What I can see, you don't get a stat reset when you change classes either so none of the merchant guides really overlap at all stat wise. Keep Chemical Protections up on the critical damage dealers/tankers as well as on yourself. Headgear is unique because it visibly alters the way your character looks. Your flee wouldnt be much to look at, but it is at least something! The advanced biotechnology also allows summoning of monsters that will help you. I definitely recommend level 1. Against Jupitel, it might be worth it, thought. For a five minute duration, Amistr's damage is increased and every attack has a chance to leech 20% of the damage as HP. Just AD them if they have VIT, if not, you will need Mammonite and your homunculus. stone of sage (*this from item info rms) Revo-Classic Alchemist Guide Alchemists the blacksmith's counterpart, excels in creating potions rathering than forging weapons. Just select a class and choose a build that you like! War of Emperium is arguably one of the most popular features of the game, where guilds fight each other for control over various castles. PVP High Wizard part: Due to your high INT, you will not take that much damage from their spells, and you will not freeze easily as long as you have high VIT Need it back? A decent amount of STR is good, maybe around 50ish? Lv.20 : Str 9 Vit 9 Agi 22 Dex 20. Other choices are good too. I warn you now, this guide is quite long. Hopefully they wont be able to recast Pneuma that fast. You probably will not do much damage to it anyway. The emotes used are: Intimacy is crucial for evolution, obtaining the final skill, and AFKing. Example, take a generic 1000 exp/1000 jexp monster, and the alchie and homunc damages it equally. CT can ruin the fight for you by stunning. The damage rules of fighting an Assassin Cross apply, except if they have no VIT, you will have to rely on your homunculus and spam Mammonite. I am pretty new to the RO scene, and I started playing on the 4game eu version, I think it is called revo-classic(? 2 Accessories slotted with Hylozoist Cards, Skills to be used: 3 years ago, nobody was aware (or very few) or eathena did not take ASPD into account for AD spam. You would probably have one of the highest damage potentials in all classes. If their Asura cast is a bit high, you can usually hide and avoid it, thus removing all their SP. Alt-right click monster thats the target As usual, their skills follow. Try to keep DEX high too to decrease ADs cast time. Matk:126 Only creators int and targets vit does. Problem is, condensed potions are either expensive or a pain to make. the "jello" or "ugly fly" homunculus. There is a chance to get 1 of the 4 base Homunculi and another chance to get 1 of the 2 sprites available to each type of Homunculus. Strong, hard to kill and has a tendancy to hit like the kick of a mule when it wants to. 3. In terms of versatility, this variant stands out. You are more likely to gain intimacy if you feed your homunculus when it is at the correct hunger. Insert the downloaded AI script into the USER_AI folder and relog or resummon the Homunculus. Identify Level 1 He/she has many different skills to utilize in selling items, as well as the ability to carry more items in the cart. So how do I go about gaining stems? Thanks to LegacyRO to give me the incentive to write this guide, something that I have wanted to do for a long time, but never had the incentive to. SVI Type (Summon/Homunculus) You can battle with Homunculus. it happens from time to time. Yeah. **This is probably the worst lro guide Ive seen.**. Any similarity between this guide and guides found on those sites are purely coincidental and unintentional. One, of course are Red Plants, but they are not very common. If you are serious about your homunculus, get it to level 5. @ Solar Nights youre lucky, it takes me 240k to make a single Embryo (my potion skills are low) and no there is no cheaper way, just get more dex, luk, and lvl up your 2 potion skills. it is very difficult to force homunculus to attack a specific player that isnt closest to you as the alt-right click still brings up the trade/etc menu. ). After speaking to his son, he will finally teach you the Bioethic skill. Ragnarok Online - Alchemist Guide Guide PC. Another option for you is if you have VIT, go 2 maps south of Payon. My comment for each skills are written below each skill name in the following. DEX: 80-99 You can put Vit on high leveling. You can sell the red bloods and crystal blues at overcharge to the NPC too. This means, dont let its hunger get below 10. This is why i do not mention specific numbers anywhere. It's The Transcendent Second Class will be Creator, while The Third Class will be Generic. use the command @homstats (if available). im low onzeny. And, yes, I did mean it for Jupitel thunder too. Your tanking ability will also be worse than the pure tanker but you will still be able to tank your way through many situations. One gets a certain amount of points for making a certain number of Condensed Potions in a row without failure. It can eat away all your SP and leave you stuck without SP for skills. Vanilbirth/Vanilmorph is, in general, the magic caster. You need this skill at various levels for certain other skills. Tested myself on 2 separate servers, has no effect. Chance to get Amistr: 36.3% Also dont forget food, dex, and int food for the extra bonus!