lvl 70 - Asuran Claws - Physical - Six-fold Damage, accuracy varies with TP (Blunt) - This is a new spell, learned from Gnoles. BLU gets 7% with their set trait. But there are also other magic spells that are useful, if youre geared correctly for them. - Fluterinis (Butterfly) (Elemental?) Does more damage than subduction, but costs more MP, doesn't have any status effects like subduction's gravity II effect. I've actually resisted sleep from a player in nyzul isle while charmed by a porrogo mob. Must use Unbridled Knowledge to gain access to this spell. It cost a lot of spell points to set this. Maybe if this WASN'T a unbridled learning spell, it'd be more useful. But youll need help to kill him and Im not sure its a guaranteed drop. lvl 01 - Sandspin Magical Earth Damage and Additonal Effect: Accuracy Down This spell is usable at level 1, it does minor earth damage, but more importantly, it gives accuracy down to enemies in a small area of effect. The trait is +10 evasion, which could help as /NIN, but only if you stack a lot of evasion gear on. Also Sand Bat, level 38, in Cutters Cry. It removes one negative status effect that erase can remove from the whole party. Make sure you stack on a lot of STR when you combine this with Sneak Attack. Don't bother using it unless for fun, or for a Fast Cast trait when combined with Sub-Zero Smash. This is a new trait, it makes spells burst for more damage. lvl 44 - Mandibular Bite - Physical - Physical Damage (Slashing) - A very useful physical spell, it does good damage, costs less MP than Jet Stream, but the damage is on par with it. lvl 16 - Healing Breeze Magical Restores HP in AoE This is our equivalent to Curaga. lvl 80 - Demoralizing Roar - Magical - AoE Attack Down (Water) - The Wivre spell, when used by a wivre, it inflicts a potent attack down that basically strips down a majority of your attack, leaving you hitting the mob for single digits or 0's. Learned from the bee wildkeeper reive or bee in delve. The Thieving Namazu in the Rice and Shine FATE in this zone also drop it. A Thunder Staff always helps. It lasts for 60 seconds, so you can use it before a weapon skill for increased damage. lvl 24 - Soporific Magical AoE Darkness based Sleep Similar to sheep song, this puts all enemies in the AoE to sleep. An unbridled learning spell. lvl 95 - Thunderbolt (Behemoth) - Magical - 138 MP - Behemoth (Beast) - Deals lightning damage to targets in the AoE: additional effect: Stun (lightning) - Unbridled Knowledge only - A magical spell from Behemoths, you would think it would deal massive damage, but it does less than Charged Whisker, and has INT modifiers. I didn't check the range, unfortunately. This allows you to stun enemy TP moves, spells, and keep enemies from attacking so you or your party can get utsusemi shadows back up. You can learn spells while doing instanced content unsynced (using the Unrestricted Party option in the Duty Finder.) However, it can be resisted easier than stun. Useful for getting hit with lots of magic, it lasts 5 minutes, but wears off if you take enough magic damage to break it. It's modified by magic attack bonus and MND. Slap on as much DEF, STR, and VIT as you can, use Cocoon, CA + SA, get behind the mob, and launch your cannonball. Both of these will stack with Moon Flute. You can also get it from the B-rank hunt target Gyorai Quickstrike in this same zone. Deals earth damage with a potency of 130 to all nearby enemies. You'll never resist gravity from a mob you're fighting. Continuum. No knockback effect, just a -100 TP effect to enemies in effect. It also very useful because you can set both this spell and Plasma Charge in order to get a cheap Auto Refresh trait. Its low cost, and still usable at level 75, though it wont take a whole lot of punishment. Effect ends upon reuse. The following spells can be used with Diffusion: Plenilune Embrace, Magic Fruit, and Wild Carrot do not work with Diffusion because they aren't self-targeting spells, they can target party members. Heres a quick overview of the places and ways you can acquire Blue Mage spells (after Water Cannon, which you get automatically when you open the class): Your Blue spellbook mentions that some spells share cooldowns with other spells, but doesnt say which. I initially used this before I started equipping vertical cleave for self-darkness when I got. Reduces targets HP to 1. This increases the magical accuracy of physical spells' additional effect. Anyway, if youll excuse us, weve got some wizarding practice to do. Important Note! Theyre as varied as the enemies that give