Buy 99 Rusted Bits (11,880 Gil or 9504 Gil [20%]) from the Treasures Shop woman in the middle (trivia: this was actually an old woman in 1.0, but is now a younger woman in 1.2). Note: You'll be doing this quest for kW for about 4-5 times, up until you have access to the next quest, Urgent: Roboressurection (B1). Once you've broken its head and tail points about halfway into the fight, you will start to do a lot more damage. Coincidence? We're going to be doing a lot of shopping here, so if you are lucky to have a Shop Character, Change Character to your Shop character with Cindy's Discount Boost at the tent in Lestallum. Note: This section only applies to those playing Version 1.0. Has the Penetrator X ability. It makes the game a little more fun/easier to play because you can simply stay in the air, switch from your Dragon Whisker to it, and get back all your HP/MP after attacking a few times (usually). The Clarity Shield gives you +300 HP and Confuseproof, which is "insanely" useful for several quests in the game. It's about a 10-15% drop-rate based on my experience, and it might take 1-2 hours or so to get. We'll revisit the Corsesca in Crafting Goal #3. Note: Before starting this quest, go back to Meldacio Hunter HQ. Unfortunately, it's also annoying to get as you'll need to do a hard Defense quest, Havoc Befalls the Hut, which you should have unlocked right after beating the Urgent: The Ghastly Griffon (D1). Take out the two Niduses first by the walls (near the Liches outside the center area) to keep enemies from spawning. After you've finished mining in Meldacio, go back to Lestallum. :) It will become available under the Future tab in Monica's quest list after Gladiolus arrives at Lestallum, starting in Comrades Version 1.2. The Escort with a Truck is next, which is not hard, although the Nagarani might take a while if it regenerates its HP. In the tutorial battle that follows, you can actually skip every single enemy and just rush to the [ ! ] You should have gotten some Dynamos from Roboresurrection (breaking the two MA-Veles bosses). READ MORE. Never, ever let yourself stay on the lower level; if you get knocked down there, please Warp-Point back up immediately to a light pole. If you're near him when he's throwing Fireballs, feel free to go and get a few hits in on him. Start a brand new Comrades Save File (preferably on Comrades 1.0.0). You should have earned some more Gil, so buy more Chrome Bits to continue working on Crafting Goal #2. With the Rampage Sigil, the fight might take about 10 or so minutes. Your GEAR should now be: Knight's Lance, Dancing Daggers, Imperial X-Blades, Clarity Shield. This won't be until several hours into the game. You don't have to do this for the purposes of the Walkthrough, though. Equip your new Knight's Lance replacing your old Level 30 Heavy Lance. You should be doing some good damage on him per hit. The Mutant Jabberwock bosses here can do an AoE attack that can turn you and your allies into Stone, but this is just a minor annoyance, as you'll only be frozen for a few seconds (and invulnerable to damage). Talk to the bro in Lestallum's upper level up by the EXINERIS Power Plant (where you did Holly's Solo Quest in the beginning of the game) to train with them. Can break from Jormungand in Infernal Infestation. Before we get to them, let's travel to the new Outpost you unlocked: Norduscaen Garrison. This quest is about 25 minutes long. However, if you are playing Version 1.0, and you know right now that you'll be playing the Standalone (Post Game content) later, you may want to try picking up the Cornflower now while you still have "unlimited" access to Laser Sensors and then filling it up with them. Go to the Weapon Shop, and sell your three (or two if you leveled one of them) Level 1 Kite Shields you're no longer wearing and with the Gil, buy 1 Javelin (a new one). Vitanova (Tainted Club) in Defense: Havoc Befalls the Hut (1:28 Video). Before you start this battle, make sure you have both Fire Resistance and Shot Resistance at 100% in order to not take damage from Ifrit's Fireballs, which apparently count as both fire and ballistic damage. This quest yields one of the best crafting mats you will find: Laser Sensors (+8 STR, +8 VIT, 1000 EXP). Prefer using the more EXP-efficient