Copyright 20122023 flippinOptimist. 2023 Warner Bros. Contact with organic materials may result in spontaneous ignition. Extreme Weather Tests the Durability ofSolar and Wind Power, How 3D Print Building is Changing the Future, This Country is Transforming an Abandoned Airport into a Green Oasis, Saving Baby Elephants from a Deadly Herpes Virus, Digital Twin Cities Can Shrink the Impact of Planets Largest Polluters, Building Atlantropa: One Mans Plan To Drain the Mediterranean Sea, Microplastics in Blood Spotlight Health Emergency from Plastic Pollution, California Proposes Ban on New Gas-Fueled Cars by 2035, How Lithium Batteries Will Improve EV Range and Rapid Charging, Air Taxis Bring Electric Flight Hype to Life in Busy Cities, Recycled Lithium-Ion Batteries are Outlasting Brand New Ones, Retrofitting Older Cars with Electric Motors Could Transform Transport, Hydrogen Ready to Ignite as Transport Network and Technology Takes Off, Catch-22: How the Clean Energy Industry is Perpetuating Deep-Sea Mining. And that's at room temperature. It's just that it may have been a bit too reactive. How to determine chain length on a Brompton? As a liquid, the substance is decidedly more threatening looking, taking on the form of a pale green substance. Your question can be generalized as "oxidizer weapon". Your email address will not be published. Making those substances requires investing that energy, and doing that "on site" is counterproductive; if your power supply has less energy density than CIF3, then you can get more CIF3 there by delivering CIF3 instead of energy for making CIF3; if your power supply has more energy density than CIF3, then it. one is included true how it is say theater equal to one by to say theater doesn't belong to this interval so this is incorrect. That details the fun you can have with chloride trifluoride, and believe me, it continues (along with its neighbor, bromine trifluoride) to be on the "Things I Won't Work With" list. HDE 226868 is absolutely correct, it would be the height of insanity to use this stuff in space combat but that doesn't mean it wouldn't make one whale of a good story. I really have to salute the dedication involved in finding that out, though - after two or three violent explosions, you or I might be tempted to just say that we couldn't determine the products of the reaction. Of all the dangerous chemical gases, chlorine trifluoride is known to be the most flammable. Yes, that stuff that is famously fire-retar Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. . Asteroid Ryugu Has Dust Grains Older Than the Sun. Seriously, with 1960 era technology scientists were contemplating compact nuclear devices which would project star hot plasma at a small fraction of the speed of light (Casaba Howitzer). How can Bronze Age people make hazmat gear for chlorine trifluoride? Halogens can be stored and transported relatively safely even now, so for spacefaring people packing two containers and a reactor together should not pose much of a problem. Would it be possible to use chlorine trifluoride as the payload of an artillery shell? Higher exposures can cause a build-up of fluid in the . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It'd be an excellent oxidizer for rocketry, except for the fact that it sets everything on fire - including things like aluminum plate, people, water, concrete and sand. Chernobyl's causes are well-documented by international agencies; it was a long series of human errors. As others have pointed out, there are some problems with this idea. [F-]. Contact with organic materials may result in spontaneous ignition. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Science Chemistry In the nuclear industry, chlorine trifluoride is used to prepare uranium hexafluoride, a volatile compound of uranium used in the separation of uranium isotopes. For dealing with this situation, I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes.". But if you start talkin' chlorine trifluoride, we'll take a hard pass, thanks. A little bit of danger can be exciting. [14] This structure agrees with the prediction of VSEPR theory, which predicts lone pairs of electrons as occupying two equatorial positions of a hypothetic trigonal bipyramid. Arsenic Arsenic is a metalloid element that forms a number of poisonous compounds. It is corrosive to metals and tissue. . . Chlorine monofluoride It boils at 12 (so that a trivial pressure will keep it liquid at room temperature) and freezes at a convenient 76. Answer by Paul Mainwood, Degrees in Physics and Philosophy, Doctorate in Philosophy of Physics, on Quora: I dropped organic chemistry as soon as I could. Or it's just banned by acting rules of engagement. Makes sense, seeing as the only known "safe" way to store CIF3 is to seal it in containers made of steel, iron, nickel, or copper after they've been treated with fluorine gas. Some things are better left alone. Chlorine trifluoride is one of the most horrifying substances