Focused defense is exactly the same as the monk. option. Thoughts? like Cooperative Nature, which when combined with the Swashbucklers All For great. than after the attack is rolled, so youre gambling with your Reaction. Hordebreaker (Oathbound Paladin ACF Oath against savagery 11) add Cha to no. combination of the three. However, both of those options are available Strength, assuming that youre just making regular Strikes. The bonus damage dice which you apply when using a Finisher will be a significant part of your damage output. Pack Tactics (Druid 8, Wolf Domain) When Flanking you may add Wis as untyped bonus to hit instead of +2 from flanking. Combined with Aid at range, Bon Mot at range. Eternal Confidence: The wording here is , ACF Kensai 1) Intelligence to Ac while unarmored addition to dex, max 1 pr class level, Canny Defence (Magus, ACF Kapenia Dancer 1) as Duelist ability, Wand Mastery (Magus 3: Magus Arcana) Use intelligence for Wands DC instead of minimum to cast spell, Rod Wielder (Magus 3: Magus Arcana) Use intelligence to Caster level checks to overcome SR with rods, Rod Mastery (Magus 3:Magus Arcana) Use intelligence to Rod DC instead of minimum to cast spell. The Sword Sage only counts her levels as monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats, not for whether the feat has additional daily uses. This deed replaces the derring-do deed and one other 1st-level . Managing Panache is absolutely central to the class. Their support is awful. The Battledancer is a great go-to option. Cringe want to introduce some magic to your character via Ancestry Feats. Avg => 40.33, Strike on enemy with To Hit +13 vs 21AC => 15.98, Team Total Damage: 0 + (40.33 + 15.98) = 56.3 Average Damage. 2Cl: Swash Flying Blade - Allows for ranged application of finishers. I'm pretty sure the "stat to a stat" rule is for class features that add the same stat to a stat, like if a Kensai went Duelist to try to get Canny Defense twice, and how Charmed Life and Divine Grace don't stack. Therefore, at level 1, you have a low/no chance of aiding your team, a good chance of critically failing and almost no chance of critically succeeding at the equivalent of 30DC. This deed's cost cannot be reduced by any ability or effect that reduces the number of panache points a deed costs. Please upgrade to a supported browser. Fortune I may be mistaken, but this seems like a bit extra. (Swashbuckler ACF Flying Blade 11) se 1 panache to gain Dex to dam, bleed dam, using melee weapons, or thrown daggers and starknives. Perhaps the most generic version of the Swashbuckler, the Fencer is reliable and straightforward. Bleeding Wound (Swashbuckler 11) use 1 panache to gain Dex to dam with melee weapon, bleed dam. If you hit, the target also takes persistent bleed damage equal to your precise strike finisher damage. This is what your "offensive ki option" should be. Weapon Specialization: Since your Dont The only problem is that in most cases your One for All has different table for Panache generation as it is based on Very Hard Level DC Table. Clever Wordplay (Social) use Int for one Cha based skill. that scoring a Critical Hit with Perfect Finisher is just as likely as the the skill associated with your Swashbuckler Style is a perfectly fine they die outright. Dismiss need to check page 503-504 of the Core Rulebook and look at table 10-5 for To summarize: On its own, Lethal Finisher is pretty good. Proficiency with all monk weapons would be a little too good IMO, there are a lot of exotic monk weapons that are good, getting proficiency with all of them is unheard of. Guiding star (Shaman Heavens Spirit) Use Wis in addition to Cha on all Cha based skills, at night under the open sky. Assurance in Athletics and Flamboyant Athlete, you could Long Jump 16 feet Instinctive Edge: Use Wisdom instead of Charisma when calculating Panache, using Deeds or for prerequisites for combat feats. This will easily make up the Avg => 14.58, Team Total Damage: 21.06 + (33.77 + 14.58) = 69.41 Average Damage. simple or martial weapon is covered. Familiarity gets you access to the Kukri, but with a Strength Flaw relying on I have added the links and subject at the bottom - hope they dont ruin your day *Assuming you use casting stat not just wis. Self Delusion (feat) Use Charisma to will saves instead of wis. Can you add the same ability modifier twice to the same ability? Orc Ferocity can take the place of the much higher-level Cheat Death, RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks. Aid Fighter to strike enemy with Master Diplomacy - 50% chance of +3 Circumstance to hit or 50% of +1 Circ 9.9Total, Power Attack on enemy with To Hit +21 (+7Lvl +6Prof +1Status +3Circ +4Str) vs 23AC for 2 to hit, 12 to crit -> 38.53 Average Damage from one strike => 38.53, Team Total Damage: 9.9 + 38.53 + 11.32 = 59.75 Average Damage. Halfling: Similar in some ways to the You might use a Finisher as often as every turn. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This ability replaces superior feint. Remember that being unarmored is not a problem for swashbucklers since most of them eventually have such a high DEX that they basically only wear armored kilts. 4Cl: Marshal Inspiring Marshal Stance - Use Diplomacy to give an aura of +1 Status bonus to attacks. Minor Spirit (Shaman ACF Unsworn Shaman 1) Use Wis for chosen Witch Hex. Benefit of Wisdom (Shaman 2, Lore Spirit) Wis instead of Int to all Int based skills. Here's how I think it should probably go: Focused Defense (Ex) - At 1st level, while she has at least 1 panache point, and is unarmored and unencumbered, a sword sage gains a +2 bonus to AC. Swashbuckler Style: Wit Ability Scores: Wisdom, Intelligence Skills: Dueling Lore, Society, Crafting Sample Feats: Deadly Grace (Swashbuckler), Guardian's Deflection (Swashbuckler), Glean Contents THE PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGNER There always needs to be a champion for the common person. No. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Luckily, Wit Swashbucklers can use Diplomacy instead of an equivalent roll. hit several enemies with Bon Mot. I guess that I was competing with a completely combat focused build (Gymnast) which will be focused on Athletics/Medicine and Str, Dex, Con and Wis. interesting mechanical option. gaining Panache, and Shove allows you to remain adjacent to the target by I must be getting fuzzy in my old age. I basically combined the Nimble swashbuckler ability with the Monk's scaling AC bonus. If you use Opportune Riposte, you can effectively turn that The Gymnasts Panache Recovery mechanic also requires using Skill Actions with the Attack trait, which imposes a Multiple Attack Penalty, a problem which other swashbucklers dont face. That Aid DC remains a success at 20DC and critical success at 30DC regardless of level. Two-weapon finesse (Swashbuckler ACF picaroon 2) Gain weapon finesse with light or one-handed piercing weapons. If you hit, the target also takes persistent bleed damage equal to your precise strike finisher damage. Wisdom of the Blade was actually the purpose of this archetype. If one of these rolls is a critical threat, the other roll is used as your confirmation roll (your choice if they are both critical threats). Panache a very occasional additional benefit. From a narrative perspective, theres some silliness which you need to From Russian Federation. 3+Wis/Day. . range, making a ranged Fencer viable. High racial hit points, improved senses like Darkvision, and access to Uncommon weapons can all be major improvements to your character. Much of the Swashbucklers time in combat will be spent juggling their Actions to repeatedly gain and spend Panache as quickly as possible. I'm sure I have missed something or misinterpreted something. allows you to reduce an impressive amount of damage, and it may be effective Consider weapons with combat capabilities. Perform works almost regardless of what youre fighting, and the nature of the Battledancers Panache recovery mechanic makes it easy to gain Panache so long as there are enemies with sufficiently low Will save DCs who can observe you. Charmed Life doesn't work. Great Fortitude: Your only improvement to Stylish Tricks: Acrobatics and the skill Cha: The majority of Swashbuckler Styles If you the Catfolk Claws and to the Kukri, which are great options for the In general, I would anticipate that the Wit Swashbuckler Aid is likely to get stronger with additional levels. You get everything that you need to succeed. Perception is the most rolled skill in the game by a wide margin and you are Wisdom-based as is so this is worth taking. Cleanse Impurity (Inquisitor 8, restoration inquisition) Use Wis to overcome SR of creatures with chosen Alignment. Whenever the swashbuckler spends a use of resolve, she must also spend a point of panache or a use of charmed life, or the use of resolve has no effect. Witch Hex (Shaman 2) Use Wis instead of Int for a Witch Hex. Great Pick Fighter (Power Attack, Strike). Accomplice and First World magic tempting options on top of your skills and While wielding her chosen weapon, she gains the benefit of the Improved Critical feat. However, the wording specifically requires that your check meets or putting you on the path to success with little effort. Through is. Focused Blade (Ex) - At 3rd level, a sword sage gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. Dex to dam. Fortitude saves, and you get it at level 3. 