(B) The Epistle to the Hebrews: The Epistle to the Hebrews is written to the Jewish Christians to encourage them to remain faithful to Jesus Christ who is the absolute revelation of the Lord God Almighty Himself. Obadiah 1 Chapter View detailed outline. So when God permits Satan to inflict disease and devastating losses on . Paul presents Christ as the ruling power in the universe. Written by Isaiah, one of the major prophets. Psalms 150 Chapters Exodus God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Moses gives Israel a rehash of the instructions for following God. The theme of Judges is the cycle of sin and repentance. There is always an invitation to have Christs attributes and attitudes in us. It continues by describing how David brought Sauls son Jonathan back from Philistine captivity, became a friend to Abner (Sauls general), gained control over all Israel, and built a house for himself at Jerusalem. FAQ Genesis explains how everything began. In Judges, He gives victory over enemies. Philemon is a letter, a story, and a lesson rolled into one. Therefore, that will also be the case for the writings in this book. Amen! They give a clear picture about the life and ministry (teaching/preaching/healing) of Jesus Christ. Ezra 10 Chapters Joshua is a book of war and conquest,including the famous attack on the city of Jericho. endobj For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes (Rev. 2 Kings 25 Chapters We have misled the Christian public by acting as if a summary of the ideas in a book of the Bible is an adequate account of the book. View detailed outline. View detailed outline. What is a quick summary of each of the 66 books of the Bible? James is a cool book. 3 John 1 Chapter Isaiah is one of the more difficult books in the Bible to understand. The first five books of the Bible ( Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) form one unified group, which goes by several names. There is enough murder, adultery and intrigue in this book (and all historically true, of course) to put a soap opera to shame. As Zechariah pleads with Israel to return to God, he records prophetic visions regarding the rebuilding of the temple and the Messiah. Daniel 12 Chapters 1 Timothy 6 Chapters The book gives an account of the struggle between good and evil and the highlight of the book is the final triumph of Christ and His church over the enemy. God selected Saul as their first king, but his reign was short lived because he turned away from God. These Bible book outlines are intended to assist you as you study God's Wor d. As you read the pages of Scripture, ask yourself, "What does this passage tell me about God? Surrounded by enemies, it was not easy. 9 0 obj Chris Bruno This accessible overview of biblical theology traces the development of sixteen key themes from Genesis to Revelation, showing how each theme contributes to the one main storyline of Scripture. Proverbs are short, clever verses (easy to remember) that deal with life, good judgement, and Godly principles. If you want to learn more about the Bible, this post is for you! Matthew 28 Chapters God sends Malachi to deliver prophecy about the calling of Gentiles and the coming of Christ. The Bible appears at mankind in gentle of God's nature and the implications of sin. Provides a history of how the prophet Isaiah warned Israel of future judgement and a coming king who will bear their sins. Some are about God and his revealed works. The Bible has a lot of main themes. Lamentations: The book reflects on the captivity of Israel by the Babylonians. Slavery in the New Testament Bible what the Bible really says about slavery. There are 66 books in the Bible. The Bible is unique when it comes to its books on prophecy. The Bible is His letter to you. Theme of Each Book of the Bible Books of the Bible Printable Understanding Bible themes with an easy-to-reference ' Books of the Bible and their Themes ' printable pdf helps provide context as you work to apply what you read to your own day-to-day life. The term Gospel is derived from the Greek word euangelion () which means Good News. However, the word that we use does not come directly from the Greek term . News without bias or noise. MAJOR PROPHETS (Next 5 Bible Books) Lamentations 5 Chapters Obadiah is the shortest book of prophecy. It is also the only book of prophecy that we really have not gotten to yet in time-wise. Revelations language is very symbolic, which makes it a difficult book to understand. This is a cool book. Ruth was then married to Boaz, another man from Bethlehem, whose family owned land within Bethlehems city limits. Although a vast majority of the early Church Fathers and theologians believed that the epistle to the Hebrews was written by Apostle Paul, many modern Bible scholars and historians question the Pauline authorship of the epistle because they believe that the epistle was written by someone other than Apostle Paul. The history of Israels kings continues, including the wisest and richest (Solomon) and the most evil (Ahabwith plenty of help from his queen, Jezebel). A letter written by Paul to the church at Thessalonica praising their ministry and encouraging them to do more. Readers should not be concerned if they do not understand all of the descriptions in this scholarly temple section. View detailed outline. Mark - 16 Chapters The primary principle of literature is that meaning is embodied and communicated through form. It also serves as an introduction to the third division of Scripture, known as The Writings (Writings). 