~ and agi food not necessary but the extra flee/dodge wouldnt hurt,;3, I am sure some of this is obvious, but Im putting it out there just in case ~, The best cultivating way I know is to make a 55 area of cultivation, use a slave SIn X with high dex to steal mushrooms, and make him MA the mob by stealing a mushroom from 32 area, so he will be in the middle of the mushrooms, so MA will hit all of them :). Pushcart Level 10 Players are responsible for the actions of their Homunculi. what else i can use or skill to make success make potion and bomb. Before attempting to make a Potion, check to see if you have all the things you need. At much higher levels, you could try Turtle Island with your homunculus, Bio Labs, Geffen Dungeon, Clock Tower Underground and many other places. Does Its important to xp my homon after I evolved it.Or I can xp him then after evolved it? Hit 213 3. wat is important skill ned from novice-creator Also, since you want survivability in this build, get VIT and you could skip AGI completely. Please note that these commands are not 100%! Chance to get Vanilmirth: 44.9% Target all Thief Bugs found here but be careful, since they assist, do not provoke a big mob since your Merchant will not be able to handle it. Do not stand alone, because if the invader has lowish VIT, you would simply waste your bottles since they can easily out-pot the damage you deal out. An all-or-nothing skill. Aspd = delay in bragi. Glove of Orleans is also useful when used in its combo. Alchie gets additional 500*1.25 base exp (same as what the homunc got) If you wind up with no SP, always remember, you still have your homunculus too! who knows how can a novice or a high novice to get a homunculus please teach me please. In case you want more, make a new novice and put the pots in storage . Hell Plant can attack invisible targets, removing their invisible status. The same thing goes for Spiral Pierce, except its possible to run away again and continue spamming AD. Restore Homunculus Farming Build The Stats 119 STR (Make sure your total DEX is 90) Rest to DEX The Build - Farming Merchant Lvl 10 Loud Exclamation - Increase STR Lvl 10 Funding - Increase 20% Zeny looted from monsters Lvl 10 Buying Low Lvl 10 OverPrice The Build - Farming Alchemist Lvl 2 Call Homunculus - Summon Amistr Lvl 5 Sphere Mine Manual: Glistening Coat Creation Guide, Items: 1 Red Gemstone + 2 Frill + 1 Empty Potion Bottle Plus, its slotted. He/She continuously gathers materials and researches up to this day, amongst the many adventurers, in order to create biotechnologys greatest advantages, homunculus.. and yes, AFKchemists can 99 with their homunculus 0 Back to top #7 Avix . No it cant get a homonculus but if you are an alchemist and had a homon. Homunculus AI utilizes bot programming to control the homunculus internally. Any Brewer must max this skill. Potion Brewers would prefer an Excalibur (if available) or can just use a Fortune Sword. Of course, playing this build is very expensive or time consuming since one has to constantly re-stock up on Acid Bottles and Bottle Grenades, out of which Bottle Grenades are not easy to make at best. In this case, your job would be to take out the less DEF/less VIT targets like High Wizards and Snipers. Active in fields from ancient biotechnology to combining and creating mixtures, he/she joins the adventurers recruited by King Tristan III to perfect his/her biotechnology, and in the end, to successfully summon a Homunculus.. Hey there! Learning Potion Level 10 The Homunculus also gains one skill point for every three levels. I have not, upto this date fought a good Star Gladiator, Soul Linker or Ninja on my Creator, so I cannot give tips on how to fight them. 5. This will make sure all mushrooms get hit and the older ones die before the 5 minute counter is done. Pure potter for alchemist potions doesn't even change to genetic, because genetic can only get job 50, vs job 70 for bio). Now, what should you look for in headgear? To increase intimacy it is just like with a pet. Scells can be bought from a Trader NPC found inside the Tool Shop of Geffen. Intimacy is also similar to a pet intimacy, but on a slightly larger scale. In most cases, people tend to prefer Ring[1], Glove[1] or a Earring[1]. It's The Transcendent Second Class will be Creator, while The Third Class will be Generic. Step 1 : Summon 2 mushrooms in a line close to the wall. Plus, its ranged. Yes 1 point per feeding max. For Acid Demonstration, weapon which add INT are the most suitable. They can't be controlled but their programming is pretty simple. To obtain a Homunculus, an Embryo is required. Receive 10% Discount when buying items from NPC, Increase selling price of item when selling to NPC by 24%, Receive additional 20% Zeny when collecting Zeny, Resurrect Homunculus and restore 100% of its HP, Decrease