us our spells. Is this supposed to be stronger than Thunderbolt? Clubs with magic damage give this more usage, but I haven't used it much. Continuum. If it is a spell cast by a mob in the overworld, it is a percentage chance, though yes you do have to see it cast, which can be tricky since some mobs only cast things at low hp. A nice trait, especially for CDC now. lvl 99 - Retinal Glare - Magical - 26 MP - Panopts (Plantoids) - Deals light based damage in a frontal cone AoE with additional effect: flash. It is useful for links or emergencies. This is a list of the elemental BLU spells placed in the correct order. Blue Mage is not a regular DPS class like any of the other jobs in the game, and it is instead a "limited job". Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own. Recovers X HP over time. It is often an ability learned from the Blue Mage class, and allows the user to learn Blue Magic outside of the Blue Mage class. But it doesn't matter, since TP won't affect your magic normally. You set this spell because you want to sleep something. Tests show a 15 foot range. On the short testing I did with it, it did less than regurgitation on the same mob (a Marid, there were no Lesser Colibri to test it on, people were killing them all). Not only does it have a STR 50% modifier, it has a VIT 50% modifier, and a DEFENSE modifier. Increases magic damage taken by all nearby enemies by 30%. The current status of BLU is that you're spending more time doing damage with your weaponskills, and less time casting spells, which is very unfortunate. Gives job trait Magic Defense Bonus on it's own. if your skill and magic accuracy isn't high enough the gravity won't land. You can also unsync this fight, but you may want to do the Extreme version if possible as the drop rate for the spell appears to be better on the Extreme version. Also, this spell is a MUST for when you use Cannonball. I've also added job traits, since we've gotten more traits lately, some more useful than others. You can get a 5% (new moon) to at least ~12.25% increase in attack (Waxing Gibbeous). lvl 83 - Whirl of Rage - Physical - 73MP - Evil Weapons - AoE physical damage with Stun effect: Damage Varies with TP (Slashing) - It does decent damage for an AoE spell, one of the strongest AoE physical spell we have so far. The spell description says, "Accuracy varies with TP." To learn spells, a Blue Mage must watch an enemy perform the spell and then defeat them. Plus, the Job can be extremely useful during Itinerant Moogle sessions for blazing through content with specialized groups and load-outs. It's all situational of course, but there are several which you WILL want to use most of the time. Monster correlation (bird) will affect the amount of TP reduced (an additional -25 TP). Fairly fast recast time compared to sleep spells, but the sleep doesn't last as long as the spell Sleep (though the duration depends on how much TP you have if you use Chain Affinity). Circle Blade > Mandibular Bite > Induration. They are all affected by MND (some are also affected by VIT, Wild Carrot and Magic Fruit in particular), just like cure is. I did it this way!) lvl 38 - Jet Stream - Physical - Three-Fold Attack (Blunt) - This is Bludgeon's big brother, it uses more MP, but it's stronger. lvl 95 - Harden Shell - Magical - 20 MP - Adamantoise (Aquan) - Increases Defense (Earth) - Unbridled Knowledge - Gives a large (+100%) defense buff. INT based modifiers. However, the strength of the spells varies widely, especially when compared to when a mob uses them, and when you cast them as a Blue Mage. You can also get this spell from the last boss of Dusk Vigil if you really want to bother. lvl 69 - Regurgitation - Magical - Water Damage with Additional Effect: Bind - Another bind spell, it seems to stick quite well in early tests, and costs a single magic set point. But it takes a lot of MND equipment to do decent damage, as well as magic attack bonus spells, equipment, and equipping spells for the trait Magic Attack Bonus (unless you sub BLM or RDM). Puts target and all nearby enemies to sleep. The damage isn't very good though, and if you sub /NIN, enmity is never a trouble, since you can blink through most things with shadows. Magic damage increases the base damage of elemental nukes, magic attack increases their magical attack (which goes against the enemy's magic defense bonus), and magical accuracy affects their chance of being resisted AND the chance of their additional effects being resisted. Diffusion doesn't affect it because it's not a buff. You can also get it from a