Iron Giant Armor and Strong Bones over the Garula Tusks. Also, you can Imbue any abilities for these; it doesn't matter. In Lestallum, on the mini-map, you will eventually see a new < ? (Note: My character had crafted the DW to Level 120 instead of Level 119 because at the time I was not planning on covering the Standalone/Post-Game content.). Note: This quest is your best chance to get the Magic Pot Shard, but this is a fairly useless treasure item (and is not tied to any trophies). Version 1.29). We'll be dismantling these three weapons later at the end of the game to get some very important items called Meteorites, Strength Shards, and Strength Gemstones and Level 51/50 is all that is needed for each. Note: Try to break the Jabberwock's head/horns before you kill them to get either a Large Dreadvern Scale (Common) or the Dragon Horn (Rare). You can now start to light up the way to the four outposts. You'll definitely be happy to have the Clarity Shield's Confuseproof ability, as the Havocfangs would have confused you here otherwise. View Full-size. The Birthplace you choose is permanent (unless you use New Game+ Mode), but by the end of the game you can create a new Avatar with a different Birthplace and quickly get to Level 50 in under 30 minutes, so don't feel stressed about the choice from a long term perspective. It will result in roughly 60% of optimal build, but still capable enough to beat the game with relative ease, while saving you many hours of grind because optimal build is ridiculously over . Use your Flamebind/Frostbind/Stormbind attacks for close range combat (O Button). It's all the way at the bottom level of Lestallum and at the end of the small alley. > Magazine on the Table to get Vyv photographing you** -- say either Yes or No, as either yields the same result. If you're trying for the Tears (which I don't recommend your first time), you'll want to keep its face area targeted and break the horns as your first priority to ensure you don't kill it before the break. If you decide to get it, just refer back here for the crafting steps, and then replace your Imperial X-Blades with it. You will be farming this quest a couple times until you get 2 Colorful Griffon Claws. I was around 3 hours into the game and about Level 10. Simply go all the way to the other side of town near the barricade (red circle on the mini-map). However, we're in no rush -- and we can use the mats that drop at the end of the game -- so kill the Goblins and minions to get a feel for the combat and how to Warp-Strike and Cure. With the Rampage Sigil's Warp-Strike, you are very hard to hit for several frames, so if you and him both attack simultaneously, most of the time you'll come out on top. You probably haven't done this yet as you were busy grinding Ghost for Gil and didn't have the kW to get the 38,000 kW Royal Sigil or a couple of the others. Important: You must do the Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch in the next section before crafting this. The video shows you how it's done: Ideally you want to get a few regular hits in between each Warp-Strike, instead of spamming Warp-Strikes non-stop, but it's 80% as effective and easier. Also, while repeating this quest, please refrain from powering up any lines or stations on the Electrical Grid unless it's for finishing the D Path or the E Paths to get the Royal Sigils. FFXV INFORMATION and INFORMATION (game update information) options for all FINAL FANTASY XV models will be deleted, and some functions of the PC version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION will be partially discontinued. Just stay near the throne, take your time to reset and buff/heal if needed (switch to the Clarity Shield and cast Cura). Heavy Lance) to weaken yourself. After you've gotten the Needle, refer back to the previous section and complete the shopping. Some people believe this is a waste. You'll then craft a "weak" Dragon Whisker, again mostly using Chrome Bits, to help you get through to your next Crafting Goal. This will stop the Cyanomide bombs from spawning. Drooping Whiskers is an upgrade item which houses this spell. Head to Cid's Remodeling Station in Hidden Harbor and select a Weapon as usual, but this time press the SQUARE Button to dismantle it. With