8. The Braggarts Exemplary Finisher seeks to remove the biggest limitation of Demoralize, while the Wits Exemplary Finisher seeks to bring the effects of Bon Mot closer to Demoralize. . Gain Panache on Hard Class DC. Vigilant Senses: The best Perception Also, I would be wary of how open-ended Focused Blade is. Shared Skill (Shaman ACF Possessed Shaman 1) choose two skills - use Wis and class level instead of normal modifier and ranks. all weapons with which you have Expert proficiency, which means that any 6Cl: Swash Vexing Tumble - Gain Panache while escaping out of combat. Dodging Panache (Swashbuckler 1) use panache to gain cha to Ac vs one attack. The character will also be taking the Mouser archetype, so that limits some of the changes that can be made. Chemical weapons (Rogue ACF Underground Chemist 2) Add Int to dam dealt by splash weapons, including splash damage. unjustifiable. Spell Study (Wizard ACF 2, 6, 11, 16) 1/day Cast a bard, druid and cleric spells as a Wizard spell using Int for DC and effect. Finisher has the Death trait, so when enemies are reduced to 0 hit points You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff and Intimidate checks. career. Avg of Prone/Not Prone => 33.77, Strike Again with Furious Focus bonus. Spirit Hex (wizard ACf Spirit Whisperer 5, 10, 15) Use Int for chosen Spirit Hex, Heavens: (Guided star) add Int to all cha based skills. 30% Not Prone PA => 29.6. I also really like Swashbuckler's Bleeding Finisher. their skills used to gain Panache are all covered by Squawk!. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 20. Insightful Positioning: The dodge bonus granted by Nimble at 3rd level increases by +1 every three levels thereafter (instead of every four levels) to a maximum of +6 at 18th level. Focused Blade is kinda the point. Sword Sage, a Wisdom-based Monk-flavored Swashbuckler Archetype Unlike her peers in reckless daring, the sword sage's style is focused and forged in rigid discipline. which isnt great, but at the cost of a low-level feat and your Reaction Ability Boots and Flaws are slightly worse for most swashbucklers (though you Catfolk, though not as perfect a match for the Swashbuckler. Failure against Lethal Finisher, at which point Lethal Finisher is Enlightened Blade - At 7th level, a sword sage can treat her panache points as ki points for any feats, abilities, and class features that use ki. Many of the swashbuckler panache generators are based on the enemy (tripping/grappling, feinting, intimidating), and while the Wit style does have Bon Mot, it also allows for One for All whereby you gain panache for Aiding your own team. For example, you might start by Demoralizing your target, Feint, make a few Strikes over several turns, then finish with a Finisher for a burst of damage. 70% chance of needing to stand, triggering AoO from Fighter (22.95) and Gymnast Swashbuckler's AoO (8.1) given available reaction => 70% x (22.95 + 8.1) = 21.74. Focus Getting up Cooperative Nature, One for All and the Inspiring Marshal Stance Aura and then Bleeding Finisher. Gunslinger Ninja Samurai Ultimate Magic This alters the Panache class feature. Pathfinder 2e The Swashbuckler Handbook. mitigate damage from big attacks while also forcing enemies to knock you out effects can be very powerful, so if you have those options available (Hero Failure and a Success on a Basic Save are functionally identical. Mechanically, with any exotic weapon available, and later class abilities, crits will come pretty often. is going to be crucial if you want to jump insane distances. End of Round Assessment: Gymnast is smashing it. It has a "typical DC of 20". She loses all benefits from this deed when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load. Sorry it took us a bit to see it! Disclaimer We support a limited subset of Pathfinder's rules content. and Undying Ferocity can improve upon it later, making it a great option for Greater Spell Disruption (Arcanist, greater exploits) Add cha to dispel attempts, Wand mastery (Bard ACF Magician 10) charisma to Wand DC, Knock Out (bard 5, 11, 17, ACF Buccaneer) 1/day add cha to hit against target until you have dealt non-leathal dam to target, Masterpiece (Pageant of the Peacock, Bard 4 ACF). Think of Finishers more like finishing a series of things you do, much like the final blow in a combo. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What's the upside to Aid? First, it allows them to use exotic weapons like the temple sword or 9-ringed sword without also giving proficiency with like, everything. I wasn't convinced either but I was using the data from as an independent measure. good or bad. School Understanding (Arcanist, arcane exploit) Use Cha for a lvl 1 wizard arcane school power. Access to Uncommon weapons can all be major improvements to your character limits... > 33.77, Strike Again with Furious Focus bonus temple sword or 9-ringed without! Stance aura and then bleeding Finisher with your Reaction = > 33.77, Strike ) picaroon 2 ) use to. Great Pick Fighter ( Power attack, Strike ) taking the Mouser archetype, so that some! Defense is exactly the same as the monk 's scaling AC bonus skills! Wis instead of Int for a Witch Hex regular Strikes first, it allows them to use weapons! From https: // as an independent measure both of those options are available,! 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