on Earth. Make sure you don't put anything next to them that you're not comfortable seeing altered - you know, all sudden-like.A reader forwarded this 1943 JACS article, the first comprehensive study of chlorine azide, and it's a joy to read. The substance is so highly reactive that famously unreactive elements like platinum, osmium and iridium will begin to corrode when they come into contact with it. It only takes a minute to sign up. Derek Lowes commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry. This is an answer the God Emperor approves of. No, elemental fluorine has commanded respect since well before anyone managed to isolate it, a process that took a good fifty years to work out in the 1800s. Sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste can all be affected, diminishing their experience of the world. For dealing with this situation, I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes. Use Raster Layer as a Mask over a polygon in QGIS, How small stars help with planet formation. We're in space having a battle, one can logically assume that the automation of that process on a small scale inside of a warhead is plausible - possibly not practical, but plausible. The following passage by rocket scientist John D. Clark is widely quoted in descriptions of the substance's extremely hazardous nature: .mw-parser-output .citation{word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}^a Using data from Economic History Services and The Inflation Calculator, we can calculate that 100 Reichsmark in 1941 is approximately equivalent to $4,652.50 USD in 2021. ), tetrafluorohydrazine (how on Earth. But we don't really have to worry about that too much. For instance, after studying and experimenting with this chemical for rocket use, rocket scientist Dr. John D. Clark famously said about the best way to deal with potential chlorine trifluoride rocket accidents- I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes.. These cookies work by uniquely identifying your browser and device. They isolated the compound chlorine trifluoride (ClF3), which was liquid (check!) But chlorine azide has not been weaponized, nor will it be. The annual Perseid meteor shower is upon us. You write that. ClF3 is surely a very destructive thing. because of the formation of a thin film of insoluble metal fluoride which protects the bulk of the metal, just as the invisible coat of oxide on aluminium keeps it from burning up in the atmosphere. Tens of thousands of lives could be saved each year from sickness and death caused by malaria following the World Health Organization (WHO) approval of a first-ever vaccine. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. If you work with the halogen azides, you work with things whose essential character time does not alter. The only time I see either of them in the synthetic chemistry literature is when a paper by Shlomo Rozen pops up (for example), but despite his effortson its behalf, I still wont touch the stuff. But it can also kill the people trying to use it as a weapon. Experimentally we would expect the bond angle to be approximately 87.5.To determine the molecular geometry, or shape for a compound like ClF3, we complete the following steps:1) Draw the Lewis Structure for the compound (for ClF3: Predict how the atoms and lone pairs will spread out when the repel each other.3) Use a chart based on steric number (like the one in the video) or use the AXN notation to find the molecular shape. The reaction here also doesnt require atmospheric oxygen to burn, so trying to use that method of fire suppression wont work either. @StianYttervik, while true that a portion of my answer assumes the simple mixing of chemicals, it doesn't change the fact that the creation of ClF3 is nothing more than a process. To give one example, the (theoretical) result of reacting dioxygen difluoride with hydrogen sulfide would be a violent exothermal explosion (~433kcal per mol about twice that of TNT) blowing out a burning cloud of hydrogen fluoride, a gas that dissolves human tissue on contact, starting with your lungs and eyeballs. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. Or it's used intentionally as a nasty disgusting weapon that people normally don't use to shock the enemy. Not really. In general, "it was too crazy even for the Nazis" is an instant disqualifier. Space requires a lot of energy, so if it's at larger scale than us earthlings going around the Solar system, a spaceship has access to some energy source probably more powerful than nuclear or thermonuclear. Overall, there is little to gain from conventional munitions with this approach. In particular, CIF3 would make for perfectly destructive flamethrowers and bombs. You'll be continuously tested by this game and it takes its forebears' core mechanics and adds them neatly into a new-but-familiar mix of action and strategy. Flash of fireworks, ship shell floating off into space, crew subjected to the horrors of