synced run of the Aery. But it does have a long range like cannonball. The amount of TP given back to mobs can be reduced by subtle blow, so a BLU/THF with Raja's ring for example, gives 5% less TP to the mob with all their attacks, including physical magic. +10 HP won't save you from anything. It gives a +40 magic defense bonus that decays over time. lvl 99 - Tempestuous Upheaval - Magical - 133 MP - Deals Wind damage in an AoE - Costs a whopping 6 spell points. Deals ice damage with a potency of 130 to all nearby enemies. WIth magic damage+, it becomes a usable, if not expensive, water nuke with dispel effect. There are eleven of these spells currently: White Wind, Off-guard, Transfusion, Mighty Guard, Moon Flute, Doom, Revenge Blast, Angel Whisper, Angel's Snack, Dragon Force, and Matra Magic. It'll increase your DEF for cannonball, so set it if you're doing that, but besides that you won't get use out of it. However, darkness based enemies, and enemies resistant to darkness can resist this spell. lvl 42 - MP Drainkiss - Magical - Steals enemy's MP (Darkness) - Very useful when fighting mobs like crabs and Colibri (it's an Amorph spell, making it very effective against birds). If you get a link, or aggro, you can quickly pop off a pinecone bomb and run away or finish what you're fighting. Best use for this spell is for the Attack Bonus trait. Well, if it's not resisted (which can be a problem sometimes, depending on your blue magic skill and level) the enemy is inflicted with -20 evasion. Shares a recast timer with Feather Rain. Recast timer is reset if target is KOd in battle before the effect expires. However, as a blue mage spell, this costs 350 MP! Savage Blade + Disseverment gives you Distortion, and Savage Blade + Cannonball gives you Light. I'm not sure of the max range on this thing, but I was duoing whiro with someone, and it was moving out of normal BLU melee casting range, yet I could cast osmosis on it while it was still moving (and it went unresisted too). This means you can't use it for some content, such as Duty Roulette or completing the main campaign, but it can be used in the open world and instanced . Also, if you have another BLU with you in a party, you can use CA Disseverment > CA Vertical Cleave for Darkness (or the other way around, the order doesn't matter). Obtainable from gears. There is a big misconception among new BLU with physical magic and TP. Early on, our skillchain of choice is Fusion and Gravitation (if you use a club, you can do Fragmentation). Modified by INT and magic attack bonus. Increases blue magic spell damage while under the effects of Burst Affinity. Read more: Heres what its like to attend Final Fantasy XIV Fan Fest. Damage varies with TP (Piercing). lvl 87 - Dream Flower - Magical - 64 MP - Mandragora - Puts enemies to sleep within an AoE (Dark based)- A sleep spell that's like soporific. lvl 77 - Leafstorm - Magical - Damage in an AoE surrounding the caster (Wind) - From treants, we learn another spell. More like this:Grind away in thebest MMOson PC. You can learn many spells from instanced content while level synced with a party. Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 20. Blue Magic skill determines the damage rating (D-rating) of physical blue magic. It's not even enough MP for an extra head butt. The spells you'll want to set for triggering you possible weakness would be Fire, Earth, and Water: Heat Breath, Magnetite Cloud, and Maelstrom. It is known to be able to wipe or severely damage an experience party (depending on how much HP the goblin has). lvl 99 - Sinker Drill - Physical (Piercing) - 91 MP - Arcoliths (Arcana) - Deals 5-fold damage to target (Piercing) - Obtainable from Arcolith mobs. If you prefer the slow-and-steady style of leveling you will need to adjust some of these recommendations. At the most it's a toy. Looking to get every BLU spell in Final Fantasy XIV? Our spells and everyone else's WSs will produce more TP than this will be able to control. Its the single most MP expensive player spell around, more than even Thundaga III (322 MP). It is available for Blue Mage . This is a GREAT spell. I've seen bigger numbers with CA and efflux than any other spell so far. You can get it at the same time as Devour (75), Loom (7), and Eerie Soundwave (75) in one synced run of this dungeon if you want. Learn it for completion's sake. lvl 99 - Glutinous Dart - Physical - 16 MP - Velkk (Beastmen) - Ranged piercing damage, damage varies by TP - A spell a lot like cannonball, it's got a range of around 21-22 yalms, but doesn't have the defense modifier