21 0 obj It also shows how well-meaning friends can cause more damage than good. It naturally follows the book of Jeremiah, where he told the people they would be destroyed if they didnt change their ways, yet they refused to listen. Burleson, TX 76028. View detailed outline. The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Torah, and the final book of the Pentateuch. What we know about the Twelve Disciples (or Twelve Apostles) mentioned in the New Testament Bible. Jeremiah is the longest book of prophecy in the Bible. The church followed some of the earlier advice, but still had some problems. Many biblical scholars do not agree with the credibility of this book in terms of historicity and believes it should take up only a small part in Bible research (Herms, Nolland). Leviticus 27 Chapters In the first book of Kings, youll find that Solomon is king. In spite of discernible differences, the entire Bible revolves around a few of dominant themes, which include, the reality of Gods existence and the manifestation of Gods love, grace, and salvation of the human race through Jesus Christ. The testimony of Daniel and his friends highlights that God can be trusted in any situation and in any location. An invitation to re-build the temple is the highlight of the book. Titus 3 Chapters It ties in nicely with the book of Ezra. Amos: His message highlighted that the covenant with God has promises as well as obligations. 1 Chronicles 29 Chapters . The word I AM is used over 90 times in this book, which tells us something about its main character. 1 Chronicles is a history book. The final victory and the future of the righteous is safe in the hands of God. Note: this is not a book to read when you are depressed! Please send us your questions, comments, suggestions and prayer requests. Ezra is a book of the Bible. God allowed the Babylonians to march against Judah due to their sin against their one and only God Yahweh. All rights reserved. 2 Peter 3 Chapters You may have heard that the book of Numbers is a book of the Bible. God is the source of all wisdom. Yahweh is revealed as The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. From there on out, youre treated to a series of enumerated lists that serve as an introduction for what becomes a more narratively driven account later on. Like when I decided to find out what would happen if I jumped over a . An anonymous narrative history (some believe the author was Mordecai) presenting the story of Jews who stayed behind after others returned to Jerusalem after captivity. Leviticus begins by explaining the conditions under which sacrifices could be made and then goes on to explain what should be sacrificed for different sins or transgressions. endobj Nahums message was God is merciful and slow to anger but He will punish those who defy Him. God had given an opportunity for the people of Nineveh to repent and, in fact, they repented at the time. 1 0 obj It also refers to the restoration of the temple in Israel after the Babylonian conquest, tying in with the book of Haggai that precedes it. Remember, every prophecy in the Bible came to pass exactly as it was stated when its time came to be fulfilled. Hebrews 13 Chapters There are other stories too! This includes the building of the temple, division of the Israelite Kingdom, fall of the Northern Kingdom (Israel in 722 B.C) and the Southern Kingdom (Judah in 586 B.C), and the exile of the people of Israel. Numbers 36 Chapters When Saul died, he was replaced by David who became Israels second king after Sauls death. Pauls epistles highlight the spiritual struggles (such as social, religious, political, or personal) and his response to overcome such struggles by using spiritual resources. Each book has a major theme that emphasizes an aspect of God's character or a way he is working to carry out his perfect plan. Biblical Themes in the Old Testament The Law Books Genesis: The Book of Beginnings Exodus: The Birth of a Nation Leviticus: The Law of a Nation Numbers: The Wilderness Wanderings Deuteronomy: The Laws Reviewed The History Books Joshua: The Conquest of Canaan Judges: The First 300 Years Ruth: The Kinsman-Redeemer 1 Samuel: The Birth of a Kingdom This letter contains more great teaching from one of the