I even got desperate and checked the sink and the trash can, but nothing. Lets face it, snails are just cool. Can Bettas And Molly Fish Live Together Peacefully? And for the safety of your snail, the best thing you can do is add it to another tank! You must be diligent about making the tank habitable for your betta and the snails by removing waste, dead plants, and dead snails. Some bettas, especially the male bettas or the more aggressive ones, might try to eat the snails in your tank, especially if they are hungry or if the snails are small. I've heard of bettas eating baby snails, shell and all. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. One of the main concerns people have about adding snails to a Betta fish tank is whether or not the Betta will eat the snail. Best Fish & Stocking Ideas, How To Plant Carpet Seeds In An Aquarium The Ultimate Guide, Texas Cichlid Care Guide (Diet, Tank Mates, Breeding, Size), How To Lower Nitrite In A Fish Tank Freshwater & Saltwater, Can Betta Fish Live With Snails? Sarah is residing in South Africa with her partner and pets. One of our members told the story of their betta carrying a snail around and smashing it into the side of the tank, killing it and eating the snail. Will Betta Fish Eat Snails? This behavior means that they can be the most skilled escape artists in the tank if you want to keep your Nerites inside your aquarium, make sure you seal every potential exit. Not to often Id say maybe every 8-10 days as long as you dont over feed with wafers. Since they like burrowing in the substrate, they improve aeration and even benefit your live plants. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. However, they can still survive below a pH of 7. Please leave a comment if you have any question. Though your betta may nibble at the snail and try to get to the fleshy parts, they often spit it out as they don't like the shells. You must log in or register to reply here. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. A bonus to keeping snails is that they can make your aquarium more interesting, as you get to observe the snails behavior around the aquarium. This size tank can house five to 15 large snails. Larger species of snails are a better option for betta fish, as they are too big to seem like an appealing meal for bettas. Its best to say that bettas definitely have the capacity to attack your snail and may do, but youll never know for sure until you put the two together. Your snail won't be as active as your betta, but they can be very active when they are feeding and in an exploring mood. As we already mentioned, some snail species are more suited for living with the bettas than others. Algae can quickly take over your tank if you don't keep it in check, so having a few snails around can be very helpful. I feed him bloodworms (the only thing he'll eat) every other day, so it's not like he ate the snails out of starvation. 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The type of snail to keep in your tank depends on various factors, such as the ability of the snail to survive in the tank. my betta and tetras get vittles twice a day. The snail has to be able to fit in the mouth of the Betta fish, but that shouldn't be a problem since the Betta can eat a lot of other things as well. Betta Flakes. If you have plastic plants, they will be perfectly fine, and the snails will feed on algae and the leftover foods. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Are you going to keep the snails in the 10-gallon or move them? He has like zero issues with the tiger nerite, it's the zebra he gets into flaring fits at sometimes lol. In the home aquarium, betta fish can eat a wide variety of foods such as: Betta Pellets. Since theyre pretty big, they also prefer bigger tanks. Although bettas might sometimes try to eat the snails, it will generally not occur with the snail species we have on this list. Hepper.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Though your betta may nibble at the snail and try to get to the fleshy parts, they often spit it out as they dont like the shells. Subscribe below for our newsletter and get weekly updates on newly published posts. Sarah Psaradelis. Sarah has much experience in all aspects of pet care, and providing the world with knowledge on ethical pet ownership is her lifelong dream. Id only drop 1 and a half of a wafer in the tank every 3 days. This means that youll need to do regular water changes and be careful not to shock them when you add new water to the tank. The answer is snails. She currently is interested in veterinary science and ichthyology, which she wants to study alongside her main passion: pet content writing. i looked through the entire tank and the filter box, but she wasn't there. Ramshorns are known for eating live plants. If you do decide to add an apple snail to your tank, make sure its a smaller one. He killed several species of snails (granted they we're pretty small and had their heads extended out of their shell, unlike nerites). An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. should i be concerned . Snails and betta fish together are not usually a problem. For Snail: Snail generally take longer to acclimate, our customer will have 48 hours of posted delivery time to claim for Live Arrival Guarantee. Sparkling Gourami Species Profile & Facts. So if you have a betta tank with hard water, this is a good snail to add. They still might peck at the snails antennae, causing damage if the snail doesnt retract them in time. In fact, their minimum preferred pH is already on the high end of a Bettas optimal pH range. Make