All Blue Magic will cost you a certain amount of Magic Points. Effect: Makes it possible for your next "Magical" Blue Magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. Double Attack at Lv.50 is another highly useful trait for damage-dealing and getting TP a little quicker. Instead of Blue Mage gaining traits as they level, traits are gained when certain "Set Combos" are equipped. On top of this, White Mage adds a fair bit of MP into the mix. There are limits to this based on the level of the Blue Mage as seen in the table below. An overflowing MP pool also means you may spend it in excess on whatever you need at the time! That said, some excellent spell options make an appearance in most Blue Mage builds. Nasomi Community FFXI Server Board index International Jobs Blue Mage. I would also ask you to bring juice. By the time you get your three Lv.1 spells you'll likely be Lv.8 and be behind another ~6 spells. and I'm personally thrilled about hunting for my blue magic. Magical Blue Magic damage TESTED: thread on Blue Magic Magical damage and how to increase it. You can close it with Power Attack or Sprout Smack, or later on with a few other options. This effectively reduces your damage taken by about 8% and adds a little bit extra damage. For example, the damage for Bludgeon is enhanced with Charisma. Your solo play is still plenty adequate, especially with trusts. I've found BST to be the best support job so far for soloing, and acquiring spells. Agility reduces how much TP you feed your target, and along with Vitality and HP can help you stay alive. Duration: 0:00:30 Thank you SO MUCH! Use it wisely! Adding Strength and also having high Blue Magic skill will also increase the damage done by Physical Blue Magic. If you find yourself taking a lot of hits for whatever reason, switch to something with higher defense. With your ally opening skillchains, you can close ones that you normally couldnt with only a sword. Blue Mage has an A+ proficiency with one-handed swords and a B- with clubs. It also works to overwrite the effects of slowing TP moves such as Intimidate from Pugils or Sticky Thread from Crawlers. This trait is very useful and normally consumes a lot of Set Points to have. My /THF works just like my /NIN, except if there is a good opportunity i will fire of a SA single spell, maybe even chain affinity it.. but not always. Level (1-99) By this point you've already got a hefty repertoire of spells, including some enfeebles, damage-inflicting spells, and self-sufficiency through heals and buffs. On top of this, Summoner also adds Clear Mind at Lv.30+. The number of Set Points and the number of Set slots you have increases as you level (see Blue Mage Set Points link). However the additional SATA dmage over a spell is usually not that much higher then a well equiped /nin. Final Fantasy XIV is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in the fantasy realm of Eorzea.. BLU spell hunting guide. They can learn enemy abilities that either enhance themselves or deter their enemies. While not necessary, it will speed up the party and allow you to use your MP as you feel fit. This allows a wide variety of traits to be given to the Blue Mage, based on the current situation. * Notifications for PvP team formations are shared for all languages. Group 1: Honestly, I feel like this is entirely up to you. Equipping Sprout Smack and Wild Oats together will grant you the Beast Killer trait, a fantastic tool for these early levels. It has also been shown that SquareEnix's wording on the offical Final Fantasy XI site was misunderstood. Then the tank would have an easier time keeping hate off of you once you Sneak Attack + Chain Affinity + Death Scissors. With the right combination of spells, equipment, and support job, Blue Mage may take on almost any role in a party. Limited Job, would you like more of them? Summoner as a sub also provides a boost to both the INT and MND stats. /COR: Starting at level 10, subbing Corsair will allow you to gain increased Experience Points from the Corsair's Role ability. While you miss out on an increased Magic Points pool, being able to give yourself or your party EXP Up is nice. So much damage in fact that your biggest danger is simply pulling too much enmity. Some people may suggest things such as having Azure Lore active or facing the enemy will increase the chances, but these theories have been proven wrong. Congratulations! Trick Attack+Frenetic Rip on your tank does some great hate control for your party. If you've got merits to spare, Evasion, Parrying, and Critical Hit Rate are great for any situation. However, this spell makes you self-sufficient. Hopefully you can get the monster youre fighting to teach it to you, but if that isnt the case, after the monster dies, you can release your pet and finish it off with little danger. Just WS between CA when you have 100% tp and SACA when timers are up, or ofcourse if you can, say SC with a party member for Light (Cannonball) or Dark (Vertical cleave) even better, if not you can do your party a big favour just by TA DisservementHhysteric Barrage/Frenetic Rip the tank. Assimilation will get you up to 5 bonus set points, which is a massive bonus no matter how you spend those points. Dark Knight also has a number of spells, albeit generally useless. Your first and only Job Ability for a long time is your SP ability Azure Lore. The only time it will become extreme rather then the 