own 20% PAtk and MAtk to increase Amistr PAtk by (30% PAtk + 10% MAtk), and Vanilmirth's MAtk by (30% PAtk + 10% MAtk), also increase Hell Plant damage by 20%. It closest resembles a Bolt Professor. Crit 42 Max it if you want Full Chemical Protection as a Creator. Alt-double-right click move there and stay there If there is a Super Novice in the party the Alchemist is further allowed to use Twilight Pharmacy II. There is a separate button in the skill control column as shown on the screen, Leveling a Creator, compared to an Alchemist or a Merchant is actually easy, thanks to Acid Demonstration. The intimacy of the homunculus increases each time you feed it. Each minute that passes by while your homunculus is out (not dissolved/rested) it loses 1 hunger. divesting again. Equip Mdef reduce chance to freeze and duration (X+Y, the X reduce). plzz reply A.S.A.P, How can i remove the fire icon in my homunculus head? Warning: This may be illegal on some servers and is a ground for BANNING of your account. This really depends on the build of the Sniper. There are only two decent sources for Ments, both of which are low rates. Why? Resurrect Homunculus Level 5 I am lvling my vanillmirth lvl 88 at Moscovia Dungeon, in Leshij and the other monsters, @juno But you cant gain stems through cultivating since it is a 1 to 1 exchange plus its only 50% success. Yes, no AD, but you can focus on making your own glistening coats while having FCP and both kinds of potion pitcher, as well as your only defense, your Homunculus. Everything about Alchemist, skill tree, skill simulator and other important skill info like range, properties, requirements, required for, etc. They can laugh off the lower damaging skills but will be susceptible to skills like Acid Demonstration and Occult Impaction. Only have around half as much Int as you do the other two. Jobchange Guide See Alchemist Job Change Guide for detailed information. Lords Cloth[1] is also a viable option since it provides 1 INT and is slotted. Chance to get Vanilmirth: 44.9% (Im using one I made myself). Manual: Alcohol Creation Guide, Items: 1 Seed of Life + 1 Morning Dew of Yggdrasil + 1 Separation Tubes (wow third comment) Few of your errors, please edit your guide: 1: Lifs Emergency escape skill does NOT affect the alchemists Flee. Now, go back to the restricted area in Rekenber Corporation to talk to. When guilds defend, they repel attacks on the castle they own for the moment. You cannot really use physical skills effectively since you will have no STR, however, get a little STR to increase your weight limit. Btw it only do the recharge and patrol amfness. You can heal the entire guild with this if the leader has just used rally. Heart of Mermaid is dropped by Obeaunes, found in Byalan Dungeon 3. Its 24 that the hunger bar turns red, not 25. Detecting who the owner of another Homunculus is (. However, for each interval of Intimacy points the Homunculus has, the window will show: The player dying, the Homunculus dying, or the Homunculus vaporizing does not affect Intimacy. Will my homunculus be weaker if I evolve it while it isn\t loyal? My advice is to get Learning Potion and Potion Pitcher maxed first. A useful skill in PvP and WoE and against some MvPs. Howdy I have the stone to evolve but dont know how to do it. And what normally max stat for uninvolve Vanilmirth? I have had a decent amount of experience in playing a Creator, although it may not be as much as many of the players. Reading the target of a attacking monster (to avoid. Get a little AGI to increase your ASPD as much as possible. However, if you are planning to go further than Job 40, I would say that a leech is the way to go, a Mage or Archer at Geographers. The nice thing is rich people can compensate for lower DEX with Mjolnir and still have their Thara Frog carded shield, with that alone instant cast without buffs is easily possible on any 99/70 Creator, even gives a bit of a STR buff. It is supposed to be the one with the most defense. From Merchant, you can advance to Alchemist as the Second Class if you have met the requirements. Increase 10 Str for 300s. That means that there is a 50% chance for intimacy to increase or decrease. Once a homunculus gets intimacy of 911 or higher (yes, loyal) you can use an item called a stone of sage/philosophers stone/stone of intelligence to evolve it into its higher form. Most skills need some item or another to be used, therefore you cannot attack effectively without using up some item. Chance to get Amistr: 5% Automatically shut down the Ragnarok Online client using, If the owner is being attacked, it logs out after 5 seconds after calling. Chemical Protection Armor Level 5 If you have a Smokie Card, it can be an easy fight. This is probably the first question anyone asks oneself when deciding to start a class what are the pros and cons of my class? Now here's the catch. Blue Gemstones can be bought from the Tool Shop of Geffen. There exists a ranking system by which the top 10 Alchemists/Creators receive 50% increase in potency of potions made by them. If A Geneticist is under Cart boost the homunculus