sure that you have a good quality pH test kit on hand to keep an eye on the water conditions in your tank. This includes understanding what type of snail is best for your betta, as well as acclimating both the snail and the betta to each other before adding them to the same tank. Ideal Water Parameters for Goldfish: 5 Measurements You Need to Know! If your Betta is well-fed, theyre not likely to be interested in snacking on a snail. The information is not intended to constitute professional or medical advice. However, you still need to be careful with snails in your tank, as they might get attacked by the bettas, or you might see the population grow uncontrollably. Snails are grazers, and they love to eat algae. It would seem like bettas are champions of eating snails and anything else that moves in their living space. If you have concerns about what snail types can/cannot eat betta fish, you can relax. Fishkeepingwisdom.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. These three types of snails require similar water and pH as a betta, so you can introduce them easily. Snails can become an unpleasant thing once they start to spread too much. All Rights Reserved. In nature, Bettas love to munch on insects as well as insect larva. The Siamese fighting fish, better known as the betta fish, is a popular pet fish that can be found in a range of different colors and fin types. If youre looking for a way to make your aquarium more interesting, adding a few snails is a great way to do it. It still had plenty of live plants in it so I kept the filter running. Always seek advice from a certified veterinarian in a case of medical emergency. In fact, I can personally attest to this. Yes. Another tip for the peaceful coexistence of betta fish and snails is to buy hardy snails. With time they fade, but the snails lay . Apple snails are interesting-looking snails that can make your betta fish tank more lively and interesting. Is your tank cycled? This is at no extra cost to you. my plecos get an alternating diet of wafers, bloodworms, and fresh greens once a day. Learn more. Because Bettas are natural carnivores and prefer a diet rich in protein. But she'll follow them for several minutes and swim away. The answer, as it turns out, is yes but there are a few things you need to know before adding a snail to your betta tank. You can get nerite snails for your betta tank, but they will also reproduce quite a lot. Would nerite snails need a heater in a separate tank? Its almost like he cant. Another species that eats snails is puffer fish, pea puffers and other pufferfish however, you may have zero snails after a period of time , since it is their preferred diet (loaches . Whatever veggie matter that is in flakes or betta food is suffiecient IMO, and, as said above, more veggies won't offer much benifit. There are also other variations. In fact, they often end up drowning because they cant right themselves when they end up on their backs. Tiffin. Nerite Snails are another good snail for beginner fishkeepers. Fishfur. While these snails grow quite large, you should not keep more than one apple snail per 5 gallons. Snails in the Betta tank become more appealing as a snack if you leave the Betta hungry. Theyre also known to dig up plants, which can be very annoying. Remember, bettas are carnivores, so if theyre hungry enough, snails will definitely turn up on the menu. If you liked this article, make sure you check out the rest of the website. Everything You Need To Know. When introducing a snail to a betta tank, adding the right one is paramount. Generally, snails that are too big for your betta to eat will be safe. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. If you are wanting to feed snails to your betta fish, keep in mind that snails arent the best snack for betta fish, and your betta should be eating a staple pellet food specifically formulated for betta fish, alongside freeze-dried or live foods like worms or crustaceans. It's in a 10 gallon tank with 3 nerite snails that I added a few days before I got the betta. Let some air between the lid and the water surface. Bettas eat snails especially if the snail is smaller than the Betta and they live in the same tank. Can Black Mystery Snails Eat Betta Fish? Yeah I'd keep the snails in. Continue with Recommended Cookies. (All Snails Included), Do Betta Fish Get Bored? Hi!I am Pierre, a fish lover and your comrade in all things aquarium-related.I have been in love with aquariums and fishes ever since I was a kid.I grew up watching my parents fawning over our modest 5-gallon tank aquarium. *whew*, My little nerite loves to explore in fact I found him hanging upside down on the tank lid he also got in my filter right now he's in my tower if you want to know more you can see his thread although it has more about my betta then him. Lets try it the other way around should I be worried that a snail may eat my Betta fish? However, theyll produce as much waste themselves. Snails are noted for their ability to eat any material at the bottom of the tank and are often considered good tank cleaners. Snails overrunning your tank can be eliminated with a dip in potassium permanganate. Can Betta Fish Live with Snails. Yes, some bettas, especially males, can be aggressive toward their tankmates. Betta fish are carnivores both in captivity and in the wild, which is why they will eat snails in the aquarium. I dont want him to stay stressed for too long, I was taking care of this one betta who I found to be a snurderer (snail murderer). You should also keep an eye on them to make sure theyre not attacking your Betta. Introducing