90-200 points additional, is when Aure love is used, then you lay in a SATA WS. Other noteworthy spells: Feather Barrier (Giant Birds - inexpensive evasion bonus), Radiant Breath (Wyverns - spell trigger in Abyssea), Filamented Hold (Mites - area slow, contributes towards Clear Mind). This section will be dedicated to threads and information on any Blue Magic spell that has a day alignment that increases potency. Though certainly not as useful as a normal Puppetmaster, your automaton can also open skillchains for you. Your mountain of HP of course also adds to survivability, but it also directly amplifies spells such as White Wind and "breath" spells! All in all both subs are good, nin typically the better long term sub. This makes it a lot less dangerous to use in a crowd of enemies. Level 60 is another big spike from almost every support job. Say it with me now: Every race is equally capable at this job, and everything stated below is exaggerated! Moreover, it's the first spell in your arsenal that can close a Darkness skillchain, if used to follow up the Requiescat weapon skill. It even provides Resist Sleep in combination with Magic Fruit, which you'll have set anyway. These formidable fighter-mages employ elegantly curved blades for close combat, while decimating their enemies from afar with fell magic mastered from their opponents. Pro-Tip: Monsters will always use their TP moves when they reach 1000 TP if their HP is less than 25%. The same holds true for all "magical" Blue Magic. Depending on the mob, defense food may or may not be needed. Level 58 also provides Magic Fruit from Opo-opos, which is one of those spells you will likely never take from your set. Choco Trishot. There are some I haven't seen (and haven't gotten other Blue Mages to say they've seen). Name: Azure Lore Other noteworthy spells: Grand Slam (Gigas - physical area damage and contributes towards Defense Bonus), Sound Blast (Cockatrice - low-SP contribution towards Magic Attack Bonus), Smite of Rage (Weapons - decent single-hit damage, combines with Bludgeon to create Undead Killer), Digest (Slimes - decent Drain spell). It can end up deadly for a person in an NM or Sky fight. I would suggest that you learn to use macros if you have no learned already. /THF: The biggest bonus from Thief subjob is the ability to use Sneak Attack with Physical Blue Magic. From an observational standpoint both of these subs are the top two used and are situational depending on your tastes with how you play the job. This combo combined with Chain Affinity allows other players to blurt out the ever cliche phrase "BLU is overpowered!" Below are some examples of what you can do right off the hop: Red Lotus Blade into Uppercut or Jet Stream creates Fusion (Fire/Light), Red Lotus Blade into Queasyshroom or Terror Touch creates Gravitation (Earth/Dark), Red Lotus Blade into Screwdriver creates Scission (Earth), Fast Blade or Seraph Blade into Bludgeon creates Liquefaction (Fire), Fast Blade or Seraph Blade into Foot Kick or Smite of Rage creates Detonation (Wind). But wait, there's more! The handwear at level 56 are critical, as they're the only thing in the game that will assist you in learning blue magic. Store TP with Samurai will increase your TP per hit, and Meditate at Lv.60+ will almost instantly grant you 60% TP. On top of this, Flash can help you keep enmity. Great job once again! But don't stress out if you don't have the money or inventory space for squeezing every bit from your equipment early on. To put into relative perspective the true damage differential, I'll give an example from my own test trials. Head Butt into Bludgeon will create Liquefaction, and then using Head Butt again will create Fusion. Forbidden Art of the Immortal Lions: Contains a link to a chart made by Shuurai with various information on Blue Mage. If you fail to in any other way avoid an attack (Utsusemi, evasion, parrying, etc.) Every minute you can (CA)SATA-Death Scissors to add some hate onto a tank. Cure II becomes available at main job level 22, and Cure III becomes available at 42. Combining the Red Mage exclusive trait Fast Cast with spells like Head Butt and Bludgeon can actually completely eliminate the need for any survivability. The main reason for the instant usefulness of this support job at 30 is because of Clear Mind. Enervation is a weak physical and magical defense down and Asuran Claws is a weak physical spell, so consider your set points. It uses 4 set points so you won't want to have it equipped unless you know your prey are going to have MP to siphon. High mind means more potency from your healing magic as well! Its a great weapon and youll surely use it for a few levels at least. Level 70 is a milestone level for another reason: Cannonball. Blue Mage can wear harness, leather, robe, cloak, doublet, and even scale-type armor! It depends on the enemies when you will want to use /THF. Learned from Wamouracampa (the larval stage of those giant moths in Halvung), this spell is extremely unique. Group 2: This one's a bit more cut and dry. Pollen is the best spell to learn first, since your goal isn't damage at this point but rather survivability. Level 20 opens up a few more support job options: Ninja provides Dual Wield, Samurai gives Store TP, and Scholar has access to Light and Dark Arts. You have two limitations that gradually raise every 10 levels: a hard cap to the number of spells set (starting at 6 and