apostles. Nahum 3 Chapters Moses is the key person in the entire process of deliverance. Habakkuk - 3 Chapters 2 Timothy 4 Chapters The story of Hosea (one of the Minor Prophets) marrying a prostitute who abandons him and his fight to bring her back. View detailed outline. by Bible Blender, Complete but concise summary of each book of the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament), Chronological summary of the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John timeline), LEVITICUS (traditionally written by Moses), DEUTERONOMY (traditionally written by Moses), 1 CHRONICLES (traditionally written by Ezra), 2 CHRONICLES (traditionally written by Ezra), PROVERBS (Solomon and various other authors), ECCLESIASTES (traditionally written by Solomon), SOLOMONS SONG (traditionally written by Solomon), LAMENTATIONS (traditionally written by Jeremiah), GOSPEL OF ST. MATTHEW (Matthew written by Matthew), GOSPEL OF ST. MARK (Mark written by John Mark), GOSPEL OF ST. LUKE (Luke written by Luke), GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN (John written by John), ACTS OF THE APOSTLES (Acts written by Luke), EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS (Romans written by Paul), FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS (1 Corinthians written by Paul), SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS (2 Corinthians written by Paul), EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS (Galatians written by Paul), EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS (Ephesians written by Paul), EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS (Philippians written by Paul), EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS (Colossians written by Paul), FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS (1 Thessalonians written by Paul), SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS (2 Thessalonians written by Paul), FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY (1 Timothy written by Paul), SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY (2 Timothy written by Paul), EPISTLE TO TITUS (Titus written by Paul), EPISTLE TO PHILEMON (Philemon written by Philemon), EPISTLE TO HEBREWS (Hebrews Author unknown), EPISTLE OF JAMES (James written by James (possibly the brother of Jesus)), FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER (1 Peter written by Peter), SECOND EPISTLE OF PETER (2 Peter written by Peter), FIRST EPISTLE OF ST. JOHN (1 John written by John), SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. JOHN (2 John written by John), THIRD EPISTLE OF ST. JOHN (3 John written by John), EPISTLE OF ST. JUDE (Jude written by Jude), THE REVELATION (Revelation written by John), Complete (but concise) list of minor tribes (clans, descendants, or other groups of people) in the Bible, The complete list of nations that once inhabited the biblical land of Canaan. Judges is a historical book that chronicles this time period beginning with Samuel, who was Gods prophet in Israel at that time, and ending with Samson, another great leader who also fell because of his sins. 8 0 obj The book marks the beginning of human history and Gods covenant with humanity through Abraham. A collection of love songs (poems) about love, desire, and marriage. A description of Joshuas campaign to conquer the Promised Land and distribute its properties to the Twelve Tribes of Israel. I prayerfully check all of the material I put on my sites. The history and actions of the founders of the the Christian Church. The Gospels reflect on who Jesus is and who He is to the world. It is another warning against listening to false teachers and false teaching. Exodus - 40 Chapters Subscribe to the Bible Blender Newsletter. 7 0 obj Home All Library Resources Free Downloads. Read it yourself and see that Amos was writing to (the residents of) various 8th century BC capital cities and not about someone who lived in the last 200 years or so. Jonah: The message of Jonah is an example of Gods compassion and love for people who are not part of the original covenant. The Bible is one book made up of 66 books. An encouraging letter from Paul to Christians who are being persecuted. Shorter, and more fast-paced than the other biographies,we recommend making Mark one of the first books in the Bible you read. The main theme of each book of the Bible is as follows: Genesis God created the world, and then He created mankind. For that reason, Matthew starts with a list of the ancestors of Jesus. The book of Romans is one of the most important in the Bible. We hope this guide helps you navigate through Gods Word so you can better understand what it has to say about our lives. The Main Theme of Each Book of the Bible God's Word is full of truth, meaning, and purpose. Second Thessalonians is a short sequel to 1 Thessalonians. You've likely heard them called: The Torah, which comes from the Hebrew word for "law" The Pentateuch, which comes from a means "five-book work," or "five-fold book" Each book has a major theme that emphasizes an aspect of God's character or a way he is working to carry out his perfect plan. The Gospel According to John: John presents Jesus as the Son of God. He states that In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. As an explanation,prophecy describes two things: Things the people were told to do by God. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. THEMES OF THE 66 BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Consider the themes of the sixty-six books: In Genesis, He is the Creator God. In Bible terms, this book is considered wisdom literature because of the wisdom and insight it gives to the reader. Exodus explains how God, using Moses as his earthly commander-in-chief, freed the Jews from the Egyptian pharaoh using ten plagues. First Samuel includes a number of famous stories, including that ofDavid and Goliath. Download PDF Download Word For those wanting to dig deeper into Bible Book Paragraph Summary Themes go here. If you find anything at all on these pages that is questionable or find any links broken please contact us here. For example: a bull was sacrificed if someone committed an unintentional sin; two turtledoves or pigeons were sacrificed if one had an intentional sin but didnt know they did anything wrong at all; a female goat was sacrificed if someone committed some kind of sexual impropriety (like adultery); male sheep were sacrificed if someone murdered somebody else deliberately; etcetera. Did you know the Bible was written over at least a fifteen-hundred-year span and has dozens of different authors? Things that would happen if the peopledidordid notdo what God told them to. Finally, it contains many important prophecies regarding the coming Messiahfulfilled 500 years later by Jesus Christ. The book of Isaiah - 118 image (s) The book of Jeremiah - 42 image (s) The book of Lamentations - 7 image (s) The book of Ezekiel - 5 image (s) The book of Daniel - 2 image (s) The book of Hosea - 4 image (s) The book of Amos - 1 image (s) The book of Micah - 9 image (s) The book of Nahum - 1 image (s) View detailed outline. For the rest of us, hang in there until you get past the list of names. 66 books of the Bible. Bibles Net. The key thought that runs through the books of prophecy is Micah 6:8, which says, He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. View detailed outline. As a whole, the Bible is about God. Key personalities include Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Abimelech, Jephthah, Samson, and Delilah. <>/Shading<<>>/Pattern<<>>/XObject<<>>/ColorSpace<>/ExtGState<<>>>>>> It is not the easiest book to understand, so read a number of other New Testament books first to give you some background information. Acts is authored by Dr Luke. Psalms is the longest book in the Bibleand probably the most loved. We hope that you will come to know and love Him deeply. View detailed outline. View detailed outline. And what significance does each book have as it relates to the whole? The book is straightforward (for a book of prophecy) yet many cults refer to the book of Amos, claiming some of its verses were written about them or one oftheirprophets. Ruth is a book of the Old Testament. As you read these summaries, you will discover the main message God intended for His readers in each book of the Bible, as well as a "life message" just for you. The humans rebel against God and lose their paradise. MAJOR THEMES WITHIN JONAH PURPOSE OF JONAH God's grace is much bigger than we can comprehend, and much more expansive than what we are comfortable with. The sun will not beat down on them,nor any scorching heat. This brought Gods judgement upon His chosen people. In Second Samuel, David is now kingbut there is a great deal of trouble brewing. Haggai 2 Chapters View detailed outline. The book sets Gods criterion for offering sacrifices for various offenses. Obadiah: The book highlights the role of Edomites in the destruction of Jerusalem. If one does not trust the Lord wholeheartedly, everything around one would becomes meaningless. <>/Shading<<>>/Pattern<<>>/XObject<<>>/ColorSpace<>/ExtGState<>>>>> Youll find many references to him throughout this text, as he narrates his own journey through Israels desert and its peoples troubles along their forty year path towards freedom in Canaan (modern-day Israel). This post will provide you with an overview of the Bibles contents, including what each book is about, its main themes and events, when it was written, why it was written, who wrote it, and how long it took them to write. However, many of these instructions only applied under the Old Covenant with God (covered in the Old Testament part of the Bible) and no longer apply under the New Covenant (covered in the New Testament part of the Bible). The gospel of Mark is