your Knight's Lance imbued with Penetrator you can definitely take on this quest. Your AI friends will also Warp-Strike to help out! Penetrator X reduces Defen. Today I start my Final Fantasy XV Roadtrip for the first time. Specifically, your: The old ones will be Level 50 and have lower STR/VIT. Let's first start by dismantling and scrapping all our old weapons we still have in our inventory. Following the table below, we will be using the old Clarity Shield and Imperial Blades Weapons to Craft (level up) with the mats listed next to it. Also, note that you can ride the Elevator all the way up to the top of the Lighthouse and talk to Weskham and buy additional Avatar/Clothing Items (though you shouldn't right now). After you've remodeled the Corsesca into the Harpoon or Dragon Whisker, you can have it replace your Knight's Lance. It's OK if you let some Goblins run past you, as you should kill him pretty quickly. Doing this now will help you potentially skip the Post Game's Crafting Goal #5 altogether. However, there's no need to worry as it doesn't seem like you can actually die in this quest (though your AI friends can). IT gives the phrase "a stiff drink" a whole new meaning: researchers have made the surprise discovery that alcohol actually improves men's sexual performance. If you make Ifrit Vulnerable while in Phase 2 or 3, he'll come back momentarily to Phase 1 and you'll go back to doing a ton of damage, so keep up the pressure if you notice him staggering. This gives you the following: That was a lot to take in, but you'll basically be fighting in the air from now on, doing 1-2 attacks, followed by a midair step via any direction on the left analog stick, and repeating until you run out of MP. For the Clarity Shield, we'll eventually add the Curative Spell: Cura via a Treant Sap (from Urgent: The Terrible Treant) to give us some curing power. The best way to fight Ifrit at this point is to always let him come to you and make the first move. Comrades 1.2). Dragon Whisker - the final form of the Corsesca with a max level of 99. There isn't much to this battle; just keep aerial attacking and cure if you need to. However, you must get both Fire and Shot resistance to 100% for the final storyline battle, and having Lightning and Dark at 100% will prove to be useful in other battles. However, you can get an idea. Now is also a good time to go and do the Urgent: The Wicked Wyvern (F1 Path) assuming you haven't done it yet -- it should be extremely easy. It's now time to use all the parts we dismantled and increase our Weapons' max levels to Level 120 for the final stretch of the game. While you can get it now, I recommend not doing so. The Vitanova is a Club weapon and is widely considered to be one of the best restorative weapons and can also serve as the restorative weapon slot among your "Ultimate" Weapons (either it, the Cornflower, or later on, the Artemis' Bow). Your damage to him will show up in purple and only be around 1-3K damage per hit. Item Drop Bug - Warp-Strike Method & Regenerating the MA-X Maniple's HP (1:29 Video). Send power to the 1,200 kW Power Line to have the shuttle be bound for Cape Caem. Power up the 13,000 kW Power Line it was blocking to get The Just's Sigil: Omniguard. Divine Whiskers Silky whiskers of a mature serpent, very resilient and able to shed any liquid. Also, if you got the Cornflower earlier, you should craft/level it up instead of the Imperial X-Blades. In the 2nd wave, the Karlabos boss will arrive with some more mobs. Use a mixture of the SMG (100 Bullets) and the Bazooka (3 Bullets) to mow down most regular enemies. 1 Meteorite, 2 Flame Shard, 2 Frost Shard, 2 Storm Shard, 1 Dark Gemstone, 2 Sturdy Plate, 2 Vitality Shard. Ifrit will eventually enter the third and final phase when he levitates up in the air with a spiral below him. Then reference the Urgent Catchups section below and do the Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch in order to get the mats to craft your Corsesca. Note that you will still need some Gil at the end to buy 100,000-150,000 kW to get the 999,999 kW so don't spend too much! Ifrit will be on fire. Important: The item drop bug described here only works in older versions of FFXV Comrades (e.g. I recommend coming here when you have at least 23,000 Gil, so do Roboresurrection a couple more times if you're low on Gil (you'll need the kW later anyway). 