raising to 20 by level 71) and a resource we call Set Points (starting at 10 and raising to 55 by level 91). Low level Blue Mage can easily tank; keeping hate is also relatively simple through BLU attack spells. Level 48 also brings with it Sickle Slash from Spiders, a high-damage single-hit physical spell that combines extra well with Chain Affinity. Whether you're level 9 or level 99, the easy replacements are often the ones with the biggest leap in performance. They tend have spells miss. Cast: Instant For those Blue Mages who just like a ton of damage out of both physical attacks and physical spells. This includes, but is not limited to, job abilities from other jobs and increases in Strength. If you were able to change spells freely, the whole battle strategy aspect would be lost, so we have no plans to remove/reduce the penalty. This area will be for threads and information on Physical Blue Magic and how they can be boosted. Don't forget about your artifact equipment, either. Addon to make setting blue spells easier. You may now also add Thief to your list of fun (if a bit niche) support job options. Now you've reached level 75. Fast Cast helps spell recast timers a lot, making soloing and high-end stunning more efficient. Unlike its binary choice in weapons, Blue Mage has an enormous selection when it comes to armor. Blue Mage is one of the most versatile and well-rounded jobs in Final Fantasy XI. The traits they can make are visible on the spells themselves, along with the amount they contribute. Note that their consumption of MP doesn't change, so you can run out of the precious resource if you get too spam-happy. You will be automatically teleported back to Aht Urghan. At level 18 you may set Bludgeon, learned from Cardians fought within the Outer Horutoto Ruins. Though Frost Breath (Raptors, Lv.66) and Firespit (Mamool-Ja, Lv.68) cost a lot of set points and aren't as useful as the other two. Assuming you have 0% QA, TA, and DA, that's a 50% increase in TP speed, but that's ignoring the higher delay that's hampering your attack speed. A "blood-red stone in the land of geysers" indicates a Dangruf Stone which may be obtained by examining a??? Donthitme BLU75/THF37/NIN37(/DNC37/WAR37). Blue Mage Spell Acquisition Guide at Allakhazam, Learning Spells from Too Weak Monsters (Confirmed). Dont forget that Cannonball is based almost entirely on the users defense, strength, and vitality; meaning if you use Defender before Cannonball, you can expect some a nice damage boost. Keep headbutt for stun, and your recast timer on utsutsemi should've reset by the time your shadows wear off. Make sure to have Sneak and Invisible active if you think you'll need it, then run forward into the first large room and hop down a small cliff. A: To learn Blue Magic, a monster needs to use an ability. This job class combines the abilities of a mage with those of a physical damage dealer, allowing players to learn abilities from defeated monsters and use them in battle. Be sure to include your name and Blue Mage level. Should totally throw in a BLU XML for the lazy folks 9.5/10 other wise nicely done. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Deft and agile Mithra Blue Mages ensure their attacks and "physical" spells hit their mark in those clutch situations. A: To set Blue Magic, open your main menu. Scholar as a support job gives the Blue Mage some curing power as well as relatively decent dark arts power. /WHM: White Mage provides a modest boost to your Magic Points and an increased MND stat. This requires that the Blue Magic you are using is of the correct element to burst on the skillchain. The "golden sand found on a certain beach" is a pinch of Valkurm Sunsand which may be found at the crashed boat south of Selbina in Valkurm Dunes (it may also be purchased at the Auction House). If, however, you want to sub this job later on, Warrior does still have its uses. Sprout smack for slow, battle dance for half to the attack onus helps by causing dex down, and you can use sandspin for accuracy down as well. I'll be using this guide for sure. At level 65 you can also equip the spell Zephyr Mantle for extra shadow protection. Name: Burst Affinity First thing you do is talk to Waoud (J-10 in Whitegate), the same guy you did for your initial quest. Since BLU has such a high CHR it makes the BST sub a lot more viable, as you are able to easily charm even matches. Swords may also both open and close tons of different skillchains, including both Light and Darkness, and have a massive range of weapon skill effects including physical damage, elemental damage, stuns, area damage, and HP drain! At level 58, you may set Auto-Refresh only by equipping a whopping. After level 30, /THF is the way to go. Table of Contents: This quest is considered the easiest of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan quests. A little extra defense and whatever other bonuses they provide could be useful! When I tallied up the damage using great gear, /nin tends to come slightly ahead with better malee, more chains and over all damage. Adennak's Skillchain Chart, Now with Blue Mage Hotness. However, the level difference between you and your Automaton becomes a significant challenge past level 10. While not a super critical spell, Pinecone Bomb at level 36 from the Treant family is your first single-target sleep effect. This requires the Blue Mage to use his/her sword and keep the skill close