three areas (the hall connecting the staircase with D7, thehall between D7 and D8, and the east wall between D8 and Four closed doors lead out of the chamber.D9) have hewn stone walls, where the builders of the cryptshad to alter the natural cavern walls. A few such individuals carry on a smallbefore coming here, and they are completely loyal to her and bit of trade between Maerimydras outposts and the drowto Kiaransalee. A cursory examina- tude DC 23 negates; Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34. tion reveals that all of them wear symbols of Lolth. The cults drow members visit here only rarely, but certain nonhumanoid members of the cult are here all the time. Notes in Unaware Creatures (EL 11): Five off-duty sentries arethe margins reveal which guards cant be trusted on duty at the meditating in their bunks. as mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the combats. The floors in the crypt level (D7D14) are hewn from the A careful examination of any of these sarcophagi (Search DCnatural cavern floors. A masonry wall formerly thing were feeding not only on the flesh but also on the spirit sealed the end of this tunnel, but it seems to have recently of your friend. any Dexterity bonus to AC and cant use a shield. If shehas no better idea of her target than the person who was scry- Because the nalfeshnee is quite intelligent and the nature ofing on me or the person who killed my daughter, she must the spell (a calling) exposes it to the risk of real death, it doesmake a Scry check (DC 20). ers, and its mouth is a set of spiderlike mandibles capable of de-If the characters clearly intend to root out and destroy every livering deadly poison. If he has time before another attempt, so it is stuck in the circle for 24 hours more.the intruders find their way through the wall, he casts If no one seems to see it, the nycaloth remains invisible,mirage arcana to make the room look dusty and vacant, hoping the characters will free it by disturbing the diagrammuch like S28. He rides a Ice: White dracolich, important ally of Irae Tsarran in nightmare and leads an ethereal patrol in Maerimydra, theCastle Maerimydra. Solom Nedrazak can freely pass through any of the doors secured with arcane lock. If she hears the characters enter, she hides in a shadowy corner at the cliff base (Hide modifier +32). Todd Lockwood[1] 13 D Dorina Tsarran: hp 76; see page 139. The warehouses of the six merchant families nowworth 100 gp each, which that spellguard has been collecting stand mostly vacant, and the bazaar is generally quiet.for use in identify spells. This is obviously an issue. The only other thing you will have to deal with are NPCs. On horseback, its about a 2-hourD+70 scription in this section. Treasure: In addition to the gear she carries on her person, Laralas backpack holds her mundane equipment: caltrops, 10 feet of chain, a crowbar, a grappling hook, 50 feet of silk rope, a full waterskin, a set of masterwork thieves tools, and a small pouch containing 10 gp. At any given time,description of the city by some meansfor example, by cast- there is a 50% chance that the characters are passinging charm person on a drow in Szith Morcane or by exhaus- through a cavern and a 50% chance that they are followingtively researching the city and making a successful a tunnel. In a pinch, low-level drow make aggressiveuse of their darkness ability to slow down dangerous attackers Creatures: Two bizarre creatures dwell in the waters of theand buy themselves a chance to escape. ladder releases a poisonous mist from hidden jets in the ladder Tactics: Optimally, the troglodytes seek small or weak- itself. WebCity of the Spider Queen, designed by James Wyatt, is an adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms using the Dungeons & Dragons 3 rd -edition ruleset. I'm inclined to say no, but I'm curious as to y'all's thoughts on the matter. sons, and three most loyal bullies. He dreams of one day usurpingof the spellbook on the reading table is snakeskin rather than Solom Nedrazaks position. The other aranea remains in hu- D Szith Morcane Spellguard: hp 19 (43 temporary); seemanoid form, first drawing the characters into the cave with page 133.its damsel in distress act, then using spells and weapons to Tactics: When the drow become aware of the charactersboth battle the PCs and support its companion. characters. INSTRUCTIONAL ROOMnycalotha creature from the infernal plane known as theBarrens of Doom and Despairinto a calling diagram in the The eight walls of this room are covered with slate,center of this room. Be careful of handing out potions though in 5e because they're VERY powerful. the White Banshee History/Relationships: Kiaransalee was once mortal, a pow- Symbol: Female drow hand wearing silver rings erful drow necromancer-queen on another plane. The Lady of the Dead will accept you still, just as she has taken me into her care. The brocade curtain is heavy (25 pounds) but quite valuable(worth 1,000 gp on the open market). send their pleas to the Demonweb Pits, but they receive no Encounter Levels: City of the Spider Queen is designed for answer. Well, the DCs are likely to be totally out of your 5e PC's leagues, but you should be able to scale those down, and rebuild the encounters with 5e versions of the monsters. RESTLESS CRYPT CAVERN (EL 0) +1 rapier. D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 42, 30; see page 134. The room itself is larger than the other students quarters but not much more comfortable. Potions though in 5e when converted ( no cantrips ) Temple are destroyed, hides... The ghoullike creature that crouches over it farmers and herders ), and one-third are moving about this cavern in... Obviously once plastered shut, but I 'm curious as to y'all thoughts! The adventure starts off as adventurers respond to the north 13 D Dorina Tsarran: 76. 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