radiation. Write the equation that relates the rate expressions for this reaction in terms of . If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. The elongated Cl-F axial bonds are consistent with hypervalent bonding. To illustrate its terribly violent power, take this example from the 1950s. But they were made of sterner stuff back in 1943.The date does make me wonder if there was war research money involved; I wouldn't be surprised. The paper goes on to react FOOF with everything else you wouldn't react it with: ammonia ("vigorous", this at 100K), water ice (explosion, natch), chlorine ("violent explosion", so he added it more slowly the second time), red phosphorus (not good), bromine fluoride, chlorine trifluoride (say what? Azidoazide Azide Storage and Weaponization. ), perchloryl fluoride (! Engagements are likely to take place at pretty extreme ranges, and ships will probably have decent avoidance maneuvers. we have: It is, of course, extremely toxic, but thats the least of the problem. The collection is called Things I Wont Work With and is a hair-raising categorization of substances that Dr. Lowe in particular refuses to go anywhere near. Learn more about Teams . And thats at room temperature. Solid State Batteries Promise Long Life and Rapid Refuel Electric Vehicles, Electric vs. Hydrogen: The Pros and Cons of Greener Transportation. Small Species - What weapons would make sense? Worldbuilding Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for writers/artists using science, geography and culture to construct imaginary worlds and settings. The stuff would rip the hull off your ship. We may earn a commission from links on this page. Then theres Dioxygen Difluoride. What else doth chlorine azide detonate with? Not sure about sword-chucks, but sword fights. After it has absorbed a bit, it starts destroying your nerves and bones and can ultimately cause cardiac arrest when it gets into your blood stream. Or the nuclear materials are unavailable or prohibitively expensive for some reason, so chemical weapons become a necessity, and the strongest oxidizer all can come into play. They isolated the compound chlorine trifluoride (ClF3), which was liquid (check!) This oxidizing power, surpassing that of oxygen, causes ClF3 to react vigorously with many other materials often thought of as incombustible and refractory. Storing it aboard your spaceship is too risky, sure, as other answers have noted. Try one more set of practice questions with a slightly more complicated reaction. F00F is also a division bug in intel CPUs of the Pentium class, and dates from 1997. You may observe the mild reactivity of this gentle substance as it encounters various common laboratory materials, and draw your own conclusions. Chlorine trifluoride was initially first observed back in 1930 by German chemists Otto Ruff and H. Krug after experimenting with chlorine monofluoride, an already dangerous substance, and theorising about the existence of a higher fluoride species. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. ClF3 reacts violently with water and exposure to the reaction also results in burns. Are there some dangerous experiments that scientists/physicists are too afraid to execute? If it's not perfectly treated, then kaboom goes the vessel. 1) Chlorine Trifluoride is the most flammable gas. So this is true cost Peter is one Coffee Table to one. However, if enough cyanoacrylate is added to the cotton or wool, the fabric will catch on fire, making this a great trick to keep in mind in survival situations. It remains, with its chemical relatives, off in a part of chemical science that's safe from human exploitation. It's difficult to contain and nearly impossible to fight if it starts a fire, and produces extremely toxic byproducts when it reacts with other things. Some of this, under ordinary circumstances, might be considered protective equipment. Despite being famous for its extreme oxidation properties and igniting many things, chlorine trifluoride is not combustible itself. @ozone - it's false. Rather fortunately, chlorine trifluoride doesnt react with air unless it happens to contain a larger than average amount of water vapor. [clarification needed][citation needed]. This colorless, poisonous, corrosive, and extremely reactive gas condenses to a pale-greenish yellow liquid, the form in which it is most often sold (pressurized at room temperature). . Derek Lowe, an Arkansan by birth, got his BA from Hendrix College and his PhD in organic chemistry from Duke before spending time in Germany on a Humboldt Fellowship on his post-doc. The circle below shows a mixture of hydrogen sulfide gas and oxygen gas, which react form sulfur dioxide and water. The compound is primarily of interest in plasmaless cleaning and etching operations in the semiconductor industry,[9][10] in nuclear reactor fuel processing,[11] historically as a component in rocket fuels, and various other industrial operations owing to its corrosive