written based on the preaching of Apostle Peter. The Bible is divided into two major divisions: The Old Testament (also known as the Old Covenant) and The New Testament (also known as the New Covenant). Would you like to hear from someone who literally walked the Earth with Jesus for three years? View detailed outline. First, it explains how people receive special abilities when they become Christians. We suggest reading Joshua early in your program, but when you get to the chapters about the division of land, just read them quickly to get an idea what happened. Each book has a major theme that emphasizes an aspect of Gods character or a way he is working to carry out his perfect plan. If you want to learn what separates a real church leader from a poor one, First Timothy is a great place to find out. View detailed outline. A circular letter intended for the church universal. Habakkuk then asked God why the people would not respond properly. Suggestions to keep in mind as you read and study the Bible: Realize the Bible's usefulness ( 2 Peter 1:3) Read with a mind open to the truth ( 2 Timothy 2:15) Respond to the Bible's message ( John 3:16) Resolve to live out its truths ( 1 Samuel 12:24) Reap the blessings of obeying and knowing God's Word ( Psalm 1:1-3) A recommendation to Philemon that he accept his runaway slave as a brother. Youll see what I mean if you look closely enough.. 7: 15-17). View detailed outline. The Old Testament consists of 39 books classified under four different categories: (i) The Books of the Law (ii) The Historical Books (iii) The Poetical and Wisdom Literature It is a continuation of the book of Samuel, which was the first book in the second part of the Bible (2 Samuel). Galatians: Galatians reflects Pauls own life: Pauls faith in Christ, justification, and the relationship between Jewish faith and Christian faith. Joel 3 Chapters An Amazing Summary of the Bible in These 66 Verses. Micah: He prophesied against the sins and injustice of Samaria, the capital of Israel, and Jerusalem, the capital of Judah. For geeks and other superhero types, Geek Slop provides the latest science and technology news, features, and an online shop chock full of geek gear. View detailed outline. Ezra was a priest and the first book of the Hebrew Bible to be written. An account of how God delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt and provides a history of their departure. A letter written by Paul to the church at Thessalonica with instructions on how to maintain their faith. The book of Leviticus contains a lot of information. Provides an account of the creation of the world and the origin of life. Revelation is the New Testaments one book of prophecy. View detailed outline. Genesis - 50 Chapters The chart below shows the major themes of each book of the bible. Joshua is chosen as Moses successor to lead the people into the promised land they have been looking forward to settling in for forty years. [The epistle of 2 Timothy is classified as a Pastoral epistle but it is also considered to be a Prison Epistle]. Joshua, the second in command became the Commander-in-Chief after the death of Moses. The book of Samuel was one of these books, so it was divided into two parts: First and Second Samuel. Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament. Sign up for the Bible Blender newsletter and receive the latest on science and tech news, new product notifications, exclusive features, and more. Check It Out. Romans 16 Chapters All Rights Reserved. Wed love for you to come and visit us at our sister website Questions God. Each book has a major theme that emphasizes an aspect of God's character or a way he is working to carry out his perfect plan. Joshua 24 Chapters Then they must briefly unpack that sentence by showing how the book's themes support that message. The Old Testament is older than the New Testament; it was written before Christ came to earth. These themes are certainly simplified but I hope you'll be helped by considering them. First Thessalonians is not only easy to read, butit contains one of the best descriptions in the Bible of what happens to departed Christians. The book then describes the peoples wanderings and rebellious nature, and how theTen Commandments came to be. x\,7 S0?8p8*-;WvzlYO~Q]~)?_R":U^>.f/D-\~xu+/RJO?p. Gods answer starts in chapter 1, verse 5. (Matthew 22:41 22:46). Provides histories of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel followed by the history of David and the temple of God in Jerusalem. Esther 10 Chapters This is the first book of the Bible to record their history after Joshuas death. Colossians is another short book. The widow Naomi requested that he marry Ruth so that she could provide for her after his death as well. Some of the most popular parables are seen in this gospel, including the parable of the good Samaritan, the prodigal son, and the rich man and Lazarus. Amos is one of those books of prophecy that gives the everyone an important weaponthe ability to recognize some cults. Different from the others, John opens his book with symbolism. 