snails first to the tank is another tip to limit the risk to the snails. This includes algae, dead plant matter, and uneaten fish food. There was some brown film algae on the front of the filter box but, as you can see, it's gone now. If you want to have a carnivore snail to control your existing snail population, look no further than the assassin snail. Something to note about nerite snails is that they prefer a higher pH than Betta fish. You should be feeding your betta 1-2 pellets twice a day, as well as supplementation with live, frozen, and freeze-dried food to make sure theyre getting all the nutrients they need in their diet! All the snails on this list are perfectly fine with bettas, as long as they dont spread too much. Small species of snails like the nerite, ramshorn, and bladder snail are small enough to be picked on and eaten by bettas. Betta fish is a carnivorous animal, while mystery snail prefers to feed on algae. . KeepingFishSimple 95K views 11 months ago 5 Things I Wish I Knew BEFORE I Got My First Betta Fish Girl. If you are keeping your betta on its own, then it is highly likely that it will be the case. Here, we will answer this question, and talk more about owning bettas and snails together in the same aquarium. Then go about their business. Most bettas are noted to be curious marine animals and would likely eat anything in the tank if given a chance, so yes, bettas eat snails. However, the possible negative of keeping turret snails is that they breed quickly, and you might have unwanted snails in your tank. Snails can play important role in maintaining fresh water and cleaning fish tanks by removing algae. As Ive touched a little bit earlier, Bettas prefer a high protein diet, but there are a couple of reasons they eat snails. As an aggressive and highly territorial species of fish, it can be challenging to find a good tank mate for your betta. Sometimes they pull them out of the intact shells, sometimes they crush the shell in the process (which can make audible noises). Will Your Betta Stop Attacking Your Snail? All my previous worries about my new betta being a picky eater and he goes and eats a snail! Hepper is reader-supported. There are some snail species that you should avoid adding to your Betta fish tank. As a result, it's crucial to make an effort to get larger snails. not for the snail of course. Bettas are also known to eat other invertebrates such as mollusks, crustaceans, worms, and even small fish. However, Bettas only go on a hunger strike when I change the water or introduce them to a new tank. See The Most Compatible Species Here, Can Betta Fish Live With Goldfish? My betta bit off both of my snail's antennas but they're growing back. As you can see, in a lot of cases, its entirely possible to stop your betta from attacking your snail, and by rearranging the tank and adding more decorations, youre going to reduce the chances of bullying happening. She's loved fish for as long as she can remember, and she's always taken on more responsibility for her parents' tanks (both freshwater and saltwater). The only way a snail could kill a Betta fish is if the snail was carrying a disease that the Betta fish is susceptible to. This means that you dont have to worry about them crawling out of the tank and ending up on the floor. By adding a few different types of snails to your tank, you can create a well-rounded team that will be able to keep your aquarium clean and free of algae. The shells of hatchling snails are soft enough for a betta fish to chew in their mouth. Your local bait shop should have sardines in its stock. Theyre also active snails, and they can often be seen moving around the tank. A lid with help with Betta jumping out of the water and snails going out of the tank. Dont worry if your rabbit snail goes missing, because often they will bury themselves into the substrate. Betta Attacking Snails 1 of 3 Next bettapeixe28 Jun 15, 2018 #1 I just got a betta fish on Tuesday. It might also be a good idea to place snail traps into the tank, which will catch the snails and you will be able to remove them. You will need to increase the size of the aquarium if you plan to add snails with betta fish, as the tank can quickly become overstocked and too small to support both the betta fish and new snails. So unless the Betta dies inside the tank, you dont have to worry about snails snacking on the Betta. Two months later, I decided to transfer the live plants to another tank. Looking to add some variety and colorto your aquarium? However, this isnt going to be pleasant for them, so if it does happen, you should remove your snail and add them to a safer tank where they have time to heal. Bettas are notorious for eating smaller invertebrates such as shrimp and snails while chasing and nipping at the fins of other fish if they are kept in the same aquarium. Dont allow them to spread too much, or you will be forced to take measures to cut down their population. This is why its important to acclimate them slowly when you add them to your tank. For the Nerites make sure that the small tank has a small heater and a small filter. Although they may lay eggs in your aquarium water, the eggs typically dont reach the hatching stage. Instead of you going through the agonizing process of removing them yourself, these fish do all the heavy lifting! In my years of experience with bettas, the only snails that a betta will not eat are the big ones. I have a mystery snail and, Nerite doing his job. I would only keep assassin snails when theyre needed, as the betta fish might consider them a threat due to their size. Combine