will also move fast, same when the player get Decrease Agility. Having Formless race resistance isnt a bad idea too. 251-750 = Neutral Evolved: http://write.ratemyserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/adult_lif.png, Version 2: http://write.ratemyserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/lif_alt.png Some buffs can be casted on homunculus but it's not clear they're affected or not or have similar restriction like Mercenaries, https://irowiki.org/w/index.php?title=Homunculus_System&oldid=70932, GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later. Acid Demonstration is so devastating, especially on medium to high VIT opponents. Version 1: http://write.ratemyserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/baby_vanilmir th_v1.gif Agi-Str-Dex. Your AD builds are outdated. Chance to get Amistr: 3.1% Axes are not a good idea unless you have a constant Blacksmith partner during leveling. Both Pyramid Basement 1 and Pyramids 3 are decent maps to find it. This is not a mistake. Immediately when you are a Creator, go to your usual Alchemist leveling spots and rake up many job levels. Most people choose to compound a Verit, Matyr or even a Green Ferus card in Footgear. Once an AI script is downloaded, go to the default RO directory. You can heal the entire guild with this if the leader has just used rally. A homunculus gains exp and levels just like player characters do. Immediately when you become Merchant, move to Culvert level 1 and start by killing the few monsters found here while making your way to level 2. This is purely base exp, since the homunc didnt get any job exp. The only exception is that they only use jexp. The good news is, with your high INT, it will take a Professor a decent amount of time to kill you. Therefore, they tend to rely on pots a lot more than other melee classes during these stages. If your VIT is high enough, you can start mobbing them with Cart Revolution. Manual: Marine Sphere Creation Guide. There is no. Once an Embryo is obtained, use the skill Call Homunculus to summon a new Homunculus. All the ingredients can be bought from the Homunculus Supplies NPC found in the Alchemist Guild in Aldebaran. Now heres the catch. Intimacy has not been proven to affect Homunculus' stat growth. This is attributed to the fact that they are not as strong as their Whitesmith counterpart. Whisper can also be used for training purposes. Homunculus System Main article: Homunculus System. Do so by going closer and spamming Mammonite but be sure to keep potting since both the fore-mentioned classes have strong ranged attacks. Revo-Classic job guides for all characters! Filed under: Build (Stats/Skills), Character Guides, Leveling, PvP, WoE. In this, some classes are often at an advantage against some since the nerfs which WoE have dont exist here. Mobbing Thief Bugs in Culverts 2 and 3 is also a good way of getting Red Herbs. 11 100 = Awkward I wrote this in freaking 2007, its pretty obviously out of date and wrong in many places with relevance to todays RO. Avoid getting too close at any cost. Potion Making is accomplished by using the skill, Pharmacy. Gravity got lazy and about half the time, the commands DO NOT WORK PROPERLY. In additional to the following information, the potion making recipe and item drops can be found here. It doesnt matter weather you evolve it at level one or not. Moth Dust is dropped by Punks in Clock Tower 1 or by Dustiness, found in Mount Mjolnir as well as Yuno fields. Its fairly easy to understand. November 15, 2018 December 21, 2017 by Rierin_RO. The homunculus evolves when its intimacy reaches the Loyal state. The next step is to get an elemental weapon. pls help me. Keep in mind that the chances of getting any particular homunculus are STILL random. Gravity Co., Ltd., Gravity Interactive, Inc., and X.D. They have Pneuma which can negate AD. This value is not shown in the Homunculus Stat Window. over powered? The skill in red is the skill which is only obtained when the homunculus evolves. The item used is also a pain to make. There are many sources of Red Herbs. The reason I suggest this is that if the player has a ghostring card, then stoning would turn them to Earth property. Bioethics The only decent place is Byalan Dungeon 4. High Orcs are better in my opinion, but less mobby. I will have a separate section going into details about the various homunculi and their skills and about their controls. Once you have somewhat overrun the castle (that is, your guild has more strong members in the final room) protect the Emperium breakers while they start breaking the emperium by casting Sight (if you have a Horong card) and basically killing any enemies before they have a chance of attacking the emperium breaker. Mantis south of Louyang is also a good source. No you was right the first time, Int only has half the effect of Dex or Luk in brewing. A nice place to start your leveling would be Culverts. This build usually cannot do much against a very low VIT opponent, therefore a fair amount of STR is recommended to take the low VIT enemies out. can u tell me why? Homunculus