2 Samuel is the second book of the Old Testament and the first book of the second section of the Hebrew Bible. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a4bf3f9aa6bf9b99a49bd6b59c8e965a" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Scripture begins with the account of God's creation of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. This documentation of Nehemiahs courage and leadership is very inspiring. View detailed outline. In Numbers, He is your guide. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. The epistle also urges Christians to remember that love is the pathway for achieving eternal life and that knowing God is possible only through loving God and obeying His commandments. The history of Israel from Joshua to Samson. endobj This is a great book. MINOR PROPHETS (Next 12 Bible Books) And fieldsalong with persecutionsand eternal life (Mark 10:29-30). It is especially suited to reading by new Christiansyet anyone, Christian or not, can benefit from reading Colossians. It describes the future destruction of one of Israels enemies, the ancient country of Edom. What follows is an attempt to capture these themes it's simplest form. Hosea: Hosea brings out his message by illustrating a marriage relationship to explain how God loves and cares for Israel. Numbers is a combination of an ancient census and job description for Gods people more than 3,000 years ago. View detailed outline. A case study in epistolary form: salutation (1:1-1), thanksgiving (1:3-22), body (2:14:16), paraenesis or list of exhortations (4:76:20), and close (6:21-24). This book includes the famous climax of the Jewish escape the crossing of the Red Sea. In some respects, Ecclesiastes is the strangest book in the Bible. Book Summary. View detailed outline. Galatians 6 Chapters Com and see what were all about here. The Gospel According to Mark: It is the shortest gospel and is considered to be the first gospel ever written. View detailed outline. Could California be on the verge of a Christian revival? It's where we find the famous stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the ark, Abraham and Isaac, and a well-dressed dreamer named Joseph. Jonah contains one of the most widely recognized stories in Bible, that of Jonah being swallowed by a large fish.Why not read it yourself? View detailed outline. Genesis is the first book of the Bible. View detailed outline. You may want to put off reading them until later. to the land that I will show you. John 21 Chapters Philippians 4 Chapters The answer is yes. Second Timothy is not only the best sequel in the Bible, but it also provides comfort for those reaching the end of their road. HISTORICAL BOOKS (Next 12 Bible Books) It tells the story of Naomi and Ruth. Find resources here on the books of the Bible that will add value to your personal study of the greatest Book ever written. This is a good book to read early on. John offers stories of signs and miracles associated with Jesus. These two sectionsnumbered lists and narrativeare often referred to as chapters when referencing them aloud or referring back to them in conversation (e.g., I love chapter 4). 2 Samuel 24 Chapters This explains how Jesus met that requirement. In actuality, it was written by Moses himself. Habakkuk: The highlight of Habakkuks message is that the righteous will live by faith. This book portrays the Babylonian invasions of the kingdoms around them. MAJOR CHARACTERS: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Abraham, Paul, Phoebe, Romans. Here God promises Abraham four things: Each book has a major theme that emphasizes an aspect of God's character or a way he is working to carry out his perfect plan. View detailed outline. 1 John 5 Chapters Answers the questions How did Gods relationship with us begin? and How did the nation of Israel form? Key personalities include Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Joseph. There are some lists of family trees, generally lasting a page or so, which are mostly of interest to scholars. Them to do more of Scripture, known as the God of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac Rebekah. The everyone an important weaponthe ability to recognize some cults on prophecy one would becomes meaningless they Christians. In Jerusalem would not respond properly first king, but his reign was short lived because he turned away God... Of Gods compassion and love for you Genesis, he records prophetic visions regarding the rebuilding of the loved! The rest of us, hang in there until you get past the list of.. John opens his book with symbolism tells us something about its main character is one of the kingdoms Judah... 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