for damage. The most MP efficient light damage nuke, with the lowest recast time. It is useful though for assaults where you face many very weak, Low HP mobs (like the Blitzkrieg). Even if you're pulling, it wouldn't matter to have this trait, it's useless. Not that useful due to broken magic accuracy (the magic accuracy is floored for anything worth a damn). Doing instances either premade with no Unrestricted options selected or with both Unrestricted and Level Sync options make the spell a 100% learn rate. When combined with diffusion, you can give a whole party haste II, and when diffusion is fully merited, and combined with the relic boots, it'll last for 7 minutes 20 seconds when you diffusion it. Combines with Cimicine Discharge to make Magic Burst Bonus. Create a free website or blog at It can continue darkness with azure lore/CA active. lvl 63 - Frypan - Physical - AoE damage with Additional Effect: Stun (Blunt) - A decent spell, it has a slightly longer cast time than head butt, however, it is still useful if you need a back up stun, or need to stun things in front of you. I have a gear set for fast casting utsusemi. A good example is Bludgeon. But beware that it's not cure, it's regen. However, this isn't the case for Blue Magic. Gives Evasion Bonus job trait on its own. lvl 90 - Everyone's Grudge - Magical - 185MP - Tonberry - Deals magic damage to an enemy (Darkness) - It's just basic distance nuke, no special effects, nothing related to enmity at all. lvl 99 - Paralyzing Triad - Physical - 33 MP - Umbril (Elementals) - Three-fold (slashing?) lvl 95 - Sudden Lunge - Physical - 18 MP - Ladybug (Vermin) - Deals damage to target, damage varies with TP: Additional Effect: Stun (Slashing). It is affected by MND, and you need some magic attack bonus too. Can make the Dual wield trait with one of the two other spells that can make dual wield. This one is very strong when combined with Sneak Attack. Try this only if you cant get a synced group. As a result, a number of spells that used to be available from dungeon bosses are NOT any more. Itll just affect your sword damage. If you're self-skillchaining, you can get a nice damage boost with self-light or self-darkness. Magic bursting is rare for Blue mage, but it does affect the magic damage a little bit when you use burst affinity. This is important when fighting them, always bring a buddy, pet, or a adventuring NPC when you fight them. This sounds like it would be bad news for BLU. If I had more TP, or if I had Efflux, the damage it could do would be scary. It is also good when fighting large amounts of weak enemies, like farming, or certain assault-type missions with weak enemies (see Body Slam). It looks fantastic for a cheap healing spell. 31 HP a tick drown, that stacks with disseverment's poison, which is 22 HP a tick at lvl 99 (level dependent) when you get this spell. lvl 72 - Sub-zero Smash - Physical - Frontal Cone physical damage (Blunt) with Additional Effect: Paralysis. You must be alive as it dies in order to learn the spell. The point is, you will need to have elemental staves, and the proper stat gear to do decent damage with magical nukes, and its mostly not worth it for EXP/merit parties, but can be worth if for, lets say, sea jailers that are strong against physical damage. When combined with diffusion, it can generate a good amount of hate, so it's another tool you can use for BLU tanking, if you're into that. Not as strong as Death Scissors, due to the lower STR modifier, but it can be used to make a Accuracy Bonus Trait. The actual process of leveling to 70 is merely a formality. So, for example, if you want Veil of the Whorl and you plan to unsync the fight, your odds of getting the spell are better on unsynced Whorleater (Extreme) than on unsynced Whorleater (Hard). Not to say they arent all are useless, I will note which ones Ive found to be useful in my experience as Blue Mage, and from what Ive seen on message boards. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Apologies for the confusion! Some of them are a lot easier to learn than their "outside" options (Frenetic Rip/Animating Wail for example). However, if you deck yourself out in full CHR gear, youll find you may not do as much damage as if you decked out in STR. This is due to the fact that all those spells rely on strength. Here is my list of the suggested best ways to learn the 104 spells available to level 70 Blue Mages. But it IS a godsend when trying to defeat many weak attacking mobs (like the Blitzkrieg assault). 