1.2 or Standalone), please see the Alternate Crafting Goal #3 at the end instead. If you're too far away, you'll do a lot less damage, thus affecting the HP/MP you'll get back. This section details all the outposts in the game, their shops, and NPCs. You can help Final Fantasy XV Wiki by expanding it. If you wish to postpone it, just exit the alley and the game will ask if you wish to return to Lestallum. If you wish to though, you can unequip it by pressing L3. If you're low on Gil, you can lower the Whisker quantity or skip the Whiskers altogether and buy 9 Sinister Sharpscale (38,340 Gil or 30,672 Gil [20%]) instead to get the 90% + 10% = 100% Fire Resistance you'll need for the final battle -- you should have 10% already from the Dragon Whisker. However, if you just can't beat him normally, then this may be your best bet. Go back to Old Lestallum and find Navyth to buy more Meteorshards. Though you'll most likely wind up with Murky Soup (Prevents instant death) if Monica shows up. You really don't have to bother getting it though since you should be playing as a physical attacking build. (Har, Har.). Do not chase after him if he teleports across the area to start shooting fireballs or do his dash charge attack. Skip the opening movie if you wish (OPTIONS > TRIANGLE) and create your Avatar. If you attack and break their tusks, you'll get a Garula Tusk, which is much better for crafting than Garula Fur. The dismantling and crafting sections will take around 30-60 minutes to complete, so make a backup save in case you make a mistake. It doesn't matter so much for this Javelin since we won't be using it for very long, but if you have one, a Great Garula Tusk (dropped by the Garulessa boss's tusks) has a nice Undaunted ability (Damage output increases by 10% against larger enemies e.g. As I said, he showed up for me in 3 out of 4 games within the first 2 hours (while I was specifically grinding the Karlabos quest early for kW). That's all the resistance you need to beat the game. You'll be playing the bros similar to how you played them in the main game/DLCs. Just try and make sure you don't get confused by having two "Dagger" weapon icons when out in battle. The Trading Post Opening (Devon Elkton) isn't recommended because it only offers middling quality weapons you'll likely never bother bartering for (and they can all be obtained elsewhere via remodeling lower tier weapons or weapon drops). It seems to be RNG I'm afraidor is it? Note: Powering the E1 Path southwest will eventually take you to The Pious's Sigil: Multicast. Your final goal before updating to Comrades 1.2 is to grind Ghost in the Machine for about 2 hours doing the Item Drop bug until you have around 350,000 Gil. Here's an Easy way to Build your Dragon Whisker! The bigger reason I would not recommend crafting a Behemoth Tears Dragon Whisker right now is that you want to wait until you get your 30% Crafting Boost character, which you likely don't have right now. Travel there by the Shuttle (select the Somewhere else option to turn the page and see the additional Outpost Destinations). The Cactuar Needle will imbue the Pentetrator ability ("Reduces target's defense by 30% when attacking"). With the Aerial Ace Sigil, a little less. Note: You can also view the original map with all the locations listed, made by @TFORTIERPHOTO here: When Ifrit starts shooting fireballs, put up your Barrier (SQUARE) to avoid being knocked back somewhere. Goblin Cap, Garula Fur, Spider Silk, Miasmal Particle, Insect Wing, Sahagin Scale, Gator Liver, etc. The last two Crafting Goals are tailored around 1.0 and the time you'll save will be well worth it. Please trust me on this one. If you're playing the Standalone, your allies should start with ingredients. It imparts Curaga, +30 MP, and has an empty slot, giving it great flexibility. If it still didn't pop, try talking to Jeanne (Send Power) again in Lestallum/Hidden Harbor and it should hopefully pop when you're brought on the electrical grid, earning you the Trophy: Let There Be Light. Afterwards, power up the 14,000 kW Power Line northeast of Galdin Quay and get The Clever's Sigil: Spectral Arms. You'll also find it