can no longer attack monster automatically. Of course, if you have SP pots, it isnt a problem. Chance to get Vanilmirth: 8.4% Hello and welcome to my Creator Guide. | wall. Another option for you is Leaf Cats, they give AWESOME Job exp, however you will wind up a Weaker Alchemist since their Base Experience is quite bad. However, the AI will continue to function as normal. If do not want that one, you can delete it using a button which appears in the ALT+R menu, which is the homunculus menu. For example, Elder Willow is quite a decent card to have, due to its +2 INT bonus, which is pretty good for AD, so if you cant lay your hands on the gear mentioned above, feel free to use stuff like this! Awesome Guide ^_^ a section on homunculus leveling would be very much appreciated though. They have Pneuma which can render AD useless. When the homunculus evolves, they get an extra fourth skill to put skill points into. Otherwise, look for Demi-Human race resistance, like a Poo Poo Hat or a Feather Beret. Items: 1 Red Herb + 1 Empty Potion Bottle The map North of the above map is also good, since Floras also spawn there and both drop stems. Detecting whether other players are in a party with the owner. Now, you have to complete the Bioethics quest first, then start putting skill points into the homunculus skills. Once you have that, start using Acid Demonstration to level. Each time you feed your pet its food, the hunger bar will go up by 10 points (percent), to a maximum of 100. Ragnarok Online Alchemist skill effect and description. The leveling stays the same for a Merchant High, except for 1 thing. It goes like this: 1. Watch out for Charge Attack though, it brings them close to you instantly. 1 EDP + Sonic Blow could very well 1 hit KO you if you dont have sufficient DEF. Chance to get Amistr: 36.3% Anyone tried a hybrid support/brewer? Otherwise, Punks, Demon Pungus, Drillers and Fake Angels drop this. Once you cultivate as much mushrooms as you want and stacked on one cell, equip your Azoth and Accessories. There is a significant possibility that you will STILL even with PERFECT stats, NOT get the homunculus you wish to raise. If the High Wizards in the pre-cast have VIT however, target them first and end the pre-cast. Summon, strengthen, revive & evolve Homunculus. Most of its skills are defensive based. A Comprehensive Guide to the Creator Class, http://forums.roempire.com/showthread.php?t=37648, Guillotine Cross Crit/CRS/CI Hybrid by Sehun, Short Guide on 1/PvP Sinx/Assassin Cross Introductory Guide, How to Kill MVPs: Valkryie Randgris, Thanatos, Ifrit, Lord Knight: A Comprehensive Guide for PvM/WoE/PvP. Click here for Amistr Skill Descriptions. Quite a useful skill. Manual: Condensed Potion Creation Guide, Items: 1 Mole Whiskers + 1 Yellow Potion + 1 Empty Test Tube Airship to Yuno, Hugel, Einbroch, Rachel & Lighthalzen. For storm gust it is much easier to just hide before they cast it as having a VERY fast cast for storm is usually very expensive. (and 0 job exp) Identifying skills used, or gathering any other information not listed above. If you have Full Chemical Protection, it really takes out half their arsenal. I will point out below some nice equipment which are considered good by most people. It doesnt include Job bonuses or equipment bonuses. I will try to explain this by means of a rough diagram. You just trashed a 3 year out of date guide. Gather a decent mob, and spam both Cart revolution and your potions. Also note that a homunculus will still get more skill points then it has skills to learn, so you will NEVER have to skip or ignore skills. "Which Homunculus should I pick?" Raydric is probably the best card to slot here. While the homunculus looks and often acts just like a pet, it is not a pet. 1000 exp/1000 jexp monster, and AFKing and WoE and against some since the nerfs which alchemist homunculus build ragnarok classic have dont here... Increase your ASPD as much as possible evolve it at level one or not for Demi-Human race isnt. Will point out below some nice equipment which are considered good by people! The entire guild with this if the high Wizards in the following information, the commands do not WORK.! Supplies NPC found inside the Tool Shop of Geffen an Excalibur ( available... 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So by going closer and spamming Mammonite but be sure to keep high... Flee wouldnt be much to look at, but they are not as as... Player characters do son, he will finally teach you the Bioethic skill ; homunculus! Base exp, since the nerfs which WoE have dont exist here pretty simple for Acid Demonstration and Impaction! When deciding to start your leveling would be to take out the less DEF/less VIT targets like high Wizards the... Ad them if they have VIT, go 2 maps south of Payon out below some equipment! In Mount Mjolnir as well as Yuno fields pretty simple ugly fly & quot ; ugly fly & ;. Not get the homunculus Supplies NPC found in the following information, the X reduce ) each name. Want and stacked on one cell, equip your Azoth and Accessories downloaded AI script is downloaded, to.