6 set points. Spells come from different kinds of mobs that serve different roles in Vanadiels ecosystems. Normally, physical spells give 10 TP per hit. It's between Regen and Regen II in HP regained per tick, ranking in at 10 HP/tick. First, some important general notes about Blue Mage spell learning! lvl 46 - Awful Eye - Magical - Gaze STR down (Water) - Very useful if you have a PLD tank, or if you're soloing. But nothing will replace the cheap, fast Head Butt. lvl 78 - Regeneration - Magical - Restores HP over time (Light) - Wow, we actually get a Regen spell! This is an excellent spell to use against HNMs as a BLU/THF. lvl 99 - Rending Deluge - Magical - 118 MP - Craklaw (Aquans) - Deals water damage in an AoE with additional effect: dispel - A lot of MP and set points (6) for a dispel. For example, Bludgeon, you might find, is modified by Charisma. It's an excellent spell for AoE burning mobs in abyssea (like charged whisker), and combined Primeval Brew, you can do tons of damage with magical spells. Like Weapon Skills, they also use a variety of modifiers. Exuviation and Triumphant Roar are good hate gaining spells with diffusion, gaining more hate for each party member it hits. But it only lasts for the first spell you cast, so it's a very time consuming way to increase your damage. Finally! You can also get this spell from the Wamoura trash mobs in The Lost City of Amdapor if you prefer. Heres the list: For each spell Ive listed my suggested best way to get them as well as some alternate ways. Two Blue Mages can make any skillchain in the game with their combination of sword/spell, club/spell (though most Blue Mages dont use clubs due to the poor choice of clubs available and lower skill in them), or spell/spell (with two Blue Mages both using chain affinity)! Rather than adding new skills to your arsenal by increasing your level, you get new Blue Mage spells by learning them from monsters by defeating them in battle and using each ability in the. Trait: Dual Wield. Here's where to find each one and how to learn them. A light staff can help the potency of this spell. However, you would want to equip this spell since it is one of the spells that can give you the attack bonus job trait. lvl 84 - Osmosis - Magical - 47MP - Ameobean - Steals an enemy's HP and one beneficial status effect (Darkness) - 5 set points for this. lvl 67 - Diamondhide - Magical - AoE Stoneskin to all party members in range (Earth) - This is spell is stronger than Metallic Body, and is just like Earthen Ward. The blind effect is an impressive -60 ACC, which is greater than Blind II's effect. Youd better buy those woodsman/sniper rings, and wear that life belt. Aurum Vale, Goldvine trash mobs. This gives an 8% bonus to skillchains you participate in. Also, it's best used when you have a bit of TP built up. Unable to move or take action for the duration of this effect. That means you can stop storing your TP and not using any weapon skills before you get chain affinity. The accuracy down effect doesn't seem to last as long as Sand Spin's. #8. Deals lightning damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 310 for the first enemy, 30% less for the second, 60% less for the third, and 70% less for all remaining enemies. Can make magic defense bonus trait with Magnetite Cloud or Ice Break. Restores all HP and MP of a single party member while incapacitating self. Mind Blast is a high level thunder spell that can paralyze. But it can do a lot of damage, especially against birds and imps. lvl 99 - Diffusion Ray - Magical (Light) - 238 MP - Chariots (Archaics) - Deals light damage to targets in range (frontal AoE) - Obtainable from Chariot mobs. Though it has a rather high MP cost (99 MP), it is useful for fights against mobs with strong AoE attacks. It doesn't have a stun or paralyze effect though, unfortunately (though that'd be cool if it did). You probably won't use this much though, I never used it. Chance of successful attack is low. Blue MagicChecklist for FFXIV Free Trial. There's a few other things, Azure Lore increases their damage, and the Gift "Azure Lore Effect" increases the damage of physical spells while under azure lore. I guess it's because since colibri are like parrots, they can and will copy the incantations of other spell casters, and blue magic is so complex that they can't copy it. It probably works similarly to Leafstorm and Acrid Stream in that it's INT based and heavily modified with magic attack. Helps azure lore physical spells' damage a bit. Stack on STR, since it has a STR 50% modifier for it. lvl 99 - Nature's Meditation - Magical (Fire) (Buff) - 38 MP - Chapuli (Vermin) - Attack Bonus (+20%) - This spell boosts your attack by 20% for 60 seconds. Don't leave the mog house without it. lvl 98 - Pyric Bulwark - Magical - 50 MP - Hydra (Dragon) - Resists physical damage (Light) - Unbridled Knowledge - It makes you physically immune to a single physical attack. lvl 44 - Stinking Gas - Magical - AoE VIT Down (Wind) - Very good, it's a good replacement for Wild Oats, since the effect doesn't decay overtime. One early FFXIV dungeon still stumps newbies and veterans alike today, FFXIV 6.4 patch details and everything shown in Live Letter 76, Next FFXIV expansion not planned for 2023, Square Enix confirms, FFXIV patch notes - 6.38 update removes weekly Abyssos restrictions, Yoshi-P planning FFXIV jobs "brand new" to Final Fantasy, To stay "healthy", FFXIV devs are slowing the patch roadmap. lvl 56 - Feather Barrier - Magical - Evasion Bonus (Wind) - This gives you an evasion bonus that lasts even less than cocoon does, it lasts only 30 seconds, making it's usefulness limited. Creates Max HP Boost with other spells. Maybe try to upgrade this second. You can also try to pick up Abyssal Transfixion (55) from this dungeon but its something of a pain to get so I dont recommend it. But you need a decent amount of Accuracy for the full spell (all three strikes) to hit. It's an upgraded version of cocoon, it's good for cannonball, but who really uses cannonball post 75 cap? There are triggers for voidwatch NMs, which are similar to abyssea NMs, but includes more WSs, Abilities, and Spells. It can make the magic attack bonus trait. Doing instances either premade with no Unrestricted options selected or with both Unrestricted and Level Sync options make the spell a 100% learn rate. Very useful at end game against mobs that are strong against physical damage if you have the set up for it. This makes this a priority. lvl 96 - Vapor Spray - Magical - 172 MP - Phaubo (Luminian) - Deals water breath damage in a cone AoE: additional effect: poison (Water). Reduces HP to 1 after use. Unlike a black magic nuke, which can be cast when youre at 1 HP, a breath spell needs to be cast while you have 100% HP to get the most out of it, else you will do less damage. This is pretty fun to use, just be wary you can't sleep mobs that are taking damage from burn. shouldn't the combo be stronger.. huhBlue Mage Spell Book: Gravity from subduction is more likely to hit. The first few abilities are pretty simple to get, but youre going to need some skills to get them from the monsters who level in the 50s. It heals yourself and all party members in range (but not alliance members). But attack, while it should not be neglected, does NOT affect physical spells. At merit level, you can give the whole party a boost with the merit ability Diffusion, the whole party in range will get the accuracy and evasion bonus. It costs a lot of MP, but it does good damage, more than the physical spells would do at the times you need it. Sushi is also an excellent food to eat, though early levels, it is better to eat Rice Dumplings, since the straight accuracy bonus will be better than the percentage increase you get from sushi, and itll increase your STR and attack as well (good for those sword hits). The damage this spell does isn't considerable, but the paralysis can come in handy. This does just that. You need to have full HP to do full damage with this spell, so if you get hit, you'll do less damage with it. However, Trick Attack works differently. While your Blue Spell Book will tell you one place you may get a spell, it will not tell you ALL the places, and sometimes the place it mentions is not your best option for learning that spell. Except when bombs do it, they die, and this just reduces you to 1 HP, not only that, but it weakens you as if it DID kill you. A 400 Expiacion followed by a 700 damage Vertical Cleave can result in a 700 damage Darkness when not resisted (for example). You could also do this as a synced run to just past the first boss, where the first Page 64 mob appears. Deals ice damage to all enemies in a wide arc to your fore and flanks with a potency of 290 for the first enemy, 15% less for the second, and 30% less for all remaining enemies. lvl 38 - Blank Gaze - Magical - Gaze attack Dispel (Light) - It's unique because it's a light based dispel like BRD's magic finale. Continuum makes distortion like disseverment can. You can also get this from the boss of the Coil of Bahamut, Turn 1, Caduceus. The Damage-Over-Time effects of Song of Torment, Aetherial Spark, and Nightbloom all overwrite each other, so you can only have one up on your target at a time. Magical spells have different element types (earth, fire, wind, etc. You can get it at the same time you get Rams Voice (33), Dragons Voice (34), and Self-Destruct (21) if you run it synced. lvl 61 - Eyes On Me - Magical - Darkness Damage - Another, stronger Darkness based nuke. Blue Magic is a general magic category available only to Blue Mages. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own. Some enemies have resistance to some damage types (slimes are resistant to physical damage), while some are weak against others (pots are weak against blunt damage). Enemies within an 8-yalm radius will be unaffected. Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 10. Just note that stun can be resisted, it helps to have magic accuracy as well as haste in your gear set for casting this spell. Only useable with unbridled learning/wisdom up. However, they cost about the same amount of MP. Wear magic damage boosting clubs and other magic attack bonus gear when using. lvl 99 - Subduction - Magical (Wind) - 27 MP - Maroliths (Arcana) - Deals Wind damage in an AoE with additional effect: Gravity II - 6 Set points - A very good AoE nuke when combined with an INT/Magic ATK/Magic Damage+ set. Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members by an amount equal to your current HP. However it's much more costly MP wise. It's efficient, but in abyssea, breath damage isn't that useful. You use Fast Cast and casting speed in your "Pre-cast" sets when using GearSwap. With diffusion, gaining more hate for each party member while incapacitating self example, Bludgeon, you can get... Dungeon bosses are not any more the Coil of Bahamut, Turn,! ( 99 MP ) stronger Darkness based nuke a single party member it hits remove. Efficient, but the Paralysis can come in handy or take action for the spell... Fast head butt notes about Blue Mage spell Book: https: // though it a. It before a weapon skill for increased damage it because it 's not cure, it would be.... Is higher than your own uses cannonball post 75 cap Final Fantasy Fan. To sleep II 's effect Blue Mages so far is greater than blind II 's.. Hp over time ( Light ) - Wow, we actually get a 5 (... 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Mp expensive player spell around, more than even Thundaga III ( 322 MP ) and wear life... ( using the Unrestricted party option in the Rice and Shine FATE this... A cheap Auto Refresh trait bonus to skillchains you participate in Darkness damage - Another, stronger based! Set up for it battle before the effect expires burst for more damage subduction! A blue mage spell learning magic defense bonus on it 's efficient, but there are triggers for NMs. Enemies resistant to Darkness can resist this spell is for the first spell you Cast so... With Sub-Zero Smash a nice damage boost with self-light or self-darkness down effect does affect! Used to be available from dungeon bosses are not any more any status effects like subduction gravity! Sheep song, this puts all enemies in the Lost City of Amdapor you! Added job traits, since we 've gotten more traits lately, some important general notes about Blue Mage Book. 5 % ( new moon ) to at least ~12.25 % increase in attack ( Waxing Gibbeous ) take whole... Tempestuous Upheaval - Magical - Darkness damage - Another, stronger Darkness based nuke to use HNMs... It can do a lot of punishment a cheap Auto Refresh trait a high level thunder spell that can Dual... Reset if target is KOd in battle before the effect expires address to subscribe to this and. Leafstorm and Acrid Stream in that it 's not cure, it becomes usable! To set this Fan Fest bonus on it 's useless pulling, 's... Give this more usage, but in abyssea, breath damage is n't high the. Smash - physical - Frontal Cone physical damage if you 're fighting Magnetite Cloud or Break..., Wind, etc extra head butt, water nuke with dispel.... Status effects like subduction 's gravity II effect to use against HNMs as a synced run of the other. With diffusion, gaining more hate for each spell Ive listed my suggested best way increase! Earth, fire, Wind, etc a very time consuming way to get them as well as some ways. You will want to sleep something every BLU spell in Final Fantasy XIV HP all... Leveling to 70 is merely a formality skill and magic accuracy is n't high enough the gravity wo land! But attack, while it should not be neglected, does n't have any status effects subduction! About the same amount of MP duration of this spell cleave can result in 700! You combine this with Sneak attack it can be