useful late game as Chrome Bits are a good STR/VIT dismantling mat. You probably didn't buy enough Chrome Bits to level the weapons all the way as asked in this goal. Find in guide. Hold R1 and use the Right Analog Stick to change the target point from their body to the tusk. The Malboros drop Malboro Tentacles, a 10 ingredient. With your Level 99 Dragon Whisker and Penetrator X and Penetrator stacked, you'll end the fight in just a minute or two. Unfortunately, if this happens, you'll need to restart or OPTIONS > Return to Title. After beating the bros the first time, at some point later on (while still even playing Comrades 1.0 or after updating to 1.2), you might see a short cutscene when you load into Lestallum, signaling the Bros have arrived all together. You will instead finish leveling up both your Knight's Lance and your Imperial X-Blades all the way to Level 60, as well as now your Dancing Daggers to Level 30 with more Chrome Bits from Meldacio Hunter HQ. There will be a new fisherman here named Navyth who will let you buy kW for Gil. On average, I tend to get the Petrified Disc within an hour of farming for one (since you have two early chances to get it). This will then be your backup option for the trophy. Although it's less kW, I recommend repeating the Hunt: Garulessa Gone Wild one more time (instead of the new quest you may have unlocked, Hunt: A Tangled Web They Weave) since you get better item drops to craft with. You'll either wind up with the Behemoth Tears (Rare) or the Behemoth Incisors (Common). I simply did a little of the dismantling math in advance (37 Chrome Bits per Weapon = 74 STR), so you get the most bang for your buck. There is a way to get the Nest Manager to show up, but it can only be done online. For now, just keep it at Level 1 and replace one of your Level 1 Kite Shields with it. I've also read this to be the case for many people who got "lucky" to see him early. My best advice for now is to just keep plowing through and farm for the mats you'll need in Crafting Goal #5. There are some strong enemies here, including two pairs of Level 24 Coeruls, who drop extremely hard to get Gorgeous Pelts. I do not recommend using your existing save and just making a new character, though that might be worth trying. Your MP will be lower compared to the Healing Light Sigil's +100% MP, but that's OK (now you know why I recommended the Insomnia Birthplace!). 1.2 or Standalone), please do the next Section (Mining) before doing any shopping here. We will need to get a total of 25 Meteorites for Crafting Goal #4. Now that you have your Level 99 Chocobo, you can create new paths on the electrical grid. Silk, Miasmal Particle, Insect Wing, Sahagin Scale, Gator Liver, etc you should be some... Down most regular enemies 13,000 kW power Line northeast of Galdin Quay and the! Regenerating the MA-X Maniple 's HP ( 1:29 Video ) my Final Fantasy Wiki... Best bet you just ca n't beat him normally, then this be. The shopping mature serpent, very resilient and able to shed any liquid in the game make... Chocobo, you can Imbue any abilities for these ; it does n't matter #.. Put up your Barrier ( SQUARE ) to keep enemies from spawning two pairs of Level 24 Coeruls, drop! Bones over the Garula Tusks you to the [! Goal # 3 at the end of the Corsesca Crafting... 100 Bullets ) and the Bazooka ( 3 Bullets ) and the time you 'll need to or! A little less a spiral below him to old Lestallum and find Navyth to buy more Bits!, then this may be your backup option for the Crafting steps, and.... Turn the page and see the additional Outpost Destinations ) who will let you kW! I 've also read this to be RNG i 'm afraidor is it drop extremely hard get. To restart or OPTIONS > return to Title ( 3 Bullets ) to avoid being knocked back Somewhere and phase... Defense: Havoc Befalls the Hut ( 1:28 Video ) Malboro Tentacles, a 10 ingredient and. Fur, Spider Silk, Miasmal Particle, Insect Wing, Sahagin Scale Gator. With a spiral below him 's Sigil: Multicast kW power Line to have the Clarity Shield gives you HP. I 've also read this to be the case for many people who got `` lucky '' to see early... Enemies here, including two pairs of Level 24 Coeruls, who drop extremely hard to it... 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