to cap to allow for maximum accuracy. This may be useful if your party lacks a backup healer and is fighting a mob with strong melee attacks. Blue Mage starts at level 1 and can be played by doing the prerequisite questline in Limsa . The extra Magic Points over a White Mage sub allowed me to use an additional spell or two. They are based on Mind, they are affected by "Cure" Potency+ equipment, and they are also enhanced by weather. Every point of QA/TA/DA that you add lowers that 50% further. After speaking with Ravidial ingame, he insured me that his skillchain did change from Liquifaction to Fusion at level 50. The biggest problem I initially had acquiring the spells was that I had to let the mob, even an EP build enough TP to use the ability I wanted. To much STR will do you no good, sicne you end up wasting MP and hit a damage cap anyway. Samurai provides its user with a ton of TP. Until then, please visit the. Around level 40 you start getting good one-shot physical spells such as Sickle Slash and Mandibular Bite. Q: How do I learn Blue Magic? Its very well written and insightful. For only 3 set points it's the most potent targeted healing spell you can equip even at Lv.99. You gain your first non-SP ability at level 25: Burst Affinity! Each spell comes with attribute bonuses and job traits, adding to its utility and adaptability. By this point, your autoattack and weapon skill damage are likely starting to exceed anything you get from spamming spells. I wouldn't do this combo for learning spells though (at this lvl) cause it won't help a ton, /nin is better for that. Since your Chain Affinity is generally still cooling down when you are finally at 100% TP, you can convert some of that TP into enfeebles and cures. And Diffusion is crucial in combination with spells such as Mighty Guard, Carcharian Verve, or even Erratic Flutter. When resting, quickly swap in items that grant "MP recovered while healing" bonuses. One of the best support jobs in the game for any Blue Mage Lv.60 or higher. There are several key points that distinguish it from other jobs. If you have Beastmaster at a high enough level, its actually a potent support job even in party scenarios. Now select the "Set" option below Manuel sort. If this isn't the right place for it, feel free to move it. The only one that gets consistently ignored is the "Monster Correlation Effects", and for good reason. Don't worry, you'll be fine! This is actually a great job to take into duoing situations. This is a huge milestone! 5 2 3 Award Favorite Share Created by ThatCat Offline Category: Classes Your Black Mages spells will be at half level and half skill, so for the most part, they aren't very useful. The Blue Mage is a hybrid job class in Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) that offers a unique and diverse playstyle. Commands /THF - DoT damage is better with SA & TA seperated. The original "final road" takes you into some dangerous territory for learning spells. We don't get Magic Fruit until all the way up at level 56, and subbing White Mage allows us to get access to better curing spells much, much earlier than through our main job alone. Its colossal array of spells include virtually everything under the sun, with multiple ways to sleep enemies, spammable stuns, heavy-damage nukes, and just about every status enhancement and status ailment imaginable. At each Staging Point, talk to the Blue Mage NPC while you yourself are a Blue Mage. Note that certain abilities may share names across many different monster types. Overview of Job Abilities, Traits, and Spells, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Duration: 0:00:30 This support job is generally like White Mage, except you dont get the same kind of support spells as it does. It's a very noticeable bonus at these levels. [pre]. If nothing else, it's 4 set points and contributes towards Magic Attack Bonus, so if it's enough to also lift your dependence on Auto-Refresh it's even better! Going to each of them is pretty much the gist of this quest. spot in Dangruf Wadi I5-J5 when the weather is normal. As an elvaan have have high STR from the start and good Dex, but INT is low. With /thief your malee suffers alot,softer hits, you miss more often and 1/4-1/2 the malee damage total. I was able to solo from level 15 to 16 resting for MP only one time with this method. From the cousin of Merrows, the Lamiae, you may also learn Hysteric Barrage for this level. Not to mention Aspir Samba, which can drain an enemy's MP every hit, assuming it has any. Reply With Quote Awesome awesome awesome! You won't be as accurate with one of these weapons, but in the right circumstances it could be a valuable asset. Not to mention that you now have the ability to Trick Attack at level 60. OMG this is the best post I've ever seen. A Job Trait will unlock with 8 points, and most spells contribute 4. Use your MP as you feel fit abilities, traits are gained certain! Minute you can close it with me now: every race is equally capable this... Tp moves such as Sickle Slash from Spiders, a monster needs to use if! Reason, switch to something with higher defense by physical Blue Magic would suggest that you lowers. Their attacks and `` physical '' spells hit their mark in those clutch situations not as useful as normal! Or higher much TP you feed your target, and spells, albeit generally useless spells! 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