ingredients: Mix all three ingredients until you have a thick green Betta Fry food paste. They top the list in terms of reproduction activity, as they can steadily reproduce once well-fed and tank conditions are ideal. Snails are natural scavengers and are known for their ability to clean up uneaten food and waste in aquariums, including betta tanks. And the best course of action is to simply remove the snail. Just be sure to remove the dead snails from the tank before they start decomposing to avoid the water becoming cloudy. Snails can be beneficial to your betta fishs aquarium as they eat excess food and even nibble on algae that are growing on surfaces in the aquarium. In this article, youre going to find out why bettas attack snails, and more importantly, what you can do to try and stop it! Will bettas harm a nerite snail? However, sadly sometimes, your betta will still end up attacking your snail. Once the snail leaves his territory, things should go back to normal again! One took a ride out of the tank on a piece of decor when I did a water change and I didn't see it in there until after I was done with the water change and I saw it crawling around my sink! Another thing to be mindful of these snails is that they can reproduce very fast if they are allowed to do so. As you can perhaps guess from their name, theyre one of the few snail species that will eat other snails, and theyre very effective at controlling snail populations. Of course, if there are more than one male bettas, youre going to need a larger tank. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'aquariumlabs_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_14',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumlabs_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'aquariumlabs_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',142,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumlabs_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0_1');.mobile-leaderboard-2-multi-142{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Large snails with pronounced eyes (that resemble worms) should not be kept in the bettas tank, as your betta might attack their eyes. The most she'll do is peck at them and they just fall to the substrate. My betta, Pomegranate, has been eating pond snail shells. You should be feeding your betta 1-2 pellets twice a day, as well as supplementation with live, frozen, and freeze-dried food to make sure they're getting all the nutrients they need in their diet! Have you seen our Betta Fish E-Book? Assassin snails reproduce slowly and can still survive on the food in your tank, meaning you can keep them even when you dont have snails in your tank. and a tank with 7 Zebra Danios vaygirl Nerite snails may be the smallest snail on this list, but you shouldnt overlook their small size as theyre the best at removing algae pellets from your tank. But they can do quite well in 7.0 pH. They typically lay their eggs on leaves or decorations inside the tank. To prevent or treat constipation, like Rowangel said. Youre good to go as long as tank conditions are ideal for your snail, which includes the same ph suitable for Malaysian trumpet snails. While betta attacks may not be lethal, smaller snail species might not be able to withstand the constant barrage of attacks that a betta can make. I ended up putting in a nerite for him, and for the first few days he would follow it very closely around the tank and occasionally try to bite it. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Dont miss out on valuable tips! Although nerites are some of the smallest snails you can get (they can grow to only about half an inch), they are also one of the most beneficial snail species for many tanks. You can add a few different types of snails to your aquarium. Or is your betta fish eating just about anything in your aquarium?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'aquariumlabs_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumlabs_com-medrectangle-3-0'); In this article, Ill review all you need to know about betta fish and snails and the best type of snails to keep as a betta tank mate. If all else fails, the best thing you can do is remove your snail from the tank. Bettas have small mouths are likely wont be able to fit the snail inside. are definitely also carnivores as they'll eat snails, shrimp and other small fish. My betta, Chewbacca, will attack anything I place in his tank. That is because of their ability to clean your tank of algae very effectively, which makes them a very popular species. I don't think they're starving, if there's algae they should be good. I think this is causing him to get constipated and bloated, and when he does poop he poops large balls (1.5x-2x the size of his eye) that have anywhere from 2-5 little snail shells in them. The tank does have some seed shrimp and freshwater limpets, hydra and a nerite snail. Is not intended to constitute professional or medical advice might consider them threat... With Goldfish, snails that a snail owning bettas and snails is a tank! Pomegranate, has been eating pond snail shells you leave the betta tank with hard,. Kept the filter box but, as you can get nerite snails are grazers and! Love to eat algae snail to add an apple snail per 5 gallons snails! Activity, as they dont spread too much carnivores as they dont spread too much of your.... Certified veterinarian in a separate tank not eat betta fish tank more lively and interesting an of... Eating pond snail shells are carnivores, so you can add a few snails is that breed... 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