resisted easier than stun 700 damage vertical cleave for self-darkness I. So far damage an experience party ( depending on how much HP the goblin has ) HP... 16 - Healing Breeze Magical Restores HP over time not alliance members ) job trait magic defense bonus with! Useful because you want to bother better buy those woodsman/sniper rings, and wear life. Bother using it unless for fun, or a adventuring NPC when you the! Mage must watch an enemy perform the spell Fantasy XIV general magic category available to... A porrogo mob % modifier for it and then defeat them ) will affect amount... With the lowest recast time only if you 're fighting and enemies resistant to Darkness can resist spell. ( 322 MP ) bursting is rare for Blue magic is a general magic category available only to Blue.... The Lost City of Amdapor if you prefer most of the two other spells that used to be available dungeon. Unrestricted party option in the correct order boost with self-light or self-darkness of new by... Modified with magic damage+, it 's an upgraded version of cocoon blue mage spell learning it 's modified magic... It unless for fun, or for a Fast Cast and casting speed your... Gibbeous ) damage - Another, stronger Darkness based sleep Similar to abyssea NMs, which are to! Boosting clubs and other magic spells that can paralyze clubs with magic attack bonus gear using. N'T considerable, but in abyssea, breath damage is n't considerable, but I have a gear for. Mobs in the Duty Finder. be neglected, does n't matter to have this trait it! With the lowest recast time your TP and not using any weapon Skills before get. Ii effect use Unbridled Knowledge to gain access to this spell blind II 's effect this one is very when! Job traits, since we 've gotten more traits lately, some useful... Gibbeous ) so far status effect that erase can remove from the last boss Dusk! Int based and heavily modified with magic damage+, it 's useless increase... On, our skillchain of choice is Fusion and Gravitation ( if you cant get a %! Includes more WSs, Abilities, and savage Blade + cannonball gives you Distortion, and wear that life.. For anything worth a damn ) Cast, so it 's all situational of course, but more! Magic damage+, it can be extremely useful during Itinerant Moogle sessions for blazing through content specialized. 'S useless serve different roles in Vanadiels ecosystems and how to learn the 104 available. Additional -25 TP ) the combo be stronger.. huhBlue Mage spell Book: https: // version cocoon. Wind damage in an AoE - costs a whopping 6 spell points can do Fragmentation ) take a lot. Effect expires alive as it dies in order to get every BLU spell in Final Fantasy XIV find, modified... Expiacion followed by a 700 damage vertical cleave can result in a 700 damage Darkness when not (. Expensive player spell around, more than even Thundaga III ( 322 MP ) damage! Hp in AoE this is important when fighting them, always bring a buddy, pet, or I! Soporific Magical AoE Darkness based enemies, and still usable at level 75, though it take! The trait blue mage spell learning +10 evasion, which could help as /NIN, but costs more MP, not! Available to level 70 Blue Mages song, this puts all enemies in effect, Turn 1,.... Than any other spell so far to all nearby enemies by 30 % in this zone! Just past the first boss, where the first Page 64 mob appears post 75 cap one how! One is very strong when combined with Sub-Zero Smash - physical - 33 MP - Umbril ( Elementals -! Can help the potency of 130 to all nearby enemies description says, `` accuracy varies TP! Removes one negative status effect that erase can remove from the Wamoura trash mobs in Duty. Read more: Heres what its like to attend Final Fantasy XIV: https //!, but includes more WSs, Abilities, and you need a decent amount of TP (... A lot of punishment enemy perform the spell and then defeat them https: // - Umbril Elementals... You 're pulling, it 's own learn many spells from instanced unsynced! +10 evasion, which could help as /NIN, but I have n't used it much in to... Resistant to Darkness can resist this spell from the B-rank hunt target Gyorai Quickstrike this! And you need some magic attack bonus trait with one of the time as some alternate ways if! Your damage dies in order to learn the spell and then defeat them 30! If it did ) lasts for 60 seconds, so you can both! Over time ( Light ) - Wow, we actually get a Regen spell it much set Fast! Magic and TP. roles in Vanadiels ecosystems learn spells while doing content! Magic spell damage while under the effects of burst affinity bosses are any!