nature. The compound causes severe irritation to mucous membranes, eyes, and skin, and on exposure to the Chlorine Trifluoride gas, it can cause lung damage. Pure ClF3 is stable to 180C (356F) in quartz vessels; above this temperature, it decomposes by a free radical mechanism to its constituent elements. read the whole thing, read it, chlorine trifluoride, chemistry horror stories. It is hypergolic with" (that is, it explodes in contact with) "every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. The hull breach will cause explosive decompression, venting the atmosphere AND your ClFl3 before it can react with much. Although scores of violent detonations have occurred, with resultant demolition of much apparatus, no personal injury has been suffered. Well, thats because chlorine trifluoride is a more powerful oxidizing agent by mass than oxygen itself. Oxidizing agents cause substances to lose electrons. It's difficult to contain and nearly impossible to fight if it starts a fire, and produces extremely toxic byproducts when it reacts with other things. Build the largest LEGO Millennium Falcon to dateIncludes two crews of minifigures - 4 classic crew minifigures: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia and C-3PO, plus 3 Star Wars Episode VII/VIII crew minifigures: Older Han Solo, Rey and Finn. To anyone asking why anyone would be so idiotic, Dr. Lowe is with you: Elemental fluorine has commanded respect since well before anyone managed to isolate it, a process that took a good fifty years to work out in the 1800s. You can afford to go slowly. By integrating these cookies, we aim to learn more about your interests and your surfing behavior and to be . Tests were made against mock-ups of the Maginot Line fortifications, and it was found to be an extremely effective incendiary weapon and poison gas. [16] Unlike most of the alternative chemicals used in this role, it does not need to be activated by the use of plasma since the heat of the chamber is sufficient to make it decompose and react with the semiconductor material.[16]. The electron geometry for the C. Chlorine trifluoride is such an effective oxidizer that it can even potentially set fire to things that have seemingly already been burned up, like ash or spent charcoal. It's a spacious game preserve, that territory, and over the gate is the ornate motto Noli me tangere. It's the things around them that alter. 13. Sure, it can kill people and destroy equipment. Q&A for work. This cooling is tricky, but has been most successfully done by forcing the gas to condense on liquid oxygen-cooled stainless steel. It is known to ignite sand, asbestos, glass, and even ashes of substances that have already burned in oxygen. They started churning the stuff out by the tons before deciding it was far too unstable and reactive to handle. "Things I Won't Work With" : Chlorine Trifluoride. After reading this youre probably curious about what possible purpose this chemical could serve that doesnt involve trying to recreate a scene from a Michael Bay movie. Ill be lacing mine up if anyone tries to bring the stuff into my lab. Boils at 53F. Notably tough elements like titanium and tungsten are also regarded as being wholly unsuitable to storing the chemical because they set on fire as soon as they come into contact with it. Take heed. I am reviewing a very bad paper - do I have to be nice? One of the main uses of ClF3 is to produce uranium hexafluoride, UF6, as part of nuclear fuel processing and reprocessing, by the fluorination of uranium metal: The compound can also dissociate under the scheme: In the semiconductor industry, chlorine trifluoride is used to clean chemical vapour deposition chambers. You'll need oxygen and fluorine gases, an inert reaction vessel, and a wretched excess of pure gibbering insanity to attempt such a thing. It happens every fall in October or early November, and peak viewing hours are coming soon to skies near you. If the paper werent laid out in complete grammatical sentences and published in JACS, youd swear it was the work of a violent lunatic. Overview of the IDLH Value for Chlorine Trifluoride. Things I won't work with: Dioxygen Difluoride. because of the formation of a thin film of insoluble metal fluoride which protects the bulk of the metal, just as the invisible coat of oxide on aluminium keeps it from burning up in the atmosphere. Thats the least of the most horrifying substances on Earth to the reaction also results burns! By uniquely identifying your browser and device we have: it is to... Trying to use that method of fire suppression wont work either my name email! Have been a bit too reactive Stack Exchange is a more powerful oxidizing agent mass. Build-Up of fluid in the, extremely toxic, but has been most successfully done by forcing gas. Experiments that scientists/physicists are too afraid to execute more powerful oxidizing agent by mass than oxygen itself talkin... 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